Crossfit Sale Moor

About Crossfit Sale Moor

Life changing fitness. No short cuts, or gimmicks. Just hard work & REAL results with support from experienced coaches.



Another week of #personalbest well done all! #gainz #manchester #crossfit #strength #community #barbell #fitness


Nice benchmark WOD today #barbell & #gymnastics with Elizabeth 21-15-9 cleans & ring dips well done to @emmahill87 getting a 67.5kg power clean 💪🏻👌🏻👍🏻#gainz #manchester #community #strength #crossfit #fitness #girlswholift


Nice little #abs finisher for the 9:30 crew this morning! Getting those 6 packs ready for #christmas!! #manchester #community #barbell #gainz #crossfit #strength #fitness #absworkout


What’s wrong with this #benchpress set up? 🤔🤔🤔🤔#gainz #strength #community #barbell #crossfit #manchester #girlswholift


CrossFit total 2 today for the guys all about lifting heavy 1RM on #benchpress #overheadsquat #cleans lots of personal bests recorded! #gainz #manchester #strength #community #barbell #fitness #crossfit #olympiclifting #m33 #salemanchester


CrossFit total 2 today for the guys all about lifting heavy 1RM on #benchpress #overheadsquat #cleans lots of personal bests recorded! #gainz #manchester #strength #community #barbell #fitness #crossfit #olympiclifting #m33 #salemanchester


#olympiclifting day again at CFJ HQ! Today we were focusing on #cleans and especially speed under the #barbell whilst maintaining a good posture and good front rack position in the catch - we even threw in some zombie 🧟‍♀️🧟‍♂️squats!! #gainz #manchester #community #strength #girlswholift #crossfit #humpdaymotivation


#personalbest board #gainz #manchester #strength #community #fitness #crossfit #barbell


JOIN US FOR A FREE WEEKS TRIAL- #crossfit #manchester #strength #fitness #kids #gymnastics #weightlifting #community


Nice to have team sweed back with the gang @karlanat @sezza0015 for some #saturday morning fun #manchester #crossfit #girlswholift #community


#parents and #child class on a #saturday 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻do a WOD whilst your children do a fun @bitesizebootcamp in the same facility #manchester #gymnastics #kids #strength #community #family #fitness #kids


@sezza0015 smashing out some push press today #crossfit #crossfitgirls #girlsthatlift #manchester #strength #community


The @salefc rugby under 13s took on #CrossFit favourite #fightgonebadwod today!! 🤮🤮🤮they did amazingly well! #gymnastics #kids #strength #community #rugby #rugbyunion #family #conditioning


#gymnastics today @crossfit_jackal #handstandpushups with coach @mikehumphs 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻#manchest er #kids #strength #community #crossfit #fitness


Nice bit of #gymnastics & #barbell work for the #morning crew! With overhead #squat & #handstandpushups join us for a #free week’s trial #manchester #gymnastics #kids #community #strength #crossfit #fitness


Tough #cardio #wod for the guys 30 minute EMOM #kettlebellworkout #burpees #gymnastics join us for a FREE week’s trial! #kids #strength #community #manchester


A bit of #olympiclifting practice today with coach @5tret tonight at Jackal Pups - message me if you think your kids would love this too #strength #community #gymnastics #kids #fun #family @ CrossFit Jackal


Lots of #fun and games tonight at #crossfit jackal Pups sesh if you look closely you can see coach @5tret (he’s the little one 😉) #kids #strength #manchester #community #family #fitness #gymnastics


Last week’s Personal bests board! Lots of amazing achievements here! Keep up the good work everyone #gymnastics #manchester #strength #community #kids #crossfit #fitness #fitnessmotivation #fitspo


if like me you have flirted with fitness every six months after christmas, then get board! well this is the place for you!

its never boring, its allways different and fun! i love every session, it really pushes every part of my body. the change in my gym going attitude has totally been changed by the staff at crossfit.

everyone is welcome no matter how fit or un fit you might be

all work outs can be tailored to your fitness and tracked so you can improve. GET DOWN!!


