St. Benedict'S Hospice

About St. Benedict'S Hospice

St Benedicts Hospice has provided specialist palliative care to the people of Sunderland and surrounding districts since 1984.

St. Benedict'S Hospice Description


The support of the community is an important part of St Benedict’s Hospice, both in fundraising and volunteering.

You can support your local Hospice in lots of exciting ways:

* You could volunteer to help us at our events, we’re always looking for willing hands to man stalls, marshal at events, help with event registration etc…
* You could take part in one of our many exciting events, from Ladies Lunches to Scary Walks! There’s something for everyone – see our events calendar for inspiration
* Why not organise your own event for us? From Charity nights to sponsored walks – we can help and support you in all manner of activities!

We look forward to hearing from you!



Today is the Junior Great North Run!
So only right we share with you as our 'Featured Fundraiser', the fabulous Lexi Elliott aged 10 from Murton!
Q. Hi Lexi. What made you decide to run for St Benedict’s Hospice? ... A. They cared for my Grandad Kevin from Sept 2016 until May 2017 and they are fantastic.
Q. Have you ever been in a race like this before? A. No. I ran the Race For Life with my Nana earlier this year to prepare.
Q. What food/snacks are you looking forward to eating after you’ve finished? A. McDonalds and some sweets!!
Q. What would you say to the other boys and girls who are running? Any advice? A. Have fun and be proud of yourself!
We certainly are very proud of you Lexi and very thankful too! You're a star!
Good luck to you and to everyone else running for us today, but most importantly.
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Meet the Team!
Here we go again! Another chance to get know another member of our amazing team here at the hospice!
Today we meet Julie Lamb, Senior Lecturer Practitioner and Day Services Clinical Lead here at St Benedict's Hospice.
... Hi Julie!
Q. So Julie, how long have you worked here and how would you describe your role? A. I have worked in this current role for a year but have worked within the hospice as a specialist palliative care nurse and Lecturer Practitioner for 10 years. Half of my job involves working clinically with patients who attend for clinic based care or attend hospice day services. I work with the day services team to ensure that patients symptoms are controlled and try to ensure that patients have the best quality of life possible. The other half of my job is working within the education department at the hospice, delivering palliative care education courses to nurses, doctors and other health professionals.
Q. What do you enjoy most about your job? A. I love the variety of my job. I am lucky that I get the opportunity to have a job which combines my two interests – my patients and teaching. I hope that I can make a difference by caring for patients but also supporting other staff to learn about palliative care. I also enjoy that my job keeps me in touch with other community and hospital based staff.
Q. How would you desribe a tyoical day? A. There is no such thing as a typical day here at the hospice! My day is very much dependent on my patients and how they are! On a clinical day I start the day meeting the day services team to assess who is attending day services and making plans for each patient. I then usually start seeing clinic patients from 10.30 and will see patients attending for outpatient care as well as patients attending day services. An education day varies with which course I am delivering and who is attending.
Q. What is the most rewarding part of your job? A. Looking after patients, working with a great team within the hospice.
Q. Any guilty pleasures to share? A. It would have to be my love of sweets! I can usually be seen around day hospice sweetie jar every day! Refresher chews, drumsticks, haribos… The list is endless. 🍭🍬
Thanks Julie, you're a star!
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Todays featured fundraisers, not only feature one of our own, with the fabulous Dawn Flint, but they're also a mother and son team who will be running the race together!
Say Hello to Dawn and Andrew Flint from Sunderland!
Dawn works as the ward clerk in St Benedict's Day Hospice and Andrew is an engineer at the new Rolls Royce factory in Washington.
... This is Dawn’s 5th Great North Run for St Benedicts and Andrew’s 1st. Dawn started running 5 years ago to do the run after starting working at Day Hospice and seeing all of the great work that is carried out every single day here!. Andrew took up running in January with the aim of doing the Sunderland 10k. Once he had completed his first run and started his medal collection he then decided to give the Great North Run a try. They both decided to set up a joint fundraising account to help support the hospice and contribute specifically towards 'the little treats' and specialist treatments that the patients receive whilst attending the Day Hospice Unit.
Dawn said "Training has been OK but it's also had it's challenges, it has been hard fitting it in with Andrew’s shifts at work and also training in one of the hottest summers for years hasn’t been easy! We should be OK and will not let our sponsors down. Our friends and Andrew’s work colleagues have been very generous"
Her final words of advice were simple....."The main thing is to just enjoy the day and remember it is isn’t a race. it's a ‘fun run’ and just go out and enjoy the atmosphere and everyone will be fine"
Well done to you both and we all wish you good luck!
Thank you!!!!
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Featured Fundraisers!
Today we meet Chris and Victoria Raby from Murton!
Hi Both!
... Q. What made you decide to run for St Benedict’s Hospice Chris. My father in law was looked after by St Benedict's. Victoria. You looked after my Dad and Gran.
Q. Is this your first time running the Great North Run? (If not, how many times have you ran the race?) Chris. This will be my 3rd great north last time was 4 years ago. Victoria. And for me, it's my first time!
Q. How’s your training going? Chris. Training a bit last minute but training with my wife as its her first time. Victoria. Been hard fitting it around work and family
Q. Any words of wisdom for other runners? Chris. Enjoy they occasion its a great experience. Victoria. Just take it at at your own pace. Aim to finish not go for a time.
Thanks Both, I'm sure you'll both have a great time!
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Thank you so much to the lovely bunch of teens, and not forgetting team leaders Danni and Iona from the National Citizen’s Service for supporting us this summer.
