Refugee Biriyani & Bananas

Monday: 08:00 - 18:00
Tuesday: 08:00 - 18:00
Wednesday: 08:00 - 18:00
Thursday: 08:00 - 18:00
Friday: 08:00 - 18:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Refugee Biriyani & Bananas

Refugee Biriyani & Bananas was formed in response to the escalation of the refugee crisis in 2015. We provide emergency aid and basic necessities for displaced people living in refugee camps, squats and other unstable settlements throughout the world.

Refugee Biriyani & Bananas Description

Refugee Biryani & Bananas (RBB) is group of friends and individuals from all over the world, who are committed to volunteering and supporting those in crisis and suffering.

To find out more about this organisation please visit the section labelled 'The Refugee Biriyani & Bananas Story. '

If you would like to make a financial contribution towards our work please visit our page to find the most up to date donation link which will be pinned to the top.

Please note there are no paid employees in this organisation and all funds raised will be used to buy, store, transport aid and the facilitation of aid distributions or to provide morale boosting activities for the people we are supporting.

If you would like to volunteer with us, provide us with aid or partner with us in any way then please send us a private message.

We look forward to hearing from you.

The RBB Team



Thank you to 2HelpingHands an organisation led by Eva Anderson, Parthena Hantzaridou (Sweden/Greece) who volunteered with us a few weeks ago and all the individuals who donated towards the buying of tents for Vial camp, Chios. Thank you Kayra Martinez for introducing us to Parthena and suggesting she support us with this part of the summer aid mission.
After some delays our recently placed order has arrived!
... Thanks also to Sam Cooke and team from UK who have sent two pallets of aid, which arrived today including more tents.
We also have plastic ground sheets and tents which were bought previously with funds provided by an organisation called ‘Refugee Child’ who were happy to support families with children. Thank you Mark Grimshaw and team.
The Refugee Biriyani & Bananas container of aid also had tents, ground sheets and sleeping bags which we distributed a few weeks ago.
This is not ideal and we do not have enough but we will try to provide as much comfort as possible given the awful camp circumstances because otherwise the camp is over capacity and new arrivals are on the streets.
I have also been alerted that some of the containers have holes (possibly from the big Vial fight a few months ago) and they are asking for plastic ground sheets to try and patch up what they can as rain gets in.
You wouldn’t think that we independent, grassroots volunteers would have to travel round the World to help provide shelter, but reality is we have do.
Look out for more info on this over the upcoming week...
Thanks to Ahmed and Mari Tere (our extended team on the ground) who did a lot of running around gathering aid packages for me.
We never work alone we have an army and the support of so many helpers and friends is a blessing in itself.
Love and peace. Ruhi Loren ❤️💜
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Lavrio Love. (Further donations update)
The trip to Athens was a bit of a whirlwind as we left on an over night ferry, spent 24 hours in Athens to return back to Chios on another over night ferry the next day. But no trip to Greece is ever complete without my usual visit to Lavrio.
I killed a few birds with one stone though. Firstly I was able to take Mohammed (Shawy) with me so he could visit his sister. He had asked me the previous time I was in Chios but his travel docu...
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Really it was nothing short of a miracle...
In the past I have been involved in filling containers of aid but this was the first time the entire responsibility was on my shoulders from beginning to the end. We sent a container of summer and food aid from England for the people of Vial camp, Chios. This container meant so much, not only because I knew this aid was desperately needed by the people and not only because we had worked so hard to raise funds and gather aid for it;... but because it contained all our donors faith and care.
It contained all YOUR trust and love.
There was some confusion over getting customs clearance and trying to sort out all the admin and paper work. Things are not clear in Greece! Some people said we had to be a Greek registered charity and we needed a Greek tax number and we didn’t even manage to get the stamp from the municipality for customs clearance. But perhaps Allah/God knew our intentions and genuine hearts for the cause because as if by magic it all worked out in the end.
I had arranged for the container to be delivered on Saturday after my arrival so you can imagine I nearly had a heart attack when I was told on Wednesday morning shortly after waking up, that the container was arriving in one hour. I was like ‘What? Where? Why? When? How?’ The container company had made a big mistake.
To unload any container you need many hands and volunteers and I wasn’t even sure if they would release it if the recipient as in myself, was not present.
The Hoff-Haga team who work with us side by side and have always been a great source of support for us were busy at IRIS centre so I wasn’t even sure who would help with unloading. What can I say other than I truly am blessed to know all the best of people and volunteers in Chios. With such short notice our volunteer colleagues not only had IRIS centre covered they had an army of volunteers ready to unload the container. Thanks to Kjetil Haga who transported all the guys over to help.
And whilst I was on the verge of an anxiety attack I got lovely messages from Hasib and team saying not to worry, that they were all there, ready to work and that they would manage it all. And so they did!
I cried when the team called me to say congratulations, the container had been unloaded and everything was ok and my heart was warm from all the photos and videos I received.
The following few days Natalie, Mustapha, Omar and Courtney sorted and made a requisition of all the aid that was there ready to be packed and distributed for when I got there.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you to everyone who helped fill the container, send the container, those who offloaded on the other side, those who sorted and packed and those who helped with distributions. I love you all so much.
Our faith.... it really can move mountains.
Help us to send a winter container of aid next by donating on: itariancrisisgreece
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Earlier I posted about the reopening of the notorious Vaichori Camp where some of us volunteers in Northern Greece spent time and resources helping mid 2016 to early 2017.
A heavy summer storm blew over UNHCR tents as reported by our contact in camp today falling on those that were seeking shelter inside.
This is my fourth winter helping in the refugee crisis and I am already worried to my core about the upcoming winter months. How will people in camp cope with now worse conditions and how will we grassroots volunteers manage when we don’t have enough and people cry out for shoes and coats like last year.
We will do whatever we can to provide some relief and if you can help us to help us to help them in any way then please private message me or donate on: itariancrisisgreece
Ruhi Loren
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4th Anniversary of the Yazidi Genocide


I am absolutely devastated to see one of the worst camps I ever worked in VAICHORI CAMP on the outskirts of Thessaloniki repoened.
One of the worst camps because it was so remote and isolated with no public transport meaning people have to walk over two hours one way to get to the nearest shops. Two hours there and two hours back is torture in this heat.
I am told about 350 people were moved there from Diavata camp. ... The tents had no heating and no electricity and I remember the residents really suffered in winter 2016. If people remain in tents I am dreading this winter.
We are back to the beginning only this time we have white tents instead of green.
Our team is on the ground and we will be supporting people with aid.
Please help us to help them: itariancrisisgreece
Ruhi Loren
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Hiding away in the mountains, sleeping on nothing, the struggle continues!
We are constantly working to help people but there seems to be no respite. I am being alerted to different areas still needing help. Recently I was asked to support travelling people stuck in the mountains close to the Alabanian border.
... A photographer-volunteer contact of mine from Northern Iraq (Afshin Ismaeli) recently went there and told me there is a few hundred men living in the mountains without any support mainly from Afghanistan, Iraq and Kurdistan. Police brutailty is rife although they didnt seem to mind my friend being there to support once his ID was checked.
The people are trying to cross to a better place but unfortunately some people have been there for 6 months. I hate to think how they are surviving in the mountain-jungle in this heat.
Two weeks ago one man was bitten by a snake an he lost a eye!
I have team memebers ready to go out there, assess and provide some support and so we need funds for food, water, shoes, clothes, hygiene products and basic necessities.
Even if I can’t raise funds to support these people the least I can do is share this information to raise awareness on these people.
Please please support if you can as I have no funds left after the Chios and Lavrio mission and even if you can’t donate press the share button for a wider each.
These people are one of the most vulnerable and really need us.
Donate to help on: itariancrisisgreece
PM for bank transfer
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The Hoff-Haga family say thank you to those who donated towards baby strollers for Vial Camp, Chios, they talk about the needs and also how IRIS Centre is supporting the families of Vial.
To find out more about IRIS centre or if you would like to volunteer or donate towards them then PM me or if you would like to help us to continue helping those in camp then donate to help on: itariancrisisgreece
... PayPal:
PM for bank transfer.
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Give us your tired…
What a difference grassroots initiatives really can make. Never believe that you alone can’t do anything or an one pound donation won’t make a difference. The main thing is that we all try. Our efforts may only seem like a drop in the ocean but together we are the ocean. Only a few months ago we were in panic mode in Vial camp, Chios. With hundreds of new arrivals there are now hundreds of babies and many pregnant ladies. Remember Vial camp is 1 hour 45 mi...n walk from the centre for an able bodied person and there is not enough bus transportation to provide for people even to a reasonable extent. I saw tired parents carrying babies looking withered and exhausted. Remember also, these guys fled war, have been on the run through Turkey and crossed the Agean sea on a journey that has caused death only to end up in filth and squalor on a Greek Refugee camp where some people aren’t even given a tent. I remember looking at the tired parents thinking I wish I could take your tired from you. Whilst walking past they would often stop and greet me, giving me a chance to play with their babies. I saw how tired they were and so to be able to provide baby strollers was a priority. Thanks to all our supporters and helpers we were able to provide ten baby strollers in the container of aid we sent from the UK and we were able to buy another 32 from donated funds (each costing 39.99 euros). They were given to the IRIS centre run by Janne Hegna who provides and supports for 300-400 babies, children and parents from Vial Camp, Chios every week. The Hoff-Haga (Kjetil Haga, Hanne Hoff, Andrea Hoff Haga with Zain Abdeen & Mohammed) family who were volunteering at IRIS centre also bought 60 baby strollers which they distributed from the centre as well as those provided by us.
