Rt Fitness Sunderland

Monday: 06:00 - 19:30
Tuesday: 06:00 - 19:30
Wednesday: 06:00 - 19:30
Thursday: 06:00 - 19:30
Friday: 06:00 - 19:30
Saturday: 06:00 - 19:30
Sunday: -

About Rt Fitness Sunderland

RT Fitness Sunderland and Durham



Our refreshed logo… A little play on the old trademark symbol (reversed obvs)… why… I’ll tell you…
RT Fitness… At the forefront of fitness…
Here you won’t find any cookie cutter programs, you won’t find any cookie cutter diet plans.
... Here at RT Fitness you’ll find PT the RT way.
Everything we offer is fully coached, our groups are small enough to be able to coach each and every client to ensure safety, good form AND results whether it be strength and conditioning or weight lifting. Our programs have been designed, tested, followed and tweaked in-house over the last 7 years and are responsible for many a great result whether it be physical or mental, our troops will vouch for that.
All of our nutrition guidance is designed to set you on a path for LIFE with sustainability, flexibility and most importantly individuality… every person is different, and diet should not be a punishment. With our simple approach you’re guaranteed results both with us and after us as we offer you an education that will last a lifetime, not just for you, but for your children too. Many say Follow the Plan… We say Fuck the Plan. We will advise you on the how’s, what’s and why’s that will put the power back in your hands and with a couple of the team well on the way to becoming qualified nutritionists, you can rest safe in the knowledge that the information and guidance we give you has been looked at at length and we’re leaving no stone un-turned if you’re having trouble… also a reason why you’ll never get a prescriptive plan from us because this actually isn’t allowed unless you’re a qualified dietitian!!! I shit you not!!!
Here at RT Fitness there are no clicks, no egos, no rotating door of numbers in and then out again…
We like to get to know all of you, know what matters, know what motivates and drives you, know what it is you want and why you want it so we can help you achieve it and even go beyond where you ever thought possible.
All of that being said… Perhaps most importantly, here at RT Fitness… There are no strangers… Just friends who you have never met before.
S x
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Scared about joining a gym?
I’m not surprised, So was I!!!
I remember the first time I ever walked into a gym. I was terrified!
...Continue Reading


