Forever-Strong Fitness & Performance

Monday: 06:00 - 08:00
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: 06:00 - 08:00
Thursday: -
Friday: 06:00 - 08:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Forever-Strong Fitness & Performance

Forever-Strong is all about making you feel confident and more comfortable in your own skin and helping you improve your health and fitness. We do this through Strength and Fitness.



Feeling fit and confident as you age is achieveable and you are only 'past it' if you believe the bullshit you tell yourself.
Being fit at 40 and even fit at 50 is becoming more and more common at Forever-Strong.
We have countless examples of people coming to us who lacked:
... Movement, strength, fitness, confidence, self-belief
And all those who apply what we advise and work hard to achieve their goals reap the rewards.
There are no secrets, no magic pills
Just SIMPLE principles and good old effort and consistency.
If you want to be fit and healthy before it gets too late then message us and we can see if what we do works for you...
If it doesn't then we will gladly point you in the right direction.
We just want to see you fit, active, able and having fun.
Life is for living!
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Negativity breeds negativity...
Being surrounded by negative people will drag you down!
Plain and simple...
... Focus on those positive people in your life and expose yourself to them more...
You will reap the benefits!
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The weekend is when most people have time to plan and prepare food for next week.
Help out your buddies by sharing what you had that was amazing this week.
Share below please peeps...


I like Friday's...
the coming weekend, the end of the working week (for most) and a chance to spend some time with friends and family.
Let's generate some fun of our own by posting a fun fact below...
... Here's mine:
The left side of your body is controlled by the right side of your brain while the right side of your body is controlled by the left side of your brain.
Or in a man's case, the brain is either controlled by his stomach or his pants :)
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There are so many myths running around the health and fitness world that it is sometimes hard to know what is true or not.
Well, that's what we are here for!
Drum roll please...
... CARBS MAKE YOU FAT!!! Is a classic that you hear all over the place...
And is absolute bollocks by the way.
The reason why a low carb diet works is that it cuts out the majority of the processed crap that you consume, thus putting you into a calorie deficit and you lose weight/body fat.
Go figure
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Karen lacked the energy to do the fun things her kids liked to do.
She also longed to get the body back that she had lost after having the kids.
Over the past few months, Karen has worked hard to fulfill her goals.
... Stronger, fitter and feeling much better about herself, Karen now has a new found love for training and life.
Here Karen tell it in her own words:
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A fantastic success story from Mandie who has worked very hard to overcome her yo-yo diet demons.
A busy full-time mum of 2, Mandie has seen success many times but has succumbed again only to put the weight back on.
This time, however, 2 stone down, fitter and stronger than ever before, she believes it is only the start of things to come.
... Don't believe me?
Watch Mandie say it in her own words...
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At Forever-Strong we build strength, we build fitness levels, we help improve energy and we aid in you moving better than you have in years...
But the biggest thing we help you with is building the confidence so that you start to find the old you again
Think about it...
... - more energy - fitter - sleeping better - able to get more done each day - loving life again - making the most of each and everyday
This is what our members are experiencing, through our proven systems and support
If this sounds like what you want/need then get in touch
We’re here to help 💪
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Tired of the same old foods?
This month we are looking at Chicken Recipes under 500 calories:
This time it's a guilt free curry option...lay of the naan and chapati's
...…/meat-an d-poul…/chicken-saag/
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It's Monday and we're back to the start of another week!
What are you doing today to kick start your week?
What is your focus for the week and how are you going about it?
... Plan it out now and crush it!
Get moving on Monday!
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The weekend is when most people have time to plan and prepare food for next week.
Help out your buddies by sharing what you had that was amazing this week.
Share below please peeps...


