Anxiety Uk (Official)

Monday: 09:30 - 17:30
Tuesday: 09:30 - 17:30
Wednesday: 09:30 - 17:30
Thursday: 09:30 - 17:30
Friday: 09:30 - 17:30
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Anxiety Uk (Official)

Working to relieve & support those living with anxiety, anxiety based depression and stress via an extensive range of services.

Anxiety Uk (Official) Description

Anxiety UK is a national registered charity (number 1113403) (company number 5551121) formed in 1970 by someone living with agoraphobia for those affected by anxiety disorders. Today we are still a user-led organisation, run by people with experience of living with anxiety or anxiety-based depression, supported by a high-profile medical advisory panel.

Anxiety UK works to relieve and support those living with anxiety and anxiety-based depression by providing information, support and understanding via an extensive range of services, including 1: 1 therapy. We work regularly with external agencies and healthcare professionals to improve services for those living with anxiety and anxiety-based depression and also campaign to raise awareness of the conditions.



Does your work give you #stress and #anxiety? This Self-Help Audio CD aims to provide you with a range of skills and techniques to assist you in developing your inner confidence, and the ability to act, think and feel more confident at work.


We work in partnership with the @ICEBenfund . As part of this partnership we have put together a specialised programme of support for ICE members and their families who are living with anxiety, stress or anxiety based depression. Find out more here:


If you're in or near to #Manchester you can volunteer on our Infoline and help make a difference. Find out more:…/voluntee …/apply-to-volunteer/


Could an early morning routine help improve your night time #anxiety? This interesting article in @StylistMagazine explains more #anxiety #routine


Flexible, Convenient and to suit you! Speak to a therapist now using our award winning Digital Online Therapy Service


We're looking for CBT practitioners, especially in London and Yorkshire, to join our accredited national therapy service. If you would like to become an Anxiety UK approved therapist, please follow this link: #Anxiety #BABCP #CBT


Mental health conditions are the largest single cause of disability in the UK. The latest impact report from @NICEcomms shows where significant improvements in #MentalHealth care are being made and where more progress is needed:


Is climate change causing you eco-anxiety? This article in NetDoctor makes interesting reading #ecoanxiety #climatechange


Are you signed up to the Anxiety UK lottery yet? Each £1 allows you to support our work and also gives you a chance to win up to £25,000! This week we have had 4 winners, next week it could be you!


This month is #StressAwarenessMonth, If you are feeling stressed and under pressure please email to see how we can support you


If you experience toilet phobia, take a look at our handy resource for more information including personal experiences, professional perspectives that offer an explanation for these problems, and evidence on potential solutions. Find yours here:


We work in partnership with NewstrAid who provide welfare for people who are, or have been, employed in the selling and distribution of newspapers and magazines in the UK. Find out more here - ine/


Flexible, Convenient and to suit you! Speak to a therapist now using our award winning Digital Online Therapy Service


We're here today to answer your questions on anxiety and ways to manage it. Get in touch to find out how joining Anxiety UK as a member entitles you to a package of support.


At Anxiety UK we can help your organisation get talking about mental health in the workplace with our bespoke training offer. Find out more here:


@JCIManchester are running a #Bakeoff on the 13th April and are looking for teams to enter! If you want to be crowned star baker find out more information and enter here: all proceeds will go to @AnxietyUK


Overcoming Health Anxiety is a great resource for those experiencing this condition, using CBT techniques to manage and overcome those worries. Get yours here -


Have you or are you experiencing anxiety during the peri-menopause or menopause? To help us better understand the prevalence and to help raise awareness this anxiety we are conducting a survey which can be found here


Thank you for engaging with Anxiety UK via this page, please do feel free to comment on and share our posts but please respect our page is not a forum for promoting your own business, please contact if you want to work in partnership with us formally or informally.


Only started with anxiety a few weeks ago. Bin put on medication and waiting for therapy. What's best way to deal with it? I'm well off my food and some nights can only sleep a few hours. But when I do eat I sometimes get heart burn.

Any remedies?

Thanks Dan


Knowing that everyone who is a member, or who is on this page, is going or has gone through similar emotions. I've lived with anxiety for more than thirty years, in one form or another. Still with me, the opposite of my guardian angel. I start my degree in Counselling at Nottingham in September, and hope this will allow me to help others going through the anxiety turmoil.