Other than baby strollers we were also able to support the centre with Suncream, Shampoo, mosquito nets, children’s clothing and snack food items. Over 100 babies were given baby strollers and what a difference it really did make because I saw the same tired parents with new found confidence walking on the Vial road but their exhausted bodies no longer had to carry their little ones.
I was in camp with our usual ‘army’ of helpers after distribution when a lady and her children were dropped off by Baba Kjetil after a session at IRIS. She looked at us and smiled and said she had waited 10 months for her baby stroller. We all cheered and shouted ‘Mabrook.’ This is what is means!
The refugee crisis is far from over and our work is ongoing; so I appeal for more funds to buy more aid for our babies and children in camp.
Donate to help on: itariancrisisgreece
PM for bank transfer.
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Donations update part 2: The brothers campaign
Yesterday we distributed about 252 sets of shorts and Tshirts for the men in camp as part of our summer aid campaign.
So we have provided for almost 500 men so far. ... We have provided for all the tents and new arrivals who are sleeping outside, Caravans in B area and approximately 40 men are remaining in Caravan C area.
**We are unable to provide for about 400 more men who are left due to lack of Funds and aid.**
We will finish the mens distro today and start a womens distro starting with Caravan A area where we don’t enough for the men so the family unit will atleast Get something and we will applogise to the men that we have no more.
Donate to help on: itariancrisisgreece
Thank you to all the donors who helped us buy this aid and collect the aid and big thank you to all the volunteers from abroad and from those who are seeking asylum in Greece who helped with the packing, sorting and distributing.
#volunteerdiaries #RefugeeBiriyaniBananas #thebrotherscampaign
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Donations update part 1
The brothers campaign continued....
We at Refugee Biriyani & Bananas try to fill in the gaps. We go into camp, assess needs and base our aid distributions on those findings.
... We are active campaigners to try and get more support for the single men as we feel there is less help existing for them.
As part of the summer aid mission we bought new men’s clothing (shorts and t shirts) and have so far distributed to 240 single mem prioritising new arrivals first and then those in tents and now the caravans via a ticker system.
It was sad to see the condition of the clothes the brothers are wearing. Some wearing the same days on end whilst others have holes.
We have bought some more clothes as we still have more brothers to supply to however it will not be enough. As you can imagine with a camp where there is over 2000 people now with regular new arrivals we have many to cover.
The weather is so hot right now that people are really struggling. Mental health issues are rife due to the traumatic pasts, current indefinite wait of future and poor living conditions for refugees. And so we are appealing to you to donate so we can provide for everyone. It may not save lives but it can provide much needed comfort and speaking to those we provided too, it is much needed.
The men, our brothers in camp are so strong yet they are vulnerable- and we cannot forget this.
Donate to help on: itariancrisisgreece
Thank you to all the donors who helped us buy this aid and collect the aid and big thank you to all the volunteers from abroad and from those who are seeking asylum in Greece who helped with the packing, sorting and distributing.
#volunteerdiaries #RefugeeBiriyaniBananas #thebrotherscampaign
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Anybody wants to spend some time on a great project helping lots of people with a great team in Chios, Greece. We need a VOLUNTEER DRIVER from now until the 29th of July; even if you can only join us in a few days


