Flintshire Record Office - Archifdy Sir Y Fflint

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About Flintshire Record Office - Archifdy Sir Y Fflint

Flintshire Record Office



"HOLYWELL WHITSUNTIDE – As usual, this festive season was duly kept at Holywell, Monday being kept as a general holiday. The ladies’ club held their anniversary, forming a procession at the County Court, and attending divine service at the parish church. There were only twenty-eight members present. The Druids held a kind of district anniversary, in which five lodges took part. The baths were well patronized, and the visitors were well pleased with the improvements. The Roma...n Catholics held a successful tea meeting on Tuesday, in the school-room adjoining the chapel, in aid of the Hospice funds, followed by a concert, and winding up with a ball." From the Wrexham Advertiser, 3rd June 1871. Yn yr Papur Newydd ‘Wrexham Advertiser’, 3ydd Mehefin 1871
Image: Bathers at St Winefride’s Well, Holywell, c.1880s (ref: PH/30/56). Photographer unknown. Llun: Ymdrochwyr yn Ffynnon Santes Gwenffrewi, Treffynnon, tua 1880au (cyf: PH/30/56).
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Appeal for Second World War memorabilia
2019 sees the 80th anniversary of the outbreak of the Second World War.
Local archive services are creating a Second World War Archive of records relating to the experiences of local people during the war.
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Second World War Appeal/Âpel yr Ail Ryfel Byd


DOES YOUR HOUSE HAVE A HISTORY? Would you like to trace the history of your house but don't know where to start or where to go next? Read our online guide to tracing the history of your house, which tells you the types of sources we hold and how you can use them for your research. https://www.flintshire.gov.uk/…/User-Gu ide-No.4-researching…
It is important to realise before you start that tracing the history of a house is a long and complicated process, involving a lot of r...esearch. It can be time-consuming, and the original sources you will be looking at are sometimes difficult to understand and interpret. However, tracing the history of a house can also be a fascinating and very rewarding process.
To visit Flintshire Record Office, please book in advance, Tel. 01244 532364 or e-mail: archives@flintshire.gov.uk
Hoffech chi i ddod o hyd i hanes eich ty ond nid ydych yn gwybod ble i ddechrau neu ble i fynd nesaf? Darllenwch ein canllaw ar-lein i olrhain hanes eich tŷ, sydd yn dweud wrthych y mathau o ffynonellau sydd gennym a sut y gallwch eu defnyddio ar gyfer eich ymchwil. http://www.siryfflint.gov.uk/…/User-Gui de-no-4-Researching-…
Mae’n bwysig ichi sylweddoli cyn ichi gychwyn mai proses hir a chymhleth yw olrhain hanes tŷ, sy’n golygu llawer o ymchwil. Gall gymryd amser maith, ac weithiau bydd y ffynonellau yr ydych yn edrych arnynt yn anodd eu deall a’u dehongli. Fodd bynnag, gall olrhain hanes tŷ fod yn broses werthfawr a difyr iawn hefyd.
I ymweld â Archifdy Sir y Fflint, mae angen archebu ymlaen llaw, Ffôn. 01244 532364 neu e-bost: archives@flintshire.gov.uk
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History Points, a way of accessing information about historic buildings and landscapes via QR codes, has come to Flintshire Record Office! HistoryPoints.org delivers Welsh history to your mobile, on the spot! Look out for our QR codes on windows, fences, doors, walls, gateposts and noticeboards at more than 1,500 places across Wales. Simply scan the codes with your smartphone or tablet to read a concise history of the object in front of you. http://historypoints.org/index.php...…
Mae HistoryPoints.org yn dod a hanes lleol i’ch ffôn symudol. Sganiwch y barcodau wrth ymyl HiPoints i dderbyn gwybodaeth diddorol am adeiladau, cofebau a nodweddion eraill yn yr ardal. Rydym wedi dethol yr HiPoints (“Historical Points”) oherwydd fod rhywbeth diddorol yn eu cylch. Wrth sganio’r holl HiPoints mewn tref, medrwch ddysgu yn fuan am yr amgylchfyd o’ch cwmpas – sut, pam a phryd y’i crewyd, pwy oedd yn arfer byw yno, sut y gweithient a llawer mwy.
