Balanced Serenity

Monday: 09:45 - 18:30
Tuesday: 09:45 - 19:15
Wednesday: -
Thursday: -
Friday: 09:45 - 17:30
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Balanced Serenity

An alternative approach to health and wellness
Discover the root cause of pain, illness and disease.
Rebalance your body and rediscover your inner calm!



Are your legs different lengths?? You may think not, but if you suffer from lower back pain, knee pain, hip pain, ankle pain, plantar fasciitis, shin splints, tight leg muscles, shoulder pain, neck pain, headaches, IBS, fatigue, infertility... then the answer is probably YES! Many people wear shoe inserts, but for most this only masks the problem, as the cause of this difference is your PELVIS. KORE Therapy’s gentle but highly effective pelvis re-patterning technique can instantly re-balance the pelvic muscles and ligaments to correct leg length.


Another lovely review, thank you so much!


I am passionate about using as few chemicals as possible when it comes to our health and well-being, and to treat whatever we can naturally, so I had to pass this discovery on to you. One of my client's has really suffered with hormone imbalances in her late 30's and early 40's, and even though she never had any skin problems through her teenage years and has always has clear skin, she as been plagued for the last couple of years with awfu skin breakouts around her jawline and chin area. She's tried most things and finally heard about Starflower Oil, which is readily available from most health food shop. She has been taking 1000mg a day for nearly a month, and the effects have been fantastic! No more breakouts! She's so pleased!! I just had to pass this information on in the hope that someone else can be helped too!


September already! I just wanted to say something to all of the parents out there, who are sending their little ones to school for the first time this week. This is a big week for these little people, starting their journey in the wider world out there, but it's also a huge week for you parents too! It will be emotional for many of you, the end of a chapter in your parenting book, and the beginning of a new adventure. Some of you may feel like you've lost your side-kick o...r your mini partner in crime, so you could end up feeling a little bit lost, like your world is tipping on it's axis, like you've forgotten what it was that you did before they came along. It's normal to feel like that, and I just wanted to take the time to remind you to be kind to yourselves this week. I see clients who need helping with their physical issues, but I want to make sure you're all looking after yourselves in other ways too. When you're feeling a bit bruised emotionally it can take it's toll on the physical aspects of your well-being too, so be gentle with yourselves this week. This beautiful picture is by a local artist Carla Gebhard Designs
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I mentioned Cupping on the page on Tuesday, and I'm often asked the same questions about Cupping so I thought you may be interested in seeing some of the answers I give.
Q. Does it hurt? A. No, not at all. It is a suction which may feel a little tight and very occasionally slightly uncomfortable but it should not be painful.
... Q. Why are the cups heated? A. When the hot air cools this creates the vacuum.
Q. Why do they make big bruises? Are they sore? A. Cupping doesn't leave bruises. Bruises are the result of a trauma to the body. The marks left by the cupping are purely the blood and toxins being pulled nearer the surface of the skin for the body to safely deal with. Because the marks aren't bruises, no they don't hurt!
Q. How long do the marks last for? A. That depends on the patient, their condition, and the levels of toxins in the body. Some marks disappear as quickly as an hour after treatment but most people seem to have no marks at all after 3 or 4 days.
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I'm already seeing people with coughs and colds, and for the unfortunate few, these things always seem to settle on their chests. Those with respiratory issues and asthma see to be worst effected. We can carry out the cupping technique to ease these symptoms, and in Chinese Medicine 'cupping' is thought of as a flu shot! It can in fact also be used as a preventative measure, so if you usually suffer from chest infections, chest tightness, persistent coughs and flu like symptoms once the colder weather arrives, then maybe this could really help you.


What have you all done with this weather since I've been away? It certainly makes a change to the glorious 35 degree heat I've been used to on a daily basis! Anyway, this week I'm back in the treatment room, and looking forward so seeing my fantastic clients again. I've replied to all the messages on the page now too (I hope!). What have I missed whist I've been away??


Hola! from a very warm and wonderful Spain!
Just a little reminder that the treatment room isn't open until September, so if you've messaged me through the page, I promise I will get back to you upon my return.
See you soon! xx


There might just be a new type of treatment coming to Balanced Serenity in the next few months ... I'm not saying any more about it just yet, but watch this space!! EEEKK!


Is everyone surviving the school holidays so far?? What day trips or days out have you had? What's to be avoided or recommended?


Well what a summer it's been so far! I know you've all been enjoying your sunny days and making the most of this glorious weather. It's time for me and my family to enjoy our own summertime now, and have some sun soaked days and ice cream filled adventures of our own. Apart from the appointments I already have booked in, I won't be taking any more clients or booking any more appointments until the middle of September now. If you inbox me on this page, I will respond once t...he treatment room re-opens in September. Much love, Sam xx
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Working hard and having a family to keep up with means I'm not always able to check Facebook Messages as quickly as people may expect! I promise I'm not ignoring you if yuu haven't had a reply back, but if you can call me instead that may be better! So for appointments and enquiries please catch me on 07966 547931


Did you know that you can purchase gift vouchers for KORE Therapy for others?? If you know a teacher who you'd like to thank, a special occasion for a loved one, or someone who's really hard to buy for, why not treat them to a session of KORE Therapy? They don't need to be suffering from any particular illness or condition, a session can very simply just bring the body back to it's balance, and be a rejuvenating and relaxing experience.


Cranial balancing may sound a bit 'out there' and maybe even a little scary, but it's actually a very gentle and subtle way of rebalancing the body.
Cranial balancing harmonizes the gentle rhythmic movements of the bones in the head, which governs the body's spinal balance, posture, hormones and emotions.
Cranial faults can develop over time without the person knowing. Poor posture is a classic cause, repetitive strain another while trauma such as a whiplash injury are the obvious catalysts.
When there is an imbalance within the cranium it usually means that the person will also suffer with other back pain predominantly in the lower back that comes on without any identifiable cause.
The sacrum, a triangular shaped bone at the base of the spine maintains the body’s centre of gravity. If the sacrum becomes misaligned pains and problems can manifest themselves at almost any part of the body. It therefore figures that when a problem occurs at the sacrum there will almost inevitably be cranial issues too.
Muscular misalignment can trigger many issues within the body even affecting a person’s mood, sleep patterns, concentration, tiredness, energy and memory.
In addition to helping an existing problem cranial balancing and skeletal realignment when taken as a regular treatment method can also become a preventative medicine simply by the nature of the process.
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I had the pleasure of treating a young man last week, who had had a tumble at a football game and jarred his neck and shoulder.
After half a day in A+E with an X-ray and then sent home with Nurofen, he and his mum popped to the treatment room, and I discovered that he had twisted his collar bone, his shoulder was out of place (to the point where it couldn’t be seen when he lay down on his front) and the vertebrae in his neck were compressed! The poor lad had suffered a full of pain, unable to move his neck and arm.
After 40 minutes treatment he was a happy boy again able to move his neck and arm, and with just the minimum of discomfort. Happy boy + happy mum = happy Sam!
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The World Cup semi finals - and we're in with a chance!! BUT did you know that premiership and international footballers have KORE Therapy to keep them in peak condition? Not just footballers, but golfers, darts professionals, and may other sports people have integrated KORE as part of their routines.


Hello Monday! I'm all ready for the wonderful week ahead after a fantastic weekend enjoying the sunshine and relaxing with friends, and a first ever camping trip! (Although definitely not the last!) We stayed fairly local for an epic birthday mini festival - but where do you go camping? I'd love some suggestions of where to go and get the inside scoop on your best campsite finds!


************ POLITE NOTICE ***************
Hi everyone I just need to bring to your attention the terms and conditions of my business as recently I have had a few clients miss or cancel their appointments with very little notice.
I understand that sometimes life can get in the way and I will always use my discretion but for a very small business like mine this can become a costly issue. So please be aware that any appointment missed or cancelled without 24hrs notice will req...uire full payment before another appointment is booked.
Thank you for your understanding 🙂
General Service Policy:
A 24 hour notice is required to cancel or change your appointment. Please call me directly to cancel. If you are late your treatment time will reflect this as your appointment will start from the booked time.
Cancellation Policy:
If an appointment is cancelled with less than 24 hour notice FULL payment will be due.�If your appointment is cancelled by the company a reschedule will be offered.
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Wow... just wow... Sam is a true diamond & worked wonders on my lower back... just glad she got away with her finger in one piece... thanks so much Sam will defo see you next month!


Wow ! I’ve just had my first session with Sam and I’m absolutely amazed at her knowledge and professionalism in this field I am suffering from extreme back trauma from a car crash back in 2006 Sam immediately picked up on all my ailments without me telling her And immediately started the process of making me right again I’ve come out of this session Feeling like a completely different person thank you so much and you know I’ll be definitely booking in for further appointments highly recommended thanks Sam you’re a star .


This lady has sorted my problems out big time. I am diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis and mostly have suffered with swollen fingers and wrist issues. Faced with the prospect of more drugs that cause side effects I went to Sam. After a course of 5 or 6 treatments including cupping and more recently acupuncture my symptoms are almost none existent. Sam offers a wealth of knowledge and you learn things about your body you never knew existed.


So far I’ve had 2 treatments with Sam. My primary reason for attending was due to spd. I was in pain for most of my pregnancy. I struggled to walk, needed crutches and at times a wheelchair. The pain persisted post pregnancy and by 7 months post partum I’d been in daily pain for over 12 months. I was so fed up and depressed about being in pain.

After 2 sessions I can now:

- sit cross legged in the floor and play with my children

- go to the park/for a walk with my children without needing to use pain killers to do so

- last night I wore heels for the first time with no problems. Previously I could wear them but I’d be in an awful lot of pain and would struggle with pain even more the next day

- I no longer feel like my hips are falling out!

