
Monday: 07:00 - 22:00
Tuesday: 07:00 - 22:00
Wednesday: 07:00 - 22:00
Thursday: 07:00 - 22:00
Friday: 07:00 - 22:00
Saturday: 07:00 - 22:00
Sunday: 10:00 - 16:00



just had our Christmas delivery, everything we ordered. Thank you Sainsbury's


Just want to say a big thank you to Carl on self checkouts this lunch time. I had a heavy basket and he was a true gent and took it to the till for me, a very kind gesture and much appreciated. Thank you Carl.


Judy on the tills was an absolute delight. Always brings a smile to my face and ever so friendly.


I broke down in the carpark on sunday. One of your lovely members of staff (didnt catch her name - she has a blue polo), was kind enough to help us jump start the car. We had our little boy in the car and it was freezing cold. So just wanted to say thank you to her again!


Great place to shop..everything in the right place.. restaurant was great..nice food served quick real nice.


Dear Biggleswade Sainsbury's, whilst stocking up on prosecco, I was asked to show some I.D. I'm 38 next week!!! This absolutely made my day. I shall be stocking up on prosecco more often! Thank you ��


Biggleswade store very friendly staff will shop there again


Always enjoy visiting here, lots of choice, great clothing and footwear, very friendly, helpful staff in the cafe. My only complaint, I came to eat and read the newspaper provided but the music was far too loud. Please turn it down, entirely unnecessary. Thank you.


We shop here quite often nowadays, having forgiven our horrendous experiences a few years back with their online delivery service, which used to come via Bedford (Clapham Road) and was OK. Then once it was transferred to Letchworth, hopeless from day 1, even when the online delivery manager came out to see us regarding misdelivered items only to find incorrect barcoding on something we hadn't ordered. The final straw was when we were delivered mind pies at Easter instead of hot cross buns! Apart from the fact that they must have been old stock left over from Christmas, it beggared belief that the picker would have not queried this.

Anyway, to cut a long story short, we are now regulars at Biggleswade, using the Cafe and the shop week (we don't buy enough to justify Sainsbury's high delivery charges for a minimum order). Generally, we find the staff cheerful, friendly and helpful - except today at the kiosk, where you can pay for a newspaper.

The server was a lady of mature years who was ranting on to a younger colleague about a junior member of staff who had just left the kiosk in order to speak to a supervisor about going off to her lunch break. How do I know this? Simple as this person carried on ranting to her colleague in front of me - a customer - barely giving me the time of day. She was not at all pleasant and the next person in the queue was shown obvious impatience as she searched through her bag looking for her Nectar card.

The impression I got was that the woman didn't want to be there behind the kiosk. Perhaps management should grant her wish and relieve her of all her duties.

There is a saying that you never get a second chance to make a first impression. This person is causing an undeserved dent in the overall reputation of the store and at the very least could do with a spell of retraining in dealing appropriately with customers.


We use the restaurant on our travels up and down the country. For the most part it,s ok but their heating of food is irratic.


This is my local supermarket so I use a lot. This morning I popped in for a few things, certainly not a big shop. Usually I use self serve but I was buying a gift card so had to use a till. I inadvertently went to the basket only as there was no one there, it was very quiet in the store. I immediately got barked at by the cashier (who I’ve encountered before) that it was basket only before she turned her head away. The other 2 open tills were being used with at least one person waiting. I thought the policy was to not have more than one person waiting at a till?! All self serve was free but of course I couldn’t use them.

She ignored my comment ‘it’s not exactly busy here’!

I went to a different till, was served by a lovely lady. In all that time, I noticed that the scowly lady at the basket till hadn’t served anyone!!

She was too busy chatting to another member of staff.

It’s not the end of the world but she doesn’t promote customer care or initiative. Smile for goodness sake!