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Northop Church - line engraving by S Lacey after H Gastineau. Published by Jones & Co. Temple of the Muses, Finsbury Square, London 1831 (PR/825).
Eglwys Llaneurgain - Delwedd o ysgythriad llinell gan S Lacey ar ol H Gastineau, cyhoeddwyd gan Jones & Co Temple of the Muses, Finsbury Square, Llundain 1831 (PR/825).


In the News today….10th May 1884 "A SALTNEY FISHWIVES’ FIGHT – Margaret Shine, fishseller, wife of John Shine, labourer, Bridge-street, Saltney, summoned Mary Donnelly, another fish-vendor, for assault. Mr E. Brassey, solicitor, Chester, appeared on behalf of the complainant. The allegation against the defendant was that about eleven o’clock on the night of the 26th ult, complainant, in accordance with custom, went to Mrs Hannon’s, her married sister’s house, in Saltney. She ...
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International Firefighters’ Day, 4th May Today is International Firefighters’ Day, on which we are invited to remember past firefighters who have died while serving our community or dedicated their lives to protecting the safety of us all. At the same time, we can show our support and appreciation to the firefighters world-wide who continue to protect us so well throughout the year. Image: Sandycroft Foundry Fire Brigade and engine, c.1910 (Ref: PH/60/30). Diwrnod Rhyngwlado...l Diffoddwyr Tân, 4 Mai https://www.firefightersday.org/
Heddiw yw Diwrnod Rhyngwladol Diffoddwyr Tân; cawsom ein gwahodd i gofio diffoddwyr tân diwethaf a fu farw tra bo'n gwasanaethu ein cymuned neu neilltuo eu bywydau i amddiffyn diogelwch pob un ohonom. Ar yr un pryd, gallwn hefyd ddangos ein cefnogaeth a'n gwerthfawrogiad i ddiffoddwyr tân trwy’r byd i gyd, sy'n parhau i’n diogelu mor dda drwy gydol y flwyddyn. Llun: Frigâd dân Ffowndri Sandycroft ac injan, tua 1910 (Cyf: PH/60/30).
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Prime Minister’s finger amputated... at Hawarden Rectory “MR GLADSTONE’S LOST FINGER It is not generally known that Mr Gladstone has lost the forefinger of one of his hands. This, however, is the case, and the fact passes without notice, as the ex Premier wears a black finger-stall, which disguises the defect. The Hawarden Parish Magazine describes the gun accident by which the loss was sustained, à propos of the death of an under-keeper who was present. Mr Gladstone was relo...ading the second barrel of his gun, and the ramrod tore his finger so badly that it had to be amputated immediately. The late Sir Walter Phillimore held his hand during the operation, which took place at Hawarden Rectory. Mr Gladstone, like the Spartan he is, would not admit to feeling any pain from the wound.” From the newspaper: ‘Herts and Cambs Reporter’, 10th May 1896 Images: Mr Gladstone wearing a black glove [at Hawarden Station?], c.1890s (ref: PH/28A/36). Hawarden Rectory, c.1910, photographer unknown (ref: PH/28G/16).
Bys Prif Weinidog a thocio... yn Reithordy Penarlâg “MR GLADSTONE’S LOST FINGER It is not generally known that Mr Gladstone has lost the forefinger of one of his hands. This, however, is the case, and the fact passes without notice, as the ex Premier wears a black finger-stall, which disguises the defect. The Hawarden Parish Magazine describes the gun accident by which the loss was sustained, à propos of the death of an under-keeper who was present. Mr Gladstone was reloading the second barrel of his gun, and the ramrod tore his finger so badly that it had to be amputated immediately. The late Sir Walter Phillimore held his hand during the operation, which took place at Hawarden Rectory. Mr Gladstone, like the Spartan he is, would not admit to feeling any pain from the wound.” Yn y papur newydd ‘Herts and Cambs Reporter’, 10fed Mai 1896 Lluniau: Mr Gladstone yn gwisgo menig duon [yng ngorsaf Penarlâg?], tua 1890au (cyf: PH/28A/36). Reithordy Penarlâg, tua 1910, ffotograffydd anhysbys
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Happy Easter! "For you may all the coming hours, Be fresh and sweet like Easter flowers" This lovely Easter postcard was sent by Alice to her Uncle, Mr Tuck the Bootmaker, Main Street, Hawarden. It was posted in Beeston, Nottingham, on 2nd April 1931. Image: Easter postcard by unknown publisher, 1931. (Ref: D/WW1/37/6/3).
