Clear Water Fisheries - Carnforth

Monday: 08:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 08:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 08:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 08:00 - 17:00
Friday: 07:30 - 19:00
Saturday: 07:30 - 19:00
Sunday: 07:30 - 18:00

About Clear Water Fisheries - Carnforth

Clear Water Fisheries

Fisheries call 01524 745848 for all bookings and information.

Clear Water Fisheries - Carnforth Description

The Norths premier fishing destination with 7 fully stocked lakes or Spend your afternoon relaxing in our cafe. We offer scenic views of our lakes and Warton crag. Choose from either a breakfast, lunch menu, afternoon tea or a main meal, All of our food is locally sourced and cooked fresh to order. For those with a sweet tooth we have a selection of handmade cakes, scones and afternoon teas.



Check this out ! well done Chris Froggatt


Catch report
After a pretty eventful few weeks (understatement of the year!) it's good to be back reporting on a normal week at the fishery. All lakes have fished well and I even managed to do a lap of the complex the other day without melting... definite progress!
Kellet has been the most productive lake, with more than 50 ... fish visiting the bank in the last 7 days. I cant remember the lake fishing better. Martin Corless had 5 to just under 20lb, Gavin Liver, David McComb, Scott (sorry, no surname because Adam Foulds is GREAT at writing the catch report forms) each had 4 fish, the biggest being a 22lber to Scott.
Dave Manning's Sr and Jr had a cracking few days staying in our onsite Lodge with their families, Jr. and Sr. each managed 6 fish out of Kellet with dad landing the biggest at just over 20lbs. top guys!
Keer Lake has been pretty quiet angler wise but has still thrown up a few fish, top rod Paul Curwen had 3 over the weekend to 26lb and top nod Andy Hargreaves is currently 5 fish to the good with 24 hours still ahead of him... he's coming for you Paul! Everyone's favourite lino wrangler, Simon Murphy, was allowed out from under his thumb over the weekend and managed to catch himself 2 cats, the biggest being 56lb 12oz and even Adam caught a couple... in the night... when nobody was around. make of that what you will.
Kents Bank has provided some really good floater fishing over the last few weeks with multiple fish hits pretty common place once the pesky seagulls have been fed off! 8 fish in an afternoon is the best I've heard this week.
lets see what next week brings..
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David McComb had a pretty successful first visit to the fishery, bagging 4 carp from peg 11 on Kellet.
Kellet is fishing exceptionally well at the moment, not been many blanks at all this weekend.
Well done pal, we'll hopefully see you again soon


Steven Harrop with a 25lb common out of Kellet from last week.. Steven was given the honour of naming the fish and has chosen the name 'Barry' ­¤żö


North West bream specialist, Simon Murphy with a fearsome Keer Lake catfish of mid 50's.
Makes a real change for Smurph to have a fish that pulls back.
well done pal, we're all proud of you


Phone line is now fixed and all means of extracting money from you are now back open.. Come at me.
Call us on 01524 745848 Or visit our website to book on


** customer notice **
Due to unforseen idiot, we have no phoneline or internet until we get a BT engineer out. So cash only until further notice.
Sorry for the inconvenience


Back with a bang.. Jamie Stamper with a lovely 25lb Keer Lake stocky.