Hi, I came to the Biggleswade store this morning for a couple of items but was very disappointed to discover that you didn't have half the things I was looking for. When I spoke to a member of staff to enquire to see if you had Hoover bags for a Henry Hoover I was met with the answer "no sorry" I wasn't offered any suggestions of other items, neither did you have any of the sewing magazines I was hoping to purchase or any lighter fuel, so I had to travel in to town to use the other large supermarket. I like Sainsbury's and find their products of good quality but my think twice about visiting before using other supermarkets in town


Bought white bread rolls Wednesday stale


Rude service no lego cards. I had a eye sore as the ventilation systems had dust and god knows what all over it.


Utterly poor service & product. Only went because, having been equally disappointed in the past, we thought the cafeteria may have improved. It has actually declined in service & quality. There were even bluebottles buzzing around the chilled food display. I would dissuade all from visiting this truly awful caff. If you don't believe me, go & just take a look at the air conditioning vents on full display from the seating area - they're filthy! Revolting experience!


To Sainsbury's,

I have refrained for one week from writing this, firstly to give you chance to rectify your wrongs yourself without social media doing it for you and secondly as I don't really want my business plastered all over the internet. However as you clearly don't give a damn what you have done to me I'm willing now to share my story with others!

On Tuesday 29th November I entered your Biggleswade store carrying a pack of faulty Christmas lights that I needed to return. I purchased these when you had your nectar double up event. Sadly I couldn't find my receipt, however I could find the double up receipt you gave me and a bank transaction where I paid for the remainder on my card.

On entering the store I was well aware that I probably wouldn't get my money back as I didn't have my original receipt so I did a small amount of shopping which I thought I could exchange with.

I then went to customer services and explained my situation. I explained i had my double up receipt showing date and time of my original transaction, plus paid by card etc etc and could they do a search to find my purchase. The answer was yes but not now as there was no one in to do it. So I asked if I could return and either exchange or have put on a gift card, it was explained they were now in the sale £8 less then I paid but said it was fine as I didn't want to come over again to take them back. I was then told to wait whilst she found a managed to authorise.

Whilst waiting for 20 minutes for her to return the charming customer services assistant came back armed with security! Who may I add was absolutely charming not!

It was then explained to me that I couldn't return the lights as they had viewed cctv and they had seen me clearly walk in the store without them! I said are you calling me a thief Are you saying I stole those lights to which they replied yes! I was then told by customer services that this is store policy! To check everyone who wants a return without a receipt on cctv! Biggest load of lies I think I've ever heard! I then started to get angry and did raise my voice, to which then the security told me several times "stop shouting you are the one that stole the lights" please bear in mind this in from of a packed store of shoppers who by this point where all stopping to stare at me whilst I sobbed my heart out through pure embarrassment, anger and humiliation. I then asked for the police to be called as no one else was listening to me which they replied if that's what you want we will, I also asked to view the cctv and was told they didn't have to show me it!

By this point two managers were now surrounding me as well but they at least used their common sense and took me to the warehouse away from a store load of people staring at me!

My bank card was then taken by a member of staff so they could find my original transaction, you know that transaction they had told they couldn't do about 15 minutes previously because there was no staff, yes that one!

I was then taken to a managers office where after about another 15 minutes a very sheepish manager appeared and told me that he saw me very clearly walking in the with the lights! No way! Your joking! What the lights I've just been accused of stealing, those lights!

As soon as I was cleared of theft and released from the store I rang complained immediately to customer services, who apparently wrote down everything I said and said due to the severity it had to go straight to the executives office for an investigation.

That day I waited and waited for them to call to listen to my full story nothing! So i called next day to be told it's being dealt with, i asked what notes had been written and it was basically "lady for accused of stealing lights" missed quite a lot out of the story there! I demanded to speak to the person dealing with it, I spoke to them explained all of the above and was told he would be in contact by today! Surprise surprise nothing! Nothing at all! I am disgusted! Disgusted that I was treated so badly, disgusted I was accused of something I didn't do for no reason at all, disgusted I was lied to on several occasions and disgusted you couldn't even call back within one week! Sainsbury's you are a complete joke! I have taken legal advice I do have a strong case for defamation and I will take this further if I need to!


