Watergate Runners

Monday: -
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: -
Thursday: -
Friday: -
Saturday: -
Sunday: 09:00 - 10:30

About Watergate Runners

A free Sunday morning running session starting at Watergate Cafe for all abilities and ages 12 + .
Run by an experienced and EA qualified run leader



Nice little run through the woods today and lots of smiley faces this morning. For a bit of variety we also did some strength and conditioning exercises. Well done everyone. Next week is last session before Easter break, so hope to see you all there.


Third leg of our 2019 challenge today, some great progress being made by the group. Well done everyone. Also a warm welcome to Roxy and Jo our 2 newest members - hope to see you next week for a more relaxed session.


Today is International Day of Happiness. Physical activity has been shown to have positive effects on mental wellbeing. Whether it’s release of endorphins into the blood or just meeting up with a group of like minded people to have a bit of fun, running will help improve your mood. Think about it, when have you ever seen a photo of a grumpy runner? 😆 Come and join us every Sunday for an hour of happiness 😄


Nice and sunny this morning but a tad windy. Great little hill session which everyone managed really well. We had a go at the triangle dance as a warm up, some interesting results! Also a big welcome to Kate and Gayle our newest members, both did fantastic and we hope to see you again next week.


Happy Wednesday everyone. Who was lucky enough to get a Blaydon Race entry last night? Full marks for surviving the stress if you did 😁


A little wet weather wasn’t enough to stop our intrepid runners this morning. Hill reps today, but downhill reps! Good for getting the pace going and getting used to putting the power down making the most of gravity. Please next week someone remind me to get some photos of you guys in action, I’m hopeless 🙄


Blaydon Race update - finally a confirmed entry date. Also a shorter course, so if you’ve been put off before by distance this is your opportunity to do a Blaydon Race -lite 😆!


Lovely run this morning, no drills, no sprints just a nice relaxed run with a slight change of scenery and good weather too. We still had to contend with a few hills but everyone did fantastic.


Today was leg 2 of our 2019 challenge, excellent efforts all around and some immediate and significant improvements - well done. You all worked me so hard I didn’t get any photos, apart from the cones in the mist waiting your arrival 😆 see you all next week


Lovely sunny day today and a nice gentle (gentle to moderate!) session. Excellent efforts all round, well done everyone. A warm welcome to Paul and Jayne our newest members, hope to see you again next week. Remember next week is the second leg of our 2019 challenge. And I also remembered to take some photos of our lovely runners in action


Lots of intervals today, lots and lots but excellent effort by everyone. Really hard session but lots of smiles still afterwards - well done everyone and also a welcome to Chris and Taryn (hope I’m spelling correctly)our newest members. See you all next week and remember we have a club page on Strava now so you can record all your mid-week runs.


Hopefully something we will never have to worry about at Watergate!!
Colorado runner kills cougar in self-defence after attack http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada -47136308


For those of you interested, we have created a Watergate Runners club on Strava. If you want to join just search for the club and request to join. Any runs you record on Strava will then go towards the clubs weekly mileage, and you can keep an eye on other members to see who gets a sneaky few runs in through the week 😁🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️


Hi everyone, sorry for the late post as I’ve been in kielder all day today. I’ve just been to inspect the park and given that it’s covered in snow and temperatures are due to stay low tonight, we are going to cancel tomorrow’s session. Better to give it a miss than risk a broken wrist or ankle. So enjoy the lie in and hopefully we’ll be on next week. Thanks


What a great effort from everyone today. We did pyramid intervals on hills with the wind in our face - “tough” doesn’t quite to do it justice. But everyone did fantastic managing to keep up with the pace and rack up an amazing 5k (3 miles) plus the warm up run. We’ll have a gentler session next week...maybe😄


I joined Monday Night Runners tonight at Blaydon track. A great session for all abilities and a friendly bunch too. The cost of the track is shared between everyone who attends (so the more runners the cheaper it is). Next session is 28th January, unfortunately I can’t make it but would definitely recommend to anyone looking for a good Monday night session.


What a great session this morning, we started our 2019 challenge with great efforts put in by everyone. Total distance covered was 3 miles, with hard effort put in by everyone over a predefined 0.2 mile distance. Let’s see what improvements we can make over the coming year. Also a big warm welcome to Gillian, our newest member. See you all next week.


We are a small friendly running group, who welcome all abilities and ages from 12+. Check out our Runtogether page
https://groups.runtogether.co.uk/Watergat eRunners
Sunday sessions are free to attend and start outside Watergate cafe @ 09:30 with a fun warm up after which we go around the park. Sessions are designed around individuals whether you’re aiming for a PB, wishing to lose weight or just want to get fitter.
... All sessions are taken by an EA qualified run leader.
We aim to be accessible to all and are happy to discuss individual needs to identify how we can modify sessions to accommodate anyone who wants to run.
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More about Watergate Runners

Watergate Runners is located at c/o Watergate Cafe CIC, Watergate Park, Consett Rd, Lobley Hill, NE11 0AN Gateshead
Monday: -
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: -
Thursday: -
Friday: -
Saturday: -
Sunday: 09:00 - 10:30