I truly thought nothing would fix my condition and although I still experience pain it’s no longer daily. To feel these results after 2 sessions finally gives me hope that I can overcome this condition. I cannot thank Sam enough for her help so far and I’m looking forward to seeing what else I can achieve with her help �


Sam is brilliant. I’m a therapist myself and it’s so nice to forget everything for an hour and be fixed! She really cares about what she does and she does it well. I enjoy her treatments and always feel fantastic when I leave xxx


Sam I’ve had the most flexible day today at work and its all down to your mind blowing body whispering skills. I don’t get any of it, but I know it works and I’ve definitely found the solution to my problems...see you soon and anyone reading this����� #bodywhisperer


Not only is Sam friendly, full of helpful advice and extremely professional, she has started helping me with a lot of the problems happening with my body and I already feel better in myself! I cannot recommend this lady enough! Warm and very inviting environment from the moment you arrive! Thanks Sam!


My husband's been going to Sam for a few weeks now, for his back and leg pain. He is now starting to feel the benefits, at night and getting more sleep then he has done.

I wouldn't hesitate to recommend her.


Massive thanks to magic Sam.

After half a day in AnE with an X-ray and then sent home with Nuropfen you discovered that George (11) had twisted his collar bone, his shoulder was out of place (to the point where it couldn’t be seen when he lay down on his front �) and his vertebra in his neck were compressed!

40 minutes later, after a day full of pain without being able to move his head, neck or arm he is now a happy little boy again able to move his neck and arm. Thanks so much. You really are magic �� xx


Just been to see Sam for a neck problem I’ve had for over 10 years. I was blown away by her skills and knowledge. She knew exactly what she was doing and could pinpoint all my issues straight away. Already feeling a huge improvement. Thank you Sam �


I've had two treatments from Sam so far. I have long standing health conditions which have not responded to previous treatments, however after only two treatments of KORE therapy, I am already beginning to see and feel a difference. Sam is very knowledgable and explains everything clearly. Would definitely recommend to anyone.


I ve not felt this good in ages I feel amazing today. I absolutely love going to Sam , I count down the days to my next appointments plus she’s such a lovely lady xxx


I simply don't understand- how I forgot to write a review-- I used to have really bad neck and shoulder pain after my pregnancy. I did everything but nothing worked. But then I found Sam through network meeting and went for my 1st appointment. After the first treatment I felt amazing and didn't have pain for a long time. I had my second appoint few weeks ago and I feel even better. This lady has definitely got the magic in her treatment. I highly recommend her. She is a lovely lady inside and out and tries her best to make you feel better. Xx


I loved meeting Samantha today. She is a fellow Therapist who is passionate, professional and genuinely interested in using her skills and knowledge to help others. I really liked the kinesiology. I have to be honest, I have tried K.O.R.E Therapy in the past and was left unimpressed. I guess it's like anything, you have to find the right person.. Insightful treatment, thankyou Samantha ♡


I can't tell people enough how amazing I feel. I went because I felt as if my body and mind needed to be rebalanced. Sam is such a wonderful person inside and out. She was able to instantly spot what was wrong and set to work. Sam explained what she was doing and why every single step of the way. She certainly knows her stuff. Highly recommend her to anybody as you will certainly feel different when you walk from when you walked it. Thank you Sam you are absolutely amazing xxxxx


I am a total sceptic when it comes to any 'you must try this ' mumbo jumbo so I was very hesitant when my daughter suggested KORE therapy with Samantha Resina.

So I have had chronic neck and shoulder pain for as long as I can remember. Together with sciatica in my back. The first session left me somewhat floored the next day but then the true relief kicked that night. Yes it still niggled but not that awful blinding pain in my neck. My lower back was so much freer moving.

Had my second session last night, after waiting a week. Beyond words today ... I can move my head without any pain in my neck and just a tightness in my shoulder left now. Lower back is so much improved. Thank you Sam, you are positively turning my life around. Never dreamed I could feel this great again. Mwah.


Can't thanks Sam enough, after over 30 years of migraines and cluster headaches ruining my life, I am now cured after just 3 sessions. I'll be having regular top-up sessions to keep everything in check and couldn't be happier. I would recommend Balanced Serenity for any type of ailment. I just wish I'd tried this before the scans, the pills, the doctors referrals .... thanks so much xxx


Amazing lady talks so much sense husband went in with his hips all twisted and just about walking came out so much better and straight again I could not recommended her enough

Thank you so much Sam xx


After years of suffering with a bad back and more recently a stiff neck and shoulder and other issues because of my back just a couple of treatments and I'm well on the path to being "normal" again. Sam is amazing so professional and helps you understand how you body works and kore therapy can improve your well being. 100% recommend if your suffering any health issues.

More about Balanced Serenity

Balanced Serenity is located at 2 Broad Oak Lane, Staining, FY3 0BZ Blackpool
Monday: 09:45 - 18:30
Tuesday: 09:45 - 19:15
Wednesday: -
Thursday: -
Friday: 09:45 - 17:30
Saturday: -
Sunday: -