Dunstable Skatepark

About Dunstable Skatepark

Welcome to Dunstable Skatepark, After many years of many peoples effort we have finally achieved our goal of giving something back to the community. The skatepark will be located behind GoBowling ( LU5 4JD) so grab your boards and come skate with us, we cant wait to see you all.

Dunstable Skatepark Description

Welcome to Dunstable Skatepark, After many years of many peoples effort we have finally achieved our goal of giving something back to the community. The skatepark will be located behind GoBowling ( LU5 4JD) so grab your boards and come skate with us, we cant wait to see you all.



Hi everyone, Just a quick update. This week there was a site visit with the lighting experts and UK Power Networks, and they have agreed a solution that will fix the power problem that is affecting the lighting at the skate park. Whilst we do not have a timescale as yet, we very much hope that it will be resolved by the end of the year. As soon as we know any more we will of course update you. Apologies again that this is limiting the amount of time you are able to use the skate park, thanks for your understanding.


Anyone looking to travel to Dunstable Skatepark in the evening this' just a heads up that the lights have been turned off. It wasn’t an issue during the summer but with the leisure centre renovations it appears the grid has been turned off. The lights are on a light sensor they’d usually be on from around 7 ish in the evening which is now meaning the user group is without a facility which the budget allocated money for lighting to cover these seasons. I've reached out to t...he council to get a swift response to help and will keep you posted with developments.
Dunstable Town Council Andrew Selous Nigel Young BBC Three Counties Central Bedfordshire Council
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Due to poor weather conditions May/June half term Skatetastic event has now been changed to Tuesday 26 July as part of the summer holidays. Places are limited so booking early is advised! To book your place please visit... 1.htm… For more information please call grove Corner on 01582 891434.... Lets hope for a summers day day this time!!!
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Tuesday 31 May 2016
FREE Skateboard coaching sessions at Grove Skatepark
5 to 12 year olds
... 10.00 am to 11.15 am and 11.30am to 12.45 pm
All equipment will be provided
Ideal for novices or those wanting to make the transition from scooter to skateboard.
We ask that you to please avoid the park during these times if you are not participating in these sessions.
In the afternoon after the coaching sessions there will be a FREE 3 hour drop-in at Skate park to improve skills/confidence and learn new tricks.
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Dunstable Town Council released this statement regarding the graffiti at the skatepark. Now only if the motorbike riders can be issued with the same dispersion order the park may be a safer place to be. Progress is progress though. Let this be a warning, You're being watched!


Checkout JVS' interview with the motorcycle riders which've had free run of the town this summer. Recently it's escalated to them being involved collectively with a number of assaults and been in possession of offensive weapons used to sway the outcomes of said incidents. What will it take before the police will take action? It's almost as if they're waiting for someone to get seriously injured at their hands before they'll do something; aren't the police there to prevent a...s well as resolve crime?
Can't wait to see them taken down a peg or two!
Link below in comments
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Just a heads up to the users of the Skatepark; On Tuesday night an altercation involving a group of chavs who frequent the park escalated to the point where users of the park were chased by a young man brandishing a large knife to the front of Gary Coopers. An armed response unit arrived to apprehend the culprits after CCTV images captured the event. This isn't the first time something like this has happened and I wouldn't want any of you to be singled out for being "guilty... by association" So this is to say to be extra vigilant; travel in groups and if you feel unsafe either leave, get someone to get you or call the police.
We need to stamp out this type of aggressive behaviour as we didn't spend nigh on 15 years working toward securing the facility for it to be taken by gangs in the space of 8 months. The motorbike issue we've had is directly linked to this and needs further commitment to eradicate the problem. An increased Police presence is needed so that the space won't become baron due to fear of conflict.
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If anyone has any information regarding who is responsible for this, you know who to let know.


Some fun at the local park with some Zorbs via EE!


FREE Skateboarding lessons on Wednesday 29 July and Wednesday 19 August for 6+ years. We recommend that you book your place to avoid disappointment visit: tm
The lessons will be run by Wildchild Activities ateboard-school
... Can we please ask that you allow the sessions the space that they need and ideally avoid the park on these two days during the summer holidays. We are running these free sessions to help move those riding scooters onto skateboards which we know many of you have commented on. Remember everyone has to start somewhere so thank you for your patience, and please spread the word.
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Happy Go Skateboarding Day!


Tim Wheeler from BBC Three Counties Radio has posted these pictures of the litter at the skate park. With these questions 1. Are there bins in the skate park? 2. Why are people being so disrespectful?
I agree; I've voiced this concern when down the park myself. None of the teenagers pick up their rubbish even when asked to, instead they choose to sit amongst the rubbish rather than take pride in what they have; it's disgusting! ... They're the same groups that loiter with no intention of using the park and damper the experience for other users. The older users tend to stick up by the benches at the back which you'll find is usually clean but even next to the bin people find it too much of an effort to walk to it. We began doing rounds when we left but that usually falls on me to do it, I don't mind doing it but I'm not there everyday. Some of us there have worked over a decade to secure this facility and care deeply about the project. Sweeping the park before use, The Skateboarders fall victim to small stones and debris if the park is unclean and when left has resulted in trips to the hospital due to the slick surface/ Dust on it. The majority of rubbish shown is in the car park where groups of drivers congregate and race about blasting loud music, racing motorbikes/ mopeds.
They just need to change the entry to the car park so it allocates tickets on entry and put speed bumps in and see how quickly the rubbish/ anti social behaviour goes then you'd be free to point the finger at the user group. With summer holidays coming up it'll only get worse..
The only way to tackle this is to name and shame. This all starts at home.
Don’t take anything for granted; you don’t realise how lucky you are to have this space!
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Thanks to The Skateparks Project for updating their site with the Dunstable Skatepark. Be sure to check out their site for info on UK skateparks.


The good weather today bought out the numbers in force with a few incidents involving younger riders using the skatepark occurring. Parents are to be reminded that accompanying children during peak periods would be advised to allow them to ride the park safely without risking injury to themselves or other riders, or to arrive early as to avoid the rush. The older more experienced users are there to help bridge the gap as to etiquette within the skatepark but unfortunately ac...cidents do happen. The gap being the younger riders not taking seriously how dangerous a park can be and seeing it as an attempt to damper their fun, On the contrary it’s to make it a safer place so you can relax and have fun! The skatepark is dangerous with people attempting maneuvers at high speed it is inevitable collisions will happen if you don’t abide by the rules.
This weekend will no doubt be packed with it being the Easter weekend, so here’s a video to brush up on your etiquette.
Be alert always!
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Girl Skate UK killing it en route to The Old Broom Tavern Skatepark Girl skate jam this weekend gone.


Thanks to Sidewalk Magazine for posting up the edit of the opening jam! Now to start the ball rolling on a Go Skateboarding day jam.


The official opening jam edit for maverick industries filmed by all round good guy Edd Hawkes!


Such an amazing setup, one of the most flowiest bowls and the copings are perfection


Nice park but not great for beginners when busy

More about Dunstable Skatepark

Dunstable Skatepark is located at go bowling, LU5 4GU Dunstable