Student: Sjn Training Ltd

About Student: Sjn Training Ltd

We are based in Newcastle upon Tyne and offer bespoke Oral Surgery Techniques courses for dental practitioners to enhance their skills in oral surgery.



Course photos from the Introduction to dental implants day held at Jesmond Dene House on the 23rd of March 2019


Photos from the Introduction to augmentation day, held at Jesmond Dene House on the 9th of March 2019


Thanks everyone for coming to our Soft Tissue Pathology Day, To Michael James Hicks as always and to James R Allison for the photos.
The Jelly Tots as lesions to be biopsied were super fun, even if everyone was trying to eat them before I could get them in the chicken thighs!!!
Next up for us is the Introduction to Bone Augmentation with practicals on Minor Augmentation and Ridge Preservation. see you then!
... Thanks,
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Photos from the Soft Tissue Pathology day on the 16th February, covering oro-facial infection, non-suspicious lesions and sepsis. Practical elements on incision and drainage and biopsy technique.


So that was the complications of Exondontia Course. Thanks to everyone for attending. Next up Management of Soft Tissue Pathology!


Are you looking for some practical eCPD?
We have spaces remaining for the Complications of Exodontia session next week but there is only a maximum number of 10 delegates on this day.
Lectures include 'medical and social history update', 'complications of exodontia' and 'shared decision making' ... Practical sessions include MOS on a pig mandible, (with OAC management), dealing with bleeding sockets and venepunture.
Find us at, email us at or like and share us on facebook at StuDent: SJN Training Ltd
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So that was Surgical Exodontia for the GDP on Saturday! Thanks so much to all our delegates for helping to make the day a success.
Thanks to Jesmond Dene House for hosting and to Hu-Friedy, Trycare and W&H for all the support. Thanks also to James R Allison for all the photos, even if I still look bald on them.....
... If you missed us then, why not book to come along for our next day 'Complications of Extractions' on the second of February (including practicals on the surgical extraction of roots, OAC management, bleeding sockets and venepuncture).
We are limited to 10 delegates per day, but there are still spaces available.
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Just a casual flick through the dentistry magazine this morning. Ooh, that looks a good advert....


Surgical Extractions for the GDP Course 19/01/2019


Hi all,
Here is our column in this month! le-two-tiers/


It's only 2 weeks until our MOS for the GDP course at Jesmond Dene House, and spaces are still available.
if you are looking for some eCPD for 2019 the book now at!


Looks like we are officially one of’s trade partners!


Surgical Extractions for the GDP
Does the thought of a MOS fill you with dread or excitement?
We have spaces available for a Surgical Exodontia for the General Dental Practitioner eCPD day, Saturday 19th January 2019 at Jesmond Dene House in Newcastle upon Tyne.
... Come along and refresh those surgical skills, get your eCPD for the year off to a flying start and turn those surgicals into the best bit of the day in practice (well, it is for me anyway)!
Find us on Facebook at StuDent: SJN training Ltd or at or email us at for booking and our other courses.
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!!Black Friday Sale!!!
Are you feeling blue with the GDC registration fees and the cold, dark, wet days? Fed up with Black Friday deals that are no deal at all? Are you trying to figure out where 2019's eCPD will come from?
Why not cheer yourself up with £50 off each individual day on the Oral Surgery Techniques Course or combined £250 off for the whole 5 days.That's now £400 per day or just £1,750 for all 5 days!
... Sign up and receive up to 30 eCPD hours of practical surgical skills and relax in the knowledge that 2019's development is taken care of.
Offer is valid until Midnight Sunday 25th November 2018.
Find us at StuDent: SJN Training Ltd on Facebook, or or email us at
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Oooh, shiny! That's the fliers for the course arrived and winging their way to practices in the North of England.
There are only 2 months to go to the first date, if you are looking for eCPD in the New Year, come along and enhance your surgical skills!

More about Student: Sjn Training Ltd