Enlightenment Network

About Enlightenment Network

This group is for us to share our wisdom and create sustainable community.
My Trainings - Coaching, Logistics, Metamorphic Technique and Reiki

Enlightenment Network Description

Officially created Public Limited Company in March 2010, however, founded the name on a Spiritual trip to Egypt several years earlier.

This is a network for individuals that have supported me on my journey - I cant say I am enlightened, just that I have enlightened moments. I encourage you to share yours : )

Dream big, Vision huge and Live Fully! !



New religion formed - wanna join?
It's called WELLNESS


After 4 years on retreat, having taken refuge in my home town of Preston, I have been consolidating and collating experiences with regards to Good Mental and Physical Health.
I have a diagnosis of Bipolar disorder, which I consider the challenge of having one foot in both worlds - the material and the spiritual - for me its about choice in how to react to each challenge and hope that things can change for the better.
My belief is that we are a spiritual being that has chosen ...this time to come to Earth and have a human experience. I believe that we pre-plan our existence and choose to make certain contacts and experience challenges as a way to grow and become a better human being.
I believe in GOD as the creator of the Earth, only because I know man didn't do it - so the creative force that did I give the name GOD.
I am raised Christian with both Church of England and Catholic grandparents, I have also studied Buddhism and have a strong interest in Ancient Egypt.
Whilst working full time in the Energy industry in logistics and trading, I studied and attended trainings and workshops on Reiki, Metamorphic Technique, Past Lives, Ultra terrestrials, Angels, Ascended Masters, Lemuria, Atlantis, the Essenes, Colour Therapy
I am offering life coaching with a focus on vision building and energy work to bring more balance and harmony
I would be very interested to work with you on a donation basis, until I have a regular client base.
See More


If you love good food or wish you could create more delicious or adventurous dishes, I highly recommend the recipes and workshops run by my amazing friends Sue Gale and Simon Gale


This amazing work is by my good friend Natasha Alexander, please take a moment to look at her designs and if like me you feel to try this yourself Natasha Alexander runs workshops and even the creatively challenged such as myself can learn to create these


Check out my new website for the phenominal Natures Sunshine products - if you fancy signing up as a distributor to get yourself wholesale prices either do so on the webpage or PM me and I can help
http://enlightenmentnetworklimited.eu.nsp shop.com


https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fb id=10154724515380611&id=623620610


what do you get?


This made me cry!




The most terrifying feeling to experience is JOY, do you agree?


Great speaker!! Really worth a watch!


Heart-Intelligence - please like this page by my dear friend Henny Cramers, we studied together at the Heart Intelligence academy :)


There is always light...


This is lovely!


Very light hearted and funny!


Now THESE are WISE words ;)

More about Enlightenment Network

Enlightenment Network is located at 16 Harrison road, PR2 9 Preston, UK
07787 565409