... Pasg Hapus! "For you may all the coming hours, Be fresh and sweet like Easter flowers" Anfonwyd y cerdyn Pasg hyfryd yma gan Alice at ei ewythr, Mr Tuck, gwneuthurwr esgidiau, Prif Stryd, Penarlâg. Cafodd ei bostio yn Beeston, Nottingham, ar 2il Ebrill 1931. Llun: cerdyn post Pasg gan y cyhoeddwr dieithr, 1931. (Cyf: D/WW1/37/6/3).
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In the News today…9th April 1892 “LARCENY OF A CHERRY TREE. – Joseph Davison and John Smallwood, labourers, of Alltami, were charged, the former with stealing a cherry tree growing on land at Alltami, and the latter with receiving such tree. – Mr G.H. Simon appeared for the owners of the property from which the tree was taken, and the defendants, who admitted the offence, were ordered to pay damages and costs amounting to 17s. 3d.” From the Cheshire Observer, 9th April 1892 I...mage: Postcard of Alltami, c.1910 (Ref: PH/11/09).
Yn yr Newyddion heddiw…9fed Ebrill 1892 “LARCENY OF A CHERRY TREE. – Joseph Davison and John Smallwood, labourers, of Alltami, were charged, the former with stealing a cherry tree growing on land at Alltami, and the latter with receiving such tree. – Mr G.H. Simon appeared for the owners of the property from which the tree was taken, and the defendants, who admitted the offence, were ordered to pay damages and costs amounting to 17s. 3d.” Yn y papur newydd ‘Cheshire Observer’, 9fed Ebrill 1892
Llun: Cerdyn post o Alltami, tua 1910 (Cyf: PH/11/09)
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Syl y Mamau Hapus! Ruth Lewis a Kitty (Cyf: D/L/1015)
Roedd Ruth Lewis yn briod â J Herbert Lewis (1858-1933) o Blas Penucha, Caerwys.
... Ganed Ruth Lewis (1872-1946) yn Lerpwl a chafodd ei haddysg yn Clapham, Llundain. Ar ôl priodi a symud i Gymru, roedd Ruth yn benderfynol o ddysgu’r Gymraeg ac, ymhen ychydig flynyddoedd, roedd yn rhugl. Aeth ati i gasglu a chofnodi hen ganeuon gwerin Cymraeg a chawsant eu cyhoeddi ym 1914. Mae copi yng nghasgliad J Herbert Lewis yn Archifdy Sir y Fflint. Ruth oedd llywydd cyntaf Cymdeithas Ddirwest Merched Sir y Fflint a llywydd cyntaf Cymdeithas Merched yr Eglwysi Rhyddion. Rhyddfrydwraig oedd Ruth ac ymgyrchodd dros ddatganoli yng Nghymru ac, ym 1921, cafodd ei phenodi’n ynad ym Mwrdeistref San Steffan yn Llundain, a hi oedd y ferch gyntaf yn y wlad i dderbyn y fraint honno. Ruth hefyd oedd y ferch gyntaf i’w phenodi’n ynad yn Sir y Fflint, a bu yn y swydd am 25 o flynyddoedd bron.
Alice Catherine ‘Kitty’ Lewis (1898-1984) oedd unig ferch J Herbert Lewis a Ruth Lewis, ac roedd yn gefnogol iawn i ddatganoli yng Nghymru ac yn aelod o Blaid Cymru. Cafodd ei haddysgu yng Ngholeg Prifysgol Cymru, Aberystwyth (1916-18) ac roedd yn aelod o’r Undeb Gristnogol a’r Gymdeithas Lenyddol yn y Coleg. Yn gynnar yn y 1920au aeth i India a threuliodd dair blynedd yn gweithio fel cenhadwr ymhlith pobl y Khasai. Cymerodd ran mewn eisteddfodau lleol a chenedlaethol a hi oedd llywydd Eisteddfod Caerwys pan oedd yn dathlu ei chanmlwyddiant.
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Happy Mother's Day!
