Frontlinefit Performance Centre

Monday: 06:30 - 21:00
Tuesday: 06:30 - 21:00
Wednesday: 06:30 - 21:00
Thursday: 06:30 - 21:00
Friday: 06:30 - 21:00
Saturday: 08:00 - 16:00
Sunday: 10:00 - 16:00

About Frontlinefit Performance Centre

FLFPC is about producing real results in both performance and aesthetics. We are based in the heart of Manchester city centre



Two day lower body seminar complete! Great group of amazing PT’s, coaches and facility owners all came to attend and the delivery of content by @chris_knott_ @jameslargey @calum_themusclementors and @luke_themusclementors was next level! So much so that we have the upper body two day seminar to come next month!! Thanks for all in attendance! See you next month!


Training to failure - Heard of the expression ‘being pushed into a dark place’? Or if you have experienced it then you can relate to this post but also take something away from it. So what do it do to the body when you have absolutely nothing left in the tank or when you know you have hit that ‘dark place’ well like anything we do in the gym it has its Pro’s and Con’s, relative to your goal or what you want to get out of the session. - On smaller exercise or isolation work leg extensions or bicep curls chucking in a drop set on the last set and working to failure is a great way to create extra stimulus and isn’t taxing on the Central Nervous System (CNS). - But on something like a squat variation like the hack or barbell then we have to look at it logically. When you take somebody to absolute failure on a large exercise, not only will you create the extra stimulus by positively damaging muscle tissue but you will also be taxing the nervous system, as these exercise require more than just one muscle group. - Once the nervous system is fatigued then you can kiss good bye to the rest of the session or even the next few days. Taking into account your form is probably, one of the most important factors to watch out for, if mechanically you start to fail then its end of set. So putting these in before a rest day, at the end of the session or IF the following exercises require a single movement or supported is probably the best way to incorporate them. - James Heath – FLF Coach
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Football strength 2 - Looking after the groin is a must for all football and team sports players. - If, like me, you’re starting to feel your hips and groin more and more as the intensity of games ramps up, this movement may be good for you.... Football like all multi-directional sports operates in more than just straight lines - so don't just train in the sagittal plane (straight up and down ) - make sure you use the frontal plane (lateral movements) to ensure that the adductors and glutes get the stimulus they need too. The lateral lunge to knee drive is a great way to train the adductors and lateral stabilisers dynamically and a nice progression from the lateral lunge to work on lateral agility and stability in the frontal plane. - Keep your hip and knee aligned at the bottom and hold your balance at the top to make sure you've nailed the deceleration.
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*Surround yourself with the dreamers and the doers, the believers and the thinkers* - I’m very fortunate to have these exact type of people around me every day of my life. The type of people who are constantly hungry, eager to learn more, think outside of the box, help others, progress in every aspect of their lives and be the best version of themselves. I think these above qualities are absolutely crucial when you’re trying to obtain your dream physique. You see for most, i...t is only a dream but with the correct mindset and you can turn any dream into a reality. A skill only a very few have. - The key to this is to surround yourself with people who have the similar mindset and goals who push you and who place you outside of your comfort zone on a daily basis. The ones who have your best interest at heart and the ones who genuinely want you to succeed. Find these people, associate with them and watch your life improve tenfold. - Mark Jones FLF Coach.
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Rehab & Recovery Series: Part 1 of 3: Dry Needling Whether you are training for competition, to achieve a specific goal or training for general health and well being, a key component in achieving consistency in training is utilising a number of rapid and effective recovery and rehabilitation techniques within your training schedule. In this three part series, I will discuss the importance and benefits of specific techniques I use with clients to achieve consistent and pro...gressive results. - Dry Needling: DN is a modern technique that involves the insertion if a filament needle to stimulate the healing process of soft tissues (muscle ‘trigger points’, fascia, tendons and ligaments etc.). The performance of DN is based on neuroanatomy and modern scientific study of the MSK and nervous system. The result of DN is rapid muscular pain relief, improved blood flow, increased range of motion and restoration of healthy physiology. DN is used to treat a number of conditions including: -  Acute and Chronic injuries  Neck and Back Pain  Headaches/Migraines  Muscles strains  Tendinitis  Sciatica  Overuse injuries - Here at FLF, we offer a variety of recovery strategies of which DN is available. In the next post, I will discuss other recovery techniques I use in combination with dry needling therapy. For further information or if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us. - Nasser Shabbir - FLF Physiotherapist
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**The Final Strength Camp of 2018 starts next week!** - Nobody else does group training at this level…Why? Because it takes a LOT of time, energy, man power and financial investment. -... Fact - world class PT’s in a world class facility with world class equipment who offer group training at the affordable price to that of FLF Strength Camp is extremely rare to come by. - £450 for 9 weeks group training (to which feels like personal training) that has an unbelievable proven track record for obtaining amazing results year after year. - Results that you would be expected to pay thousands of pounds for less than £500 - Enough said. - Get in touch via DM or email to get signed up!
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New member alert 🚨 #605 Holly James - Holly is a masters student and also a part time worker. Her goal is to develop a balanced lifestyle focusing on her diet and to develop a healthy relationship with food and her body image.... She was drawn to my knowledge and experience when she picked me on IG 😉. - I will help and guide her to find her way to a balanced diet while fat loss should come as an end product as Holly grows stronger. Welcome Holly to FLF. - We are excited to see the changes inside and out. Terezia Börcsök FLF Coach