Catch report -
Only Kellet Lake to feed back on this week, but still plenty of fish to report.
Wayne Haymer had a cracking week, staying in our onsite Lodge and fishing through the days, he managed 17 fish in total, up to 19lb, Wayne pretty unlucky not to amongst any of the bigger fish as he really got them going as his week progressed, well angled pal.
... Harry Almond sneaked a quick night in on Sunday and as usual managed a couple of high doubles and lost one at the net. I've also got a report of a chap called Mark who bagged himself 3 fish in 24hrs and Sam Kelsey and his pal managed 3 between them before running home scared a night early when it got a bit windy on Saturday evening (sorry pal ­¤śé­¤śé­¤śé)
was shown pictures of a 25lb common that came out on Sunday from peg 3 but they've not yet been forwarded to me. The *fully grown man that caught it, wanted to call it 'Ariel' because he loves the Little Mermaid so much, so if that was you, don't be shy, forward us the pic pal.
All our lakes are now back open and looking good after whats been a challenging few weeks. Thanks for all the messages of positivity and support, much appreciated.
Will have loads to report next week.. can't wait!
book online at or call us on 01524 745848
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Right... lets get this show back on the road.
All lakes back open from 7.30 tomorrow morning.
lets have um!
... book online @ or call us on 01524 745848
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We have had some disappointing news recently that our site has had KHV. Probably Introduced with the high number of Koi stocked previously of which we have made every effort to remove. The original fish have all been fine and have likely been carriers for many years. The virus has been highlighted by the recent loss of newly stocked fish which have been exposed for the first time and some have not been able to deal with the stresses of the disease and the hot weather combine...d. We have lost 150 fish from the 690 we have brought on site and the bloom appears to be over.The fish Health Inspectorate advises that a typical bloom lasts up to 15 days.
If thereŌĆÖs any positive news to come from this, it means the remaining fish that have now been exposed to the virus are far better equipped to cope in the future making further mortalities highly unlikely.
So what does this mean. It means we will be closed on Keer and Kents until the 1st August. Kellets remains open as no fish have died here. Our onsite nets and slings have probably help ensure the virus hasnŌĆÖt left the site and affected other fisheries.
To continue the development of the site we are setting up an onsite hatchery with grow ponds which will provide us with future generations of fish to help us continue to build our dream.
ItŌĆÖs a been a difficult and distressing week for all at the fishery but we are determined as ever to continue to build CW after this set back.
We would like to thank everyone who has been onsite helping the staff and offering support over the last two weeks.
Thanks all at CW
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Kellet Lake's having a haircut today.
We've been dying the lake heavily since March and it has held the weed back a lot but this relentless sunshine has seen it take hold over the last few weeks, so we rang the experts in.
its getting shown who's boss now!


Some carp that.
Chris Kirks capture of Keer Lakes Black Eye at 39lb 2oz.
doesn't really need any more words.. just wants gawping at!


Kellet regular Harry Almond absolutely smashing it yet again.. Mr Consistent on there had another 8 fish during his latest session, topped off by this mega 28lb 1oz mirror, that he's christened 'Shoulders'.
All Harry's fish were caught on small Citruz popups over 12mm NashBait Scopex Squid boilies from peg 13.


Let's see what Lawrence East is saying..
excellent article on Kellet Lake in this month's Carpworld Magazine from the effervescent Loz's 'Discovering day tickets' feature. Well worth checking out if you plan on fishing with us.
Top man is Loz and someone who puts absolutely maximum effort into his fishing.


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Bit late sharing this but worth a watch for Hassan and his beautiful hair alone ­¤śŹ­¤śŹ­¤śŹ
The nicest man in fishing.


Whats been happening?
Not half as much as has been going on at the Ambre Solaire factory I'd wager, where the lads will have been working double shifts to help protect the gingers from their natural enemy.. the relentless summer sun! But I digress, still a busy old week in North Lancashire.
Kellet Lake has been up and down over the last couple of weeks since spawning, The fish have been very visible all over the lake but have been, at times, difficult to tempt in the red hot... sunshine we've been enjoy/endur-ing over the last few weeks... plenty of fish visiting the bank with over 30 fish in the last 7 days, it just feels like you should be catching more given the amount of fish you can clearly see in your water!
Notable captures include Hayden Walker and his dad Mark who shared three 18lbers in 24 hours from pegs 11 & 12, Ryan Kellet (got to be good on there with a name like that) had 3 smaller ones on an overnighter and since I started typing this I've heard that Elliott Matthews has just had Popeye from peg 2 at 30lb 8oz.
The weed in Keer lake has really sprung up over the last couple of weeks and finding clear spots is getting more and more challenging but the rewards are definitely there for those that spend some time getting things right. Loz Bebbington 's PB had been stuck in the 29's for a number of years but he finally broke through the 30lb barrier when he had the Scouse Common at 30lb 4oz, its first trip to the bank this year and a really good post spawning weight for the immaculate fish. Loz also landed 2 cats to 44lb and 4 other carp.. great session! Chris Kirk did what Chris Kirk always does and leathered 6 fish to 23lb out in what felt like about 20 minutes.. that man can catch fish! Another angler to break through the 30lb PB barrier in the last week was Chris Froggatt, who smashed his old best by over 9lbs when he banked the incredible Black Eye, amongst 5 other fish, at 38lb 12oz. another fantastic post spawning weight.
a bit of a tragic comedy unfolded on Keer Lake on Saturday night, Ian Mozz Moorhouse suffered a loss of what felt a good fish to a cut off.. some time later, Paul Curwen, fishing opposite had a stuttery take, typical of a line trailer and eventually proceeded to land the biggest fish in the lake, Moonscale, his hook neatly impaled in Ian's lead clip that he'd lost hours earlier! Big Ups to Paul for his honesty in tipping it straight back, there's many that wouldn't and big hugs to Ian at this difficult time ­¤śé
Not much to report from Kents Bank this week as the fish have spent half their week chasing skirt around and the rest of it looking exhausted for their efforts! things seem to be fully settled down now and the weather is a lot cooler today so should have plenty to report next week.
That's us up to date I think
See you on the bank
book online at or ring us on 01524 745848
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got a wet bottom taking this photograph.. wasn't bothered!
Different angle on Chris Froggatt's mega common from this morning


