
Monday: 06:00 - 22:00
Tuesday: 06:00 - 22:00
Wednesday: 06:00 - 22:00
Thursday: 06:00 - 22:00
Friday: 06:00 - 22:00
Saturday: 08:00 - 20:00
Sunday: 08:00 - 20:00



Well I'm absolutley loving this place. Great choice of classes and the instructors are the best. If you haven't tried it you should you won't be disappointed. Speak as you find, and I am :)


Love this gym. Great equipment and loads of it. Great team there. Steven Egglestone is a great trainer and reception Jamie lee is a legend. Can't thank them all enough. 3 stone off so far and loving it. #eatcleantraindirty


I love this place everyone is very friendly its not the staffs fault if you get a fine or have trouble with harlands they are third party companies and have there own policies just like any other busines. They are there to help us to become fit and healthy, i have lost over 2st because of their support and kindness. I would recommend them to anyone!


Loads of space, equipment and extensive free weights area. The classes are pretty good too. The staff are generally fine, although I do think they could be a bit more attentive to things like, people doing stupid things on the machines and members leaving free weights all over the shop. But I guess folks should put them away themselves, to be fair.


It's good for what you pay plenty of classes and equipment. Car park a bit frantic at peak times and music isn't bad as well so in all not a bad gym.


I pay for three full gym memberships. And I turned up one day with my daughter and the machine was down. I failed to see the notice asking me to report it to reception. I received a fine. The gym printed me out a appeal

Form. Showing me there that day and a member. Yet they asked for ten pounds. Re appealed and now at 150. Which I am

Taking to citizens advice. As pay 3 full gym subscriptions and took months disgraceful


Your customer service is shocking. I'm trying to get in touch because, like other members who have cancelled, I've received a text threatening debt collectors even though I've cancelled my membership and everything is paid up to date. Now I can't get through on the phone to anyone. Do not join this gym is my message to anyone looking at the reviews on here - wherever you are.


This place is a joke. Put your reg in their machine and you still get parking fines!!! When we complained we were told it would be reduced but it appears they are passing on the parking company’s admin fees when it’s their machine that doesn’t work!! Steer clear of this gym obviously don’t care about their members at all.


The general manager is a waste of space. I've been trying to cancel my membership for 4 months. He rang Harlands who told him I'd served my 12months contract and it wasnt a rolling contract.I didn't owe any money. Now after 4 months several texts and phone calls plus two letters I'm still no further forward. The general manager (Duncan ) told me to ignore the texts and the letters that he would sort it. I never got a copy of there terms or conditions as I signed up when they were in the Cornmill. I no for a fact there's been lots of people having the same problem. They need to sort there staff out and there manager. He was very rude to me when I phoned him.


So we've just received a parking charge notice for our car, which supposedly 'was parked in a manner whereby the driver became liable for a parking charge'.. if I remember rightly this was on a day where that stupid registration number computer was broke and we had to hand write it down on a piece of paper. Seems like someone at Xercise4Less isn't doing there job properly! The company is going to be gutted when they start loosing customers over this! Oh yeah and am I f@#k going to being paying it!


Sick of the Darlington Branch sending me spam text messages.

Someone used my details in an attempt to get discount on their subscription, I reported this when I received the 1st message and was assured it would stop, it didn't, so I called back and was assured again but today I continue to receive more messages.

I have been contacting this branch since the beginning of 2017 to request they stop the message but they are still sending them.

I spoke to Duncan today, the general manager, who refused to assist me and hung up the phone twice.

I am told the gym is an excellent location if you want to purchase steroids but for all other purposes I would stay well away and do not give them any of your personal details - they make a mockery of the Data Protection Act and god knows what other laws that govern this industry.



Omg. I'm having issues with harlands. I had loads of problems and not been to the gym after getting the year for free and forgetting when I was due to start paying. They cancelled my DD after not paying and then apparently tried again and failed. There was no ey on the bank on the day they apparently tried the second time. If I want to start again I have to pay £25 per missed payment and a year up front. If I just not pay anything and not go back what will happen. That is ridiculous. I like the gym but harlands is shite!!!!!!!!!


Nothing but trouble trying to cancel membership, 3 months later being told i owe them 104 pounds. Do not join this place ever!!!!!


Not even a month into my contract and conned out of £25 �and Harland's are used here, surprise surprise


Just joined this gym and been this morning before work - found after my workout that none of the showers are working due to no hot water! The girl on the desk said they'd not been working for 2 weeks (as if that means I should have known), so why didn't I get informed about this when joining?? You are cheap and I'm not expecting special equipment but your basic facility of a SHOWER isn't working. Thank God my work has a shower or I would have had to go home for one and been over an hour late! Terrible that the only sign you have for this is on the actual shower cubicles. Girl on the desk didn't apologise, just acted as if it was my fault for not knowing. Also told me you don't have a manager but looking at some of the comments it seems you do? Anyway pretty shocking tbh, considering cancelling my membership and I expect all my money back.


I'll be avoiding the Darlington gym I think. The car park is inadequate for the number that need to use it, and the predatory parking charge regime is disgusting. The car park is not routinely abused at all, its just an excuse to trip busy people who are doing nothing wrong.


I lost my job recently and now since I’ve proved I’m not earning anything I’m just over a month gone and I’m being threatened with people from debt company’s. Well I’ve cancelled due to no money and if they come to my door I’ll be kicking some arse


I cancelled my membership with xercise4less in Darlington and it’s been nothing but trouble.

Firstly, I am shocked at how they expect you to re contact them after 30 days of cancelling your contract if they have failed to process your cancellation and get back in touch with you.

Secondly, even though I have payed my full 12 month contract they have repeatedly sent me letters claiming I owed them money which has increased in value each letter. It was then passed onto a debt collecting company who harass me with phone calls, text messages, emails and letters even though I did not give xercise4less permission to pass on my personal information.

Thirdly, I have been issued a parking ticket because I failed to input my registration into the machine on entry during my last month of membership. This has been issued because the gym told the parking company I was no longer a member.

In conclusion I have been pestered by the gym, a debt collecting company and a parking ticket company for the past 8 months and I have no hope that this will stop anytime soon. I will never sign up to any of their gyms anywhere in the country and I will continue to inform everyone I know about the lack of communication and knowledge within the company’s staff.


Ended up costing me 45 pound to eventually cancel my membership, poor poor gym.

More about Xercise4Less

Xercise4Less is located at John St, DL1 1LG Darlington, Co Durham
Monday: 06:00 - 22:00
Tuesday: 06:00 - 22:00
Wednesday: 06:00 - 22:00
Thursday: 06:00 - 22:00
Friday: 06:00 - 22:00
Saturday: 08:00 - 20:00
Sunday: 08:00 - 20:00