Southwick Green Regeneration Plan

About Southwick Green Regeneration Plan

I am Bill Meeks I am your Independent Candidate for the 2018 May Elections.
The redevelopment of areas within Southwick for the good of All the people.



A Major Huge thank you to the 315 people in Southwick that have faith in me and Voted for me on Thursday. I will continue my good work for the people and shopkeepers of Southwick.


Give me Bill Meeks a chance and Vote for me this Thursday in the 3rd of May Elections, LETS MAKE A CHANGE and help people again?, I want to see small businesses on Southwick Green be successful and to see the Green populated with shoppers who can Park Safely and help our small community of Shops to prosper. Breathe Life into What we Already Have?, why not change the old Savoy site into a Car Park , Pay and Display ?. I Have Spoken To Our Local Shopkeepers and all agree wit...h me that the future of all these shops depend on parking to allow Consumers to shop and for businesses to grow. I want to see Southwick Green a success and will do everything in my power if you elect me this May to make this so.
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Vote for Bill Meeks your Southwick Lib/Dem Candidate, someone who genuinely cares, already making progress in resolving Southwick issues,
... make the change and encourage your friends, please.
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My Campaign is to have Sunderland's identity Illuminated for the 21st Century. The idea is to create a focal point, which is our beautiful bridges. Once we have them lit with energy saving LED's mounted upon pillars and fixed lamps to the structure, they will be able to change colour which can be programmable off site. This should lead to a small Cafe culture, Bar Bistro on the area below and at either side, the dark areas now could illuminated and open to all, to walk safely... or cycle.
Think of how the fabulous night photos of our Beautiful Sunderland Bridges will look?.
Try and imagine it on the News, how nice it would look?, this would give Sunderland its Pride back, having what Newcastle, Middlesborough and Hartlepool already have?.
This is a no brainier people?, and there is no excuse the current Sodium Lanterns drawing a staggering "20,000 Watts " every night of the year. Just imagine the cost savings having LED's, we could reinvest that saved money into lots of other things, maybe create our own Quayside?.
Come on Sunderland ?, Make it So.
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Looking to the future, Now we are getting such a grant to invest in Light, Sound, Theatre, Music , Art & Creativity etc, then I'm sure "We the people of Sunderland, will get my proposal to have "Our Bridges properly lit up?" after all, we have the Stadium of Light, then why not have the " Bridges of Light", changing colours?. It would be great to have them properly shown off and why not ?,... Newcastle, Middlesborough and Hartlepool do?.
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Bill E Meeks your Lib/Dem Candidate for Southwick. Look forward to chatting to you all about how positive realistic changes can help our environment.


Great News people of Southwick, in the May Election, You will get the chance to "VOTE FOR MEEKS !", in the May Elections 2018. Yes ! Bill Meeks is your Lib/Dem Candidate for Southwick, born and bred in Southwick already doing things to improve Suddick Green. "I love Suddick and I won't let you down".