Something you all need to know…
Dieting basically means being in a CALORIE DEFICIT! I hate the word diet full stop if I’m honest as it now signifies ridiculous levels of restriction and people think there’s some magical solution to losing weight.
Simply reducing your daily calorie intake over a period of time is what causes you to lose weight.
... Calories in vs calories out, meaning the amount of calories your body intakes vs the amount of calories your body burns…
You may have guessed it by now, if the amount of calories you intake is less than the amount of calories burned you have created a calorie deficit which will mean you will start to lose weight!!!
Not the magic shake!
Not the magic meal plan!
Not the soup every meal!
Not the chicken and rice every meal!
Not the fact you’re low carb!
Not the fact you’re fasting!
The list goes on and on…
These are all diet protocols which produce calorie deficits that are made difficult to benefit/profit no one other than people selling you these plans/products.
They’re normally full of foods you aren’t keen on and wouldn’t normally eat, or they’re so dangerously low in calories it’s not sustainable long term meaning you’re likely to fall off at some point, relapse and, 9 times out of 10, end up being in a worse position than you were in the beginning.
Make sense?
Let’s be honest… me telling you to consistently eat less food doesn’t sound anywhere near as hyped up or extreme as the above, which is why most people just don’t believe it to be true… BUT IT IS THAT SIMPLE!!!
It also doesn’t cost you anything, which means as a coach it doesn’t make me anything, the app you use to track your food is a free app which has nothing to do with me other than the fact I use it myself (MYFITNESSPAL), I’m no sponsored athlete, meal plan pushing con artist but I’d guess you’d put your trust in the above stuff simply because they pay £1000’s to get celebrity endorsements or even more to put their ads out.
Now, just to clarify, what I’m not telling any of you to do is eat the least food amount of food you can possibly get away with. It’s slightly more calculated than that, what you will need to do is find your maintenance calories (the amount of calories you need for you to maintain your current weight) and slowly take away a suitable amount of calories to cause a deficit, somewhere between 100-300 calories per day depending on your day to day activity levels, measure your progress over say a 4 week period and then adjust accordingly.
If you are coached by one of us here at RT Fitness we are always more than happy to help and often help those who are unable to physically get to the gym too, all you have to do is ask.
These are the basic laws of weight loss… follow these and you can lose the weight whilst still having the foods you actually enjoy… sounds good right?!
This all works in reverse but I’ll save that for another blog.
Happy calorie deficiting.
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If your going on your hols this year and want to maintain weight or just keep up your fitness here is a super simple workout using just dumbbells
Day 1 1a DB bench press x 10 1b DB bent row x 10 take a 1 minute rest x 10 sets
... 2a Seated shoulder DB press x 10 2b 1 arm row 10 each side x 10 take a 1 minute rest x 10 sets
Day 2
1a Goblet squat x 10 1b Reverse lunge x 10 take a 1 minute rest x 10 sets
2 DB split squat 10 each leg take a 1 minute rest x 10 sets
The above can be done if your planing on x 4 sessions or more just alternate between the 2 day split
If you are doing 1-3 workouts then just do a combination of all days but only do 5 sets of each
Any questions at all hit them up in the comments
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The countdown to a summer bod is ticking fast
... Would you like to look and feel mint this year?
How about rapidly increasing your fitness?
Well you need to act fast and get on it!
Our 90 Day Summer program is the perfect recipe to help you achieve this and more
Here's what you'll receive from the team
✅ 4 Coaches guiding you every step of the way (think of this as personal training but in a group setting)
✅ 4 Fully coached sessions per week (you only need 3 but the 4th is there for you)
✅ Time slots of either 6.15am, 9.30am, 17.45 all Mon, Tues, Thurs & Fri…you can come along to any which suits your lifestyle
✅ Real nutrition guidance for long term, sustainable goals
✅ Full no BS nutrition manual
✅ Body measurements taken every 4 weeks to keep you on track
✅ Full money back guarantee on results…if we can’t help you in anyway we will give you your money back
✅ 3 months of absolute carnage and fun 😆
If you truly want to make a change for yourself this summer 😎 then lets get signed up today
https://rtfitness.lpages.co/90-day-transf ormation-sun/
Click link above or inbox us ^^^ and we will contact you ASAP
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Why is it that so many people abandon physical activity as they get older?
When we’re young most of us will have participated in some form of physical activity or sport.
If not at school by going to after school clubs or activities.
... What changes when we turn into adults?
Why do so many people abandon any form of exercise or activity instead choosing to let their bodies just decay away.
The result of this we all know is a reduced quality of life as we age, chronic pain and rising levels of depression due to the hole this lack of activity leaves in our lives.
I can understand it when people work very taxing physical jobs.
This was probably where this culture originated.
Once people started work they had no need or energy to participate in extra physical activity because they were too knackered after working their bodies hard all day.
However, people don’t work like that anymore.
People are doing less and less at work mostly just sitting on their arses so why do we still hang onto this culture of stopping doing these things when we enter the adult world?
I can understand that people may struggle with time but we have many clients who’s circumstances literally couldn’t be anymore difficult and they still manage perfectly well to do 3-4 sessions a week and with more and more free at home workout content available and 24/7 gyms there’s just no excuse for anyone not to fit physical activity into their lives.
That pretty much leaves us with one option they just can’t be bothered to keep exercising now there’s no one to make them.
What does that achieve though?
Most people hate how they look, they feel like shit all day everyday, tired all the time.
Some struggle to go about their day to day activities without being out of breath and the only thing they have to look forward to is a miserable retirement because their bodies have been abused so much that they break down.
Is it really worth it?
Is it really worth suffering all of this in order to avoid doing something you don’t particularly enjoy for a few hours a week?
We all have 168 hours a week and because you don’t want to spend 3-4 of those hours looking after your body your making every other aspect of your life worse.
The average person probably spends close to 10-20 hours a week watching series on TV. Fucking series! Yet they won’t count 4 hours to improving the quality and length of their lives.
I might be missing something here but I just don’t get it.
Maybe someone can shed some light on it for me?
It seems like it should be a simple choice.
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More Epic Results!!!
James started back in October 2017 and has been a true RT Fitness Warrior in that time frame
Results take time and understanding the process is an even harder one to comprehend
... James gets it…knowing that he can still enjoy all the pizzas, alcohol and his Friday Mcdonalds
But when the time to get in shape he knows its just a simple equation of the reduction of calories
28lbs down, 13% body fat reduction & 7” down on his belly
His strength has excelled and has hit huge PBs on bench, squat, deadlift and needs to strap weight onto him for chin ups
We’ve still got more to come from Mr Taylor…well done keep up the good work
https://rtfitness.lpages.co/90-day-transf ormation-sun/
P.S If you want to start where James did then click the link above, fill out short form and we will be in touch ASAP
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The countdown to a summer bod is ticking fast
Would you like to look and feel mint this year?
... How about rapidly increasing your fitness?
Well you need to act fast and get on it!
Our 90 Day Summer program is the perfect recipe to help you achieve this and more
Here's what you'll receive from the team
✅ 4 Coaches guiding you every step of the way (think of this as personal training but in a group setting)
✅ 4 Fully coached sessions per week (you only need 3 but the 4th is there for you)
✅ Time slots of either 6.15am, 9.30am, 17.45 all Mon, Tues, Thurs & Fri…you can come along to any which suits your lifestyle
✅ Real nutrition guidance for long term, sustainable goals
✅ Full no BS nutrition manual
✅ Body measurements taken every 4 weeks to keep you on track
✅ Full money back guarantee on results…if we can’t help you in anyway we will give you your money back
✅ 3 months of absolute carnage and fun 😆
If you truly want to make a change for yourself this summer 😎 then lets get signed up today
Only a £50 deposit to secure your place
https://rtfitness.lpages.co/90-day-transf ormation-sun/
Click link above or inbox us ^^^ and we will contact you ASAP
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Think of all that hard graft you've put in this year/years...its so easy to put a shit ton of fat on whilst abroad...heres my simple steps to avoid gaining the podge from the buffet
Any questions hit em below
P.S next Friday we will be giving you a hotel workout using just dumbbells