What can i say about Crossfit Jackal... i became a member at the beginning of the year and was welcomed with open arms to the community which they have established, always spurring others on to achieve the maximum potential from every work out! From being a regular basic gym goer, Crossfit Jackal is definitely the place to choose, allowing for comfort zones to be broken and allow for achievements in things which you never thought where possible! This is all before mentioning the positive and motivational instructors through Rik Nesfield & Phil Pownall; always making sure correct techniques are followed to allow complete safety, whilst also spurring you on to achieve the final goal of what you want out of it! I wouldn't go anywhere else because of this ��


What a refreshing Gym full of friendly people, smaller classes giving you the guidance you need and two great trainers who know how to push you without you realising. After being at a mainstream gym for a long time, CrossFit Jackal is just what I needed to re-energise and improve my fitness and strength further than I thought possible. I look and feel better now than ever before all thanks to Phil and Rik so thanks guys keep up the great motivation and continued enthusiasm!


Top group of people and a real positive place for a great work out


These guys are amazing..... What they have created is a welcoming awesome place to smash it...they know they're stuff... If you're looking for a cross fit you have to give them a try!


So glad I got introduced to this place - amazing results, awesome people, positive -friendly atmosphere ! Roll on everything to come �


I’ve only been going to CrossFit Jackal since May but from my first (very nervous) session I completely fell in love with it and was hooked, so much so I signed up to a membership before my 2 week free trail was finished! The trainers and gang are amazing... there is always someone there giving you that extra push to get one more rep when you think you have nothing left, I honestly can’t recommend it enough!


I’m in my later 40s I’ve done lots of gym stuff over the years but nothing serious since in my 20’s. Getting back into fitness can be a tough and daunting challenge. I tried CrossFit Jackal in Sale on their free trial and I was amazed at the friendly atmosphere the great people running it and those attending. Happy to say I joined up and now go as many times as my busy life allows me. Highly recommended for anybody no matter where you are on your fitness journey.


If I am being totally honest I'd never heard of crossfit before a friend recommended it. I didn't know what to expect and I never have liked your typical gyms or the posers that you can find there. I'm still new(ish) it's been a couple of months BUT....

I absolutely love CFJ... why?

it's full of mixed abilities

It's tailored to what YOU can do and what you want to achieve

Youre pushed to reach the next level

Everyone finds it tough

You have a laugh

The other people there are friendly and encouraging (genuinely!)

The coaches are helpful and give you guidance

It's affordable!

And most importantly it's done wonders for my confidence...


I joined the Mums and Babies classes when my baby was 4 months old and six months on I feel fitter and stronger than ever before! I certainly wasn't expecting to be deadlifting over 100kg within only a few months and have the confidence to sign up for my first 10k race (and I'm definitely not a natural runner!) Whilst I also attend another gym to focus purely on my strength, I enjoy the variety and atmosphere at Crossfit Jackal. Crossfit jackal is such a welcoming, fun and supportive gym no matter your fitness level!!! I'm looking forward to joining the normal classes when my little one goes to nursery!


I have always been a traditional gym goer carrying out the same old workout routines and exercises for the past 10 years. I first got interested in CrossFit having seen how fit all the athletes are and how different it is to traditional weight training.

At first I was nervous of trying something new but after a little research found that Rik and Phil ran a club local to me in Sale offering a free two week trial, allowing me to come and have a try. I was very nervous to go along for my first session, however Rik and Phil were great - both super friendly, approachable and knowledgeable! In those first two weeks I couldn't get enough and was going to classes almost every day!

The guys offer a range of classes from early morning to later in the evening allowing you to easily fit it around your work/personal life. The workouts are constantly varied and keep you on your toes. I have found myself trying new exercises and styles of training that I have never tried before or never had the confidence to do in my old gym. Rik and Phil are great and help everyone on a personal level, making sure that your technique is correct, that you understand the basics and that you are stepping out of your comfort zone and pushing yourself.

Since joining I have hit loads of new PB's, got fitter, stronger and broken througn so many plateaus. All the other members are really friendly and welcoming too, and the club has an amazing social element - sooo different to going to the gym and sticking your headphones in for an hour and not talking to anyone! Not only are Rik and Phil there to help you, but all the other club members have a wealth of experience and knowledge also and everyone is helping each other.

