Child Care Foundation

About Child Care Foundation

Child care Foundation is a campaigning and advocacy organization taking action to end extreme poverty and preventable disease mostly in Africa.

Child Care Foundation Description

Child care Foundation affiliate with some anti-poverty activists to mobilize public opinion in support of tested and proven methods for tackling poverty



#Africa Need you Today #Save A dying Soul by Reaching to them #MAKETHEWORLDABETTERPLACE


Protection is especially important for children
What is protection?
All children have the right to protection. Every child has the right to survive, to be safe, to belong, to be heard, to receive adequate care and to grow up in a protective environment.
... A family is the first line of protection for children. Parents or other caregivers have the primary responsibility for building a protective and loving home. Schools and communities are responsible for building a safe and child-friendly environment outside the child’s home.
Unfortunately, millions of children are not fully protected. Many children deal with violence, abuse, neglect, exploitation, exclusion and/or discrimination every day. These kinds of violations limit their chances of surviving, thriving and pursuing their dreams.
Over 160 million children work instead of enjoying their childhood It is estimated that more than 160 million children aged 5–14 are engaged in child labour. Millions of children, mostly girls, work as domestic labourers in private homes and more than a million children are trafficked every year.
What is protection?
Girls and boys should be encouraged and supported to speak up for children’s rights. Young people should take an active role in their own protection against abuse, violence, exploitation and discrimination.
Every child should have the opportunity to grow up in a family. If a family is unable to care for the child, steps should be taken by community authorities to address the reasons and make every effort to keep the family together.
Every child has a right to a name. Every child has a right to a nationality. Registering a child’s birth helps to ensure a child’s right to education, health care as well as legal and social services. Globally, the births of nearly 230 million children under age five have never been recorded. Birth registration is a vital step towards protection from abuse and exploitation.
Girls and boys must be protected from all forms of violence and abuse. Violence includes physical, sexual and emotional abuse, neglect and harmful practices such as child marriage and genital mutilation/cutting of girls. Families, communities and authorities must take responsibility for this protection.
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Facts to know about pneumonia
One out of every five deaths of children under age 5 is caused by pneumonia.
Coughs, colds, sore throats and runny noses are common in the lives of children. Usually they are no cause for alarm. In some cases, however, coughs are danger signs of more serious illnesses, such as pneumonia or tuberculosis. Pneumonia is the world’s leading cause of death in girls and boys under age 5, closely followed by diarrhoea. All girls and boys have the right t...o quality health care to make sure that respiratory infections and other illnesses are accurately diagnosed and treated before it is too late.
Some facts to know about pneumonia
A child with a cough or cold should be kept warm and encouraged to eat and drink as much as possible.
Sometimes, coughs are signs of a serious problem. A child who is breathing rapidly or with difficulty might have pneumonia, an infection of the lungs. This is a life-threatening disease. The child needs immediate treatment from a trained health worker, who can also provide a referral to a health facility.
Families can help prevent pneumonia by making sure babies are exclusively breastfed for the first six months and that all children are well nourished and fully immunized.
A child who has a prolonged cough that persists for more than three weeks needs immediate medical attention. The child may have tuberculosis, an infection in the lungs.
Children and pregnant women exposed to smoke from tobacco or cooking fires are at greater risk of pneumonia or other breathing illnesses.
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Happiness is a choice. You can choose to be happy. There's going to be stress in life, but it's your choice whether you let it affect you or not.


In remembrance of this harrowing anniversary, we revisit the events from April 1994 in Rwanda to honor those who lost their lives and to ensure that the world never allows such horror to happen again. #MyTeamAndI #RestINPeace