Still waiting for a reply to my 2 emails I sent regarding my complaint. I really would of expected a reply at least.


just had our Christmas delivery, everything we ordered. Thank you Sainsbury's


Just want to say a big thank you to Carl on self checkouts this lunch time. I had a heavy basket and he was a true gent and took it to the till for me, a very kind gesture and much appreciated. Thank you Carl.


Judy on the tills was an absolute delight. Always brings a smile to my face and ever so friendly.


I broke down in the carpark on sunday. One of your lovely members of staff (didnt catch her name - she has a blue polo), was kind enough to help us jump start the car. We had our little boy in the car and it was freezing cold. So just wanted to say thank you to her again!


Great place to shop..everything in the right place.. restaurant was great..nice food served quick real nice.


Dear Biggleswade Sainsbury's, whilst stocking up on prosecco, I was asked to show some I.D. I'm 38 next week!!! This absolutely made my day. I shall be stocking up on prosecco more often! Thank you ��


Biggleswade store very friendly staff will shop there again


Always enjoy visiting here, lots of choice, great clothing and footwear, very friendly, helpful staff in the cafe. My only complaint, I came to eat and read the newspaper provided but the music was far too loud. Please turn it down, entirely unnecessary. Thank you.


We shop here quite often nowadays, having forgiven our horrendous experiences a few years back with their online delivery service, which used to come via Bedford (Clapham Road) and was OK. Then once it was transferred to Letchworth, hopeless from day 1, even when the online delivery manager came out to see us regarding misdelivered items only to find incorrect barcoding on something we hadn't ordered. The final straw was when we were delivered mind pies at Easter instead of hot cross buns! Apart from the fact that they must have been old stock left over from Christmas, it beggared belief that the picker would have not queried this.

Anyway, to cut a long story short, we are now regulars at Biggleswade, using the Cafe and the shop week (we don't buy enough to justify Sainsbury's high delivery charges for a minimum order). Generally, we find the staff cheerful, friendly and helpful - except today at the kiosk, where you can pay for a newspaper.

The server was a lady of mature years who was ranting on to a younger colleague about a junior member of staff who had just left the kiosk in order to speak to a supervisor about going off to her lunch break. How do I know this? Simple as this person carried on ranting to her colleague in front of me - a customer - barely giving me the time of day. She was not at all pleasant and the next person in the queue was shown obvious impatience as she searched through her bag looking for her Nectar card.

The impression I got was that the woman didn't want to be there behind the kiosk. Perhaps management should grant her wish and relieve her of all her duties.

There is a saying that you never get a second chance to make a first impression. This person is causing an undeserved dent in the overall reputation of the store and at the very least could do with a spell of retraining in dealing appropriately with customers.


We use the restaurant on our travels up and down the country. For the most part it,s ok but their heating of food is irratic.


This is my local supermarket so I use a lot. This morning I popped in for a few things, certainly not a big shop. Usually I use self serve but I was buying a gift card so had to use a till. I inadvertently went to the basket only as there was no one there, it was very quiet in the store. I immediately got barked at by the cashier (who I’ve encountered before) that it was basket only before she turned her head away. The other 2 open tills were being used with at least one person waiting. I thought the policy was to not have more than one person waiting at a till?! All self serve was free but of course I couldn’t use them.

She ignored my comment ‘it’s not exactly busy here’!

I went to a different till, was served by a lovely lady. In all that time, I noticed that the scowly lady at the basket till hadn’t served anyone!!

She was too busy chatting to another member of staff.

It’s not the end of the world but she doesn’t promote customer care or initiative. Smile for goodness sake!


Hi, I came to the Biggleswade store this morning for a couple of items but was very disappointed to discover that you didn't have half the things I was looking for. When I spoke to a member of staff to enquire to see if you had Hoover bags for a Henry Hoover I was met with the answer "no sorry" I wasn't offered any suggestions of other items, neither did you have any of the sewing magazines I was hoping to purchase or any lighter fuel, so I had to travel in to town to use the other large supermarket. I like Sainsbury's and find their products of good quality but my think twice about visiting before using other supermarkets in town


Bought white bread rolls Wednesday stale


Rude service no lego cards. I had a eye sore as the ventilation systems had dust and god knows what all over it.


