Flourish Foods Manchester

About Flourish Foods Manchester

Simple Living, Blog Writing, Community Building, Zero waste Leading, Manchester Mama



Brilliant! 🙌


Happy New Year Flourishers!
Do you have big plans for 2019?
I have a couple of my own ... Which incidentally is what today's blog is all about!
... I'll warn you, it's a little bitter sweet - but - well, you'll see 💚✌️
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We've done our Pecha Kucha so I'm buzzed to share our plastic-ometer which is in 6 figures Manchester!! 6 figures ...


If you're popping along to the Vegan Christmas Festival tomorrow don't forget we're strictly BYOB - BAG . BOTTLE . BOX


The new Chilly's bottles coming to the Vegan Christmas Festival are amazing!!


So we're getting into the swing of @justacard week this week to champion small and promote #indie business. The first challenge today is 10 things about you / your business ... Here goes!
1. My most standard response to the question "how are you?" is tired ... I'm often seen wandering round in shades carrying coffee and anyone who knows me IRL knows that I'm always #mumover ... It's like hungover in that you've probably been up all night but without the partying, alcohol ...and fun ...
... 2. I love to dance - it makes me crazy happy ... I'm not really very good at it but what I lack in natural talent I make up for in volume and enthusiasm ... I rock up every week to Babywearing Dance with @dancelikeamother and I'm on the adult Cheerleading Squad with @firestormcheerleaders ...
... 3. I've been zero wasting since 2001 ...
... 4. I'm the head (read only) hippy at Flourish Foods here in Manchester, I also work a few hours a week for @babaandboo and am a Full-Time Mum ... So I don't get a lot of free time (read any) ...
... 5. I hate mobile phones, I think the world was better without them ... Don't get me wrong I have a smart, camera, book, internet, IM, all power pocket device (which incidentally I almost never use as a "phone") but I don't actually like it ... I hate that society tells us we have to be available for other people's needs when they want us 24/7 ... No wonder we're more depressed as a culture ...
... 6. A chunk of my head is shaved and the clever bods at @cobyjacksldn draw pictures in it with clippers ...
... 7. Our logo and other graphic stuff was designed by the lovely girls at Manchester agency @wilsonandward ...
... 8. I'm also passionate about mental health - if you follow me over at @manc_mama you'll see a lot of #honestmothering and the activities I've been involved in around whole family mental health ...
... 9. I was recognised by strangers twice in the last couple of weeks from my Manc_Mama account so I've been walking round feeling a bit #famous
... 10. I'm a librarian - I have an English Degree (First Class) and a Master's in Librarianship (with Distinction) - boom #nerdygirl #girlgotsmarts
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2 weeks to Plastic Activist Christmas at The Vegan Christmas Festival!


I'm reposting from The Kindness Co-op ✌️
In the run up to Black Friday, a practice that many small Indies just can't compete with, I'd like to introduce you to a week designed to support small businesses.
I'm not asking you to buy anything but this week please do:
... * Come and join our hangout group Flourish Foods Mcr Zero-Heroes Hangout;
* Share, comment, post and shout about plastic free shopping here in Manchester! (And specifically about Flourish Foods if you've had a good experience with us);
* Review and recommend us if you've shopped with Flourish and liked what you've seen, bought, used or chatted about;
* If you can come see us at a pop-up and buy Christmas goods and gifts with a soul.
These small actions can mean the world to one girl trying to make a huge change!
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Hi all, I'm very sorry but I am going to have to cancel the pop-up at Boho Utopia today. My family have had some sad news and I'm needed at home today with my husband and my son I hope everyone understands, Nikki 🖤


Don't forget were popping up this Sunday at Boho Utopia!


Hi lovely Flourishers - just a quick reminder about the Zero Heroes group.
Going forward I'm going to share all the news, articles and discussion points in there so we can keep this page more about where and when we're around to make it easier for everyone to find.
If you head over and join can you please comment here "joined" so this post is kept bumped?
... Thanks all!
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We're back at Boho Utopia for our monthly instalment of Zero Waste Goodness! Join us on the event page to keep track of everything we're bringing with us, x

More about Flourish Foods Manchester

Flourish Foods Manchester is located at Manchester, United Kingdom