Vial Refugee Camp, Chios- TODAY.
More new arrivals end up outside with no protection after travelling awful journey’s from their home countries, risking life on a rubber boat to get from Turkey to Chios. No caravans left and no tents. It is so hot I dread to think how they will cope and praying it won’t rain.
Thanks Hamada Alantary for helping us raise awareness.


‘My heads under water but I’m breathing fine’ had been scrawled on one the refugee camps I volunteered in once two years ago.
I have just arrived in Greece on a volunteering mission. So what have I come back to??? Yesterday my friend Abdullah Abid sent me photos of how some of the new arrivals in Vial Camp, Chios are living.
... My heart sank and instantly I remembered those words written in camp because there seems to be no respite. The struggle is ongoing and there is no mercy. Over the past three weeks we have had over 350 new arrivals and I land in Greece to hear two more boats arrived to Chios this morning carrying another 94 people. Many new children and babies have arrived and we have seen an increase in the arrival of pregnant women. And this is just one of the Greek Islands. There is more arrivals on other Islands and via the land route.
Our camps are over flowing and we have run out of tents, blankets and sleeping bags. These are some of the things my team and I will be providing for some relief as well as food, clothes, baby strollers and hygiene products.
Help us to help them by donating on: itariancrisisgreece
The image that cut me up the most was two small girls sleeping on the ground covering themselves only with UNCHR plastic mats which didn’t even cover their small torsos. Welcome to Fortress Europe!
This is happening and its very real!
#volunteerdiaries #aboutvial #chiosrefugees
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July Winter Shoe Campaign. (Yep! You heard right.)
This will be my fourth winter helping in the refugee crisis. Last winter in camp it was really was hard. I saw new arrivals with no shoes wearing what they could salvage from left overs and hand outs. In bitter cold and heavy rain people still wore mismatched summer sandals or shoes with holes.... People were living in tents without lights, heating or electricity. One morning it was so cold that I saw ladies and children trying to warm their feet over a lit fire, and that was after the father of the household struggled for over an hour to get the damp wood to light.
We are in July but winter will soon approach and when it does the temperatures will plummet to minus degrees testing resilience. I spent nights in camp at the height of winter and I can vouch that it was harsh on the body and I can only imagine what these people go through when living like this months on end.
In the last two weeks alone we have had over 350 new arrivals from war torn, conflict countries on one of the Greek Islands, Chios and there has been hundreds more on other Islands and via land. We won’t be able to stop the suffering nor will we be able to help everyone. But we will try our best and to begin with I am launching a winter shoe campaign.
I am appealing to groups and individuals to donate funds or fundraise for shoes and socks. I am appealing to groups and individuals to collect and send pallets or boxes of shoes and socks. Contact me for more information on how you or your group can be a part of the ‘Winter Shoe Campaign.’
To get things started consider buying a pair of trainers and socks (Approximately £15.50) via Needslist which will be delivered direct to us on the ground for distribution. anas
There is over 2000 people in Vial, Camp Chios alone. An initial target of trying to get 125 trainers and socks has been set via Needslist and once this is reached we will set another target.
We will all do what we can but we need your help for this.
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Wanted: Volunteer Driver
A Project in Chios is looking for a Volunteer driver dates 20-29th July. You have to have valid licenses and be self funded to share Car hire and petrol costs with another Volunteer.
The previous Volunteer driver pulled out only a few days ago.
... Comment or PM if interested.
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A Volunteer driver for a project in Chios 20-29th July just pulled out. If anyone with valid licenses, able to self fund themselves and willing to chip in with other volunteers for car hire fees would like to consider this volunteering opprtunity then please PM me or comment below.


