Angel Card Readings, Lancashire

Monday: 07:00 - 21:00
Tuesday: 07:00 - 21:00
Wednesday: 07:00 - 21:00
Thursday: 07:00 - 21:00
Friday: 07:00 - 21:00
Saturday: 07:00 - 21:00
Sunday: 07:00 - 21:00

About Angel Card Readings, Lancashire

The Oracle Ascension Academy is dedicated to empowering fellow mystics to embrace the Divine and discover the magic within the cards.

Angel Card Readings, Lancashire Description

In association with Pearl Healing Corner, Megan Robinson offers Psychic Angel Tarot Readings, Reiki Healing and Spiritual Awareness Courses. Love & Light



✨ Morning Gratitude ✨
Not only am I grateful for this photo but also for the fact that I have two amazing Bens in my life.
Meet Ben and Ben, Angels.
... The Ben on my left is my love and best friend, the dude I signed an energetic contract years ago to do this dance of life together and to move towards a higher version of awareness and self. It's been a journey so far let me tell ye!
The Ben on my right is my other love and best friend, the dude that loved me unconditionally when I didn't know how to love myself. He helped prepare me for the great love that I now share with Ben and amazingly enough with myself.
Both GingerNuts in their own ways, red hair, red beard, both nutty as each other and I love them both dearly.
They don't need any other words really, because they are enough just as they are, and you wonderful lot are so loved that I can't help but share my life with you, because we are all one.
What are you grateful for today? 💜
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Morning Angels 😇
👑 #VoteToWin
✨Please take the time to vote for me in the Soul & Spirit Magazine Awards by following the link below! ✨
... ⭐️ Look for Megan Robinson - Pearl Healing Corner for Best Spiritual Workshop and Best Meditation Guru ⭐️
Soul & Spirit magazine ds/
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Morning Angels 😇
I've not been feeling too hot after my Card Reading Circle last night, a serious purge started at around 10.45pm last night and I've been trying to check in with myself and trust that I'm shedding for a reason, no matter how uncomfortable.
I decided to check in with the Angels last night after seeing that our gorgeous page has gone up to an amazing 3,434 followers, which I am over the moon with! Welcome to all the new comers and there will be a chance for Re...adings in about ten minutes if you go to the next post! 😇
I was proper chuffed when I dived into the sacred numbers of 34, this energy is only heightened as our followers total is currently 3,434!
Ascended Masters have been vining with us, truly helping us look at our reflections and helping us to understand what we see in the mirror. They have been helping us with our communications, with each other and with the Higher Power.
So my question to you is, do you know how to connect, how to tune in, how to listen to The Divine? The love we are made from has amazing guidance and gifts to chuck our way if we would simply trust in our process, however I also understand that if we haven't been taught then how would we know? 😕
The Ascended Masters are looking to get funky and creative with the ways we vibe with them, so I'm playing my part and offering a helping hand.
I have an intense 3 week course, 3x 60min sessions, that include a serious of Specially Channelled Meditations and practical activities that can help you tune out of the earthly grind and tune in to the Divine Light to level up our awareness and give our vibes that sacred boost we need for going into the Autumn months.
We will cover a large array of specially Channelled Sessions that will help you shift, transform and emerge as a truer version of yourself. 3 is the magic number and I'm ready to get us shifted and into first gear so we can get the results and live the life that we are dreaming of.
In this three week course you will receive 1x Transformation Coaching Session 1x Manifesting Magic Session 1x Ascending To The Divine Session
If you are ready to show up for yourself and your life, then comment below, send message, call or text if you like, and we will move you on with a step by step guide on how to transform your life and your Spiritual Connection.
Let's rock this Angels! Are you ready?
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✨ Comment on Original Post ✨


✨ Dreams and Ambitions ✨
Me and this dude just love the craic! (good banter, shits and giggles, or fun, us Irish just make funky words up)
Since being off on my Festival Travels we used Sunday to discover three of our favourite loves:
...Continue Reading