What a great place had a super session 15 fish up to 18.8. Highly recommened place to come. Also lodge were we stayed for the week was to high standards i will love to come again in the near future.


What a gem of a place: wandering through the lanes after picking fruit down the road , i came across the fishery and the cafe. The food was top class and the personnel weŌĆÖre the kindest and most friendly I have come across for many months! There was nothing that was too much trouble for them and the outside patio for eating was a joy to experience. The picturesque view across the lake has to be seen to be believed, so tranquil and peaceful: to all concerned thanks for all your effort in making Clear Water a very special place to visit, canŌĆÖt wait to revisit!!


This is my first visit fish the Scotland trials on kellet. They have done alot of work over the winter. Paths, hard standing for the pegs. All the staff are really friendly and helpfull. We had the food delivered from the bistro and it's was excellent. Can't fault the place. Keep up the good work guy's. I'll be returning again as soon as I get a chance­¤¢Æ­¤¢Æ


This is an amazing fishery I would highly recommend it and I will be back.


Spent 48 hours fishing here absolutely wonderful place excellent staff friendly and helpful lakes are a bit weedy but still managed to have 3 lovely double figure carp will be even better once the trees grow and they have cleared the weed top marks to a top location


Lovely venue nice clean pegs

All the bailiffs/staff are friendly and donŌĆÖt bother you great fishing and

the food from the bistro is 5*


Lovely fish & chips for our lunch, we were lucky the sun was shining so we sat outside. Very friendly staff.


Just spent 4 nights on Jimmy's lake in some very mixed weather, everything from glorious sunshine to thunderstorms and sideways rain!, didn't manage to get into the carp but did manage a couple of cats to 17.5lbs. All the staff very helpful and a friendly bunch of anglers, the food delivered to peg was very nice too. Can't fault the place and work is still ongoing, I think things are only going to get better here.


Just had my first session here. Heard so much about the place. Brilliant venue and well run. Owner and bailiffs are very welcoming. I had an evening meal and a breakfast delivered to my swim. Excellent value for money. Definatly worth the travel . And I'll be back very soon.


I've fished kellet lake on 3 occasions this year. Each time I have gone I have watched the place grow. It has been boggy and wet for a long time and although this has been the case you can see the work and effort going into the place. It's by no means perfect (yet) but it's well in its way. In a couple of years time once all the trees and grass grow up (weather has held this back) the place will look amazing. Now to the fishing, last year I was very disappointed with the way the weed had grown and was sick of losing fish. The weed hasn't yet had time to grow this year but having chatted with the staff they recognised this and are working hard to prevent that this year. This year has been a different story. I have fished in all weather and conditions so far and if I haven't caught I have seen others catch. The fish are immaculate. The staff are very helpful, they were soon out to help me with photos when fishing alone and had no problem getting the boat out when I got locked up. Firstly to make sure the fish was fine but even took a long route around the lake in the boat to ensure my swim wasn't affected. I've took the time to right the review because the staff took the time out of there quite clearly busy day to help me at every opportunity. Best fishery in the north is well in its way. Well done guys.


I take my Mum and My Auntie here loads, they love it, Mind you so do I, nothing is to much for anyone, they are all friendly and helpful and enjoy the odd joke or two. Great views, great food, great staff what more can you ask for, well worth a visit be be prepared to keep going back, it's the best place for food locally or should I say in my opinion only, and my Mum's and auntie's.


Hi just like to thank Clearwater for letting Carp Team Scotland host a trial on Kellet for the up and coming season.The Clearwater team as usual couldn't help out enough and the food the lads had was excellent .Thanks hopefully be back soon.Cheers Steve


First time at the fishery with Scotland carp team and was really impressed with the fishery as a hole. Cafe/bistro is excellent, all staff were really helpful and facilities were top notch. Over all really impressed clean tidy fishery and it will only get better as the years go on, with something for everyone from day ticket to syndicate itŌĆÖs well worth a visit. I wouldnŌĆÖt hesitate to go again !