Although a lot of my previous posts have been about Vial Camp, Chios and Diavata Camp, Thessaloniki there are other camps that we support and will always be in our hearts. One such camp is Lavrio 2 where they are currently over capacity due to new arrivals meaning people are now sleeping out in tents.
We have a schedule over the next few months including grassroots groups such as Allied Aid, Carry The Future, One Human Race and Love Without Borders who will all be doing aid ...drops there and the other two unofficial camps in Lavrio. I will also be taking supplies such as Arabic flat bread, flour to make bread, toiletries and sun cream and so I need to raise further funds.
These people quickly became like family to some of us, sharing with us what little they had, so I won’t stop campaigning for them because these people still need our help!
Here are some images of the caravans that people stay in and the new tents that have now emerged. What do they need? They need food, baby products, hygiene items, summer clothing and new tents.
Just look at these people waving good bye to us and their camp mate who we helped take to the airport. Do you just see refugees or do you see someone who could have been you or your family? itariancrisisgreece
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So I posted about a gentleman in Vial who needed help with nutrition and a wheel chair as he has lost part of his jaw and due to air strikes.
This is an extract from Emma on how we became aware of the situation in the first place.
I have had to take the post down due to some negative comments as I was asked why I was helping when others were already helping. ... I had already mentioned in the original post that people were helping and that I was only going to help with one part of it as I was asked to by some of those involved.
Thank you to all those who donated in the past 5 hours. I have not done a count up yet. Thank you to all those who shared the post 65 times which helped to raise support and more importantly awareness. Everything that has been raised will go on nutrition and a blender for this person and any other support needed. With receipts and proof. Thank you to the group who saw the post and is providing a wheel chair. So much support in so little time. I am most grateful.
Please take time to read Emma’s account in her blog post which is what I referred to and wrote my post from in my original post and if anyone would still like to help this gentleman further then please contact Emma Horspool.
Thank you. Ruhi
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**IMAGES of Diavata camp, Thessaloniki**
I arrived to see you BROKEN. Tents and make shift shelters everywhere. Children and babies everywhere.... Scorching heat BURNING you. Mosquitoes BITING you. TENSIONS HIGH. There is so many FIGHTS. I don’t blame you because THEY violated your HUMAN RIGHTS.
2000 people from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan are in this camp. They have fled war, conflict and oppression and they need your help.
Make a promise to help today. If you can’t go to a camp to volunteer make a promise to donate. If you can’t donate then make a promise to share this post.
I promise to keep raising awareness even if no one listens. I promise to keep pushing for support even if it is hard. I promise to help even with the hurdles. itariancrisisgreece
Love and peace Ruhi Loren Akhtar
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With pure and open hearts and souls we all walk together. Thanks for making the world a bit better place. and as you know, count on me! ��

More about Refugee Biriyani & Bananas

Monday: 08:00 - 18:00
Tuesday: 08:00 - 18:00
Wednesday: 08:00 - 18:00
Thursday: 08:00 - 18:00
Friday: 08:00 - 18:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -