Earth Soul Dance

About Earth Soul Dance

Earth Soul Dance is a dance with the elements, into Gaia and into Soul. Lets dance from the heart into the infinite universe.

Earth Soul Dance Description

A dance with Earth and Soul; eclectic practises to invite healing and allow connection to Earth and Soul. Looking after our bodies with holistic practises, wholesome eating, and finding more conscious ways of navigating our physical reality and the other realms.



So excited to be holding this deep retreat at Samhain.


Midsummer Heart Womb Soul A Yoga, Movement & Healing Journey
Come and join me at Sunny Brow woodland yurt and in the surrounding nature to honour ourselves and Gaia at the Summer Solstice, when we can embrace and be in our full power. A day of heart and womb centred work, yoga, shakti dance, shamanic journeying, connection to the elements and season, sacred ceremony, and transformational-healing style movement. Working with the body, and including awareness of soul, can help... to create release, allowing us to transform to a deeper more centred space, closer to our truth and the divine truth. Sunny Brow yurt and land offers a safe place, close to the elements, for you to explore your own journey deepening into body and soul. This day will also include a Macrobiotic lunch with balanced, opening foods designed to nourish women.
Time 10am – 4pm (arrival from 9.30am for wild infusion tea).
cost £40 all inclusive
Suzy Anne Suzy is the owner/manager of Sunny Brow Holistic Retreat; opening her heart to welcome guests coming on retreat for relaxation, nourishment and wellbeing; and to organise and host a variety of healing workshops and retreats. She is passionate about creating space where people can become more fully themselves, seeing clearer their deeper truth, and opening to living life fully and vibrantly. She is a professional Yoga teacher, Inner Dance facilitator, Reiki Master, Macrobiotic and healing food practitioner, complementary therapist, and a devoted and blessed mum of three beautiful souls. Her work has recently expanded into Soul healing and readings. She came to holistic living and spiritual development in her early twenties, starting her holistic teacher and facilitator training with yoga in 2002, and is currently still adding to her skill set with shamanic practitioner and 'All Nations sweat lodge training. Suzy is deeply rooted in her connection to the land and committed to her own growth – it is from this basis that she can open her heart and her home to those who come to work and stay with her and her family.
Sunny Brow Sunny Brow is an old farm and holiday spot, with ancient hazel and oak woodlands and a limestone beck running through its heart. Suzy and Philip found the farm in 2010 and have carefully and sustainably restored the house, barns and land into a holistic retreat centre, where people can come to relax restore and heal. By the farm we have 4 beautiful self contained apartments, a holistic retreat apartment with accommodation and studio space, a smaller yoga studio and massage room, and a woodland yurt. In the woods we have a fire circle with parachute cover, a sweat lodge, a labyrinth, a sacred stone site, a teepee under construction, deer, buzzards, other animals, fairies, land spirits and beautiful wise old trees.
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A retreat deepening into Earth and Soul.


Heart, Womb & Soul Yoga and Movement
Connecting to nature to feel the energy rising into Spring and in our own bodies. Come and join me at Sunny Brow woodland yurt for a whole day of heart and womb centred work near to the Equinox. Enjoy heartwomb yoga, ceremony and ritual, sacred dance, shamanic journeying, and transformational-healing style movement. Working with the body, and including awareness of soul, can help to create release and letting go, to allow us to transform t...o deeper more centred space, closer to our truth and the divine truth. Sunny Brow yurt offers a safe place, close to the elements, for you to explore your own journey deepening into body and soul. This day will also include a wholefood seasonal Macrobiotic lunch with balanced, opening foods designed to nourish women.
Time 10am – 4pm (arrival from 9.30am)
cost £35 all inclusive
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Heart, Womb & Soul Yoga and movement
Connecting to nature to feel the start of the energy beginning to rise. Come and join me at Sunny Brow woodland yurt for a whole day of heart and womb centred work near to Imbolc. Enjoy heartwomb yoga, opening ritual, sacred dance, shamanic journeying, and transformational-healing style movement. Working with the body, and including awareness of soul, can help to create release and letting go, to allow us to transform to deeper more centre...d space, closer to our truth and the divine truth. Sunny Brow yurt offers a safe place, close to the elements, for you to explore your own journey deepening into body and soul. This day will also include a Macrobiotic lunch with balanced, opening foods designed to nourish women.
Time 10am – 4pm (arrival from 9.30am)
cost £35 all inclusive
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Join me in our woodland yurt for an evening of Sacred Dance; a combination of Inner Dance and Shamanic dance and Transformational Healing. This work uses eclectic music, sound, words, and reiki, to take you deep into the body and intuition, to process and release anything that does not serve you, and gain insight of truth at a deeper level. These sessions work with the brain waves, bringing you gently inwards and taking you from left brain logic to right brain intuition. From... this space it is possible to process anything negative held in the body and mind, and allow space for more flow, wisdoms, vision and Truth . You will be held in safety and love as the energy moves, and supported wherever your personal journey takes you. The circular yurt workshop space, nestled within the elements, gives a great additional dimension to this work.
£15 on the night £10 pre paid Places are limited to 8 so pre booking is best
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Inner Strength
A few days ago I was drawn to a tea someone had brought to Sunny Brow called 'Inner Strength', the subsequent days have been alive with different manifestations, wisdoms and awareness of inner strength; everything from words in soul healings to several comments from friends, (it seems we are all linked to these energies and shifts). I have come to realise I am actually working on 'inner strength' on many levels. Firstly its winter so we are in the natural cycl...e of rest and root nourishment; my body has flagged up that I have not been honouring this and is nudging me to listen. A new profound experience with a beautiful Jade Egg is beginning to work slowly and gently on an inner physical strength that has been lacking in my body. And then breathing into my heart and sitting with the stillness in there is connecting me to my Soul and building an inner spiritual strength. A journey of releasing more from external triggers, frustrations and vulnerabilities, to become more centred in Truth, and bring this spiritual inner strength back to the outside. So here's to a New Year working gently on many levels of 'Inner Strength'. What does it mean to you? Any wisdoms to share? The tea is Neal's Yard Inner Strength Tea with ecinacea, elderberry and astralagus. :)
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Making sacred smudge sticks with mugwort and criss crossed cotton twine... for use tonight at Sacred Dance.. mugwort is great for cleansing and connecting. Thanks Kenny Blackwell for the dried mugwort. :)


Heart, Womb & Soul Yoga and movement at the Winter Solstice
Let's deepen into our body and soul near the longest night and shortest day, pause between the two cycles, reflect back, and look forward through the new opening. Come and join me at Sunny Brow woodland yurt for a whole day of heart and womb centred work; including heartwomb yoga, winter solstice ritual, sacred dance, shamanic journeying, and transformational-healing style movement. Working with the body, and inclu...ding awareness of soul, can help to create release and letting go, to allow us to transform to deeper more centred space, closer to our truth and the divine truth. Sunny Brow yurt offers a safe place, close to the elements, for you to explore your own journey deepening into body and soul. This day will also include a Macrobiotic lunch with balanced, opening foods designed to nourish women.
Time 10am – 4pm (arrival from 9.30am)
cost £35 all inclusive
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i have named this new moon 'the moon of shorter days , longer nights and falling leaves' .. This morning I spent my mediation time lying under my grandfather oak watching leaves gently falling to the ground. Its was such a special moment of letting go and honouring the shift.


Reships have such a magical feel. I love to harness their energy in a syrup; its good to wait til after the first frost but i got too impatient. . currently refining my recipe (refined sugar free) to go in the cook book. :)


Join me in our woodland yurt for an evening of Sacred Dance; a combination of Inner Dance and Shamanic dance and Transformational Healing. This work uses eclectic music, sound, words, and reiki, to take you deep into the body and intuition, to process and release anything that does not serve you, and gain insight of truth at a deeper level. These sessions work with the brain waves, bringing you gently inwards and taking you from left brain logic to right brain intuition. From... this space it is possible to process anything negative held in the body and mind, and allow space for more flow, wisdoms, vision and Truth . You will be held in safety and love as the energy moves, and supported wherever your personal journey takes you. The circular yurt workshop space, nestled within the elements, gives a great additional dimension to this work.
£15 on the night £10 pre booked Places are limited to 8.
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Join us on the land at Sunny Brow to open our sacred Labyrinth space. Forming the ceremony is the planting of some sacred trees in the directions. Thanks to Tree Sisters with Su Hall for my Oak tree, and Gwen Atkinson, and Amy Boud for their gift of trees from the Tree Sisters work. And to Marina Claire for nurturing the trees. With the energy of this sister hood, along with two other trees from close sisters, the trees will form a protective ring around the sacred site and an opening to each of the directions. This will deepen the work and potential for healing during ceremonies in this space. So if you feel drawn, you are invited to join us (no charge!) to take part in this ceremony. Bring a drum and your voice for the opening and blessing of this sacred space. :)

More about Earth Soul Dance

Earth Soul Dance is located at Sunny Brow Farm, LA22 0PU Ambleside