I like Friday's...
the coming weekend, the end of the working week (for most) and a chance to spend some time with friends and family.
Let's generate some fun of our own by posting a fun fact below...
... Here's mine:
The smallest bone found in the human body is located in the middle ear. The staples (or stirrup) bone is only 2.8 millimetres long.
My left stirrup has been removed via an operation to sort out a balance dysfunction I have. It's only when something stops working, do you appreciate how important it is.
Look after yourself and your body will take care of you
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There are so many myths running around the health and fitness world that it is sometimes hard to know what is true or not.
Well, that's what we are here for!
Drum roll please...
... You do not get toned by lifting light weights for lots of reps.
Your definition again comes from your nutrition, which means that you need to be mindful of what you eat and aim to reduce body fat levels...
Focus your time on the kitchen instead of doing those long useless gym sessions.
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Tired of the same old foods?
This month we are looking at Chicken recipes under 500 calories:
First up is a pretty cool lazy day goulash
...…/me…/p aprika-chicken-goulash/
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The Summer is flying by and the morning light is getting shorter.
Right now you need to be making the most of your day and getting shit done.
This will put you in a better place mentally and set you up for success in the long term.
... That's what you want, isn't it?
I can't remember actually meeting anyone who was happy to have a shit day or content not to succeed in life....
...even if we often do fuck all about it!
Well now's your chance.
Have a read of our latest article on how to make a great start to your day.
Please like, share, comment if you find this of value.
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It's Monday and we're back to the start of another week!
What are you doing today to kick start your week?
What is your focus for the week and how are you going about it?
... Plan it out now and crush it!
Get moving on Monday!
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Super strong, super lady!!
Sara, @52 years young is stripping back the years.
Over 2 stone lost in her time with us and now able to Kettlebell Swing over half her bodyweight!!!
... What does this mean in real terms???
Increased confidence, feels and looks amazing and has the strength and fitness to crush life with ease #stronglady #agelessperformer #foreverstrongfamily #foreverstrongway #beforeverstrong #kettlebells #kettlebellswing #greatvibes #gymlife #6amworkout
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Kath has done amazingly well during her time at @forever_strong_be . 💥💥💥
Not only has she shed a ton of unwanted body fat but this fine lady had increased strength and fitness levels way beyond expectation. 💪
The biggest win though, has to be the new mindset and confidence that comes with it 👍
... Keep up the good work team 👌
#beforeverstrong #foreverstrongway #foreverstrongfamily #kettlebellworkout #kettlebells #workhard #rochdalefit #gymlife #agelessperformer #greatvibes
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Our mission here at Forever-Strong Fitness and Performance is simple.
To help people to 'win at life' by being leaner, fitter, healthier, more confident and comfortable in their own skin.
... This is #morethanjustagym
If you're from the Rochdale/Oldham area and this resonates with you then fill in the application form at the link below and fill in the boxes with as much detail as possible 6-week-2018k8ih3fkh
From there we can get on the phone, have a chat and see how we can help you move forward.
Maybe you can #beforeverstong #winatlife #foreverstrongfamily
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Was worried I would be the oldest fattist unfittest person there don't really do group stuff but started 3 weeks ago and absolutely love it feel so much better I've lost weight inches toned up and stopped taking pain killers for my bad back sleeping better and have so much more energy feel focused would recommend to anyone .


This is by far the best 'gym' workout experience of my life! Immaculately clean, friendly, fun, motivating, not intimidating at all. For a person who HATES exercising, Gary keeps things moving, which makes time whiz by and the 'work' fun. Before you know it, the hour is up and you feel brilliant! X


So nervous today about going to my 1st gym in about 3 years , wel I went and loved it all rhe people frendy & helped me & put me at ease. thks


So glad I discovered Forever Strong, the last 7 weeks have been a fabulous journey of self discovery, I've lost 1 dress size and my self confidence is growing by the day thanks to Gary and the other early risers at the gym.

I can't recommend this gym enough.

All the help & support you need if you are determined to change your lifestyle for the better ��


My brother and sister-in-law were getting great results at Forever Strong so I thought I would give it a go. I wasn’t feeling particularly great about myself and my confidence was low.

I joined in April 17 and I am so glad I did. I have lost weight (2 stone) and inches (2 dress sizes), gained a whole heap of knowledge about how to look after myself physically and mentally and a whole team of other members who support me or kick me up the arse!!

Do not compare this with a gym - it is so much more than that. If you engage with eveything that is on offer it will change your body, your mind and in some instances your life.

If you have tried other things and struggled and are serious about making a change then I would urge you to give this a go.


Like like like like like . Have you ever committed to something but then 4 weeks down the line you start dropping away from . Yes we all have . For some reason though forever strong has a formulae that has you going back again and again , missing a session only when you are not in the country or you are so ill you can't run up the 4 flights of stairs . If you want to really change for good it's the only way . Plus those that attend will keep you motivated too.


Keep it simple ..

- Are there any egos or pressure here? No.

- Are the people and surroundings any good? Yep, brilliant atmosphere.

- Will the sessions be too difficult for me? No, Gaz sets every session to work to your own level; they're never too hard or too easy - and never boring or the same!

- Any issues or regrets on joining? Only that I didn't do it sooner.

- Do you get results? Absolutely, personally I'm over 2 stone down, long way to go still but achievable at Forever Strong.

Overall, outstanding program and coach, improves your life not just your fitness �


Just about to finish my first 8 weeks with Gaz and would like to say it's been an absolute pleasure to train under him, in that 8 weeks he's helped me get my motivation to train back, I've also dropped over a stone in weight plus gaining my fitness and strength whilst enjoying every minute of it! If your looking for a great, friendly and helpful place to train then I can guarantee that coming down to the gym will get you back on tack in no time!


I've been on this 8 week course for six weeks now feeling much better in myself the training is different every time so you can't get bored everyone is at there own level and support all new comers with no pre madonna era all good if you feel like getting yourself back in to working out it's a great place to come and gaz keeps you going and thinks about the exercise you can do as he gets you stronger for life .


I've been at Forever Strong since November 2016, 12 weeks after I gave birth. Just over 6 months down the line and I'm back to my target weight and my pre-pregnancy figure. Not only that but I'm stronger, fitter and feel fantastic. And above all I have a new set of friends who I consider to be family. Gaz and the crew are amazing, this is the best thing I ever did and I can't imagine my life with Forever Strong in it! Gaz keeps it simple as well as enjoyable ans brings the hard work and determination out of you. If you're not already a member, join, you won't regret it!!


I'm only halfway through an 8 week programme so I'll do another review at a later date. But as a "lazy exerciser" I joined Forever Strong after spending too many years to count playing at exercise, having a go at every diet under the sun (including those nasty meal replacement shake ones) and failing miserably to lose weight - never mind get fit that wasn't even on my radar!!! As a keen powerwalker and amateur runner I needed something to build my strength and change my whole mindset. Has that happened? Yes. Obviously not overnight and I'm still trying to get it right but at Forever Strong, it isn't just the training, there is so much support available in the Facebook group, at the gym and through the online members portal. Gaz has produced loads of videos that you work through at your own pace (or eagerly click for the next bit to be unlocked if you're like me)!!! I wouldn't hesitate to recommend Gaz - BUT - only if you are serious and ready to make the changes needed - be prepared to thow out the old rulebook and every bit of diet nonsense you've previously learned though!


I was lucky to come across the FB ad run by Forever Stong. I say lucky because I found a very competent Coach who has created a fitness and friendly family of like minded, determined, supportive none judging gym members who have each other’s back. Your success in the progress of your own individual goals is Gary’s prime directive. His knowledge extensive, his understanding of and passion for this “gym” and his members is endless. My successes to date are down to me, my commitment, persistence, patience and belief but I’d have not made it this far without the tools given to me by Gary. His commitment to me, his persistence, his patience and his belief in me.

Join us you’ll surprise yourself.

My name is Sara and I am One Year Stronger.


I joined Forever Strong three months ago having been significantly overweight for 15 years. I was fed up of being aching and tired and struggling to move around comfortably; I was worried about the risks to my health of being overweight. I had tried various approaches in the past but struggled to have time to follow diets properly. Forever Strong's straightforward approach is do-able and enjoyable. At last the pounds and the inches are coming off.

The most important thing is that Forever Strong has shown me that I can do it - something I had previously begun to doubt. In my work as a GP it gives me more confidence and credibility to encourage my patients to improve their health too.


I have worked with Gary for nearly a year now. Gary has genuinely changed the way I train.... from hours of cardio and massively long strength training sessions Gary put my workouts at 3 times a week... lower body, upper body and full body also with a macro counting nutrition plan.... my body has changed dramatically and that's whilst working a full time job and single parenting 2 children. Absolutely love working with Gary and couldn't recommend him enough.


I cannot even express how much I love this place!

After my 8 weeks initial programme I've lost weight, inches and a dress size but I've also gained strength, confidence and finally feel great going to the gym and working out!

This is not your average gym and Gaz is not your average PT. This is a supportive, encouraging, like-minded group of people working towards the same goals.

I've wasted a lot of money on impersonal, lonely gyms hoping that I was doing the right kind of workout (which I wasn't) but Forever-Strong is money well spent! So glad I've signed up for another year!


I can truly recommend FS. I attend the Kettlebell Sport classes and have been competing since August. My progress has been immense and I am very happy with how my training has been programmed by Gaz. In addition his nutrition guidance has meant that I have dropped 3 dress sizes whilst gaining a serious amount of strength. Couldn't ask for more really! I'm now in training for my first world championships in Greece representing England! I'd have never dreamt of achieving anything like that a year ago! Thanks Gaz.


Great family atmosphere. So friendly, met some lovely people. The coaches are excellent. No one poses like they can do in other gyms. Best choice I ever made. Getting fitter, stronger & losing weight. Don’t hesitate just do it.


ForeverStrong is infectious......

I've never been a member of any gym so I don't know what they are like so can't comment but at ForeverStrong I am part of a family. My family encourage and motivate me always because everyone is in it for the same thing. To get fit and healthy.

For all you people out there who have struggled for years with your weight and fitness then this is the place for you.

Gaz Rothwell, owner and coach at ForeverStrong, is a champion in my eyes. World champion actually, but that's another matter. He will encourage, motivate and help you reach your goal with a way that you never thought possible, because basically, he's a great bloke who cares about his family.

Don't get me wrong, it'll be bloody hard work, and may take some time, but you will get there. And you will have fun doing it.

I was the original coach potato, who thought to be destined a life of being a fat bugger. I made the decision to become a family member at ForeverStrong and I'm glad I did. Although I've still a long way to go I know I'm going in the right direction and will keep going that way because it's where I want to be.

Do you want to be ForeverStrong ?


Forever Strong is a completely unique place that gets me up 4 flights of stairs 5 times a week (3 of those at 6 a.m.). Gaz isn't about fads or diet and exercise crazes, what he offers is the opportunity to change your mindset about exercise and nutrition for good. His classes are full of people wanting to make a positive change and relishing the challenge, whilst helping one another along the way. What's not to like like like like like .....

More about Forever-Strong Fitness & Performance

Forever-Strong Fitness & Performance is located at Unit 3N, Moss Mill Ind Est, OL16 5LB Rochdale
Monday: 06:00 - 08:00
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: 06:00 - 08:00
Thursday: -
Friday: 06:00 - 08:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -