
About Crimelevinslaw

Our specialist criminal defence team defends clients all over England and Wales. 01514805777 or crime@levinslaw. co. uk. 24hr 0151 480 5833



ItŌĆÖs all very well billing Mags files in the back garden until you realise that the WiFi doesnŌĆÖt reach the laptop you canŌĆÖt see because of the glare and the wind keeps blowing the filenotes all over the show!


We get weŌĆÖre not as important as the NHS (which we love!) until...youŌĆÖre accused, your son or sister or brother is accused of something they havenŌĆÖt done. The whole system is close to collapse & ppl should pay attention to ppl like the secret barrister. #crime #criminallaw #liverpool #criminaljustice #courts #chester #northwales #innocent #innocentuntilprovenguilty #legalrights #northwestlaw


On call all weekend. Remember legal advice in the police station is free and there is always somebody available 24/7 07725844468 #Liverpool #Chester #Wirral #Runcorn #Northwales #WiganŌĆ ”/just-a-chat-that-ŌĆ”/


Nice little message to end the week off with #liverpool #crime #solicitors


Friday nights... what a view eh ­¤ż”ŌĆŹŌÖé’ĖÅ


Only I could get stuck in a 90min traffic jam at 11pm. Bolton to Liverpool 2 and a bit hours. Day off today to recuperate? No chance, Dscc calls at 4am and a ton of Mags trial prep and crm7ŌĆÖs to bill.....


Defence statements drafted, invoices chased and appointments all booked for next week. Time to enjoy an actual day off now right on the doorstep #larklane #seftonpark #dayoff


ŌĆ£I wasnŌĆÖt particularly aware of legal aid until I needed it.
This Man Had To Face Drugs Charges With No Lawyer Because He CouldnŌĆÖt Afford OneŌĆ”/this-man-had -to-face-drugs-chargŌĆ”

User s/10156272344944948

User 43544025


Have rewarded myself for (what ended up being) 60hrs on call with a nice early voluntary interview in sunny Warrington. Occasionally you get the kind of messages that make the job worthwhile


As the race to the bottom heats up.....
Little story, a firm in Merseyside only uses a rep who charges ┬Ż70. A very significant case came through the police station and that rep was obviously instructed. They did the bare minimum that you would expect for ┬Ż70. The client was ruiŌĆÖd and found his way to me. He had no contact from that firm or rep save for a bog standard letter. He is now charged and at an early estimate I think the case could be worth around ┬Ż25000 for the solic...itor. If the firm had wanted me to rep the client and be in regular contact with the client I would have probably charged ┬Ż120. Firm have save ┬Ż50 but lost ┬Ż25000 ­¤żĘŌĆŹŌÖé’ĖÅbonkers
Is there room for an agency that advertises themselves as:-
Having more experience? Knows and understands compliance? Has excellent client care? Charges a fee which equates to the high level of service they offer? Can represent your client throughout the investigation stage including contact with the police to chase the RUIŌĆÖs?
??? ­¤æĆ
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More about Crimelevinslaw

Crimelevinslaw is located at 2 Rupert Road, L36 9TF Liverpool