The group not only held a fundraiser and raised a wonderful £187, but they also visited our daycare patients to chat and even played a little bit of bingo 🙂
The NCS bunch also brought along handmade pamper gifts for patients which was so thoughtful and kind and they should all feel very proud💕💕
... Thank you so much for your caring, kindness and support 💙💛
#ncsnortheast #stbenedictshospice #community #sunderland #fundraising
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Morning All, here we go again!
Another of our fundraising heroes running the Great North Run on Sunday!
Say hello to Leanne Elliott from Seaham!
... Q. What made you decide to run for St Benedict’s Hospice? A. After being our work charity in 2017, I got to see the fab work you all do for both patients & their families. Anything I can do to help, I will do x
Q. Is this your first time running the Great North Run? (If not, how many times have you ran the race?) A. Yes. 1st time 🙈
Q. How’s your training going? A. Really well. 11m this week done with 12m to go this weekend before tapering off.
Q. Any words of wisdom for other runners? A. Stay positive, enjoy your run (it's not all about how quick you are!) & listen to your body 💖 x
That's great Leanne, we look forward to seeing you in our charity tent at the end of the race! Thank you!
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Featured Fundraiser time!
Today we meet Elizabeth Hayden from Sunderland!
Hi Elizabeth!
... Q. What made you decide to run for St Benedict’s Hospice? A. I run for St Benedicts because they have helped my family and friends in the past and do a great job.
Q. Is this your first time running the Great North Run? (If not, how many times have you ran the race?) A. I have done about 12 or 13 Great North runs.
Q. How’s your training going? A. I run around 3 times a week, more if I get time.
Q. Any words of wisdom for other runners? A. For anyone doing it for the first time my advice would be just enjoy it the crowd will get you to the finish!
Thanks Elizabeth and we hope you enjoy it!
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Coming Soon......
We are looking for fundraisers who are looking for the adventure of a lifetime! In October 2019 St Benedict's Hospice will be taking a team of intrepid explorers to take in the culture and the beauty of one of the spectacular 'Wonders of the World' ,to trek The Great Wall of China over a 9 day fun filled once in a lifetime experience! Places will be strictly limited with a minimum sponsorship pledge requirement as well as a registration fee of £395 which wil...l be needed to secure your place! Details will follow, but if you would like to register your interest, then email Anthony at who will contact you in due course!
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Friends, family and team GB 🇬🇧 athlete Aly Dixon gathered yesterday to cheer on local lads Matthew Macmahon and William Younger while they took on the brave challenge of running 10 times round Silksworth Track!!
Matthew came up with the idea as he wanted to do something for the hospice in memory of his much loved grandad Tom Milligan, when William heard what Matthew wanted to do he also decided to take part in the run to support his friend and raise money for a charity so i...mportant to the family #friendshipgoals
Aly Dixon heard about what the boys wanted to do so kindly came along to support and joined them in the sponsored run, also presenting them with amazing goody bags - thank you so much Aly!!
The boys have raised a fabulous £420 so far (and counting), they should be very proud of themselves , massive thanks from us all at St Benedict’s 💙💛
#stbenedictshospice #sunderland #community #fundraisers #teambenedict
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Today's 'Featured Fundraiser' is one of our own!
This is Anthony, who looks after our Corporate Fundraising as well as our Challenge Event Fundraising Activity (And STILL fundraises himself too!)....
Q. What made you decide to run for St Benedict’s Hospice?... A. Before I had the privilege of working here. I've fundraised for the hospice for a number of years now after seeing first hand the amazing care the hospice has to offer after they cared for my father-in-in law, my nana and then a family friend. The support and care we received as a family was simply first class and we will never stop thanking the staff for everything they did.
Q. Is this your first time running the Great North Run? (If not, how many times have you ran the race?) A. Number 7 for me!
Q. How’s your training going? A. It's coming together nicely actually! Managed to take advantage of some of the 'smaller' races around the region in the build up so fingers cross I'll only complain for about the first 12miles this year :)
Q. Any words of wisdom for other runners? A. Enjoy it! It's an amazing event and you will have a brilliant time as you make your way around the course. Just don't get caught out trying to go too fast, run at YOUR pace that you're comfortable at!
Thanks Anth…. now get back to work! :)
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It's time to meet another of our Great North Run fundraisers....
Today's 'Featured Fundraiser' is Clare Bureau from Newcastle who is running as part of Team 'Run Geordie Run'.
Clare say's "I train with Mark at Primal Fitness and his amazing stamina inspired me to do the GNR for the first time as part of Team Geordie Run in aid of St Benedict's Hospice. ... I have trained at Primal for a while and over the course of a few years I've lost almost 4 stone. Running has always been a struggle for me but by following the GNR training plan coupled with organised runs with fellow Primal members I finally feel ready to smash this! Running alongside my husband Greg who is part of the same fundraising team is a huge comfort and motivation. We are not running with a certain time in mind, just finishing it and knowing we've helped raise money to support people in their last days is enough for us. All the luck in the world for our fellow participants!"
Thanks Clare! I'm sure you'll smash it!
Good Luck!
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It was lovely meeting Lloyds Bank Business Banking Team yesterday, they recently completed a sponsored trek along Hadrian’s Wall and kindly took part in our sunflower month selling sunflowers and wearing yellow across north east branches.🌻
Altogether they have raised a whopping £2469.72, thank you so much team!!!!!
#stbenedictshospice #sunderland #lloydsbank #fundraisers #community


