Desired Physique By Michelle Brookes

Monday: 06:00 - 21:00
Tuesday: 06:00 - 21:00
Wednesday: 06:00 - 21:00
Thursday: 06:00 - 21:00
Friday: 06:00 - 21:00
Saturday: 08:00 - 13:00
Sunday: -

About Desired Physique By Michelle Brookes

Helping women with endometriosis live a happier, healthier life. Working through exercise, nutrition, sleep and stress management either online or in person.

Desired Physique By Michelle Brookes Description

Bespoke packages designed to suit your needs. Aim is to help any one to benefit from exercise and a healthy lifestyle. Prices available on request /



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So today's installment of looking after your health this Christmas is about EXCITMENT. Why is it when we were kids Christmas was always exciting and as an adult maybe not so much. 🎅 Take yourself back to being a child and find that EXCITMENT, be silly and have some fun ! 🎅 Don't be too serious about the whole thing nothing has to be perfect and so what if something goes'll make a good story so laugh it off !! 🎅 Think of a Christmas tradition you did as a kid and ...if you don't still do it bring it back to life!! 🎅 I know we have talked about all the things we can do to look after health food, booze etc but remember to also let your hair down a little it'll do you good !!
Just remember to have fun and be yourself because you are awesome love and light ❤️❤️🙏🙏
Tomorrow I have a surprise for you all so stay tuned !! 🎅🎅🎅🎅🎅🎅🎅🎅
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Today's top tip for keeping healthy over the Christmas period is taking time out to RELAX ...... It's the time of year everyone is dashing about possibly forgetting the importance of rest ! 🕊️ You'll be no good to anyone if you are wiped out over Christmas so take at least 5 minutes a day for you. 🕊️ Even if you're taking my advice in doing more exercise, take rest days. Rest days are as important as workouts as they help you to recover. 🕊️ If you carry on rushing around you... actually become a busy fool, get no where fast as you're that tired you make silly mistakes that take you twice as long to rectify. 🕊️ Put your feet up grab a cuppa and just sit for a while. Sleep as we have mentioned is highly important but similarly rest is too. Our bodies need to unwind in order to be able to sleep effectively.
Remember Christmas is to be enjoyed by all but you'll be no good to anyone if you are ill in bed because you've been running around trying to make it perfect for everyone else !! Love and light ❤️❤️🙏🙏
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Today's post about looking after your health this Christmas is .......LOOKING AFTER YOUR MENTAL HEALTH AND THAT OF OTHERS Christmas is promoted as a happy jolly time but for some it can be the complete opposite. It can be a sad time of year and a time that can trigger a lot of negative emotions. It can be a lonely time and not be easy to get through. I know my posts are a bit of fun but this is totally serious.
... ❤️ Be kind to yourself don't push yourself to do anything you don't actually feel like doing. ❤️ If you know someone who is struggling offer support. Even a message to let them know you're thinking of them can make all the difference. ❤️ There are organisations that are on call over this period like the Samaritans so if you feel like you need to talk reach out. ❤️ Remember you are never alone there is always someone who is happy to listen whether a friend, a loved one or an organisation.
If you'd be happy to be an ear to someone in need this Christmas put a heart in the comment box below and let's show people that they will never be alone.
Have fun this Christmas but let's not forget those less fortunate 🙏🙏❤️❤️
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Today's top tips about keeping healthy over the festive period is about SLEEP zzzzzzzzzzzzzz
We have all been guilty of a late night or two especially at this time of year but it's how you deal with it in the days after that counts.
😴 After a late night make sure you are early to bed the next day.... 😴 It's like what we said about food and a bit of indulgence won't matter and similar 1 late night isn't going to be detrimental to your health but many together potentially will. 😴 Don't use caffeine or sugar to try and give you energy the next day it will only hinder your sleep further. Instead lots of fresh vegetables high nutritious food and water will aid a better sleep. 😴 Know when you need to go home !! If you know you have a busy day ahead of you the next day don't push your limits, much better to make your excuses and leave early then fighting your way through the day after.
Enjoy yourselves but don't burn that candle at both ends 🙏🙏❤️❤️
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Today's top tips in the run up to Christmas is not to give in to PEER PRESSURE !! We have all been there didn't really want a slice of cake but because our friend is having one and they are convincing you to we cave!! 👭 Tell everyone your goal and ask for support 👭 Be strong keep remembering your why 👭 It's ok to have something if you really want it but being bullied into doing something or having something you didn't really want is not good.... 👭 If they are true friends or are supportive they will not mind if you decline 👭 Often others are convincing you to do something so they feel better about what they are doing... So it's never really about you ! Stay strong and kindly say no thank you.
Remember it's about enjoying yourself not feeling guilty so stick to your guns and just be true to you. Love and light ❤️❤️🙏🙏
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Today's top tip for surviving the Christmas period without damaging your health is about STRESS...... Why is it this time of year people put themselves under so much pressure I keep saying it's one day !! So what can you do to keep stress under control.... 🧘 Make a list and be organised don't fall into overwhelm by disorganisation 🧘 Don't spend more money than you have got. People who love you I'm sure would much prefer to receive a small token gift or nothing than you struggling financially. 🧘 Wrap presents as you buy them so you don't have to do it all at the last minute. 🧘 Take some you time, it's not because it's this time of year that you should forget about you. Take time out each day to do something for a book, meditate, go for a walk, exercise. Whatever will take you out of your stressful mind do it ! 🧘 If you find yourself getting panicky or stressed stop and take some deep breaths. 🧘 Look at your diary and prioritise and deligate. Don't do everything yourself you will end up burnt out and not enjoy Christmas at all.
Have fun not stress lovely ones zennnnnn 🙏🙏
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Today's top tips for surviving the festive period without spoiling your health is about .....THE BUFFET It's so nice of the boss to treat everyone to a running buffet lunch but what do you do when you're trying not to over do it !! 🍕 Only have 1 plate full don't go back for more !! 🍕 Don't stand near the buffet table, get your plate and move away ! 🍕 Don't fill your plate with just beige food add something green if there is something ! ... 🍕 choose high protein choices such as chicken drumsticks, nuts etc instead of too much pizza sausage rolls and mince pies. That way you'll be full and not going over your daily quota of carbohydrate and fats. 🍕 Ignore what others are eating and don't be bullied or cohersed into eating something you really didn't want just because your co worker is !
Enjoy the festive period but don't let it get in the way of your goals as it could take you a while to get back on track....all for the sake of some beige untastey food !!
Love and light ❤️❤️
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Today's top tip for getting through the festive season without ruining your health is quite simply ......EXERCISE !! People massively underestimate the long list of benefits and tend to rule it out, especially at this time of year !! So...... 🏋️ Don't stop exercising just because you might have had one too many nights out. Now is the time you need it more than ever. 🏋️ Don't use the excuse I'll pick it up again in January because as per previous comments now is the time you... need it more than ever because if you've over consumed it might just be the difference to you gaining too much weight. 🏋️ If you are feeling a bit low because this time of year affects you badly then the endorphines from exercise could well help you. 🏋️ On Christmas day if you find yourself at a lose end...instead of sitting and eating and drinking more get out for a nice brisk walk. Not only will it burn some calories but it'll make you feel better instead of perhaps stuffed ! 🏋️ If exercise isn't usually in your practice then go for some short walks to burn off some excess. 🏋️ If exercise is part of your practice find some nice high intensity, vigorous workouts or heavy lifting that will help burn calories. Do more not less workouts to counteract what you may have consumed.
Remember have fun, don't go beyond your limits and keep true to your health.
Love and light ❤️❤️🙏❤️❤️
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Michelle's passion and commitment to help people comes through after the first five minutes of meeting her.

I would Highly Recommend her services! �


Fantastic session this morning. Don't think I'll be able to lift my arms tomorrow! Love it xx


Another AMAZING session with Michelle this morning. This girls endless support, dedication, motivation and advice has helped me achieve my health and fitness goals. I have hit my targets for my wedding through her hard work and continually challenging me in every session. Her endless nutrition advice and body tips have helped me feel the best I have done in years. She has also changed my outlook on healthy living and balance: 'its not a diet its a lifestyle'. If you want your desired physique look no further ♥


Absolutely brilliant!!! ... It's all about you. Her drive and motivation is the best.

More about Desired Physique By Michelle Brookes

Desired Physique By Michelle Brookes is located at Desired Physique, SK8 Stockport
Monday: 06:00 - 21:00
Tuesday: 06:00 - 21:00
Wednesday: 06:00 - 21:00
Thursday: 06:00 - 21:00
Friday: 06:00 - 21:00
Saturday: 08:00 - 13:00
Sunday: -