What do you feel when you look at this picture? What stirs or rises up within you?
✨Please take the time to vote for me in the Soul & Spirit Magazine Awards by following the link below! ✨
⭐️ Look for Megan Robinson - Pearl Healing Corner for Best Spiritual Workshop and Best Meditation Guru ⭐️... Soul & Spirit magazine ds/
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Morning Angels 😇
Choose between A, B or C and I will bring some love and guidance to those I am drawn to! 👑 #VoteToWin
✨Please take the time to vote for me in the Soul & Spirit Magazine Awards by following the link below! ✨
... ⭐️ Look for Megan Robinson - Pearl Healing Corner for Best Spiritual Workshop and Best Meditation Guru ⭐️
Soul & Spirit magazine ds/
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Honey I'm home! <3
I've had beyond a fabulous time working the festivals this Summer and have learned some pretty big lessons about Self Love, Self Care and just how resilient I am to living outdoors, it's pretty feckin' spectacular if you ask me.
We don't realise how little we need to be happy, or to survive, not until we take that sacred time to strip ourselves back and truly step into the beauty and wonder that is our gorgeous planet. She sincerely and lovingly offers us... all that we need to keep ourselves happily, healthy and inspired. All these things lead to a truly passionate life, one that is worth living, appreciating and embracing to the full.
Whilst on my travels I have met some truly amazing people, some that have truly changed my life in ways that I can't even bring to words. In truth and honesty, I asked the Universe for these people just one week before I left on my travels, and my god did the Universe deliver a love so tangible that I didn't want to move on to the next festival without them. It turns out, they are not too far away from me in Eccles, so again, thank you Universe for gifting me such love, with little distance in between. I am so feckin' grateful!
I have had my eyes open to some pretty mind blowing vegan food since attending the Moovin Festival with the gorgeously gifted and talented Sophie Elise Gardner. I know that I could totally do the vegan style after dinning on her truly spectacular food. This hadn't crossed my mind until I had fully connected with her food, so I am totally surprised that my life may now totally change all over again thanks to the gorgeous gifts this sacred lady handed me on a plate! (Anyone who wants to truly get down with filling, wholesome vegan goodness, whether you want to learn, taste or just get to know this lady's story, get in touch, you won't regret it!
Now that I am home, sleeping in my own bed and surrounded by the seemingly huge comforts I have, I feel a little overwhelmed and grateful for the amazing journey that I embarked on this summer, however it is with greatest pride and gratitude that I look forward to the adventures that are coming this Autumn.
I've come home feeling free, wholesome, open and ready to embark on this amazing adventure that is about to knock on my door, including all of the new clients who have seemed to find their way to me whilst being away.
Along with my heart being open, so is my diary. I am have transformed so much over this summer and now I am ready to give that gift to all those who are willing to show up to themselves, to own their story and to live the life that they have always dreamed of living. A Happy, Healthy and Passionate Life.
Are you ready? <3
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Tomorrow evening! 💜
✨All loveables, desirables, misfits and mystics are invited! ✨


Know you're worth 💜


⭐️⭐️⭐️ Weekly Cards ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Morning Angels, 😇
Today I'm checking in from the dusty trail, as myself and Una's World are off to our second festival and giving us a little sneak peak into the rest of the week with some cards ♥️
...Continue Reading


💜💜💜 Card of the Day 💜💜💜
Comment YES if this is for you! 💚🍀


We like working festivals.. No explanation needed 🌟💜
My signal is awful so all replies will come Monday, same for Una's World, our phones don't work in the fresh air. Happy weekend all 😘💜


I really am. Are you? 💜
✨Please take the time to vote for me in the Soul & Spirit Magazine Awards by following the link below! ✨
⭐️ Look for Megan Robinson - Pearl Healing Corner for Best Spiritual Workshop and Best Meditation Guru ⭐️
... ds/
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What do you feel when you look at this picture? What stirs or rises up within you?
✨Please take the time to vote for me in the Soul & Spirit Magazine Awards by following the link below! ✨
⭐️ Look for Megan Robinson - Pearl Healing Corner for Best Spiritual Workshop and Best Meditation Guru ⭐️
... ds/
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Choose between A, B or C and I will bring some love and guidance to those I am drawn to! 👑 #VoteToWin
✨Please take the time to vote for me in the Soul & Spirit Magazine Awards by following the link below! ✨
⭐️ Look for Megan Robinson - Pearl Healing Corner for Best Spiritual Workshop and Best Meditation Guru ⭐️
... ds/
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✨Please take the time to vote for me in the Soul & Spirit Magazine Awards by following the link below! ✨
Just 29 Days Left To Vote!
⭐️ Look for Megan Robinson - Pearl Healing Corner for Best Spiritual Workshop and Best Meditation Guru ⭐️
... ds/
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💜💜💜 Pearl Healing Corner 💜💜💜
Megan Robinson, founder of Pearl Healing Corner, has been walking her spiritual path from a young age. For the last fifteen years Megan has been developing her natural abilities to love and nurture her clients to a position of strength and well-being. The path Megan ventured down has seen her transform her life from the past and fulfil her dreams of becoming a Complementary Therapist and Spiritual Awareness Teacher.
Megan is also a Mental Health ...
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just had a 1 card reading and it made lots of sense and set my mind at ease. thank you Megan x


Went to the mind, body & spirit show last Sunday at the Mercure hotel. Was drawn to Megan after wandering around looking at the various stalls. Had a reading with her, she is so gifted and incredibly talented. I was amazed at everything she read in my cards. I would like to say a great big thank you to Megan. I felt so uplifted after my reading. Would certainly love to have another reading with her one day. Free meditation links have certainly left me feeling uplifted. Once again thanks. Xxx Jess