As the Great North Run countdown rumbles on.... it's time to meet todays 'Featured Fundraisers'. Say hello to Nicola Perrin and James Ritchie-Bland who live near Richmond, North Yorkshire with their miniature dachshund Bella!
Q. So Nicola, great to meet you, tell us please, why did you decide to run the Great North Run and why did you decide to fundraise for St Benedict's Hospice? A. James and I have decided to do the Great North Run this year, firstly in memory of my Nan, Do...
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Well, hello weekend, fancy seeing you here! This means only one thing...…………. *Trumpet Sound* It's time for our weekly 'Meet the Team!
... This week we meet our fabulous, lovely and always smiley Healthcare Assistant, it's Annie!
Afternoon Annie!
Q. So how long have you worked at the hospice? A. Hello and happy Friday everyone! So' I've worked here for just over two and a half years now on the daycare unit and I absolutely love it!
Q. What do you enjoy most about your job? A. That's EASY! It's making people happy and being part of an amazing team that genuinely cares so much for every single person they meet, it makes everyday so enjoyable!
Q. What does a typical day look like for you? A. I start at 9am by setting up in daycare, the whole team then has a handover meeting to discuss who will be attending that day and what the priorities are for that patient. My mornings are mostly clinical where I carry out patient observations, blood samples etc and have a good catch up with all of my patients. Afternoons are more 'activity based' and can range from anything from gardening or arts and crafts, to dominoes or even simply having a good old natter with the patients. Some patients need more care than others in daycare but overall we just make sure when they here at the hospice, we take care of them and make sure we put a smile on their face. It's so much fun. I'm sooooo lucky! #DreamJob
Q. What’s the most rewarding part of your job? A. Knowing that you've made a difference to someone's day. If a patient arrives and they don't feel so good for whatever reason, being part of the team that makes them smile is great and so rewarding!
Q. And finally....what’s your guilty pleasure? A. Hahahaha! Well...… there's a rumor (that is probably true) that I love a cheeky glass of wine on a Friday (Wine Friday!) and of course throw Mr Bublé into the mix and I am the happiest person alive! Love a bit of Bublé!
Well seeing as it's Friday…. we wouldn't want to stop 'Wine Friday' in full swing! Thanks so much Annie!
Have a great weekend everyone!
#Sunderland #StBenedictsHospice #MichaelBuble #Wine #Friday #Healthcare
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It's time for our first 'Featured Fundraiser'!
With just 10 days to go until the Great North Run and so many of you heroically hitting the tarmac in aid of St Benedict's Hospice on Sunday 9th September , we wanted to introduce some of these superstars to the world and say a HUGE thank-you!
First up is....... Paula Barrett from Washington!
Q. What made you decide to run for St Benedict’s Hospice? A. My friend's dad was in the hospice towards the end of his life and the support he and his family received was second to none
Q. Is this your first time running the Great North Run? (If not, how many times have you ran the race?) A. Yes my first time
Q. How’s your training going? A. Not going to lie, I’m not finding it easy but I couldn’t run 1mile at Christmas and I completed my second 10mile at the weekend, my whole life has changed these last 9 month and have been committed in training every weekend and during the week when work allows and have competed in two 10km runs.
Q. Any words of wisdom for other runners? A. Be proud of your achievements and the work you have put in to get this far, I certainly am!
Very wise words from Paula and so you should be! Thank you so much for supporting us!
Good Luck!
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Here's some things that Risk Astley will NEVER do.....just to make you smile...…….
......… and while you are smiling, why don't you take a peek at Amazon Smile:- , you shop, Amazon gives.... to us! Easy!
... Have a great day everyone!
#FeelgoodFriday #StBenedictsHospice #OnlineShopping #NeverGoingToGiveYouUp
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A very generous offer if any of Team Benedict or Team Run Geordie Run feel in need of a massage treatment.


