White Feather Therapy

About White Feather Therapy

A bespoke programme of therapy suitable for anxiety, depression and more, Or simply a desire to know yourself and maximize your potential in life.



Do you have find yourself in a situation at work or socially where you lack confidence or feel anxious or doubt yourself? Chances are it’s an old feeling from your inner child replaying due to a trigger. Being able to self soothe and give yourself a moment to find that resilient adult can make a world of difference. Have a great day ❤️


Too true ❤️


Something that we rarely realise


Interesting 😊


Absolutely ❤️


Do you ever find yourself just singing song lyrics in your head but you know you haven’t just heard it, or maybe you have and you just can’t get certain lines out of your head? Try listening to the song and see if it resonates with how you currently feel. Our subconscious can have a real clear way of telling us stuff when we’re not in a place to recognize it ❤️. Have a great day x


Such a powerful image. Looking within holds the power for change. ❤️


A great quote from a book I would recommend everyone read. “ Feel the fear and do it anyway” Susan Jeffers.


The start of a new year is a great way to instill hope and positivity. Believing that you can achieve whatever you set your mind to is the groundwork we all need, remove those self limiting beliefs. However, getting to today is because you’ve survived, and sometimes this is all we can ask of ourselves. Be kind to yourselves everybody and happy new year 😊


Never a truer word ....


This can be a difficult time of year on the run up to Christmas for some, for many different reasons.. Maybe you’re just not feeling in the happy festive mood that the media likes to portray you should. Make sure the words you offer yourself are kind and soothing and remind yourself you are doing the best you can. Be the voice you need to hear ❤️


How many times have you heard statements like “ we are a long line of men with anger in our family” or “ all the women in my family are fiery”.. even down to “ oh you’re just like your dad/mum. Have you already been set limitations because of expectations? It’s your choice to take back your power and be whoever you choose to be .. have a great day ❤️


... and if you can’t, there’s always therapy 😁

More about White Feather Therapy

White Feather Therapy is located at Newcastle upon Tyne