Aylesbury Vale Natural Burial Meadow

About Aylesbury Vale Natural Burial Meadow

The natural burial meadow is a haven of peace and natural beauty. Wide open landscape with long views and big skies. A place of escape, away from it all. . .



Wildlife bonanza in the Burial Meadow today including many tadpoles & a tiny frog donated by one of our pre-paying customers. Love the yellow wildflowers that have appeared by one of our Memorial Trees but donвҖҷt recognise the variety? Butterflies adore nettles - glad someone does Overjoyed to see the pair of wild ducks are still happy on the pond рҹҰҶ рҹҗё рҹҰӢ рҹҢјрҹҢірҹҚғ#mallardduck #wildducks #springtime #wildflowers #ponds #tadpoles #frog #butterfly #butterflies #smalltortoiseshellbutterfly #naturalburial #naturalburialground #greenburial #wildlifehabitat


Yesterday, one of our clients who pre-purchased a Burial plot from us in 2017 & who we are glad to say is still very much alive, planted a Purple Beech Tree in the Burial Meadow. Today she is undergoing a paired kidney exchange or kidney swap which is when a living kidney donor is incompatible with the recipient (in this case her sister), & therefore exchanges kidneys with another donor/recipient pair. Two live donor transplants = 2 lives saved. Hope all 4 operations go well today & get well soon everyone & here are a few images of the meadow to remind you of the lovely countryside you can visit when you are all out of hospital рҹҸҘ рҹҢірҹ’җрҹҚғ#kidneyswap #pairedkidneyexchange #kidneydonor #kidneytransplant #springtime #wildflowers #dandelions #cowslips #blossom #buttercups


Spotted this little beauty this afternoon when I was placing 6 new slate memorial plaques in the frame by the pond . Apparently it is called a Whitsuntide Gillyflower рҹҢёрҹҢәрҹҢірҹҢІрҹҚғвҳҖпёҸ


Wild ducks by our pond this evening рҹҰҶрҹҢірҹҢҝрҹҢәрҹҢ»рҹҢёрҹҢј


Spring flowers ranging from the nodding, checkered Fritillaries to delicate, bell like Cowslips are popping up by our pond, in the copse & meadow рҹҢірҹҚғрҹ’җрҹҢёрҹҢјрҹҢәрҹҗһрҹҗҢрҹҰӢрҹҗӣр ҹҗқ#englandsgreenandpleasantland #countryside #naturalburialground #peacefulsetting #wildflowers #celandine #hedgerows #cowslips


This afternoon, Joan Burniston watched over by friends and family, was buried next to her husband David . As usual, the sun shone and the birds sang вҡ°пёҸрҹ•Ҡрҹ’җвҳҖпёҸ#naturalburial #naturalburialground #peacefulsetting #wildflowermeadow #morninghasbroken #familyfuneral #countryside #englandsgreenandpleasantland @ Aylesbury Vale Natural Burial Meadow


Earlier this month, I viewed the 24/7 365 days a year cremation site sacred to Hindus on the shore of the River Ganges. Every day 150-200 cremations occur. What a contrast to our Natural Burial Meadow рҹҮ®рҹҮірҹҸҙу Ғ§у Ғўу ҒҘу Ғ®у Ғ§у ҒҝрҹҮ¬р ҹҮ§вҡ°пёҸвҡұпёҸрҹҢәрҹ”Ҙрҹҗ‘#varanasi #riverganges #ganges #cremation #naturalburial #naturalburialground #sacredganges #hinduism


This week in the Burial Meadow a family has planted a memorial cherry tree & signs of spring are everywhere #springflower #springflowers #naturalburial #wildcherrytree #cherryblossom #wildbluebell #violets #fungi #toadstool #memorialtree #cowslips рҹҚ’рҹҢҝрҹҚғрҹҢірҹҢё


Sunny daffodils at the Burial Meadow today рҹҢј #daffodils #daffodil #springflowers #springflower #naturalburial #naturalburial #wildflowermeadow


More signs of spring in these sunny scenes this afternoon at the Burial Meadow #naturalburial #naturalburial #springflowers #springbulbs #blossom #countryside #sunnyafternoon #snowdrops #daffodils рҹ’җрҹҳҺрҹҢһрҹҢёрҹҢә @ Aylesbury Vale Natural Burial Meadow


рҹҗ‘рҹҗ‘рҹҗ‘рҹҗ‘рҹҗ‘Pregnant sheep are now grazing in both the Burial Meadow & the meadow behind so please keep dogs on the lead at all times when visiting as they wonвҖҷt always be visible рҹҗ‘рҹҗ‘рҹҗ‘рҹҗ‘рҹҗ‘рҹҗ‘рҹҗ‘рҹҗ‘рҹҗ‘рҹҗ‘< br>


More snowy scenes at the Burial Meadow this weekend #snowysunday #snowscene #naturalburial #iceandsnow #frozenpond @ Aylesbury Vale Natural Burial Meadow вӣ„пёҸрҹҗҫвқ„пёҸрҹҗ‘


This morning the family of Leo the staffie buried him at the Burial Meadow in a private ceremony рҹҗ•рҹҗҫрҹ’җ


This afternoon, Stewart Bowman of Haddenham was buried at Aylesbury Vale Natural Burial Meadow. Stewart was a highly skilled stained glass craftsman & designed & created the stained glass windows shown here which are at St. MaryвҖҷs Church Haddenham , where his funeral service took place as well as at Brill & Radnage churches рҹ’җ


Winter has really arrived at the Burial Meadow today. Fortunately our next funeral is on Friday when the temperature is due to be 9C вқ„пёҸвқ„пёҸвқ„пёҸ @ Aylesbury Vale Natural Burial Meadow


Fabulous frosty cobweb this morning like a diamond necklace #jackfrost #cobweb #naturalburial #meadow #frost рҹ•ёрҹ•·вқ„пёҸвҳҖпёҸ @ Aylesbury Vale Natural Burial Meadow

More about Aylesbury Vale Natural Burial Meadow

Aylesbury Vale Natural Burial Meadow is located at Stockwell Lane, Owlswick, HP17 9UG Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire
07736 526941