I always used to consider getting a personal trainer but with CrossFit Jackal I get so much more for a fraction of the price. It is safe to say that I am well and truly a CrossFit addict now and can't get enough of the WODs. If you're considering CrossFit get in touch, come down for a trial and meet some friendly, like minded people for a fun workout!!! 💪🏻🏋🏻‍♀️💯🔥🔥🔥


I had heard a lot about CrossFit but was anxious about trying it as I wasn’t sure that I would be fit enough. I couldn’t have been any more wrong. The workouts are tough but every single one can be adapted to meet your fitness level and Phil and Rik are great at making sure they meet your capabilities enough to push you but not too much that you’re in over your head. I don’t think I have ever felt such results in a 45 minute Gym session or any Gym class I’ve ever attended. On top of that the people in the classes are great. Genuinely nice people that encourage you to do that extra rep or try a bit more weight on your bar, giving you the extra push you need when you need it. It has a really nice community feel and I’m really glad that I’ve found it. I’m looking forward to what 2018 brings! I couldn’t recommend it enough!


I had a normal gym membership for a long time not really knowing what to do or what I enjoyed only that I didn't enjoy normal gyms. I didn't know much about crossfit beforehand but a friend introduced me to Jackal and it's been great since. The two guys running it know their stuff and they take the time to help you get your technique right before piling on the weights. There are plenty of classes to fit work life schedules but for me the mornings are the best. You can have your daily exercise done by 6.45am. Once you pull yourself out of bed on the first few mornings it becomes the norm. Everyone in the classes have been friendly and welcoming, helping me out when I've struggled with certain exercises or weights. I won't be stepping back into a normal gym again. Oh and the music's pretty good.


I don't think I could have contemplated getting through a Crossfit class before having a baby, let alone after but more than 2 months in and I'm actually loving it.

The classes are tailored to your ability so you don't feel you have to rush to keep up with the others and you can complete your workouts safely and within your capabilities.

Already I feel so much stronger and fitter and more importantly, I have more energy to cope with looking after a baby every day.

This beats your average mums and babies class. If you're looking for a bit of a challenge and like to get a sweat on then this is the place for you. �


I did personal training with Rik when I was heavily pregnant and he was extremely patient with me when I could hardly do anything!

When my baby was 3 months I braved the mums and babies class. I was really nervous as Phoebe wasn't good at sitting on her own for any length of time. Phil has been amazing, especially in the early days, held Phoebe for me so I was able to do the workouts. I now feel much stronger and am getting back to my normal self. The classes have been a highlight of my maternity leave and all the other members are lovely. Phoebe enjoys it too!

I am sad that I only have 3 classes left but I will continue to attend classes in the evenings. Thank you Phil and Rik, I really appreciate you putting on the mums and babies classes!


I decided to give crossfit a go when I saw Crossfit Jackal offered parent and baby classes. After having my second child I wanted to get back into exercise and as they offer a two week free trial I thought it was worth trying out. I was hooked after my first session! The coaching is brilliant and everyone is welcoming and encouraging. The sessions are challenging but scalable to the individual. I am enjoying learning new exercises and pushing myself. The parent and baby classes are great as you can take your baby with you in their pram and the babies all watch while you train. The coach will even push the pram around if your baby gets restless and let you finish your work out!! Training at Crossfit Jackal has been the highlight of my maternity leave and I hope to continue with regular sessions when I return to work.


Having done little or no exercise for the past few years, I was anxious about trying CrossFit. I needn't have been. The coaches know how to scale all the exercises to suit everyone. 6 months in, I'm really enjoying and definitely getting fitter.


Fantastic welcoming place for all ages and fitness levels. Well-structured classes full of friendly people, with flexible membership options....nothing not to like!


Crossfit jackal provides great coaching, advice and support to make the unfit fit and the weak strong. Making every rep count is key to gaining the best results. As well as hard work crossfit jackals is fun and full of great personalities.


if like me you have flirted with fitness every six months after christmas, then get board! well this is the place for you!

its never boring, its allways different and fun! i love every session, it really pushes every part of my body. the change in my gym going attitude has totally been changed by the staff at crossfit.

everyone is welcome no matter how fit or un fit you might be

all work outs can be tailored to your fitness and tracked so you can improve. GET DOWN!!