Ruth Lewis & Kitty (Ref: D/L/1015)
Ruth Lewis was married to J Herbert Lewis (1858-1933) of Plas Penucha, Caerwys.
... Ruth Caine (1872-1946) was born in Liverpool and educated in Clapham, London. Following her marriage in 1897 and her move to Wales, Ruth was determined to learn the Welsh language and became fluent within a few years. She collected and recorded old Welsh folk songs which she published in 1914, a copy of which is preserved within the J Herbert Lewis Collection at the Flintshire Record Office. Ruth became president of the Flintshire Women’s Temperance Association and the first president of the Free Church Women’s Auxiliary. She was a Liberal who campaigned for Welsh devolution and, in 1921 was appointed a magistrate in the London Borough of Westminster, the first woman in the country to receive that distinction. Ruth was also the first woman magistrate appointed to Flintshire, holding that office for nearly 25 years.
Alice Catherine ‘Kitty’ Lewis (1898-1984) only daughter of J Herbert Lewis and Ruth Lewis, was a strong supporter of Welsh Devolution and a member of Plaid Cymru. Educated at the University College of Wales in Aberystwyth (1916-18) she was involved in the Christian Union and the Literary & Debating Society at the College. In the early 1920s she went out to India and spent 3 years carrying out missionary work among the Khasai peoples. She participated in local and national eisteddfodau and became president of the Caerwys Eisteddford when it commemorated its centenary.
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IN THE NEWS TODAY, 30th MARCH 1895 “ADULTERATED RUM – Isaac Davies, landlord of the Railway Inn, Mold, for whom his wife appeared, was summoned for selling adulterated rum. – Inspector Ivor Davies visited defendant’s house, and bought a pint of rum. He sent a portion of it to Mr. W.F. Lowe to be analysed. The analyst certified that it was 37½ degrees under proof. Rum is allowed to be 25 per cent. under proof. – Defendant’s wife pleaded that they were new to the business, and ...that they had only put in the quantity of water they were told to – half-a-pint of water to a quart of rum. – Fined £1 and costs - £2-3s-6d. in all.” From the Cheshire Observer, 30th March 1895
The Railway Inn was on Chester Street, Mold, near to the Railway Station. It was later known as ‘Carriages’ and eventually demolished. The Tesco garage now stands on the site. Records of pubs and inns can be found at Flintshire Record Office (appointments necessary).
Images: ‘Slater’s Trade Directory of North and Mid Wales’, 1895, showing Isaac Davies as proprietor of the Railway Inn, Mold. Ordnance Survey Town Plan of Mold showing the Railway Inn and the station, 1871, Flintshire Sheet XIII/8/22, scale: 1:500.
YN Y NEWYDDION, 30 Mawrth 1895 “ADULTERATED RUM – Isaac Davies, landlord of the Railway Inn, Mold, for whom his wife appeared, was summoned for selling adulterated rum. – Inspector Ivor Davies visited defendant’s house, and bought a pint of rum. He sent a portion of it to Mr. W.F. Lowe to be analysed. The analyst certified that it was 37½ degrees under proof. Rum is allowed to be 25 per cent. under proof. – Defendant’s wife pleaded that they were new to the business, and that they had only put in the quantity of water they were told to – half-a-pint of water to a quart of rum. – Fined £1 and costs - £2-3s-6d. in all.” Yn y papur newydd ‘Cheshire Observer’, 30 Mawrth 1895
Roedd ‘Railway Inn’ ar Heol Caer, yr Wyddgrug, ger yr Orsaf Reilffordd. Naeth ei enw newid i’r ‘Carriages’ ac oedd eisioes wedi ei dymchwel. Mae garej Tesco bellach ar y safle. Mae cofnodion o dafarndai ar gael i weld yn Archifdy Sir y Fflint (mae angen archebu lle).
Lluniau: ‘Slater’s Trade Directory of North Wales and Mid Wales’, 1895, yn dangos Isaac Davies fel perchennog y tafarn ‘Railway Inn’, yr Wyddgrug. Mae cynllun dre arolwg ordnans yr Wyddgrug sydd yn dangos y Railway Inn a’r orsaf, 1871, Taflen Sir y Fflint XIII/8/22, graddfa: 1:500.
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More about Flintshire Record Office - Archifdy Sir Y Fflint

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