Alternative Therapy Clinic

About Alternative Therapy Clinic

Alternative Therapy Clinic. Are doctors not helping you enough? Come and visit me, an experienced practitioner in a wide variety of alternative therapies. Send me a quick email or give me a ring to discuss what you need.

Alternative Therapy Clinic Description

Welcome to the Alternative therapy clinic Facebook page.
Hello my name is Stephen MacAllan and i have been a practitioner in alternative medicine for a good 30 years.
I specialise in:

1. Acupuncture
2. Herbalism
3. Vega Testing
4. Angelic Reiki
5. Kosmed

If you would like to learn more about these treatments then feel free to browse my website - http://www. stephenmacallan. co. uk /


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Frequencies kill cancer cells. Rife knew/proved that in 1931. _U


The polio vaccine really works. Here's the proof - it's called re-labelling......! Eyes open.…/ 491000-children-par…/


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Autism; it may not be just the vaccines! It may be a multiplicity of toxic factors, including but not limited to vaccines. DDT is still knocking around, banned in many places, but not all, for over 30 years! Eyes open!…/20 18/…/180816081500.htm


Perhaps we should use our veg peelings to soak our other veg and cleanse them........Eyes open…/20 18/…/180801160001.htm

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I have been saying this for 30 years - get out there, get sun on your skin, no sunscreen! All the time. Every day. Control/avoid burning by timing. The more sun you get the less you will burn. And the less chance that you will get cancer!…/america-is-getting-t he-science-of-sun-ex…


A big eyes open! To the parents of teenagers.


Stephen is a really Great Practitioner. His qualifications and vast experience I truly respect. Above all that Stephens dedication, integrity, listening skills and compassion are his awesome qualities. If your body is suffering - do go and consult Stephen :)


Stephen has an immense knowledge in Alternative Therapies. We were recommended his services by a friend and have had fantastic results since starting to see him. Our whole family have been seen by him and helped in a variety of ways through Vega testing, Allergy issues and Acupuncture. Brilliant.


My 13 year old son has had hay fever for most of his life, his summers were spent dosed up with anti histamines and laying on the sofa with cold flannels on his face to ease very swollen eyes. He is a very sporty boy and it made summer cricket a real trauma to watch as a parent as he struggled away all game until his eyes swelled up to the point he could not carry on. We saw Stephen for a vega test and review and he treated my son for heavy metal poisoning (a simple potion to be taken daily) and Candida (a special diet and pro biotics). It took just 3 appointments and my son went through the whole of this summer without a single anti histamine or cold flannel and his hay fever has just about disappeared. I would highly recommend seeing Stephen


I’ve been to see Stephen on 2 different occasions now with anxiety, head aches and generally feeling absolutely crap, the 1st time I saw him I was suffering with horrific panic attacks, and the doctors said it was just my age Stephen told me the problem straight away and it was not my age and after a couple of months my horrible symptoms had gone and I felt better than ever! I’ve been to see him just recently and he’s solved all my problems once again, the mans a genius and at times I’ve no idea what I would of done without him! Thank you for everything x


I first contacted Stephen in summer 2013 when I suspected I had mercury poisoning after being told I was "clutching at straws" by my GP. Stephen confirmed this and other problems I had following the vega test which he performed.

After following his advice and treatments for a few months and having my "silver" fillings replaced at a specialist dentist I can't tell you how much better I felt. His knowledge is amazing.

Everyday used to be a struggle as the tiredness I felt was unbearable at times. My husband was very sceptical at first but has since said that he now has his wife back! My family and friends have also said they can't believe the change in me.

Stephen also tested my three young children at my request and picked up various problems with them. The most distressing was that my 3 yr old daughter had been affected by the MMR vaccine. I just thought she was hard work and stroppy. Stephen advised to give her a homeopathic remedy and the change in her in a couple of weeks was, quite frankly astounding. She began to talk, become much more interactive and playful. She went from being a very high maintanence child to being a very loving caring little girl that could now talk!

Stephen has helped me and my family immensely. I can't thank him enough. If you have that little alarm bell ringing in your head that something isn't quite right then listen to your intuition. If you are unwell and need an alternative to conventional medicine then I would thoroughly recommend you to go and see Stephen at the alternative therapy clinic.

Me and my family have never looked back. Thank you. xxx


Stephen is a really Great Practitioner. His qualifications and vast experience I truly respect. Above all that Stephens dedication, integrity, listening skills and compassion are his awesome qualities. If your body is suffering - do go and consult Stephen :)


Stephen has an immense knowledge in Alternative Therapies. We were recommended his services by a friend and have had fantastic results since starting to see him. Our whole family have been seen by him and helped in a variety of ways through Vega testing, Allergy issues and Acupuncture. Brilliant.


My 13 year old son has had hay fever for most of his life, his summers were spent dosed up with anti histamines and laying on the sofa with cold flannels on his face to ease very swollen eyes. He is a very sporty boy and it made summer cricket a real trauma to watch as a parent as he struggled away all game until his eyes swelled up to the point he could not carry on. We saw Stephen for a vega test and review and he treated my son for heavy metal poisoning (a simple potion to be taken daily) and Candida (a special diet and pro biotics). It took just 3 appointments and my son went through the whole of this summer without a single anti histamine or cold flannel and his hay fever has just about disappeared. I would highly recommend seeing Stephen


I’ve been to see Stephen on 2 different occasions now with anxiety, head aches and generally feeling absolutely crap, the 1st time I saw him I was suffering with horrific panic attacks, and the doctors said it was just my age Stephen told me the problem straight away and it was not my age and after a couple of months my horrible symptoms had gone and I felt better than ever! I’ve been to see him just recently and he’s solved all my problems once again, the mans a genius and at times I’ve no idea what I would of done without him! Thank you for everything x


I first contacted Stephen in summer 2013 when I suspected I had mercury poisoning after being told I was "clutching at straws" by my GP. Stephen confirmed this and other problems I had following the vega test which he performed.

After following his advice and treatments for a few months and having my "silver" fillings replaced at a specialist dentist I can't tell you how much better I felt. His knowledge is amazing.

Everyday used to be a struggle as the tiredness I felt was unbearable at times. My husband was very sceptical at first but has since said that he now has his wife back! My family and friends have also said they can't believe the change in me.

Stephen also tested my three young children at my request and picked up various problems with them. The most distressing was that my 3 yr old daughter had been affected by the MMR vaccine. I just thought she was hard work and stroppy. Stephen advised to give her a homeopathic remedy and the change in her in a couple of weeks was, quite frankly astounding. She began to talk, become much more interactive and playful. She went from being a very high maintanence child to being a very loving caring little girl that could now talk!

Stephen has helped me and my family immensely. I can't thank him enough. If you have that little alarm bell ringing in your head that something isn't quite right then listen to your intuition. If you are unwell and need an alternative to conventional medicine then I would thoroughly recommend you to go and see Stephen at the alternative therapy clinic.

Me and my family have never looked back. Thank you. xxx

More about Alternative Therapy Clinic

Alternative Therapy Clinic is located at 303 Nantwich Road, CW26PF Crewe