Truly I was guided to spend the weekend in Derry, unknown to me the Mind Body and Soul event was on also. I walked in and instantly I was drawn to the Readers and this lovely person turned around to me and smiled, I went up and got a reading done with Megan. Oh Boy did she gave me clarifciation on a lot of things going on in my life. I released a lot during the reading, she is amazing and truly gifted. I was truly blessed that weekend Megan, thank you thank you thank you.....I will definetly keep in touch. God Bless Fiona <3


Totally amazing Megan you totally blew me away I cannot believe the weight you have shifted off my shoulders it’s amazing your amazing I cannot believe how positive I am right now about stepping out into my future thank you so much xxxxx


Megan is the most gifted psychic I've ever met. Her connection is so clear and she brings information through so completely. She also holds nothing back, and will give a complete account of all the information given. She helped my partner immensely and I'm very grateful. I've had several readings from different people before but I've never seen anything quite like that. The connection was so clean that I joked that she gives readings in HD. A lovely friendly girl with an immensely powerful gift.


Megan is so lovely and down to earth. I instantly connected to her and asked for the counselling reading offer which was £15.

What a fantastic in depth reading. She emailed me through what she had picked up on, what cards she had pulled and how I could use her advice to move forward.

She also then gave me an opportunity to ask any questions after.

I was also impressed on how quickly she did the reading for me. No waiting for days which you can sometimes get with others.

Next I hope to start some development sessions with Megan.

Thank you again ��


Megan did a reading for my daughter at the Mind, Body & Spirit festival in Carlisle. The reading was amazingly accurate and homed in straight away on what my daughter needed to hear. Megan brought amusement, compassion and positive guidance into the reading and we both left her feeling uplifted. Thank you Megan :)


Megan Thank You so much for sending me your 2 meditations. I finally had a moment to listen to them. I found them to be very relaxing and your voice comforting and soothing. I loved them both but I seemed to respond to the one with the music a little better as it kept my mind from wandering with outside noises. I highly recommend your meditations and also your readings... you are truly a beautiful soul! �


Megan I just want to say thank you for the reading you gave me. It’s scary how much of it has actually materialised and it’s still unfolding in front of me! Thank you again and happy new year!!! X


Lovely bit of guidance of this lovely lady. Helping people to move forward is a great gift. Well recommended. Thank you xxx


Just had a reading with Megan and I'm blown away!!!! You have really calmed my mind knowing I'm on the right path and everything is exactly as it should be, you are a beautiful lady with beautiful energy and Gifts, thank you XXXXX ���


Just had a flower therapy card reading.. You are spot on with this reading at this time. Exactly..thankyou and your guidance is so much appreciated.. Bless you xxx


I was really impressed - I had the 3 card reading offer for £5 and was really impressed how accurate it was. Both creativity and spirituality were brought up and very important in my life.

The cards honestly were so personal to me even i was surprised and was bowled over a bit - I am going to have faith and hopefully my ideas will move me and my family forward to better times and the cards honestly couldn't have applied more - I want to have a personal reading to know more xx


I really liked how nice and peaceful Megan was and how she was so understanding and I didn’t feel like I was being judged, I felt like I was being supported and loved. All of what she said to me, I have taken in as I need to realise these parts of my life. She has sent me some meditations that I find to be relaxing and helpful.

Overall, a lovely person that does great work.


I have had the pleasure of knowing Megan since she was a child and it was very obvious from an early age just how special and gifted she was.

She recently read for me and it was emotional for me to see what a gifted and spiritual woman she turned out to be.

You will not be disappointed in her services.


Highly recommended, beautiful, guided reading.

Many thanks will be back xx


Had a few readings from Angel Card Readings and she was spot on every time, gave me guidance when I most needed it, support and encouragement. Highly recommended for readings and I can't wait to take part in some of her courses x Thank you Megan!


Had a fantastic reading yesterday at an angels gathering at cedar court hotel in Huddersfield. Megan was fantastic and such a nice lady. Lots of clarification and knew exactly what I needed to know. Fantastic �


Had a fantastic reading with Megan, everything she said was relevant to me (even if Megan had no clue what they were going on about and thought she was going crazy!) very thorough, never felt that reading was rushed. Also had amazing reiki and my god if you want to disappear for a while do this! Never felt so relaxed!!


just had a 1 card reading and it made lots of sense and set my mind at ease. thank you Megan x


Went to the mind, body & spirit show last Sunday at the Mercure hotel. Was drawn to Megan after wandering around looking at the various stalls. Had a reading with her, she is so gifted and incredibly talented. I was amazed at everything she read in my cards. I would like to say a great big thank you to Megan. I felt so uplifted after my reading. Would certainly love to have another reading with her one day. Free meditation links have certainly left me feeling uplifted. Once again thanks. Xxx Jess