First time at clearwater this bank holiday and loved it from friendly anglers both on Kelley and the syndicate great staff and stunning carp made for a great first and definitely not the last trip thanks again and see you soon


Absolute class! I first visited the place filming a piece for Carpology Magazine and I've been back to do more work as well as for my own fishing! Whether your looking for a family day out sampling quality mixed course fishing or hauling stunning scaley carp up to 40lbs in the crystal clear water this place has everything any angler could ask for! Even for non anglers (or for you non cooking anglers) the bistro food is absolutely exceptional and offers a bit of michalan star luxury on the bank! The place is run and owned by a top quality team (Alex, Mikey, Adam and Ben) who can't do enough to help you! Watch this space this fishery is seriously going places! Get yourself down to Clearwater and see for yourself!


A beautiful location. Good food. Friendly staff. The chicken burger was succulent. Must try the fish next time.


Spent 48 hours on dewhurst lake, had 3 runs landed one. Really good fishery and well run. Had the landing net pole snap on me at half 2 in the morning so that meant I lost out on a good few hours of fishing but the staff swapped it as soon as they opened. Food was excellent!! I will definitely be back!


Clear Water is slowly but surely opening again (used to be Catch 23), The staff are brilliant and very friendly and the coffee and cakes are excellent. We had a meal here about a week ago and again it was excellent. I have only given it 4 stars as there is a lot of groundwork going on at the moment which is causing a lot of mud around the car park. Well worth a visit despite the mud!


Quite put off as they don't seem to Freindly to people of colour and quite a few people have also told me this so I'll not be going there


What a great place had a super session 15 fish up to 18.8. Highly recommened place to come. Also lodge were we stayed for the week was to high standards i will love to come again in the near future.


What a gem of a place: wandering through the lanes after picking fruit down the road , i came across the fishery and the cafe. The food was top class and the personnel weŌĆÖre the kindest and most friendly I have come across for many months! There was nothing that was too much trouble for them and the outside patio for eating was a joy to experience. The picturesque view across the lake has to be seen to be believed, so tranquil and peaceful: to all concerned thanks for all your effort in making Clear Water a very special place to visit, canŌĆÖt wait to revisit!!


This is my first visit fish the Scotland trials on kellet. They have done alot of work over the winter. Paths, hard standing for the pegs. All the staff are really friendly and helpfull. We had the food delivered from the bistro and it's was excellent. Can't fault the place. Keep up the good work guy's. I'll be returning again as soon as I get a chance­¤¢Æ­¤¢Æ


This is an amazing fishery I would highly recommend it and I will be back.


Spent 48 hours fishing here absolutely wonderful place excellent staff friendly and helpful lakes are a bit weedy but still managed to have 3 lovely double figure carp will be even better once the trees grow and they have cleared the weed top marks to a top location


Lovely venue nice clean pegs

All the bailiffs/staff are friendly and donŌĆÖt bother you great fishing and

the food from the bistro is 5*


Lovely fish & chips for our lunch, we were lucky the sun was shining so we sat outside. Very friendly staff.


Just spent 4 nights on Jimmy's lake in some very mixed weather, everything from glorious sunshine to thunderstorms and sideways rain!, didn't manage to get into the carp but did manage a couple of cats to 17.5lbs. All the staff very helpful and a friendly bunch of anglers, the food delivered to peg was very nice too. Can't fault the place and work is still ongoing, I think things are only going to get better here.


Just had my first session here. Heard so much about the place. Brilliant venue and well run. Owner and bailiffs are very welcoming. I had an evening meal and a breakfast delivered to my swim. Excellent value for money. Definatly worth the travel . And I'll be back very soon.


I've fished kellet lake on 3 occasions this year. Each time I have gone I have watched the place grow. It has been boggy and wet for a long time and although this has been the case you can see the work and effort going into the place. It's by no means perfect (yet) but it's well in its way. In a couple of years time once all the trees and grass grow up (weather has held this back) the place will look amazing. Now to the fishing, last year I was very disappointed with the way the weed had grown and was sick of losing fish. The weed hasn't yet had time to grow this year but having chatted with the staff they recognised this and are working hard to prevent that this year. This year has been a different story. I have fished in all weather and conditions so far and if I haven't caught I have seen others catch. The fish are immaculate. The staff are very helpful, they were soon out to help me with photos when fishing alone and had no problem getting the boat out when I got locked up. Firstly to make sure the fish was fine but even took a long route around the lake in the boat to ensure my swim wasn't affected. I've took the time to right the review because the staff took the time out of there quite clearly busy day to help me at every opportunity. Best fishery in the north is well in its way. Well done guys.