There are souls downcast There are Millions dying out of pain Thousands are sent below by Frustration They sought but Find No place to unleash their virtue
... #SaveAsoulToday #MakeTheworldAbetterplace #ChildcareFoundation
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Swine Flu :: Using Sanitizer against H1 Virus
Protect yourself against the spread of the H1 Virus popularly called the (SWINE FLU), although there has been reported case so far in some Africa countries. The most effective way to stop the spread of any infectious disease, including influenza, is regularly washing or sanitizing of our hands.
... Here is how to use the HAND SANITIZER:
1. Dispense some gel into your hands.
2. Rub gently on the palms and in between all your fingers, including your nails.
4. Air-dry your hands (DO NOT WIPE)!
Use the Hand Sanitizer or wash your hands with soap and water after:-
• Using or changing Diapers.
• Sneezing, blowing your nose or coughing.
• Touching a cut or open sore.
• Playing outside or with pets.
• Touching any surface that may have been touched by somebody who is ill and before handling food or eating.
• Shaking hands with people
Proper hygiene goes a long way in protecting your health!
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SLEEP - Your body repairs itself while you sleep, while lack of sleep affects your ability to concentrate, think logically and carry out task and slows you down generally. Satisfying deep sleep is one of the easiest ways to look younger, healthier and boost your body immune function. Always finish work at least one hour before you go to bed to avoid over stimulating your mind. Desist from caffeinated drinks or alcohol after 6pm if you ...
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No Poverty
End poverty in all its forms everywhere
1 billion people – that’s almost 1 in 7 of us – live in extreme poverty. Ending it will be the greatest global challenge of our generation, but it’s possible.
... Being born into poverty means every part of your life is harder. From surviving to your 5th birthday, to getting a good education, having enough nutritious food and clean water to stay healthy, finding work and supporting your own family – the odds are stacked against you.
The good news is We know we can finish the job by 2030, by creating a world where every child gets a fair chance at life, no matter where they are born.
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#Helpspreadtheword #HelpAfricaToday #Showlove2yourNeighbourhood #SaveAsoul #HelpEducateAchild... #SayNotoRape #sayNotoMalaria #childHealthcare
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HOW TO TREAT MALARIA If you are showing signs of malaria, you need to seek help right away to ensure your health, and the health of those in your community.
Find a clinic… immediately!
... Even if you aren’t sure of your symptoms, find a clinic or contact a local health worker immediately! It’s not worth the wait, malaria is much more dangerous if it goes untreated.
Get tested
A Rapid Diagnostic Test (RDT) can give you an accurate diagnosis within 15 minutes. Your clinic should have these - sometimes community health workers can even test you right in your village!
Get treated
Your local clinic or community health worker should have treatment on hand to help you feel better. In normal cases, malaria can be cured in just a few days, but your health provider knows best!
Take ALL of your treatments
Remember, if you don’t finish your treatment, you still have malaria inside of you and remain a threat to those around you. Mosquitoes will still be able to get malaria from your body and infect the next person they bite. So, even if you feel better, please think of your family and friends and finish your treatment!
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Malaria is a parasite
Malaria is caused by a parasite – a living thing that uses other living things, like your body, for food and a place to live. To beat the disease, we need to kill the parasite inside the human body through active testing and treatment.
You get it from mosquitoes
... Anopheles mosquitoes are a type of mosquito that transmits malaria. They mostly bite at night, between the hours of 9pm and 5am. That is why it is important to sleep under a bed net and every night.
It is most dangerous to pregnant women and children
Malaria can infect everyone, but it is especially important to protect pregnant women and children, who are more likely to die from the disease. Over 200,000 newborn babies die a year because of malaria during pregnancy.
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Ebola virus disease is a severe, often fatal illness
Ebola virus disease (formerly known as Ebola haemorrhagic fever) is a severe, often fatal illness, with a death rate of up to 90%. The illness affects humans and nonhuman primates (monkeys, gorillas, and chimpanzees).
Ebola first appeared in 1976 in two simultaneous outbreaks, one in a village near the Ebola River in the Democratic Republic of Congo, and the other in a remote area of Sudan.
... The origin of the virus is unknown but fruit bats (Pteropodidae) are considered the likely host of the Ebola virus, based on available evidence.
Find out typical symptoms of Ebola infection
Sudden onset of fever, intense weakness, muscle pain, headache and sore throat are typical signs and symptoms. This is followed by vomiting, diarrhoea, rash, impaired kidney and liver function, and in some cases, both internal and external bleeding.
Laboratory findings include low white blood cell and platelet counts, and elevated liver enzymes.
The incubation period, or the time interval from infection to onset of symptoms, is from 2 to 21 days. The patients become contagious once they begin to show symptoms. They are not contagious during the incubation period.
Ebola virus disease infections can only be confirmed through laboratory testing.
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A mother can sometimes be too busy to tend to minor issues concerning her child due to tight schedules. But getting updates from Child health Foundation will helps prevent and manage diarrhoea for your child, whiles you tend to more pressing matters, but you’ve got to be a part of it.


States must assist children who do not live with their family
When parents or the people responsible for a child are unable to provide protection or care, the State is to do so. Adult decisions must promote the welfare of the children affected by the decisions.
Thus, a child who cannot live with his or her family has the right to protection and aid from the State. The child may be placed in a family or in an institution for children, where the child’s religion, culture and l...anguage must be respected.
When a child can no longer live with his or her parents and acquires new parents, this is referred to as “adoption.”
Adoption must take place in the framework of the law, and may occur only if adoption improves the child’s life. Adoption is permitted only if the parents, legal representatives and all other persons concerned have given their informed consent. These people do not have the right to extract profit from the adoption (for example, by receiving money).
When a child is not living with his or her family (but, as the case may be, in a hospital, foster family or institution for children), his or her situation must be re-examined regularly to ascertain whether the living conditions remain optimal for the child.
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Globally, about 800 women die every day in the process of giving birth.
Every pregnant woman hopes for a healthy baby and an uncomplicated pregnancy. The poor health of the mother, including diseases that were not adequately treated before or during pregnancy, is often a factor contributing to newborn deaths or to babies born too early and/or with low birth weight, which can cause future complications.


I have Finally launched my foundation with some affiliation in Africa. #HelpSpreadTheWord #ChildcareFoundaton

More about Child Care Foundation

Child Care Foundation is located at Liverpool lime street station, Liverpool