Truly I was guided to spend the weekend in Derry, unknown to me the Mind Body and Soul event was on also. I walked in and instantly I was drawn to the Readers and this lovely person turned around to me and smiled, I went up and got a reading done with Megan. Oh Boy did she gave me clarifciation on a lot of things going on in my life. I released a lot during the reading, she is amazing and truly gifted. I was truly blessed that weekend Megan, thank you thank you thank you.....I will definetly keep in touch. God Bless Fiona <3


Totally amazing Megan you totally blew me away I cannot believe the weight you have shifted off my shoulders it’s amazing your amazing I cannot believe how positive I am right now about stepping out into my future thank you so much xxxxx


Megan is the most gifted psychic I've ever met. Her connection is so clear and she brings information through so completely. She also holds nothing back, and will give a complete account of all the information given. She helped my partner immensely and I'm very grateful. I've had several readings from different people before but I've never seen anything quite like that. The connection was so clean that I joked that she gives readings in HD. A lovely friendly girl with an immensely powerful gift.


Megan is so lovely and down to earth. I instantly connected to her and asked for the counselling reading offer which was £15.

What a fantastic in depth reading. She emailed me through what she had picked up on, what cards she had pulled and how I could use her advice to move forward.

She also then gave me an opportunity to ask any questions after.

I was also impressed on how quickly she did the reading for me. No waiting for days which you can sometimes get with others.

Next I hope to start some development sessions with Megan.

Thank you again ��


Megan did a reading for my daughter at the Mind, Body & Spirit festival in Carlisle. The reading was amazingly accurate and homed in straight away on what my daughter needed to hear. Megan brought amusement, compassion and positive guidance into the reading and we both left her feeling uplifted. Thank you Megan :)


Megan Thank You so much for sending me your 2 meditations. I finally had a moment to listen to them. I found them to be very relaxing and your voice comforting and soothing. I loved them both but I seemed to respond to the one with the music a little better as it kept my mind from wandering with outside noises. I highly recommend your meditations and also your readings... you are truly a beautiful soul! �


Megan I just want to say thank you for the reading you gave me. It’s scary how much of it has actually materialised and it’s still unfolding in front of me! Thank you again and happy new year!!! X


Lovely bit of guidance of this lovely lady. Helping people to move forward is a great gift. Well recommended. Thank you xxx


Just had a reading with Megan and I'm blown away!!!! You have really calmed my mind knowing I'm on the right path and everything is exactly as it should be, you are a beautiful lady with beautiful energy and Gifts, thank you XXXXX ���


Just had a flower therapy card reading.. You are spot on with this reading at this time. Exactly..thankyou and your guidance is so much appreciated.. Bless you xxx


I was really impressed - I had the 3 card reading offer for £5 and was really impressed how accurate it was. Both creativity and spirituality were brought up and very important in my life.

The cards honestly were so personal to me even i was surprised and was bowled over a bit - I am going to have faith and hopefully my ideas will move me and my family forward to better times and the cards honestly couldn't have applied more - I want to have a personal reading to know more xx


I really liked how nice and peaceful Megan was and how she was so understanding and I didn’t feel like I was being judged, I felt like I was being supported and loved. All of what she said to me, I have taken in as I need to realise these parts of my life. She has sent me some meditations that I find to be relaxing and helpful.

Overall, a lovely person that does great work.


I have had the pleasure of knowing Megan since she was a child and it was very obvious from an early age just how special and gifted she was.

She recently read for me and it was emotional for me to see what a gifted and spiritual woman she turned out to be.

You will not be disappointed in her services.


Highly recommended, beautiful, guided reading.

Many thanks will be back xx


Had a few readings from Angel Card Readings and she was spot on every time, gave me guidance when I most needed it, support and encouragement. Highly recommended for readings and I can't wait to take part in some of her courses x Thank you Megan!


Had a fantastic reading yesterday at an angels gathering at cedar court hotel in Huddersfield. Megan was fantastic and such a nice lady. Lots of clarification and knew exactly what I needed to know. Fantastic �


Had a fantastic reading with Megan, everything she said was relevant to me (even if Megan had no clue what they were going on about and thought she was going crazy!) very thorough, never felt that reading was rushed. Also had amazing reiki and my god if you want to disappear for a while do this! Never felt so relaxed!!

More about Angel Card Readings, Lancashire

Angel Card Readings, Lancashire is located at M30 Manchester, United Kingdom
Monday: 07:00 - 21:00
Tuesday: 07:00 - 21:00
Wednesday: 07:00 - 21:00
Thursday: 07:00 - 21:00
Friday: 07:00 - 21:00
Saturday: 07:00 - 21:00
Sunday: 07:00 - 21:00