
About Breathe

'Create the birth you want'
Supporting you through pregnancy, birth and parenthood!
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🌿Midwifery students of Lancashire UCLan Midwifery Society Thank you 🙏 • At Breathe Lancashire we were honoured to present a session on Mindfulness, at your midwives mental health & wellness-Bursting the Bubble 11: Bereavment Care & Support in maternity event today UCLan Midwifery •... This is a subject so close to our hearts ♥️ as mental health nurses. Looking after our future midwives health and their well being is so important • At Breathe Lancashire We teach KGHypnobirthing|Pregnacy relaxation| Mindfulness in Pregnancy🤰 • A huge part of our Hypnobirthing course is recognising the importance a midwife plays in the role of pregnancy, Labour & birth...Midwives are fantastic autonomous practitioners, we are very, very fortunate to have such skilled midwives in the 🇬🇧 • As Jeremy Hunt states “their are a few moments in life, that matter more than the birth of a child” Midwives play a vital role in our birth experience. #continutyofcare #futuremidwives #moremidwives #hypnobirthing #positivebirthexperience #postivebirth #midwivesrock #midwivesmakeadifference #midwivesmatter #midwivesinthemaking #midwifery #BurstingTheBubbleII #mentalhealthswareness #Hypnobirthing #KGHypnobirthing #Pregnancyrelaxation
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User #pregnancy via


Tonight we said fair well to our Monday night March Hypnobirthing couples Lavender Barn It always feels such a happy & sad time, sending them on their way with new found Knowledge and confidence. Empowered to have a positive birth experience. What better way to end discussing the importance of the ‘Golden Hour’, a new mother get’s her first chance to hold her baby in her arms. A chance to count those tiny fingers & toes and gaze into the eyes of her newborn....That uninterrupted contact between mother and baby, precious...... #hypnobirthing #kghypnobirthing #positivebirthexperience #antentalclasses #birthpreperation #Leyland #chorley #buckshawvillage #Lancashire #Preston #Longton #Fulwood #Preston


‘Don’t forget to love yourself’ Last night Breathe Lancashire attended an evening for ladies #changetalks event it was a completely inspiring evening. We Listened to some truly amazing, strong, funny, thought-provoking women. I left feeling so humbled, inspired and empowered. Thank you to all involved for organising such an amazing event xx If you get chance to go to a Change Talks event, please,please do so. #changetalks #itsoknottobeok #bepartofthechange #girlpower #uplifting #empoweringwomen #feelfabulous #mentalhealthmatters #headstogether


"It's okay not to be okay" So it goes without saying us being mental health nurses, Breathe had to be part of the @changetalkscic - 'Womens health and wellness evening' at Chorley town hall tonight.... A fantastic, inspiring evening, such very brave ladies 🤚🤚 #empoweringwomen #changetalks #Strongwomen... #mentalhealthmatters
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Really proud to be involved in the Maternity voices Partnership - Central Lancashire today. Some really thought provoking talks regarding antenatal care


This week has been such a busy one at Breathe... To give you all a flavour here goes... 3 Hypnobirthing classes, 1:1 session,prep for a mindfulness session for 200 fabulous student midwives at UCLAN, ‘Bursting the Bubble Event ll’ on the 29th March! & finally prep for theChangetalks CIC event being held at Chorley town hall next week! Another busy fun filled week.Now it’s time for family time this weekend👨‍👩‍👦‍👦 #breathe#breathelancashire#hypnobirthing< br>


💫 💫 to book on| £180 per couple.
This includes all course notes, the #KGHypnobirthing book, relaxation audio, a wealth of additional information, videos, evidence based research articles, key national documents, a lovely gift, 1:1 antenatally & postnatally. Yes all this for £180!!