This weeks bad mo-fo is Miss Raluca Palamariu
Every week she turns up and boss's the sessions
... Smashing every challenge in her way...and to top it off Aprils Ninja challenge was a 3 minute Wall sit...she did an impressive 11.03.99...and could of done more
Big up yo sell
Keep up the graft
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You want results... but are you actually working hard enough to get them?
It’s easy to want something, it’s even easier to pay a gym membership or a piece of fitness equipment.
However, paying the money isn’t what gets you results.
... It seems to be a common opinion that by simply paying your money and turning up will get you the results you want.
If this is you then this will be a wake up call.
You could turn up to the gym 7 days a week, you could even turn up twice a day, you could be following the perfect training program but if you are just going through the motions you won’t get the results you want.
If you want to change your body you have to train hard.
I understand that this is an easy thing to say but a very difficult thing to do.
Especially if you are an everyday person who’s never trained or played sport or done anything that requires that sort of mindset.
Most people seem to live in first gear.
Slowly going about their day to day business using as little energy or effort as possible.
Go anywhere and you’ll see people just dragging their body’s around with no zest for life or motivation for anything they are doing.
What happens then when people with this mentality turn up at the gym.
They drag themselves through a session making sure they do everything on their plan with as little effort as possible.
But they did their workout right?
That’s what counts?
It only counts if you put effort in and work hard.
Half arsing it won’t get results.
Next time you are in the gym training ask yourself if you are actually pushing yourself as hard as you can?
Or are you just trying to get through the workout staying in your comfort zone just to say you’ve done it.
If good results came easy or were achieved by purchasing a gym membership then everyone would look amazing.
That’s not the case.
Good results come from working hard and pushing yourself and until you learn how to do that then you’ll always struggle to change your body in the ways you want to.
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April Ninja challenge complete...well done everyone for making the 3 minute and beyond wall sit...what will Mays challenge be???


50 MILES ... 4200 lengths of madness!!!
If you know... you know...
... Hit up your donations for St Cuthberts Hospice via this link...
https://www.facebook.com/donate/337329193 556628/?fundraiser_source=external_url

More about Rt Fitness Sunderland

Rt Fitness Sunderland is located at Unit 25c, Queenscourt business centre southwick ind est, SR5 3TX City of Sunderland
Monday: 06:00 - 19:30
Tuesday: 06:00 - 19:30
Wednesday: 06:00 - 19:30
Thursday: 06:00 - 19:30
Friday: 06:00 - 19:30
Saturday: 06:00 - 19:30
Sunday: -