Utterly poor service & product. Only went because, having been equally disappointed in the past, we thought the cafeteria may have improved. It has actually declined in service & quality. There were even bluebottles buzzing around the chilled food display. I would dissuade all from visiting this truly awful caff. If you don't believe me, go & just take a look at the air conditioning vents on full display from the seating area - they're filthy! Revolting experience!


To Sainsbury's,

I have refrained for one week from writing this, firstly to give you chance to rectify your wrongs yourself without social media doing it for you and secondly as I don't really want my business plastered all over the internet. However as you clearly don't give a damn what you have done to me I'm willing now to share my story with others!

On Tuesday 29th November I entered your Biggleswade store carrying a pack of faulty Christmas lights that I needed to return. I purchased these when you had your nectar double up event. Sadly I couldn't find my receipt, however I could find the double up receipt you gave me and a bank transaction where I paid for the remainder on my card.

On entering the store I was well aware that I probably wouldn't get my money back as I didn't have my original receipt so I did a small amount of shopping which I thought I could exchange with.

I then went to customer services and explained my situation. I explained i had my double up receipt showing date and time of my original transaction, plus paid by card etc etc and could they do a search to find my purchase. The answer was yes but not now as there was no one in to do it. So I asked if I could return and either exchange or have put on a gift card, it was explained they were now in the sale £8 less then I paid but said it was fine as I didn't want to come over again to take them back. I was then told to wait whilst she found a managed to authorise.

Whilst waiting for 20 minutes for her to return the charming customer services assistant came back armed with security! Who may I add was absolutely charming not!

It was then explained to me that I couldn't return the lights as they had viewed cctv and they had seen me clearly walk in the store without them! I said are you calling me a thief Are you saying I stole those lights to which they replied yes! I was then told by customer services that this is store policy! To check everyone who wants a return without a receipt on cctv! Biggest load of lies I think I've ever heard! I then started to get angry and did raise my voice, to which then the security told me several times "stop shouting you are the one that stole the lights" please bear in mind this in from of a packed store of shoppers who by this point where all stopping to stare at me whilst I sobbed my heart out through pure embarrassment, anger and humiliation. I then asked for the police to be called as no one else was listening to me which they replied if that's what you want we will, I also asked to view the cctv and was told they didn't have to show me it!

By this point two managers were now surrounding me as well but they at least used their common sense and took me to the warehouse away from a store load of people staring at me!

My bank card was then taken by a member of staff so they could find my original transaction, you know that transaction they had told they couldn't do about 15 minutes previously because there was no staff, yes that one!

I was then taken to a managers office where after about another 15 minutes a very sheepish manager appeared and told me that he saw me very clearly walking in the with the lights! No way! Your joking! What the lights I've just been accused of stealing, those lights!

As soon as I was cleared of theft and released from the store I rang complained immediately to customer services, who apparently wrote down everything I said and said due to the severity it had to go straight to the executives office for an investigation.

That day I waited and waited for them to call to listen to my full story nothing! So i called next day to be told it's being dealt with, i asked what notes had been written and it was basically "lady for accused of stealing lights" missed quite a lot out of the story there! I demanded to speak to the person dealing with it, I spoke to them explained all of the above and was told he would be in contact by today! Surprise surprise nothing! Nothing at all! I am disgusted! Disgusted that I was treated so badly, disgusted I was accused of something I didn't do for no reason at all, disgusted I was lied to on several occasions and disgusted you couldn't even call back within one week! Sainsbury's you are a complete joke! I have taken legal advice I do have a strong case for defamation and I will take this further if I need to!


Still waiting for a reply to my 2 emails I sent regarding my complaint. I really would of expected a reply at least.

More about Sainsbury'S

Sainsbury'S is located at Bells Brook, SG18 0NA Biggleswade
01767 317587
Monday: 07:00 - 22:00
Tuesday: 07:00 - 22:00
Wednesday: 07:00 - 22:00
Thursday: 07:00 - 22:00
Friday: 07:00 - 22:00
Saturday: 07:00 - 22:00
Sunday: 10:00 - 16:00