Verbal Remedy

About Verbal Remedy

A zine-making, petition-signing blog and multimedia project about taboo issues. Founded in 2013.

Verbal Remedy Description

A zine-making, petition-signing blog and multimedia project about taboo issues.



"Quite contrary to its title, there is nothing archaic or ‘traditional’ about Francis Lee’s feature length debut. There are familiar faces and themes alike, but in its new territory God’s Own Country exceeds in being an unashamed (and not always beautiful) portrayal of unlikely growth, self-discovery, and radical acceptance."


"in making the coaching call, in the midst of a match she was playing against a newcomer who looked likely to beat her fair and square, the umpire insinuated that Serena was herself not playing fair and square. That made her livid. And one thing black women are never allowed to be without consequence is livid."


When it comes to any sexual interaction, consent is always key. But it's not always clear cut or explicit, and it's this Derby film producer Emmeline Kellie is aiming to tackle with her new film, Keep Breathing - Short Film. We spoke to Emmeline about the importance of discussion and awareness around consent.
In return for some exciting rewards, you can donate and help make this film a reality. Awareness around consent is one of Verbal Remedy's big areas, and if you agree with the need for continued discussion around consent, or want to more about the project, check out their Crowdfunder at:


Have you used Natural Cycles or a similar app before?


And she's donating it all to schemes that get more women into science.


"When I had a meltdown a few months ago, I didn’t look to see who had recently written a performative social media post. I went to my friends who would cope with the real side of mental illness – the ones who wouldn’t mind that I hadn’t showered, wouldn’t mind that I’d barely open the door wide enough for them to get in and hadn’t got any food other than dried pasta."


"When one of us is arrested, the full force of the support network springs into action to provide support, therapy, care packages, healing herbal concoctions, job help, language classes, self defence clubs, medical training, free food, dog walking, and other resources."


When was the last time you felt truly listened to?


"It’s particularly egregious when you consider how prevalent the ‘Time to Talk’ narrative has become in recent years: the idea that to get help for your mental health you merely have to ask for it. When help isn’t there, what are you even asking for?"


And's Guardian Weekend takeover looks amazing! Make sure you pick up a copy and support them 🙌💜


How did you find episode 3 of our podcast? If you haven't listened yet, don't miss out on us chatting with Dave Chawner about his new book and upcoming Edinburgh Fringe tour!


'It’s not necessarily front-page news when a man kills his wife – and acknowledging the misogynistic violence that drives such a crime is, seemingly, not newsworthy. It’s far better, far newsier if the crime can be tied to money worries, infidelity, child-custody arrangements, even a vague “he just snapped”. '


"This ideal of persistence to earn love is solidified in many movies and is often portrayed in a very romantic light. We see these tropes again and again in films. Dangerous behaviour which would be punished in normal society (ie peeping, stalking etc) is considered romantic on the big screen and often plays a big role in the protagonists falling in love."


"The detective asked whether I’d like to return the kitten and get my money back. They might as well have asked if I’d like some human poo in my tea. LORD no. If I could turn back time, I wouldn’t change a thing — except perhaps kicking the scammer in the shins on her way out."


"A voice is a human gift; it should be cherished and used, to utter fully human speech as possible. Powerlessness and silence go together" - Margaret Atwood
In our third podcast of the year, we look at what it means to 'find your voice', and the measures we have to take to get it heard.

More about Verbal Remedy