What can i say about Crossfit Jackal... i became a member at the beginning of the year and was welcomed with open arms to the community which they have established, always spurring others on to achieve the maximum potential from every work out! From being a regular basic gym goer, Crossfit Jackal is definitely the place to choose, allowing for comfort zones to be broken and allow for achievements in things which you never thought where possible! This is all before mentioning the positive and motivational instructors through Rik Nesfield & Phil Pownall; always making sure correct techniques are followed to allow complete safety, whilst also spurring you on to achieve the final goal of what you want out of it! I wouldn't go anywhere else because of this ��


What a refreshing Gym full of friendly people, smaller classes giving you the guidance you need and two great trainers who know how to push you without you realising. After being at a mainstream gym for a long time, CrossFit Jackal is just what I needed to re-energise and improve my fitness and strength further than I thought possible. I look and feel better now than ever before all thanks to Phil and Rik so thanks guys keep up the great motivation and continued enthusiasm!


Top group of people and a real positive place for a great work out


These guys are amazing..... What they have created is a welcoming awesome place to smash it...they know they're stuff... If you're looking for a cross fit you have to give them a try!


So glad I got introduced to this place - amazing results, awesome people, positive -friendly atmosphere ! Roll on everything to come �


I’ve only been going to CrossFit Jackal since May but from my first (very nervous) session I completely fell in love with it and was hooked, so much so I signed up to a membership before my 2 week free trail was finished! The trainers and gang are amazing... there is always someone there giving you that extra push to get one more rep when you think you have nothing left, I honestly can’t recommend it enough!


I’m in my later 40s I’ve done lots of gym stuff over the years but nothing serious since in my 20’s. Getting back into fitness can be a tough and daunting challenge. I tried CrossFit Jackal in Sale on their free trial and I was amazed at the friendly atmosphere the great people running it and those attending. Happy to say I joined up and now go as many times as my busy life allows me. Highly recommended for anybody no matter where you are on your fitness journey.


If I am being totally honest I'd never heard of crossfit before a friend recommended it. I didn't know what to expect and I never have liked your typical gyms or the posers that you can find there. I'm still new(ish) it's been a couple of months BUT....

I absolutely love CFJ... why?

it's full of mixed abilities

It's tailored to what YOU can do and what you want to achieve

Youre pushed to reach the next level

Everyone finds it tough

You have a laugh

The other people there are friendly and encouraging (genuinely!)

The coaches are helpful and give you guidance

It's affordable!

And most importantly it's done wonders for my confidence...


I joined the Mums and Babies classes when my baby was 4 months old and six months on I feel fitter and stronger than ever before! I certainly wasn't expecting to be deadlifting over 100kg within only a few months and have the confidence to sign up for my first 10k race (and I'm definitely not a natural runner!) Whilst I also attend another gym to focus purely on my strength, I enjoy the variety and atmosphere at Crossfit Jackal. Crossfit jackal is such a welcoming, fun and supportive gym no matter your fitness level!!! I'm looking forward to joining the normal classes when my little one goes to nursery!


I have always been a traditional gym goer carrying out the same old workout routines and exercises for the past 10 years. I first got interested in CrossFit having seen how fit all the athletes are and how different it is to traditional weight training.

At first I was nervous of trying something new but after a little research found that Rik and Phil ran a club local to me in Sale offering a free two week trial, allowing me to come and have a try. I was very nervous to go along for my first session, however Rik and Phil were great - both super friendly, approachable and knowledgeable! In those first two weeks I couldn't get enough and was going to classes almost every day!

The guys offer a range of classes from early morning to later in the evening allowing you to easily fit it around your work/personal life. The workouts are constantly varied and keep you on your toes. I have found myself trying new exercises and styles of training that I have never tried before or never had the confidence to do in my old gym. Rik and Phil are great and help everyone on a personal level, making sure that your technique is correct, that you understand the basics and that you are stepping out of your comfort zone and pushing yourself.

Since joining I have hit loads of new PB's, got fitter, stronger and broken througn so many plateaus. All the other members are really friendly and welcoming too, and the club has an amazing social element - sooo different to going to the gym and sticking your headphones in for an hour and not talking to anyone! Not only are Rik and Phil there to help you, but all the other club members have a wealth of experience and knowledge also and everyone is helping each other.

