The Social Media Concierge

Monday: 09:00 - 18:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 18:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 18:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 18:00
Friday: 09:00 - 18:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About The Social Media Concierge

Hello there I am a Facebook Advertising Consultant. I live between the UK and Greece. I specialise in coaching small business owners how to use Facebook Advertising successfully.

The Social Media Concierge Description

So, the time has come!

You want to run your first Facebook ad for your company, right?


Oh I see - you're a seasoned grizzled veteran of the facebook ads world too? (waves at you)

Well, in either case - it's Claire here - The Social Media Concierge : )

Whether you're that newbie who's jusssst dipping their toe in the Facebook ads water, OR you're swimming against the constant Facebook tide of new features - I'm here to tell you all about my NEW Facebook Advertising School that will help you whatever your experience level or reason for wanting to run Facebook campaigns for your business.

"But Claire, what do I get in your Facebook Ads school? Isn't it just another Facebook course like, you know, all the bajillion others?"

Nope. Unlike other courses that you may have brought and that are sitting there on your hard drive gathering digital dust - in MY course, I focus ONLY on forensic step-by-step stuff. My videos are me taking you through eaaaaach step without assuming you know anything! I literally take you from zero to Facebook ads hero on topics such as:

* Understanding how to build and use custom audiences (NOT a small thing - and I show you all the latest methods! )

* Master advertising on Instagram (and yes, you want to be on instagram running ads, let me tell you! )

* How to create a high-converting ads funnel to grow your email lists and explode into a profitable source of income!

* Find out how to set up dynamic ads for multiple products (saaay whaaaaa. . . . ? Yeah, that's what the lectures explain! )

* Discover how to master the Power Editor and all it's hidden features (grown-ups use Power Editor. Leave the basics behind)

* Plus lots more.



How is everyone coping?


I totally understand that getting Facebook and Instagram ads to work for your business can be an absolute ball ache.
Pardon the French.
I've been there.
... They can be overwhelming and intimidating and I hear from business's every day that Facebook Ads make them want to poke their eyes out with a rusty spanner.
Okay maybe that's a slight stretch on the truth.
They’re afraid they are wasting money and don't know what to do.
Well that’s where I come in.
For the past 4 years I've helped thousands of business's grow fast.
I love what I do.
You only have to talk to me to see how passionate I am about online marketing.
Or as a friend says "I fry his brains every time I open my mouth".
I want to help you grow your audience and bring in more leads and sales.
All you have to do is book a one hour strategy call where I will help you develop a winning strategy plan.
No more wasting your money.
No more second guessing the way forward.
No more tearing your hair out.
No more sleepless nights..........
Simply email .uk with the headline STRATEGY ME PLEASEor drop me a DM.
Don't miss out.
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Coming soon.........
Lesson 1 of Facebook Ads Mastermind Program.
Creating your tracking pixels.... What are standard event pixels. How to set up event pixels. What sort of conversions can you track.
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Top of the funnel ad campaigns.
Here is an example of a really high converting video ad campaign that was used for a retargeting campaign into a sales funnel.
This resulted in 17k worth of sales in a 3 month period.


This is a client who's still working on building her audience and email list.
Leads are coming in at around 45p each.
Happy with that.


Finish this sentence. "In quarantine I have been..." Let your predictive text finish it.


Happy with this campaign for a free #leadmagnet into a #salesfunnel


Facebook has released some new testing tools.
How will you use them?


Happy with this lead generation ad.
1600 leads in last 30 days.
People are still buying low ticket offers.
... What do you have that you could turn into a low ticket offer?
Ebooks. Check lists. Video trainings.
Why not bundle them up into a package you can sell and use something like Thinkific or Teachable to store the content?
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I've been getting a lot of questions about whether you should be running FB Ads right now.
YES! Of Course!
1. Ads costs are currently running at the same costs or in some instances lower.
... Some of our clients are currently seeing their cost per lead drop.
There are currently more people stuck at home and scrolling through Facebook so more people are seeing your ads.
Low cost offers seem to be working really well at the moment.
People are bored and looking for something to do so if you have online fitness courses or educational content at a low entry price, you will likely see sales.
2. Ad reviews are taking a lot longer so be prepared.
If you've been thinking about running ads and have been putting it off this is actually a great time to run ads to a FREE opt-in with an upsell product.
I've got a brand new interactive Facebook Ads Program launching on how to grow your email lists + generate leads for your online programs.
Sign up here >> online-lead-gener…/
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What have you done to restructure or pivot your business to still attract leads and sales?


So a few people have asked me if I can run a group training on Facebook Ads for lead generation.
I'll have the sales page and launch date up tomorrow


Facebook Ads training for selling online products/services coming soon!
Who's in?


Just for fun.


When this is all over what's first thing you are gonna do?When this is all over what's first thing you are gonna do?


Guys keep an eye on your ads accounts as Facebook is randomly disabling accounts in error.
Hi Claire,
We reviewed the business account again and determined that access to advertising was incorrectly disabled. Any of its Ad accounts or Ads that were affected will return to their previous status.
... We apologize for any inconvenience.
Thanks, The Facebook Business Team
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Hey Guys.
How's everyone bearing up?
Anything you need help with?


Here's an example of a clients ads who are giving away a free lead magnet to grow their email list.
Leads are costing 40p ish on average in GBP.
Cost per conversion has dropped significantly in the last 7 days.
... My biggest tip right now would be to grow your audience and get your content in front of them.
STAY visible.
STAY top of mind.
When this is all over you will have a list of people hungry for your services.
An example.
If you're a personal trainer.
Give away a free workout then up sell them to your new online fitness programs.
As always you can book a strategy call with me for £99 to show you how to build a sales funnel and set your ad up.
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More about The Social Media Concierge

Monday: 09:00 - 18:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 18:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 18:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 18:00
Friday: 09:00 - 18:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -