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Acethetics is about changing your life for the better, to become the best version of yourself.
Finding the perfect balance between health and lifestyle.



Today's Post is about the mistake while using the treadmill at an incline,
Walking or running on a treadmill at an incline position (keeping the speed same) helps you to burn more calories in the same amount of time or the same calories in a shorter time. This is one strategy used by people to achieve their cardio or caloric deficit goals. The science behind this is, your body exerts more force in order to move itself up the slope.
A common mistake that most people make on t...he treadmill is while using it on an incline position. In the normal position (no incline/horizontal), your body is perpendicular to the treadmill and the indication of calories burnt on the display is a closer estimate to what you are actually burning (fig. 1). When you incline the treadmill and start walking on it in the same perpendicular manner, the machine calculates more calories according to the predefined formula set in its system. However in reality, you are not burning those calories as you are still walking in perpendicular to the treadmill (fig. 2).
To use the incline position correctly and make the most of your cardio session on the treadmill, make sure to keep your body vertical even when the treadmill is in an incline position. This will help you burn more calories in reality. Also, the calories burnt shown on the display of the treadmill will be a closer estimate to what you are actually burning (fig. 3).
Hope this post helped you to understand how to use the incline position of the treadmill correctly and avoid the same mistake everyone else makes.
Like and share this with your friends/family as this mistake is more common than you would imagine.
Have a great day!
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Acethetics is looking to give 7 individuals the opportunity to transform their physique and their lives in the next 10 weeks for FREE.
You might wonder WHY?
It is very straightforward, we are looking for reviews and testimonials to showcase our credibility on our fitness page.
... To lose weight or lean bulk, there are 3 steps: 1. IIFYM – flexible approach with nutrition, allowing you to eat ANYTHING you want 2. A systematics training program based on YOUR preference 3. A good guide to show you the right habit and tricks to STICK to your program
The good news is, Acethetics is giving you all 3! All you need to get started is drop in a message. We will work together over the next 10 weeks to help you get closer to your goal. All the information and guidance will be provided online, hence location does not matter.
To be completely honest and transparent, you will not end up looking like the Instagram fitness models as they have put in years of hard work to build that physique, however, you will end up being a better, healthier and fitter version of yourself.
In the process, you will learn a lot about losing weight or gaining muscle (the correct way) and you will be able to apply this even after we are finished (also absolutely FREE).
If you are ready to stop jumping from diet to diet and want to start doing something that works, then drop in a message. You might be anxious or nervous about this challenge, nevertheless, you don’t need to be as you will learn everything along the way. All the successful people started somewhere, so let’s get you started.
Only the first 7 applications will be going through this life-changing process, so hurry up and drop us a message!
Thank you for your time and consideration to read this post and look forward to helping you.
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Myth/Tip Monday is here.
Today's topic is: Working out every day (all 7 days of the week) makes you strong and fit faster.
... Most people who start their fitness journey and begin working out are very excited and hyped to reach their fitness goals. This excitement gets transferred to the gym as they become dedicated and disciplined with their workout routines and schedules. They often cannot wait to hit the gym and eagerly wait for their next workout. While this dedication and discipline creates a fire within people, they often tend to workout every day as the energy levels are high. They do not take any days off from working out and this is what prevents most people from achieving their end goal.
Lets first understand why rest days are essential; working out in the gym is a process of muscle breakdown, you are breaking down muscle fibers and tissues in your body so that it undergoes a repair process. This is the body’s way of adapting to incorporate the new weightlifting/healthy lifestyle and become stronger. The body normally undergoes the repair process when resting and/or in deep sleep. Hence, it is very important to incorporate at least one rest day within the training schedule to avoid fatigue and help the muscles recover completely from the stress of training; energizing the body for the next week of exercise.
Hence, no matter how tempting it is to workout every day in the beginning, you should always pace yourself by taking rest days, so that you don’t burn out and end up quitting before achieving the goal.
Side note, rest days are not the same as cheat days.
If you already knew this then you were on the right path, but if you did not, then you should consider incorporating this into your training schedule as it makes a big difference.
Hope this informed you. Like and comment your thoughts and opinions, and share with your friends/family.
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Hello everyone! We have been gone for a while but are back to support you, bust myths and help you get closer to your goals!
Today's myth is: When you are trying to get fit or start going to the gym, you need to buy supplements like protein powders and fat burners to get results.
... This myth is completely untrue. There are only two weapons you require in your arsenal, exercise and control of nutrition.
Protein powders are a good supplement to meet your daily dietary protein targets, however at the end of the day, they still are supplements and are called so for a reason; to be supplemented with your main diet. You should try to get your main dose of protein from whole foods like chicken and meat because these foods are natural and contain some amount of micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) in them. Supplements on the other hand do not contain any micronutrients and do not fill you up to satisfy the feeling of hunger; merely a means to reach those target macro numbers.
Fat burners on the other hand are a complete waste. They work on the principal of raising you body's temperature to burn fat. This however, does not mean that you can sit on a couch and pop these pills to see the change. The change is very marginal. Pro bodybuilders and physique competitors use these supplements to give them a very slight advantage against the people they are competing and make a difference between the 1st and 2nd place ranks.
There are many other products like pre-workouts, creatine, beta-alanine and many more. However, these are not at all essential for you to reach your targets. If you have the money to spend, then you can buy these supplements, but do your research before buying the products as many items are just a marketing strategy by the suppliers to sell more products.
Hope this helped you and saved you from spending a fortune on supplements. Like and comment your thoughts. Share with your friends/family.
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Myth/Tip Mondays is here.
Today's myth is: Muscle soreness. If you are not sore the next day, your workout was not hard/good enough.
... Research: Soreness is inflammation and a chemical response to inflammation by the body. When you workout after a long time, your body and muscles are not used to that kind of work and hence you feel sore the next day. Also, working out does not directly build muscle or strength, it breaks your muscles down. The repair process (includes a good diet) is what helps you build muscle and is your body's mechanism to tolerate and be ready for that kind of load or work, the next time you train.
The only way you should measure progress is by how close you are to your goals. There are Olympic athletes who have not felt soreness in years, this does not mean they are not training hard enough. It just means that their body is used to training and progressive overload.
If you hit a PR (personal best) and do not feel sore the next day, it does not mean you did not expend enough energy, it just means that you spent the right amount of it.
Judging your progress with soreness and pain threshold is not correct. Remember this, the next time you try to kill your workout.
Have a great day and remember to like and share with your friends/family.
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Good morning,
Today's Myth is: Sweating means you are burning fat from the body.
... Research: Sweat has nothing to do with the intensity or burning fat. If you sweat more during a workout, does not mean that you are burning fat or calories. Sweating is a method for the body to cool itself when it gets heated, like during a workout or during a warm day. It is also the body's way of getting rid of toxins. Fat is oxidized and broken down inside our body and we cannot notice or observe it. Fat does not vaporize when we sweat it out. People do lose a small amount of weight by sweating (like professional athletes before the weigh-in for a fight) in a sauna or a sauna suit, but that is merely water weight from your body and is very easy to regain once you are well hydrated. So the next time you go into an air conditioned gym and do not sweat or sweat very little, does not mean you are having a bad workout. Also, working out in a very hot or humid gym with sweat dripping down your gym gear does not mean that you are pushing yourself hard and having the best workout ever! However, it could be used to mentally motivate ourselves.
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Myth/Tip Mondays is here,
Today's Myth is: Running for long distances is the only way to get in shape.
... Research: Running is a form of cardiovascular exercise which helps you burn calories. While people often go on long runs early in the morning, late at night or for hours on the treadmill in order to loose weight, it is not necessary. Running as an exercise for cardio is effective, however, if its done everyday, you may notice that you are often tired or your joints hurt. With the gym becoming a place that you loath and hate. To loose weight/fat, your body needs to be in a caloric deficit and running is not the only way to achieve it. Walking for an hour is also a form of cardio, while you don't feel like you have exerted any energy or are tired doesn't change the fact that you have burned calories.
Hence, other fun and easy ways of doing cardio include walking, swimming, cycling, martial arts or any sport. While these methods are effective ways of doing cardio, cardio should be used as a tool to create a greater caloric deficit. If you can achieve your caloric/macro-nutrient goals without cardio, then why do the extra work!
Hope this information helps. Share it with your friends/family.
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Myth/Tip Mondays is back,
Today's Myth is: I can spot reduce my problem areas like abs or thighs (also known as targeted fat loss)
... Research: Some of you might believe that spot reduction of fat on the abdomen or thigh region is possible by training them regularly, others might have a totally opposite belief that spot reduction is not possible at all without surgery / liposuction because the body draws fat from different regions at different rates according to each individuals genetic makeup. So lets have a look at what the literature says; It makes intuitive sense to says that your body would pull fat for energy from nearby sources, for example, if you are training arms then why would you body pull fat from your legs. To answer this question lets go into deeper depth of what fat is and how it is burned. Fat inside the fat cells is in the form of Triglycerides, but muscles cannot use this directly and must be broken down into glycerol and free fatty acids which then goes into the blood stream. This means that any fat used for energy is going to be pulled from the blood stream in general and not from specific areas surrounding that muscle. So this suggest that fat can be burned from anywhere in your body not only from targeted regions. But before we can say that this myth is busted, a new research last year from University of Rome in Italy says otherwise. It used a 12 week training program where one group only trained upper body with low intensity cardio and the other only trained lower body with low intensity cardio. The result, was that the first group saw considerable fat reduction in upper body rather than lower body and the other group saw the same fat reduction for lower body rather than upper body, with both groups losing equal total body fat.
Hence, even though there is one research suggesting that spot reduction is possible with low intensity cardio right after the exercise, it is not well established and the fitness industry still remains skeptical. As the pillars for fat loss which are caloric deficit and progressive resistance training still remain.
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Here is some motivation for you to accomplish your dreams.
Life is going to throw many obstacles in your path, but what you decide to do in spite of that truly defines who you are. So, STOP being a victim and START being a winner.


Myth/Tips Mondays is here.
Today's Myth is: Cardio. You have to do cardio if you want to loose weight/fat.
... Research: Cardio is a means of burning calories by doing exercise and elevating your heart rate. However, weight/fat loss comes down to the simple fact of calories-in vs calories-out (what you eat vs what your body burns for energy). This can be accomplished by controlling your diet. The human body needs a basic amount of food to sustain itself also known as Maintenance Calories. Consuming more than the maintenance helps in weight gain and consuming less helps in weight loss. Simply putting your body in a caloric deficit (consuming less calories) is more than enough to loose weight. That being said, working-out and exercising are essential if you want to tone/define your body and muscles.
Hence, cardio is not necessary for weight loss. However, it should be used as a tool to create a greater deficit for your body. If you start with doing 45-60 mins of cardio everyday, you are already exerting your body to a lot of work and this also leaves no room for incorporating more sessions as per your progress.
Start by controlling your diet and incorporating 1-2 cardio sessions per week. As the progress builds-up, you can start incorporating more sessions per week. This is a more sustainable approach where you do not tire yourself out or get bored of exercising.
Share this with your friends/family to help them out as well.
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Myth/Tips Mondays is here.
Today's Myth is: Carbs are bad. Eliminate them from you diet to lose weight.
... Research: Any kind of food in excess (even clean/healthy foods) will make you gain weight, it is important that you understand the caloric intake of your body. Calories are broken down into three Macro-nutrients, namely Carbohydrates, Fats and Protein. For an average human, the body can absorb a range of 0.8 to 1.2 g of protein per pound of body-weight and is important for muscle recovery and retention during training. Fats get a bad reputation as well and people are normally afraid of them, however, fats are essential for your body to function properly and have a good hormone balance. An average body requires fats in the range of 50 to 60 g of the total calories. Coming to carbs, after deciding the protein and fat content, the remaining calories can be utilized by carbs. Carbs are essential for providing you with the daily energy required by your body. While you can get away with eating donuts and sweets if they fit into your macros. It is better for you to get your carbs from fibre rich sources like fruits and veggies, wholemeal bread, oats and so on. This is so because, simple carbs (aka white bread, sweets, etc) have a tendency to spike your insulin levels which gives a signal to your brain to stop burning fat for energy as outside sources have arrived. Hence you may be better off with complex crabs (oats, brown rice, wholemeal bread, etc) as they release energy slowly throughout the day without spiking the insulin levels and you get to eat a lot of it, feeling full/satisfied.
Hence, the myth that you need to stay away from carbs to lose weight is not completely true. Losing weight all comes down to being in a caloric deficit (consuming slightly less calories than what your body requires).
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Get ready for Myth Busting Mondays where health, fitness and training tips will be posted for you, to incorporate them into your life.
Enough of quick fixes and easy way outs that do not do you any good, we will be focusing on information that actually works and gives guaranteed and sustainable results.
So if you know someone who can benefit from this, spread the word and let them know.
... Also, if someone is serious about their fitness journey, drop in a message where you will be provided with personalized Macro-nutrients breakdown (Caloric Intake) and Workout programme (Training) absolutely FREE.
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85 to 60 kgs !!! Weight is just a number ...