Teesside Barbell Club

About Teesside Barbell Club

No Limits on your potential!

Teesside Barbell Club Description

Our mission is to bring strength and community together allowing determined individuals achieve awesome results.

We focus on training and education as we believe in the proverb 'Give a man a fish you'll feed him for a day, teach him to fish you'll feed him for a life time'.

By teaching our members we give them the confidence to train anywhere while getting awesome results and the body they sculpt along the way!

No limits on your potential!



It's hard to commit when you have self-doubt...
Have you ever felt so uncomfortable? Thinking everyone is watching and judging you...
Maybe they are 🤔
... I remember my first new job out of my apprenticeship...
💩 I was bricking it
Feeling like a fish out of water 🐡
What if...
😯 Those you think are judging are insecure about you being better than them?
...different perspective right 😏
I bet there's been a time you've been stuck because of fears from being uncomfortable and judged...
And then once you get over the initial fear it wasn't all that bad...
Why not try and see if it's a good fit?
What's really holding you back?
What if today is the day you change everything?
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You're not investing effort...
<<< >>>


If you remember one thing this year, remember this... 'NO one will ever know your body better than you!'
Are you starting something new this year?
Here's my reaction to most 'fitness/diet' regimes people tell me about... 'Merlin style'
... #ifyouknowyouknow
Don't go for the quick fix in 2019...
Don't opt for the restrictive living to achieve 20lbs weight loss...
Don't go for the short term pleasure, creating long term pain...
You can achieve results without killing yourself in the gym
You can achieve results without a shitty diet plan!
AND...You can achieve results without having to change your profile (I mean common...)
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Hope your all enjoying you’re fitness journey like our members 🙌🏼
Don’t go it alone 😔
You can achieve so much more with just:
... #####
Great training, simple nutrition, awesome community is all you need to achieve success in 2019!
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What a 6am group 🙌🏼 . 🔑 Starting 2019 with a community that supports and holds you accountable is key for success . We’ve made changes and modified the programme 👌🏼... . We’re looking to help double the number we did last year 🎯 . Were not for everyone, but those that work with us will see massive change and wicked results in 2019 💪🏼😬
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If I could go back now... I'd slap that kid! 🤬


We're not the right fit...
Is the pain of remaining the same greater than you fear for change?
Here's what you should do in 2019!
... === http://bit.ly/2s1lTDH ====
I've spoke to people all week on the phone
I've lost my voice and...I'm starting to sound like Batman
We've had a great week connecting with new member
...But unlike most gyms we didn't push a sale on everyone we spoke to
For some it's just not the right time or they weren't clear enough on their goals to be a good fit for the programme... and thats totally fine!
Our goal is not to sign every person up...
But giving everyone we connect with clarity and focus
We want you to get great results whether its with us or the facility down the road...
Our value is in being 100% transparent
Thats why we don't just have a...
...sign this form, put your bank details here, your membership number is #91902
Your progress matters to us, if it matters to you let's have a chat...
http://bit.ly/2s1lTDH ^^^click the link^^^
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There’s a problem with 10000 steps everyday 🤔
If you’re using this for a marker you could be living in the past
Here’s why...
... #########
👏🏼 Don’t get me wrong for getting you moving they’re great 👍🏼
Here’s the background:
10000 steps...about 5 miles or 8km
Was a marketing campaign in 1964! For the Tokyo 🇯🇵 Olympics
Apparently this is 500 extra calories burned per day 🙌🏼😲
Awesome! So we’re all going to be fit/healthy the end... 👎🏼
This isn’t the case...
Your body is really efficient at saving energy 🔋
So unless you increase your effort levels chances are you’ll just maintain your fitness
By increasing energy output you can burn more after you stop 😰
🗑 Don’t go throwing it away though... it’s good to get a kick up the 🍑 to move every now and then!
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😪 Same story different year…
❌ Exercise alone won’t help you lose weight
If like me and many others it’s time to shed the ‘Christmas Gut’ here’s a heads up!
... === http://bit.ly/2s1lTDH ===
Flocking to the gym in January? mazel tov 👏🏻
Starting a new diet in January? Awesome! 👏🏻
Chances are you’re all doing the right things…BUT!
1️⃣ You use exercise as a licence to overeat…
If you use online calculators to workout calories you’ll burn during your spin class with ‘Joe the half-arsed trainer’ chances are you overestimating 👎🏻
2️⃣ You're not tracking your diet...
Having ‘just 1 biscuit’ won’t harm progress right?… No, but the other 6 you stuffed in your mush while getting excited at Sally getting jumped on Corrie might 🤷🏻‍♂️
Truth be told you need both... but it's not as hard as you might think
You need some form of physical activity
You need effective methods to guide your CURRENT diet
You need accountability and support
…Maybe a good friend to bitch slap the custard creams out of your hand to help you focus 👌🏻
...But don't punch yourself in the face🥊
Look... In 2019 you’re aiming for a moving target! 🎯
💎 The more shots you take the closer you’ll get
My goal in 2019 is to double the number of people we helped in 2018. TAKE ACTION! 🎬
=== http://bit.ly/2s1lTDH ===
^^^^Click the link and let’s have a chat!^^^^
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🙏🏻 Do YOU struggle and hope for change?
***Limited Spaces and Time available***
... Are you someone that takes action and moves towards success?
=== http://bit.ly/2s1lTDH ===
Look I get it if you're struggling, I've been there
I struggled with weight throughout school,
💔 bullied because I didn't the 'ideal body' shape...
'Fat b*****d', 'fast mess' 'tree trunk legs'
You're told to ignore them, but the seed is planted 😔
It made me self-conscious, reclusive and hating social situations
I was always active, so I didn't understand why I was overweight... 😥
Hopefully you didn't experience anything like it...
🤗 I had a turning point though...
I love action movies... Especially Rocky 🥊
Following their extreme methods, I severely restricted the calories I was eating...
With sports I lost weight... and FAST! 😲
😱 My Teachers asked my friends if I was on drugs as I lost weight so quickly...
But I wasn't bothered I was determined!
I lost the weight, but my skin was 'saggy' 😩
😓 I started the gym, but had no clue what I was doing...
I only did what I saw other people doing
It took me years to figure it out doing it alone...
...10 years later (maybe a few more...) I got there ✊🏼
I finally understood what I have to do
I could have a parmo and a pint with friends (I've had one today) 😅
☺️ I didn't have to train 2 hours a day 7 days a week!
...And you can have it too!
The body you want without killing yourself!
And without restricting yourself!
Let me show you how!
=== http://bit.ly/2s1lTDH ===
Click the link let's have a chat!
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❤️ What our members are saying ❤️


