From A Place Of Love

About From A Place Of Love

Heal from a Place of Love. From the heart.
Offering Mediation, breath work and guidance sessions. Energy Work. Blessings Radha x

From A Place Of Love Description

I believe we all have the natural gift to heal. To heal ourselves, to heal Mother earth and to heal each other. I see this is so many forms everyday.

I truly believe healing comes from within, it lies within us all, we just have to take the courage to look within to find it.

Trust - Trust in our own ability, that we can. Trust our intuition, Trust in ourselves.

We all need guidance from time to time. Support and help from wherever we seek it - Spirit, Universe, Guru, Religious leader, Family, Friend, Books - Learn to understand the guidance that is given and learn to recognise your own thoughts and feeling, to seek what feels right for you. What resonates for you, for your being. We are all unique and individuals.

To heal another, you must find clarity. Clarity in your mind, body, soul and spirt. - To heal yourself first. Find the courage within to seek out the unwanted hurt, pain emotional baggage - feel it understand it and let it go - find the patience to do this. Face the mind and soul of the unwanted, learn to breath again. Control the ego and bring ones self back to self.

Find the connect with the mind, body and soul once again, with this, clarity, synchronicity and ease will come back to self - be open to continuos growth.

These are my words, my thoughts and my experiences. They have lead me to this place. This place of natural, intuitive energy healing. To open the gift to all beings.

Love, light & Aloha
Radha x

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