I take my Mum and My Auntie here loads, they love it, Mind you so do I, nothing is to much for anyone, they are all friendly and helpful and enjoy the odd joke or two. Great views, great food, great staff what more can you ask for, well worth a visit be be prepared to keep going back, it's the best place for food locally or should I say in my opinion only, and my Mum's and auntie's.


Hi just like to thank Clearwater for letting Carp Team Scotland host a trial on Kellet for the up and coming season.The Clearwater team as usual couldn't help out enough and the food the lads had was excellent .Thanks hopefully be back soon.Cheers Steve


First time at the fishery with Scotland carp team and was really impressed with the fishery as a hole. Cafe/bistro is excellent, all staff were really helpful and facilities were top notch. Over all really impressed clean tidy fishery and it will only get better as the years go on, with something for everyone from day ticket to syndicate itŌĆÖs well worth a visit. I wouldnŌĆÖt hesitate to go again !


First time at clearwater this bank holiday and loved it from friendly anglers both on Kelley and the syndicate great staff and stunning carp made for a great first and definitely not the last trip thanks again and see you soon


Absolute class! I first visited the place filming a piece for Carpology Magazine and I've been back to do more work as well as for my own fishing! Whether your looking for a family day out sampling quality mixed course fishing or hauling stunning scaley carp up to 40lbs in the crystal clear water this place has everything any angler could ask for! Even for non anglers (or for you non cooking anglers) the bistro food is absolutely exceptional and offers a bit of michalan star luxury on the bank! The place is run and owned by a top quality team (Alex, Mikey, Adam and Ben) who can't do enough to help you! Watch this space this fishery is seriously going places! Get yourself down to Clearwater and see for yourself!


A beautiful location. Good food. Friendly staff. The chicken burger was succulent. Must try the fish next time.


Spent 48 hours on dewhurst lake, had 3 runs landed one. Really good fishery and well run. Had the landing net pole snap on me at half 2 in the morning so that meant I lost out on a good few hours of fishing but the staff swapped it as soon as they opened. Food was excellent!! I will definitely be back!


Clear Water is slowly but surely opening again (used to be Catch 23), The staff are brilliant and very friendly and the coffee and cakes are excellent. We had a meal here about a week ago and again it was excellent. I have only given it 4 stars as there is a lot of groundwork going on at the moment which is causing a lot of mud around the car park. Well worth a visit despite the mud!


Quite put off as they don't seem to Freindly to people of colour and quite a few people have also told me this so I'll not be going there


What a great place had a super session 15 fish up to 18.8. Highly recommened place to come. Also lodge were we stayed for the week was to high standards i will love to come again in the near future.


What a gem of a place: wandering through the lanes after picking fruit down the road , i came across the fishery and the cafe. The food was top class and the personnel weŌĆÖre the kindest and most friendly I have come across for many months! There was nothing that was too much trouble for them and the outside patio for eating was a joy to experience. The picturesque view across the lake has to be seen to be believed, so tranquil and peaceful: to all concerned thanks for all your effort in making Clear Water a very special place to visit, canŌĆÖt wait to revisit!!


This is my first visit fish the Scotland trials on kellet. They have done alot of work over the winter. Paths, hard standing for the pegs. All the staff are really friendly and helpfull. We had the food delivered from the bistro and it's was excellent. Can't fault the place. Keep up the good work guy's. I'll be returning again as soon as I get a chance­¤¢Æ­¤¢Æ


This is an amazing fishery I would highly recommend it and I will be back.


Spent 48 hours fishing here absolutely wonderful place excellent staff friendly and helpful lakes are a bit weedy but still managed to have 3 lovely double figure carp will be even better once the trees grow and they have cleared the weed top marks to a top location


Lovely venue nice clean pegs

All the bailiffs/staff are friendly and donŌĆÖt bother you great fishing and

the food from the bistro is 5*


Lovely fish & chips for our lunch, we were lucky the sun was shining so we sat outside. Very friendly staff.


Just spent 4 nights on Jimmy's lake in some very mixed weather, everything from glorious sunshine to thunderstorms and sideways rain!, didn't manage to get into the carp but did manage a couple of cats to 17.5lbs. All the staff very helpful and a friendly bunch of anglers, the food delivered to peg was very nice too. Can't fault the place and work is still ongoing, I think things are only going to get better here.


Just had my first session here. Heard so much about the place. Brilliant venue and well run. Owner and bailiffs are very welcoming. I had an evening meal and a breakfast delivered to my swim. Excellent value for money. Definatly worth the travel . And I'll be back very soon.


I've fished kellet lake on 3 occasions this year. Each time I have gone I have watched the place grow. It has been boggy and wet for a long time and although this has been the case you can see the work and effort going into the place. It's by no means perfect (yet) but it's well in its way. In a couple of years time once all the trees and grass grow up (weather has held this back) the place will look amazing. Now to the fishing, last year I was very disappointed with the way the weed had grown and was sick of losing fish. The weed hasn't yet had time to grow this year but having chatted with the staff they recognised this and are working hard to prevent that this year. This year has been a different story. I have fished in all weather and conditions so far and if I haven't caught I have seen others catch. The fish are immaculate. The staff are very helpful, they were soon out to help me with photos when fishing alone and had no problem getting the boat out when I got locked up. Firstly to make sure the fish was fine but even took a long route around the lake in the boat to ensure my swim wasn't affected. I've took the time to right the review because the staff took the time out of there quite clearly busy day to help me at every opportunity. Best fishery in the north is well in its way. Well done guys.


I take my Mum and My Auntie here loads, they love it, Mind you so do I, nothing is to much for anyone, they are all friendly and helpful and enjoy the odd joke or two. Great views, great food, great staff what more can you ask for, well worth a visit be be prepared to keep going back, it's the best place for food locally or should I say in my opinion only, and my Mum's and auntie's.


Hi just like to thank Clearwater for letting Carp Team Scotland host a trial on Kellet for the up and coming season.The Clearwater team as usual couldn't help out enough and the food the lads had was excellent .Thanks hopefully be back soon.Cheers Steve


First time at the fishery with Scotland carp team and was really impressed with the fishery as a hole. Cafe/bistro is excellent, all staff were really helpful and facilities were top notch. Over all really impressed clean tidy fishery and it will only get better as the years go on, with something for everyone from day ticket to syndicate itŌĆÖs well worth a visit. I wouldnŌĆÖt hesitate to go again !


First time at clearwater this bank holiday and loved it from friendly anglers both on Kelley and the syndicate great staff and stunning carp made for a great first and definitely not the last trip thanks again and see you soon


Absolute class! I first visited the place filming a piece for Carpology Magazine and I've been back to do more work as well as for my own fishing! Whether your looking for a family day out sampling quality mixed course fishing or hauling stunning scaley carp up to 40lbs in the crystal clear water this place has everything any angler could ask for! Even for non anglers (or for you non cooking anglers) the bistro food is absolutely exceptional and offers a bit of michalan star luxury on the bank! The place is run and owned by a top quality team (Alex, Mikey, Adam and Ben) who can't do enough to help you! Watch this space this fishery is seriously going places! Get yourself down to Clearwater and see for yourself!


A beautiful location. Good food. Friendly staff. The chicken burger was succulent. Must try the fish next time.


Spent 48 hours on dewhurst lake, had 3 runs landed one. Really good fishery and well run. Had the landing net pole snap on me at half 2 in the morning so that meant I lost out on a good few hours of fishing but the staff swapped it as soon as they opened. Food was excellent!! I will definitely be back!


Clear Water is slowly but surely opening again (used to be Catch 23), The staff are brilliant and very friendly and the coffee and cakes are excellent. We had a meal here about a week ago and again it was excellent. I have only given it 4 stars as there is a lot of groundwork going on at the moment which is causing a lot of mud around the car park. Well worth a visit despite the mud!


Quite put off as they don't seem to Freindly to people of colour and quite a few people have also told me this so I'll not be going there

More about Clear Water Fisheries - Carnforth

Clear Water Fisheries - Carnforth is located at Kellet Lane, LA6 1JU Carnforth
01524 745848
Monday: 08:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 08:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 08:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 08:00 - 17:00
Friday: 07:30 - 19:00
Saturday: 07:30 - 19:00
Sunday: 07:30 - 18:00