Brookdale Park

About Brookdale Park

This page is run by BUG (Brookdale Park User Group) Event news & general park updates

Brookdale Park Description

Bought by Manchester City Council in 1900 for the use as a public park.
Open Dawn till Dusk

Children's play area
Multi use game area
Football pitch
BMX track & skate park
Tennis Court
Woodland area
Wild flower meadows



These people are really starting to tick me off now, as they are putting MY and YOUR only outdoor place, our park, at serious threat and risk of being CLOSED. To most in Newton Heath, it's the only place we can go to get some exercise and fresh air, in a green and reasonably pleasant place. It's ticked me off that much, that I've taken the rare step of putting photos of some of them on here. To all of them I personally pointed out what they were putting at risk, THE CLOS...URE OF THE PARK! It mattered not to them, they just carried on playing. So as it matters not to them, it also matters not to me that they {Edited: did appear on her now removed by me) they appearing on here, and if they are named and shamed, so be it! (Edited: NO ONE has, other than their own parents) You will by your selfish, selfish actions, lose this community it openness of its park!
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Tonight seems like it's a moaning night from BUG, well may be, but so be it, because it's imperative to all the users who use the park in these testing times. There are a few that are coming in the park that are NOT abiding by the rules. We again have received notification from MCC about those rules. Bottom line is, if people don't stick to the rules, whether they agree with them or not. MCC WILL CLOSE THE PARK TO USERS, it really is that simple! This is what MCC Sent to us Good afternoon again!
Hope you are all still doing well.
I wanted to give you an update on Social Media messaging and to also ask you to amend information on your own websites.
Social Media
Since closing the Park facilities on Tuesday, we are having challenges with people still not heeding the advice, for example still using play areas and meeting to play football.
Please can you share/retweet the Manchester City Council message as widely as possible - we will be doing daily messaging to keep the message out there, so please keep checking for updates. It is essential that this message gets through - Help us keep parks open by sharing the guidance and messages.
Twitter - @ManCityCouncil Facebook - Manchester City Council
Using your one exercise a day in your local park? 🏞️ Please make sure you're following Government rules. #KeepYourDistance πŸšΆβ€β™€β€β†”οΈπŸšΆβ€β™‚β€ You need to be at least three steps away from others.
If you do see this in any of your parks, please report it, as we have Park Security on hand to respond and disperse people.
Website updates
Please could you help us by updating your own websites with information where appropriate - I have drafted some wording that you could consider using.
Regular volunteer sessions/bowling/football/events/activiti es at xxxxxx have been suspended for the time being. Parks will remain open for individuals & households to exercise once a day, but please follow the government rules of no more than 2 people in a group, unless from the same household, and observe 2m social distancing.
If you have any questions, please get in touch - speak soon.
Kirsten Flanagan Strategy Manager (Parks)
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Please note with the increase of people walking their dogs (Exercising) in the park. The whole of the park, including the Dells are subject to Scooping YOUR dog's poo up and disposing it properly in the park bins. Leaving it and walking away is not an option. If caught by the Park Wardens, Dog Wardens or any MCC official it's going to cost you Β£80 fixed penalty fine and up to Β£1000 if it goes to court. The South Dell, Hulmes Rd, has never been as bad as it is at the moment, since we the users have been able to walk through it with ease. And this is not disposing of it properly to whoever it was that was to bone ideal to take it with them.


We've been asked to post this by MCC
Hello Everyone,
I hope you are all keeping well and looking after yourselves.
... I am emailing to please ask for your help. Our Parks and Open spaces, particularly play areas, have become extremely busy over the past couple of days and we do expect this to remain the same with the announcement of schools now being closed.
Manchester City Council has developed some communications on social media and I want to please ask for your help in sharing this message across your networks, specifically if you have group Facebook pages or Twitter accounts, but even on personal accounts. Please reshare and retweet the message as widely as possible.
Twitter - @ManCityCouncil Facebook - Manchester City Council
This is the message you are looking out for to reshare/retweet.
Great weather and Mother's Day, but we all must follow public health guidance, especially social distancing. This includes parks and open spaces. Help us to keep them open by following the advice.
Thank you all for your support.
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To those who are interested and attend tomorrow's birdwalk is still going ahead. Social distancing will be observed and only attend if you are fit and well.


Warning to all dog owners Sent to me from a park user I went in the park this morning and as I was passing the tennis courts, a lady with a German Shepherd asked if I had a dog and I said I hadn't. She said she'd been throwing a ball for her dog, Bella, and it had landed just outside the courts on the grass. She went to pick it up to throw it again and noticed a carrot. On closer inspection, she saw it had metal inside it, like razor blades, and some blood on it. I was shocked. I said I would warn other dog owners to be on their guard. Can you also do this please. Thanks.


I'll just leave this here for people to read quirrels-and-cats-…


I'm putting this up because it's an amazing way of transplanting mature trees. A similar machine was used to transplant 3 rare and mature trees in Brookdale about 10 years ago. Those trees came from the city centre and near to the Bridgewater Hall. In the sort the site they came from was being developed and had over a million pounds worth of rare trees planted on it. And would have just been felled and sent to landfill had it not been for the City Council Tree Officer spotting them and negotiating with the developer to save them.


Today's Birdwalk is still on folks if you were wondering and planning to come


Notice MCC Parks is holding the second Park Plan Consultation Meeting for Brookdale Park this Saturday 11/1/20 coming at 2 30 pm in the Veterans Bowling Hut in the park. All are welcome to attend and have an input.


Urgent Notice The meeting with Park Management over the Park Plan on Thursday Evening the 21st is postponed until a later date because of the General Election and Purdah. Under Purdah Council Officers are not allowed to attend meetings where Elected Members national or local could be present. The local Councillors have expressed a wish that they would like to be present at the next Park Plan meeting. Ergo the meeting can't go-a-head with them present. ... We will post the new date when its been agreed. BUG P
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Fireworks Display It will be at 7.30pm on Monday 4th November with a fair starting at 5pm.


It's Bird Walk time again. Here's the dates for this season πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ


BUG would like to thank all the local people and park users that attended the consultation meeting last night. We felt it was a constructive meeting with park management. And as the Plan is a 'living document' a further meeting has been arranged on the 21st of November same place (Vets Hut) same time 7 00 pm. All again are welcome to attend.


Sorry about this people but Facebook won't let me put this on as it appears in the Park Plan Document. But what follows are the key proposals of the Park Plan. We would ask you to restrict your answers and comments to the key proposals.
5. Site Assessment: An appraisal of site specific areas of the Park provides an assessment of key features, their condition and proposed works to bring them to a standard. This can form the basis of the development action plan and offer a ...
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Consultation Meeting on Wednesday 25th at 7 00 pm in the Veterans Bowling Hut (entrance is via the small metal gate next to Total Property Management car park)
The purpose of the Consultation Meeting is for the public and users to have an input into the drawing up of a Park Plan for Brookdale Park. All with an interest in the park are welcome to attend.

More about Brookdale Park