✊🏻Let do it! Lets go! ✊🏻
✅ 2019 is the year everyone can achieve success!
What are you waiting for?
... =====http://bit.ly/2s1lTDH=====
Our members measurements are done following the holidays... AND THEY'VE LOST WEIGHT!
Claire even lost 6lbs 👏🏼
Many of you will want to get fit, tone up, lose weight and achieve more confidence right?
The first step is defining what you mean...
Getting FIT: how are you going to measure it?
TONE: how are you going to measure it?
WEIGHT: how will you know its fat lost and not muscle (⚖️🚫)
Let me help you gain clarity and focus to get the results you want in 2019...
I'm willing to speak to anyone serious about hitting their goals just click the link below
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Girls did you smash 2018? . Maybe you did 🤔 . Maybe you didn’t 🤷🏻‍♂️... . 📆 But here’s 2019 to allow you a fresh sense of possibilities... . 🏇🏼 If you’re looking to race out the blocks and achieve everything in 6 weeks... 🤦🏻‍♂️ you’ll likely spend the other 46 flipping between saying ‘I wasn’t that bothered’ 😕 to ‘I’ve always been like this’ . 🛑 It doesn’t matter what day or week you start. Just start and stay committed 👌🏼 . ✋🏼 Don’t wait till the perfect moment. Just start and work towards a goal, stay focused!👌🏼 . 💎 Sit down and write what you want as if you’re guiding and supporting a friend... then question why you want it? Why is that so important to you? What’s the cost of being stuck how you are currently? . Finally - write down how you would feel achieving that goal... I found this so hard not being an emotional soul 😅 But so clarifying to help me move forwards 🙌🏼
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Hannah’s first competition to today in Olympic lifting Snatch 40kg Clean & Jerk 55kg Total 95kg 🏋🏻‍♀️
Couldn’t be anymore proud of how well Hannah did today, roll on 2019 with plenty more moments like this 😊
... Thank you Barnsley Barbell for having us 💪
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Kirsty’s first competition in Olympic lifting Snatch 40kg Clean & Jerk 50kg Total 90kg 🏋🏻‍♀️
Couldn’t be anymore proud of how well Kirsty did today, roll on 2019 with plenty more moments like this 😊
... Thank you Barnsley Barbell for having us 💪
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Great little set up for weightlifting 🏋🏻‍♀️ 🏋🏻‍♂️