I'm 22, this is a fake account I made only because I dont want people to know who I am because Im scared I have anxiety and Im ashamed of it. people say its nothing to be ashamed or scared of but it affects me every day. I'm normally a outgoing person going out with mates having a laugh but its when Im alone i hate it scary thoughts go through my head. I havent told family or friends just boyfriend. I havent been drs about it and Ive had it as long as I can remember in highschool i think. every job ive had ive quit because how i feel and im currently in a job and I cant handle it but I need this job for money but its too much i cant handle it


I started to suffer with GAD about 3 months ago when I got married and moved house, I suffered one panic attack and then one more followed a few months later. I have my up days and down days, I don't really know why my anxiety comes over me, sometimes just like a cloud. It can all be very sudden and it won't be anything in particular that has set it off. I'm prescribed Diazepam if I really need it, but I'm also having CBT which I find really helps. Would recommend CBT to any other sufferers. Some symptoms can be: chest pains, sweaty hands and feet, sweat, doom and gloom thoughts. I've had two blood tests which have ruled out anything organic so I'm feeling good knowing it's only Anxiety. People often brush anxiety under the carpet because they don't know take it very seriously. It's very dehabilitating.


I have sufferd from anxiety issue for almost 3 years now i cant even leave my own home that much no more its rare that i go out my houae to see my friends or family, every time i try to leave my home i start to panic and my symptons start to kick it i begins to hyperventilate , stress my stmoach then goes weird and makes me need to go to the toilet very often while im in panic mode, does any one know how i can find out what triggers and know how i can beat it?


I hate my aniexty I get pains all over my body numb Ness in hand and feet feels like I've got a lump in my throat sore back shoulders n neck has anyone else got this


Hi, I've had anxiety now for about 4 years, i was in a real bad way for the first 2 years and I have now improved and getting on with life. I have been taking 40mg of Citalopram for that amount of time, about 4 weeks ago I decided to go down to 30 mg without consulting my doctor, anyway past couple of days I have gone quite ill and anxiety is starting to come back so I have gone back up to 40mg, does anyone know if it can affect you that badly in the space of 4 weeks?


Hi just hoping for some peice of mind maybe? I've suffered with anxiety now for more then a year and must of gone through every sensation of palpitations and every other symptom of anxiety and just as I get used to dealing with one and learning to cope it changes to something new right now it's a feeling of almost constant light headedness of passing out or abit like vertigo has anybody else had this feeling? As I've had a heart monitor tell me everything is fine there now this is worrying me as its unrelated to my chest pains and palpitations

Thank you


Hey..i just looked at this page and i am hoping for something looked good to me. I am suffering from axiety and panic attacks and i think this has made my mind permanently damaged to find out all the bad things in every situation..i need help as soon as possible..i am on the verge of collapsing mentally..kindly help


Hey I'm 24 years old and have been diagnosed with anxiety I'm struggling to think how I can help myself I am stating medication tomorrow and waiting to start therapy but I know my symptoms of getting panicky flustered over reactive worrying over nothing and snapping is rubbing my colleagues up the wrong way o need help and fast any tips on how to stay calm not react/worry would be really helpful I'm also scared about starting the medication ..


'We are what we eat, we are what we think, the way we think, feel and act', Lets think well, feel well, heal well and deal well, proactively, realistically and positively(Dr Najeeb)


Hi Iv had anxiety for about 3 years now the thought of going out or even my Inlaws popping up for a coffee who I have known for 11 years fills me with dread I go hot shaky think I'm gonna be sick sweating all because they might be coming which I know is silly but cannot stop myself panicking. I have only bin like this since my first pregnancy where I became house bound for 6 months so I know it must stem from that and have had councilling and on medication but nothing seems to be helping. My eldest it 3 in June n is goin to go play school n clubs but the thought of having to take her is making me I'll even though it's nearly 6 months away. Any advice or tricks of the trade to help me would be fantastic x


Hello all, I found this page whilst looking for help with coping with my anxiety & it’s nice to see that I’m not alone, my anxiety is in my chest & back & sometimes I feel I can not breathe it’s hard. I’m a full time mum & I have nobody to talk to about it, my gp has put me on tablets & im waiting for counciling. Any tips would be gratefully recieved. Thankyou for reading.

More about Anxiety Uk (Official)

Anxiety Uk (Official) is located at Nunes House 447 Chester Road Old Trafford, M16 9HA Manchester, United Kingdom
Monday: 09:30 - 17:30
Tuesday: 09:30 - 17:30
Wednesday: 09:30 - 17:30
Thursday: 09:30 - 17:30
Friday: 09:30 - 17:30
Saturday: -
Sunday: -