We are delighted to announce that Tweet Locator ( have kindly chosen to name us as their chosen 'Charity of the Year'!
This is fantastic news, to know we have the support of such an amazing business who are really at the forefront of the social media and digital market and we can't wait to start working alongside them.
Thank you!
... #CharityPartners #Sunderland #SocialMedia #StBenedictsHospice
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A Ebay Seller based in America currently has an original photograph listed for sale, that was taken in St Benedict's Hospice in September 1993 when Princess Diana came to visit patients, then based at Havelock Hospital.
Does anyone have any memories of this visit to share? We'd love to hear from you!


Yous where amazing for my brother don’t know how yous put up with him �


You couldnt ask for a better place for your loved one. The building and gardens are spectacular. The atmosphere is tranquil The staff are angels. Words cannot express how lovely st Benedicts is A little piece of heaven on earth


Wonderful staff and facilities ...just when you need them.


Will be forever grateful for the care and respect my Dad Colin Stewart received at the end of his life. We, his son and daughter also cared for so well by your lovely staff and Sue the gorgeous nurse who was with me at the very end I will never forget you. God bless you all


This fabulous place is blessed with a team of angels. I experienced the worst 3months of my life last year when my twin sister spent her last days here. This team made it the most peaceful, loving and relaxed environment the family could have ever wished for. So many precious memories were made in the hospice. Thankyou to the whe team for their dedication, support, expertise and most of all live and friendship. Xxxxx