Have you ever thought how habitual our thinking 🤔 is??? Society tells us birth is painful, awful, ‘it hurts like hell’ and the rest!!!! Well ‘we don’t think so here at Breathe!! KGHypnobirthing classes help you prepare for your birth teaching about choice, comfort, confidence, calm and a control. Hypnobirthing classes £180 or enquire about our 1:1 private sessions
... #breathe #breathelancashire #createthebirthyouwant #pregnancy #pregnancysupport #hypnobirthing #kghypnobirthing #relaxation #mindfulness #mentalhealth #expectantparents #newparents #preston #penwortham #garstang #lytham #kirkham #lancaster #blackburn #ribblevalley #lancashire #northwest #smallbusiness #localbusiness
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Why not gift those mamas a Hypnobirthing course!!! Today our gift to you is 10% of any course booked group or 1:1 #breathe #breathelancashire #mothersday #lancashire #hypnobirthing


Happy Mother’s Day to all our new mummies, mummies to be & last but certainly not forgotten those mummy angels xxxx Let’s make sure we tell them how special they are to us today. Start from the very moment she wakes up to the good night kiss 😘 Being a mama is one of the most rewarding jobs, they’re laughs, they’re smiles, watching them sleep is a truly amazing feeling. Why not gift those mamas a Hypnobirthing course!!! Today our gift to you is 10% of any course booked group or 1:1 #breathe #breathelancashire #mothersday #lancashire #hypnobirthing


✨✨ Yet another fantastically positive birth! ✨✨ Our amazingly fantastic mama was due to give birth at hospital, but after considering all options she went on to have a wonderful home birth 🙏 Birth review & pics to follow........ #breathe #breathelancashire #preston #lancashire #createthebirthyouwant #hypnobirthing #kghypnobirthing #pregnancyrelaxation #antenatalclass #penwortham #fulwood #longton #newlongton


Happy #internationalwomensday 🙋🏻‍♀️ to all the women out there, all the fellow women and men who support us and to all the baby girls who will grow to take our place; you are amazing!


🔶Full Antenatal & Hypnobirthing Class🔶
🔸Monday night 9|16|23|30 April🔸
🔸£180 per couple🔸
... Take a look at some of what you will learn:
🔹What Hypnobirthing is & how it works 🔹Breathing & Relaxation techniques for pregnancy & labour 🔹Learn how your birth partner can be involved & support you 🔹Learn How to put your birth preferences together 🔹Learn the importance of positivity in pregnancy 🔹You’ll also receive Katherine Graves Hypnobirthing book, course notes, colour & calmness audio & a lovely gift
📧 k Lyndsay or Hayley ☎️07873421420
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We can't believe were already into March - for us, February saw us have the lull we thought would come at Christmas/New Year (although it was lovely that it didnt and we were still busy teaching all our couples). With just 1:1 bespoke courses and relaxation courses taking place in February, we had a bit of let up from group courses and we invested that time wisely - we spent time with our families and for ourselves, but most importantly we have spent some of the time we had our diaries for group courses to improve and update our course content. . As nurses, continually changing and improving practice is insitlled in us and comes naturally, we find we have something we want to add or change with every course we do; not only do we continually have ideas of how to improve, but we include up to date information, statistics and guidelines which might have come out and of course, we learn from our fantastic couples too, who are always giving us extra information and examples of things to make our course fuller. . This time we've gone big - the quality of information and what you get out of our courses is the most important thing to us - we've been busy bees and we have made or course more interactive, vaired, more in depth and full of up to date information and resources for us to show our couples and for them to take away!! We almost feel sorry for our couples that have already done it and missed out on all our new material!! . February has been a good one, but were set for a very busy March; with two full group hypnobirthing courses, relaxation classes, event speaking and event exhibiting, but were ready for it and we cant wait!
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Breathe baby• Not only is this little lady Ivy Elizabeth a Breathe baby, she’s Lyndsay’s niece, Lyndsay also had the great honor of accepting to be Ivy‘s Godmother! 💕 . 5 months ago we had the opportunity to deliver Hypnobirthing & pregnancy relaxation classes to Kirsty & Neil, both parents completely invested• learning so much about the role of birth partner, empowered to go on and have a drug free positive birth to beautiful Ivy Elizabeth Here is Kirsty & Neil’s story.... .... Thank you for all of your support & encouragement throughout, Hypnobirthing had such a positive experience for us, we really believe that the whole journey would have been so different without your support. . We are over the moon with our beautiful daughter Ivy and so happy that Ivy’s arrival, was the calm experience we wanted it to be. . I went into labour at midnight & delivered Ivy at 6.29 am. The midwifes knew we were hypnobirthing and let us create the atmosphere we wanted. . I opted against unnecessary examinations spending time in the pool focusing on the birthing strategies. I strongly believe this is why I didnt need any pain relief and why labour was over so quckly. . People ask me about hypnobirthing, the first thing I say is it made us feel empowered, which as first time parents you really can’t under estimate it. . We had the knowledge to know we had choices where to have our baby. . We made important & informed descions based on fact. . If i had a pound for every time somebody told me she was a beautiful colour! I’m in no doubt that this was down to the delayed cord clamping. . I wanted to use hypnobirthing for one reason... pain management. Over the years I’d built up a memory bank of all the birthing horror stories, heard from friends & family,I was terrified of giving birth. . Hypnobirthing really helped me quash these anxiety’s & helped neil to understand how to support me when I had a wobble. . Having developed hyperemesis during pregnancy I really struggling to cope. Pregnancy relaxation sessions were a god send. . I never thought I would describe my Labour as beautiful,it really was & I put this down to tools and support taught. . We can’t thank you enough & if we’re blessed another you’ll be on speed dial!
Love Kirsty & Neil xx #breathe#createthebirthyowant #Hypnobirthing#Lancashire#Preston
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Breathe baby • how gorgeously beautiful is this birth photograph 😍 when we first clapped eyes on it we couldn't stop swooning over it-the perfect birth environment for baby to arrive and the natural calmness and happiness coming from mum and dad is incredible!! . A few months ago we had the absolute pleasure of doing a 1:1 hypnobirthing course with one of our very own Preston birth centre midwives and her husband. From the start it was so obvious how invested both mum and dad... were in having the best birth they could; a home birth was planned and mum put so much focus into learning and practicing relaxation techniques to ensure she was able to remain calm and in control when birth started. It was a pleasure and an honour to ve part of their journey and We're so pleased that everything went to plan; undoubtebly down to mum and dads approach and practice and our lovely couple welcomed a beautiful baby girl, Ottilie, into the world, in their own home two weeks ago. All 3 are doing very well and here is their story... . My waters went in the morning and early labour started a few hours later.
I found the relaxations helpful in early labour alongside the up breathing. Our positive birth affirmations came in handy when the surges became more powerful about 12 hrs later. The midwives arrived just over an hour before she came as I wasn't too convinced it was time!
My husband reminded me about down breathing once my body urged me to start pushing. The combination meant she arrived slowly and calmly. It was a positive, empowering and enjoyable experience. With over an hour of skin to skin she took to breastfeeding straight away.
Having the 1:1 sessions with Hayley enabled us to have a few hours a week focusing on preparing for the birth. It also kept me relaxed during the pregnancy. I will definitely use aspects of hypnobirthing within my midwifery practice in the future. . . . #breathe #breathelancashire #breathebaby #hypnobirthing #kghypnobirthing #birthannouncement #newparents #mumswhohypnobirth #dadswhohypnobirth #homebirth #birthstory #positivebirth #empoweredbirth #calmbirth #preston #lancashire #northwest
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I've Just had my first pregnancy relaxation session and loved it! It was Just what I needed to help me switch off and relax. I've learnt some great techniques to keep practising and I'm looking toward to trying them until my next session. Thank you !


I've Just had my first pregnancy relaxation session and loved it! It was Just what I needed to help me switch off and relax. I've learnt some great techniques to keep practising and I'm looking toward to trying them until my next session. Thank you !

More about Breathe

Breathe is located at 7 Parkhurst Avenue, PR25 5PF Preston, Lancashire