David Pott'S Paintings

About David Pott'S Paintings

I'm an artist who paints landscape, seascapes and portraits. Based in Lancashire. More paintings are on my website www. davidpottart. co. uk

David Pott'S Paintings Description

I'm a landscape and seascape artist who mainly paints the west Pennine moors, Lancashire, Yorkshire and Wales.



This is High Street in the Lake District. It's a page from one of my sketchbooks, from a photo originally. If you like it, check out the link in my bio. Thanks!


Here's a painting that I completed outside. I don't usually finish a painting outside but this one combined the colours and sense of distance that I wanted to suggest, so I varnished it and call it finished. Regular viewers will also notice that it's another horizon painting where I've zoomed in on a tiny part of the horizon. When I do this, it's usually because the atmospheric effects create the most wonderful colours and distortions.
This painting is still available, but not on my website so contact me for details.


I'm happy with this new painting. It's taken a few weeks, on and off, but I feel that if I work on it any more it will loose its freshness.
Great Gable from Wasdale. Oil on canvas board. 24 x 18 inches. £360.
Click for more details: https://www.davidpottart.co.uk/pr…/grea t-gable-from-wasdale/


Spring is here, it's official! So here's a painting that features bluebells. This was painted during May, in a lucky year when the hawthorn bushes were covered in white blossoms at the same time as the bluebells were at their peak. Its not every year that these flowers coincide, as I have realised since.


Spring is here, it's official! So here's a painting that features bluebells, carpeting the woodland floor like drifting smoke. This was painted during May, in a lucky year when the hawthorn bushes were covered in white blossoms at the same time as the bluebells were at their peak. Its not every year that these flowers coincide, as I have realised since.


A painting from a few years ago. Just a beach and a single person, striding away into the distance. Beach scenes tend to have a simple composition, as this one does, with the horizon very visible. For me, the fewer people in the beach, the better. More at www.davidpottart.co.uk


Sometimes I paint imaginary landscapes. This is a painting from a few years ago, based on the west pennine moors. Looking at it now, I realise that many of my landscapes are actually cloudscapes. See www.davidpottart.co.uk for more.


We're on holiday in Cyprus at the moment and really enjoying the intense colours and textures in the landscape. At this time of year Cyprus is full of flowers and butterflies which add to the intense blue from the sea and whiteness from the surf. Plenty of inspiration for more paintings when I return. @ Chloraka, Paphos


Sunsets amaze me. The richness and depth of colours and especially the contrast between cool blues and hot reds. Here's a painting of mine from a few years ago. If you live in Lancashire you might recognise the shape of Winter Hill. More at www.davidpottart.co.uk


Another painting from Whitby (although you can't tell from the painting itself). This is one of my daughters running along the beach. She's carrying an umbrella, which is always a good idea when on holiday in Whitby 😊. More at www.davidpottart.co.uk.


An almost abstract winter landscape. Sometimes it feels good to let the paint drip and mix itself. In paintings like this I just 'encourage' the paint into the right directions!


This painting was inspired when we took our daughters to the beach at Scarborough. This stretch of the North Yorkshire coast was (and is one of our favourite places to holiday. Exploring the rock pools is always fascinating, and we love it!


Sometimes working on one painting isn't enough. I'm currently working on three versions of Great Gable from Wasdale in the Lake District. None of them are finished yet but I have high hopes that at least one of them will be a viable painting.


First spring outdoor painting session of the year. Sat in the warm sunshine, in a peaceful corner of the British countryside. Happily mixing paints and trying to make sense of the seemingly random chaos of oak trees. As usual, I prefer the abstract colours left on my pallette, but it was all good practice.


Another watercolour experiment. This is Plover Scar Lighthouse on the Lune estuary.


I've been painting in watercolours recently. Here's a wonderful grouping of 3 cottages with the road forming a graceful link between all three. If you know the Bolton and Chorley area you may recognise this view near Anglezarke.


Working on another Lake District painting this weekend. I'm trying to get the effect of sunlight suddenly breaking through the clouds...


Here's a page from my summer 2018 sketchbook. This was painted from the top of Silver Howe near Grasmere.
David www.davidpottart.co.uk

More about David Pott'S Paintings

07528 358827