St Benerdicts was the crutch that held us together during my daughters illiness ,for all those going through those days of heartache there support is endless. my daughter spent her last days there with such a cruel illness that breaks your heart to witiness ,but the caring from all the staff was endless ,that is why for all who one day may need there help ,let us support them to keep up the wonderfull care they provide

God bless you all x


Our dad arrived here for rehabilitation, the staff were truly amazing. Unfortunately he deteriorated in time that resulted in him requiring end of life care. Unfortunately the hospice had a reputation of dark sad times, that's not how we would describe it. As a family we found it a valuable resource of information and support. It provides the most high quality care available. Our dad passed away in the most dignified and personal way possible. The staff captured dad's personality and treat him in regards to this and supported us as a family that was most fitting. We will never be able to thank the staff enough for all they have done xx xxxxxxxx


My husband spent the last 5 weeks of his life in St. Benedict's. What a wonderful place. I cannot thank and praise the doctors, nurses, volunteers, chef for brilliant food, and the all-important domestic staff. Each and every one them need a medal. They all made me very welcome and I stayed almost every night, I was allowed the comfort and privacy of the Family room, it became my home for the duration.

I cannot praise the staff highly enough for their care and compassion which they afforded me as I said goodbye to my husband of 46 years.


My grandad Jim Wills got care here back in 2007 and you were all fantastic! Myself and my family cannot thank you enough, you arranged for my gran to be brought from the hospital so they could have one last Sunday dinner together and everything. It was such a scary time for me as I was only 10 year old when we lost him, but the staff were there for me whenever I needed them comforting me etc. You're all amazing you truly are


My father in law is currently here and i could not speak any higher of the place. It is immaculately clean, excellent facilities and staff are amazing. I was dubious at first about him going into a hospice but it is the best decision we have made. The staff are second to none, always a friendly face and shoulder to cry on if needed. Hats off to all of you.


My dad has just stayed here for 3 weeks and I cannot thank the amazing staff enough. We were supported in making difficult decisions but still maintaining dads final wishes. You's truly are angels and do a fantastic job everyone is upbeat and cheerful which really helps in these situations. Thank you all so much for everything you have done!!! �


My beautiful Mam was admitted for a week because of issues that were ongoing since her cancer diagnosis but due to hurting her leg whilst in the hospice ended up being there for almost 5 weeks.

The team are amazing and have worked hard to get my Mam feeling better. Her leg will take a while to mend but overall she is doing better than before her breast cancer mets was diagnosed in February and I can't thank them enough for that.

The help and support across the board has been outstanding, thank you all so much.


Its such a sad time for the one that you come to visit but i have to say St Benedicts Hospice is a beautiful place that tends to every need of the patient from its tranquil setting to the care they give i cant thank the staff enough for all the care they give to my friend.


I honestly can not put into words how wonderful this place is. At such a heartbreaking time, their care for not only my father in law in his final days, but the whole family was amazing. They literally held us all together when our world was falling apart and for that we will always be truly thankful. A truly truly wonderful place X


I can’t thank the staff and Volunteers enough for the care and support they provided to my Mam Elizabeth Blakelock and our family in her last few weeks. We really appreciate everything you did to make her comfortable and it is truly a fantastic facility.


I can't thank you enough for all the care you gave Bruce (my husband) in his last few weeks of his life all of his loving family Joanne and Allan and myself always felt welcome no matter what time we came in every single member of the staff and volunteers always came in to speak to us saying what a loverly man bruce was again another BIG THANK YOU from all of Bruces family xxxxxxx


Helped me in every way Thank you everyone �


Completely amazing and a total lifeline for most. My mam spent 7 weeks with you and we always felt you were there for us just as much as you were for her. Thank you! X


Cannot express our heartfelt gratitude to all the staff at St Benedicts as soon as our Dad was admitted the feeling was like a huge hug, it was an amazing feeling of letting go of all the stress and knowing he was in the care of Angels in uniforms

He was allowed to leave this world with dignity with family beside him with no intrusion just utter respect.

We will be forever grateful and will continue to raise funds and awareness of a place called heaven on earth

More about St. Benedict'S Hospice

St. Benedict'S Hospice is located at St. Benedict's Way, SR2 0NY City of Sunderland
+44191 5128436