Dan Carden

About Dan Carden

Dan Carden was elected Labour MP for Liverpool Walton on June 8th 2017 and re-elected in 2019.

Dan Carden Description

This is the official Facebook page for Dan Carden, Labour candidate for Liverpool Walton.



To end global poverty we must rewrite the rules of a failed economic system that is rigged in favor of the richest and perpetuates inequality.
We can start by redistributing power at the World Bank and IMF, who are holding their Spring meetings in the USA this week, so that the poorest countries can decide their own destiny.


A number of my constituents have been hit with retrospective loan charge bills, causing them stress and anguish.
It is unacceptable that the Government is targeting individuals who may have fallen victim to these schemes, rather than the tax advisers and bogus umbrella companies who facilitated this tax avoidance for profit.
I have joined the Loan Charge All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG). If you live in Walton and have been affected by this issue, please get in touch and... share your experience so I can more fully represent you in Parliament.
đź“© dan.carden.mp@parliament.uk
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No more tinkering around the edges of a system rigged in favour of the privileged few.
We need a Labour government working with Labour councils to rebuild our communities – moving wealth, power and control to where it should be.


Pleased to support ISS staff at the Royal Liverpool Hospital today alongside trade union colleagues.
ISS must reconsider its proposals – which will see some of the lowest paid workers, who are a vital part of our NHS, struggling to make ends meet.
The transfer of NHS staff to private contractors has created a two tier workforce and undermined fair pay and conditions. Labour will end Tory outsourcing and privatisation, and give our NHS the funding that it needs.
... https://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/…/hundr eds-low-paid-hospita…
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Speaking with residents at Fox Street Village today following serious fire safety concerns at Block B.
The safety and security of residents is paramount and the developers must work with the council and fire service to resolve these issues immediately.
https://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/…/poorl y-finished-new-block…


I'm pleased to announce that my Anfield office will be hosting Dark to Light – a powerful exhibition of artwork painted by Syrian child refugees recovering from PTSD at the Sir Bobby Charlton Centre, Amman.
Find A Better Way is a charity founded to help landmine blast survivors, their families and their communities around the world.


While the Prime Minister's intransigence and incompetence has caused a national crisis, Jeremy Corbyn has been providing real leadership: reaching out across political lines, building a consensus for an alternative plan that can bring the country together.
We will enter these talks positively. But ultimately, we need to sweep the Tories from power in a General Election to deliver a Labour government that will end austerity, invest in our communities and rebuild Britain for the many, not the few.


Jeremy Corbyn was absolutely right to raise soaring poverty at #PMQs today.
Since 2010, child poverty has increased by half a million, working-age poverty by 200,000 and pensioner poverty by 400,000. Food bank use is up from 40,000 packages in 2010 to 1,300,000 last year. Homelessness is up 165%.
I see first-hand the tragic consequences through my constituency casework. While Parliament has been stifled by Brexit, lives are being destroyed up and down the country.
... This is the result of political choices. There is nothing inevitable about rising poverty, homelessness and food bank use in the fifth largest economy on earth.
This important piece should be read by everyone:
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ISS should not be behaving so recklessly with their employees' pay.
For low-paid workers struggling to make ends meet, withholding a week's pay can have a severe impact, cause debt and rent arrears. This has affected many of my constituents who don't have savings to tide them over.
These are wages due for hours already worked. ISS must think again and do more to properly support staff through these changes.


Spot on from Jeremy Corbyn. This week the best outcome for our country is an immediate General Election that can sweep the Tories from power.


In 2017 I campaigned alongside local residents to save the Barclays branch on County Road. Though the branch was closed, the campaign shone a light on the big banks' neglect of the communities they serve and the need for alternatives.
https://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/…/barcl ays-nothing-without-…
So I'm delighted with the announcement that Labour will set up a Post Bank run through the Post Office network to ensure every community has easy access to face-to-face, trusted and a...ffordable banking.
This policy, alongside Labour's plans for a National Investment Bank, network of Regional Development Banks and support for credit unions, will breathe new life into our high streets and give our SMEs, start ups and co-ops the best chance of success.
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Mozambique is struggling to cope with Cyclone Idai, and UK-based banks are partly to blame.
As the effects of climate breakdown are felt across the world, we must ensure that those countries that bear the brunt of its damage but are least able to cope are not left more indebted.
My piece for New Statesman:


An important statement by The Trussell Trust. The support provided by foodbanks is vital, but we must never accept widespread reliance on foodbanks as the new norm.
We need to challenge the systemic issues that have left more than 1.3 million people and families too poor to afford food in one of the richest countries in the world.


While the theatre of Westminster dominates the news, shocking new figures reveal that the life expectancy of poor women has fallen by 100 days in just 3 years – a tragic reminder that austerity costs lives.
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/amp/health-477 21167


Make sure you’re registered to vote by 12 April to have your say in your local elections.
🗳️👉 https://www.gov.uk/register-to-vote


Sending love and solidarity to Jennie Formby and family. I know you have the strength to get through this difficult time, supported by our brilliant NHS staff. My best wishes for a full recovery.


I went to school affected by Section 28 – an appalling piece of legislation that outlawed teachers from explaining homosexuality in classrooms. I'm proud it was scrapped by Labour.
Sex and Relationships Education must be LGBT+ inclusive. We've come too far to allow a slide backwards on our rights.

More about Dan Carden

Dan Carden is located at 66 Priory Road, L4 2RZ Liverpool
0151 284 1160