I always used to consider getting a personal trainer but with CrossFit Jackal I get so much more for a fraction of the price. It is safe to say that I am well and truly a CrossFit addict now and can't get enough of the WODs. If you're considering CrossFit get in touch, come down for a trial and meet some friendly, like minded people for a fun workout!!! 💪🏻🏋🏻‍♀️💯🔥🔥🔥


I had heard a lot about CrossFit but was anxious about trying it as I wasn’t sure that I would be fit enough. I couldn’t have been any more wrong. The workouts are tough but every single one can be adapted to meet your fitness level and Phil and Rik are great at making sure they meet your capabilities enough to push you but not too much that you’re in over your head. I don’t think I have ever felt such results in a 45 minute Gym session or any Gym class I’ve ever attended. On top of that the people in the classes are great. Genuinely nice people that encourage you to do that extra rep or try a bit more weight on your bar, giving you the extra push you need when you need it. It has a really nice community feel and I’m really glad that I’ve found it. I’m looking forward to what 2018 brings! I couldn’t recommend it enough!


I had a normal gym membership for a long time not really knowing what to do or what I enjoyed only that I didn't enjoy normal gyms. I didn't know much about crossfit beforehand but a friend introduced me to Jackal and it's been great since. The two guys running it know their stuff and they take the time to help you get your technique right before piling on the weights. There are plenty of classes to fit work life schedules but for me the mornings are the best. You can have your daily exercise done by 6.45am. Once you pull yourself out of bed on the first few mornings it becomes the norm. Everyone in the classes have been friendly and welcoming, helping me out when I've struggled with certain exercises or weights. I won't be stepping back into a normal gym again. Oh and the music's pretty good.


I don't think I could have contemplated getting through a Crossfit class before having a baby, let alone after but more than 2 months in and I'm actually loving it.

The classes are tailored to your ability so you don't feel you have to rush to keep up with the others and you can complete your workouts safely and within your capabilities.

Already I feel so much stronger and fitter and more importantly, I have more energy to cope with looking after a baby every day.

This beats your average mums and babies class. If you're looking for a bit of a challenge and like to get a sweat on then this is the place for you. �


I did personal training with Rik when I was heavily pregnant and he was extremely patient with me when I could hardly do anything!

When my baby was 3 months I braved the mums and babies class. I was really nervous as Phoebe wasn't good at sitting on her own for any length of time. Phil has been amazing, especially in the early days, held Phoebe for me so I was able to do the workouts. I now feel much stronger and am getting back to my normal self. The classes have been a highlight of my maternity leave and all the other members are lovely. Phoebe enjoys it too!

I am sad that I only have 3 classes left but I will continue to attend classes in the evenings. Thank you Phil and Rik, I really appreciate you putting on the mums and babies classes!


I decided to give crossfit a go when I saw Crossfit Jackal offered parent and baby classes. After having my second child I wanted to get back into exercise and as they offer a two week free trial I thought it was worth trying out. I was hooked after my first session! The coaching is brilliant and everyone is welcoming and encouraging. The sessions are challenging but scalable to the individual. I am enjoying learning new exercises and pushing myself. The parent and baby classes are great as you can take your baby with you in their pram and the babies all watch while you train. The coach will even push the pram around if your baby gets restless and let you finish your work out!! Training at Crossfit Jackal has been the highlight of my maternity leave and I hope to continue with regular sessions when I return to work.


Having done little or no exercise for the past few years, I was anxious about trying CrossFit. I needn't have been. The coaches know how to scale all the exercises to suit everyone. 6 months in, I'm really enjoying and definitely getting fitter.


Fantastic welcoming place for all ages and fitness levels. Well-structured classes full of friendly people, with flexible membership options....nothing not to like!


Crossfit jackal provides great coaching, advice and support to make the unfit fit and the weak strong. Making every rep count is key to gaining the best results. As well as hard work crossfit jackals is fun and full of great personalities.

More about Crossfit Sale Moor

Crossfit Sale Moor is located at Sale Rugby Ground, M33 3WB Manchester, United Kingdom