💎 Consistent Progress . I still love watching this. . 🤯Nerves get the better of us sometimes in life. .... 🔴🔴🔴 . During my last competition this year I aimed to start at 97kg. During my final warm up, 94kg I missed it twice 🤦🏻‍♂️ and I panicked... . I decided to start with 93kg. But I missed it, I managed it on the second attempt, it was so easy 🤷🏻‍♂️ I went up to 98kg after and it was even easier... so what happened? . 🧠 The mind is powerful. Most people don’t believe in themselves shying away from what we know will improve us. “I couldn’t do that”, “I’ll never be able to...” this isn’t limited to just lifting weights... . 💪🏼 Once I got used to standing in front of people I was able to perform. The first time is often difficult, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try 💎 . 🛑 You have the ability to do great things to lose that extra 5kg of weight, to feel more confident in your body, to look and feel great 👍🏼 . 🤷🏻‍♂️ So what are you waiting for?
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Hannah to is competing on Sunday in Barnsley for her first in-house comp
Big lifts getting smashed by her


Finally run through for Kirsty before her first in-house comp on Sunday in Barnsley
She’s going to smash it


Top coaching, great facility, warren is very knowledgable and his enthusiasm is clear to see


This place is awesome! I heard Zeus himself trains there!


Perfect gym for 1-1 or small groups training. Nice set up for all sports training. @TeessideBarbarians Powerlifting used it today for their Mock Meet. Enjoyed by all!! Thanks Warren


My favourite way to start the day! Since starting sessions with Warren a year ago I would never have thought my goals would have changed so much and would have been able to achieve what i have so far. The sky's the limit at TBC! ✊


Had a leg workout yesterday. Was a great workout and not only were we put through our paces he talked us through the techniques and why it's so important to get it right. Explaining common injuries and where a lot of people go wrong. Thanks for the great session �


Great set up with great equipment! Plenty of space to perform all exercises


Excellent facilities, plenty of bars, plates, and other equipment. Very much enjoyed lifting here!


Top coaching, great facility, warren is very knowledgable and his enthusiasm is clear to see


This place is awesome! I heard Zeus himself trains there!


Perfect gym for 1-1 or small groups training. Nice set up for all sports training. @TeessideBarbarians Powerlifting used it today for their Mock Meet. Enjoyed by all!! Thanks Warren


My favourite way to start the day! Since starting sessions with Warren a year ago I would never have thought my goals would have changed so much and would have been able to achieve what i have so far. The sky's the limit at TBC! ✊


Had a leg workout yesterday. Was a great workout and not only were we put through our paces he talked us through the techniques and why it's so important to get it right. Explaining common injuries and where a lot of people go wrong. Thanks for the great session �


Great set up with great equipment! Plenty of space to perform all exercises


Excellent facilities, plenty of bars, plates, and other equipment. Very much enjoyed lifting here!


Top coaching, great facility, warren is very knowledgable and his enthusiasm is clear to see


This place is awesome! I heard Zeus himself trains there!


Perfect gym for 1-1 or small groups training. Nice set up for all sports training. @TeessideBarbarians Powerlifting used it today for their Mock Meet. Enjoyed by all!! Thanks Warren


My favourite way to start the day! Since starting sessions with Warren a year ago I would never have thought my goals would have changed so much and would have been able to achieve what i have so far. The sky's the limit at TBC! ✊


Had a leg workout yesterday. Was a great workout and not only were we put through our paces he talked us through the techniques and why it's so important to get it right. Explaining common injuries and where a lot of people go wrong. Thanks for the great session �


Great set up with great equipment! Plenty of space to perform all exercises


Excellent facilities, plenty of bars, plates, and other equipment. Very much enjoyed lifting here!


Top coaching, great facility, warren is very knowledgable and his enthusiasm is clear to see


This place is awesome! I heard Zeus himself trains there!


Perfect gym for 1-1 or small groups training. Nice set up for all sports training. @TeessideBarbarians Powerlifting used it today for their Mock Meet. Enjoyed by all!! Thanks Warren


My favourite way to start the day! Since starting sessions with Warren a year ago I would never have thought my goals would have changed so much and would have been able to achieve what i have so far. The sky's the limit at TBC! ✊


Had a leg workout yesterday. Was a great workout and not only were we put through our paces he talked us through the techniques and why it's so important to get it right. Explaining common injuries and where a lot of people go wrong. Thanks for the great session �


Great set up with great equipment! Plenty of space to perform all exercises


Excellent facilities, plenty of bars, plates, and other equipment. Very much enjoyed lifting here!

More about Teesside Barbell Club

Teesside Barbell Club is located at Unit 2 Portrack Lane, TS18 2XB Stockton-on-Tees, United Kingdom