Ive joined the Liberal Democrats, Giving people choices back. Time For Change


Been to the C.A Meeting tonight, which was basically an ambush, to say that ideas have been stolen is such a nasty thing to say?, of course not. However it is so strange that almost everything I discussed at the civic was on their agenda. I had to wait, but before I spoke I was warned by chair that I must only talk about new things not things discussed. So I talked about all the things that where discussed as many where my suggestions of improvement that I emailed to the civ...ic . I was labelled "Negative" and that I had upset everybody because of my attitude, I laughed and mocked her by stating I only upset two people you and her, everyone else was laughing and agreed with me. If there is a person in Suddick that doesn't find me the most positive of attitude, sunny disposition, polite and well mannered?, then please come forward?. All I wanted to do was to make something nice for the elderly and they mocked me, they scoffed !, laughed at my request to use the cage next to the facility for under 14's 5 A Side, I can't find the owner?. If anyone can help me on this?. I only want to try to stop loneliness and help people get together, help the elderly in a community that has very little facilities and don't want god driven down their throats. I wanted somewhere to be able to cook meals and serve? people?. All of this can still be done, however because of their pride, not just yet. They had made their minds up long before I turned up, they didn't like it when I turned up and checked the place out and found it unsatisfactory?. It appears hurting someones feelings by saying the kitchen is disgusting, I was kind by saying all it needed was a deep clean?, even the mice where throwing themselves on the traps!, the fridge of death!. My Concept of an elderly centre is still valid, I will wait until the work is carried out. Then myself and associates will look at this again, tempus observant , ( time waits). Peace Now, I love Suddick its my home and place I love and I want to make better.
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With regard to Southwick Social Club public right of way, I have informed the Civic Centre on this matter and received a positive feedback.
Here is the email
Thanks for the detail about the Southwick Social Club. Images which appear to have been attached to the original mail were not attached to the one that I received. It would be helpful to see them in order to check whether there is a recorded highway in the location concerned.... As a general rule the highway authority has a duty to protect the availability of all recorded public highways, unless that access is subject to a temporary traffic regulation order, or permanent change by extinguishment or diversion order. Both the temporary and permanent arrangements have a legal process that must be followed. In the case of no public highway being recorded, there are two main processes by which rights can come to exist through periods of use. At common law, if a route is built with all the character of a public way it can become a public right of way through just a few years of intensive use. If a route is not 'built', and is simply a well used desire line, then different legislation applies, and 20 years of uninterrupted use of an identifiable alignment by the general public without force secrecy or permission can generate rights. There are measures that landowners can take to protect against both processes. The most common of these are signs affixed and maintained so as to inform people that the use of a route is not permitted or is only permitted by landowner permission. A proactive landowner may verbally discourage the use of a route, and this can prevent the acquisition of rights. There are other methods. With regards to the sale of land, if a landowner suspects that rights may have been acquired, then they properly should mention this to the potential buyer. The physical obstruction of a route on which rights have been acquired has no legal effect other than to punctuate any ongoing use of that route. Therefore, if prior to obstruction by bricks the route has been used to the satisfaction of the common law or the statutory tests, then those rights if proven would be required to be enforced. A landowner can apply for an extinguishment or diversion order where they have applied for planning permission, but the success of this cannot be guaranteed. In the case of a site proposed for development, if there is a good quality reasonable alternative route existing or to be provided then those points could work in favour of an application to divert or extinguish. Diversion and extinguishment processes take at least six months and cost in the region of £3,000. If any objections to the order received during the statutory public consultation period are not withdrawn, the order is referred to the Secretary of State for determination by written representations or public enquiry or hearing. This can cause 6-12 months delay to the process, and costs including the cost of delay. Regards,
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Began procedures for Sunderland Council to look and assess the Thompson Memorial for the damaged Panel, referred to Environmental Services Replacing of loose rivets, full paint with gold paint details, plus both Posts, North and South to be Restored also. Advertisements to be removed from the Grade 2 listed Monument, action began today on this matter.


Big meeting at Southwick Community Centre management committee on the 22nd of Feb with Sunderland Council representatives


Having emailed many people regarding this proposal including MP Julie Elliott, it has been suggested that rather than building a brand new site, I could use the current Community Centre on the Green at Southwick as it is not used through the day time and has periods on the evening that is not in use. I visited the Centre and it seems in a good state of repair however there are some issues that need addressing, i.e. disabled toilet facilities, kitchen in need of a deep clean. ... Needs baby changing also it is need of a wheelchair access ramp to the rear coming from the car park. I have been in touch with Nick Wood who has given me the thumbs up to begin with, and I can see a meeting in the very near future to assemble a reliable committee to allow us to go forward with this plan. I would like to thank everyone who has supported this venture and look forward to supplying the people of Southwick, a Day Centre for the Elderly, and also a way of finding structured sports evenings there too.
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Petition for Sunderland City Council now up, Please sign and share, Thanks Bill. counci…/…/59875943…


Thank you to all that have liked this idea, have a great Christmas Bill

More about Southwick Green Regeneration Plan

Southwick Green Regeneration Plan is located at The Green Southwick, City of Sunderland
07799 896 902