Damian Grainer Coaching

About Damian Grainer Coaching

Trained as Psychosynthesis Therapeutic Counsellor and Life Coach with specialisms in addiction and trauma. Experienced trainer and author of Deep Soul Guiding. In private practice since 2002.



Someone I loved once gave me a box full of darkness. It took me years to understand that this too, was a gift. Mary OliverSomeone I loved once gave me a box full of darkness. It took me years to understand that this too, was a gift. Mary Oliver


Great end to the week. We all managed to get the 12 movements in sequence and the warm ups, tree position and meditations. Now comes the practice..6 months to get ready for our exam and pass this stage 1. Really grateful to all who participated, worked through their barriers and made it to the other Side. Next training in the UK from the Healing Project will be in July. Paula is now off to do a months training and supervision in Mozambique as part of Healing Project Africa


Day 4 of the Chi Kung training. Its coming together and what a fabulous group. Really looking forward to applying this to coaching and therapeutic practice. Thank you so much to Prof. Paula Madeira from the Healing Project.


"Hope is not the conviction that something will turn out well, but the certainty that something makes sense regardless of how it turns out." Vaclav Havel


If there is anyone out there who wants support with developing an effective marketing plan and building a website this course will help. I attended Joanna's training last year and she is very good. "Would you love to have a stunning new website for your business? And a comprehensive marketing plan that’ll drive customers to your site time and time again? If “sort out new website and marketing” has been on your task list for a while, then come along to this event and pick up some valuable skills. Over the course of two days, you’ll learn how to create a new website for your business using a tool called Squarespace, and how to put together an effective and efficient marketing plan that’ll drive traffic, interest and sales."


Gratitude works: "When I started counting my blessings, my whole life turned around." Willie NelsonGratitude works: "When I started counting my blessings, my whole life turned around." Willie Nelson


We have one place left to attend the 5 day Qi Gong course this month in Warrington. This is a great opportunity to invest in yourself and then something you can share with others.


This is an incredible 4 day course. I did mine 19 years ago and definitely one of my better choices :). I experienced some profound perspective shifts and very deep healing. Definitely recommend this.


Interesting introduction to Edward Bullmore's new book the Inflamed Mind and the role of inflammation in mental health, particularly depression. Another one for the reading list and further 'scientific' confirmation of the reciprocal nature of the body/mind relationship.


A balanced and informative article for anyone on or about to start a vegan diet.


Wishing you all a great start to the Festive period on this shortest day and the true start to winter.
For many this is also marks the start of a slowing down, a drawing inwards towards the depths as we are invited to explore the dark but fertile ground below. We celebrate together to mark what was, to celebrate the light in the dark and to prepare for the journey back to Spring and the promise of renewal.
For those of you who can enjoy the the gifts and benefits of family a...nd community - celebrate and nourish yourself as you prepare for the winter darkness but please share these riches with those who can't celebrate, for whom their will be no feast or warm embrace.
Soon many of you will be making decisions on behaviours to change and goals to set in 2019 - but don't rush. Allow time for the ground to be truly prepared, for clear intentions to rise and your true direction to emerge. Winter is a time for reflection, clearing and letting go. It is about stripping everything back to its essence and simplest form. Sometimes we have to renew the ground with our tears of grief and pain. Winter builds character, it cuts through all the clutter so that we can be clear about what we want to grow in our lives. Stand together and embrace the cold wind from the North it actually brings the moist warmth of the Soul.
"Loss means losing what was. We want to change but we don't want to lose. Without time for loss, we don't have time for soul." James Hillman
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I always encourage people I work with to adopt a gratitude practice. It has worked for me for years counteracting my natural negative bias. When I forget my practice it is far easier for me to be caught in a victim and blame mentality.


"Trapped feelings are like birds in a cage, or a rabbit in a trap – they try to get out any way they can. They peck at our heads and give us headaches. They scratch at our stomachs and make us hurt." - Hazelden Meditations


Dr Gabor Mate and Alanis Morissette talking about childhood trauma, pain, shame, sensitivity, addiction, recovery and spirituality in this thoughtful podcast.

More about Damian Grainer Coaching