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Habit Change for Successful Fat Loss Part 1 - When embarking upon a fat loss phase many clients come to us with habits that have sabotaged any previous efforts to achieve a body transformation. Habits are things people do day to day without much thought or effort; brushing their teeth, putting the kettle on, reaching for the biscuit tin when they are stressed. The important thing to remember is that habits are learned behaviours and therefore, can be changed. According to Cha...rles Duhigg a habit is made up of three parts: - 1. Cue - a trigger that results us going into autopilot. 2. Routine - the habit itself; it can be physical, mental or emotional. 3. Reward - what reminds us this action is worth remembering for the future. - Using stress eating as an example this may look like: 1. Cue - feelings of stress or anxiety because of a bad day at work. 2. Routine - ordering a takeaway instead of cooking. 3. Reward - the taste of highly palatable foods often high in sugar, fat and salt. The intense flavours result in a release of dopamine in the brain which temporarily relieves the stress and anxiety therefore making us feel better. - A habit loop has now been created. The new norm is now to eat highly palatable foods to relieve stress. Whenever we experience intense stress, eating is the answer. Due to the influx of calories from poor food choices weight gain is likely, negatively impacting any attempt to drop body fat. In part 2 I will discuss how to create lasting habit changes and explain why trying to completely remove a habit is often unsuccessful.
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Testosterone and Muscle Part 1 of 3 - The basics Whilst a very important hormone, its largely misunderstood. We ALL require testosterone for a well-functioning body. But lets keep it relevant to your physique. It’s essential for the growth of muscle tissue, bone density and strength in both males AND females. It’s also imperative for our overall general health and well-being. Low levels of testosterone can not only negatively affect muscle and bone strength but can affect our state of mind. We can experience plateaus in strength, less lean muscle tissue, increased body fat, low energy, irritability, low mood, even depression. Not to mention sexual dysfunction. The problem is, modern life is killing our testosterone. High stress, poor sleep, excessive stimulant (coffee) use, alcohol & toxic food intake, nutrient deficiences and sedentary life all play their part. When we’re looking to really take your physique to the next level, we need to start by ensuring we’re optimising all of the above easily addressed lifestyle factors. #flfpc #frontlinefit #coaching #testosterone
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Initial 8 week phase complete for Jon. Although we concluded this phase with a photoshoot as he was in condition and it’s valuable to document these moments, the bigger picture here and our main priority throughout the process was to get him into a position where we could rebound and grow. - We will push food and training intensity now for 4-6 weeks post shoot, I’d expect in the range of 10-15lbs to go on here with little compromise to condition. After this initial push, we m...itigate fatigue, reset then go again. - Jon has had 2-3 coaching sessions with me each week here at FLF and we will be continuing the same throughout his entire 2018-2019 off season, alongside programming for nutrition and training online. - #flfpc #coaching #photoshoot #frontlinefit
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The single arm farmers carry ••• Most of the things we do in the gym tend to be balanced and bilateral. We create the best environment possible to ensure we have a stable base to engage muscles equally. This makes sense from a strength and aesthetics point of view, but overlooks one major thing: most of what we do in day to day life is imbalanced. ••• We will always favour one side of the body for the automatic responses we do. Whether it is sleeping, picking up a child, carr...ying a bag or playing sport, it’s natural to gravitate to one more dominant side. ••• There’s nothing wrong with this, but it can lead to niggles, strains and injuries in the shoulders, knees and lower back if not properly attended to. ••• The single arm farmers carry is one of the best exercises for ironing out bilateral imbalances. Not only does it challenge the abs, obliques, glutes and QL, it can have great body composition affects too due to the large out of muscles involved (output). ••• A great way to finish your session would be with a 10 minute “as many rounds as possible” method using this movement and another remedial in a superset. Correcting imbalances doesn’t have to be boring or compromise fat loss. Using high output MST and then focusing on someone’s specific weakness is a great place to start. ••• FLF Coach - Chris Knott
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INSULIN RESISTANCE SERIES Part 1 of 3 - METFORMIN - Insulin is a hormone made in the pancreas, it regulates levels of sugar (glucose) by allowing muscle, fat and liver cells to uptake glucose so it can be used as energy or stored.... - When these type of cells do not respond to insulin, we talk of insulin resistance. If this happens, blood glucose levels can be higher than normal, leading to side effects such as hypertension, high lipid profile, prediabetes or even type 2 diabetes. Individuals who are obese and overweight, especially the ones carrying fat in abdomen and individuals who are physically inactive, usually suffers of Insulin Resistance. - Among the drugs used to prevent type 2 diabetes, to cure it, and to decrease insulin resistance, Metformin is the most common used, and studies have proven that is very effective in doing so with minimal to no side effects. Metformin mechanism of action is quite simple to understand; it inhibits a hormone responsible for increasing blood sugar levels, the results then is a decrease of the latest in the blood. - As mentioned above, Metformin has many positive effects in the body: - It treats and prevent type 2 diabetes, - It improves insulin resistance; this can be also useful in individuals facing very high carbohydrate diets. - It treats PCOS symptoms. - It can prevent heart diseases linked to an imbalance in blood sugar levels. The main downside of Metformin is a deficiency in B12 vitamin; this could be easily reversed by supplementing Calcium and B12 vitamin. I suggest anyone that if anyone falls in the above category, speak with a physician and evaluate the use of metformin prior to use. #flfpc #frontlinefit #insulinresistance #diabetes #metformin #personaltrainer #supplmentation #nutrition
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Benefits of StrongWoman Style Training for Strength, Health and Well-being - I may be biased as a StrongWoman competitor, but I am a huge advocate of incorporating elements of this style of training into many females programmes for the physical, mental and health benefits it brings. - 1) Many females complain of having a weak upper body, and many dislike training this area for fear of looking to 'bulky'. Unless you are genetically gifted upper body strength is something we ...have to work hard at as females as we typically carry less muscle mass in this area. By incorporating StrongWoman style training such as over-head press movements with a Dumbell, Barbell, Axel or even log will be a fun way of growing your upper body strength, pair that with pull-ups or rope pulls for creating a sound structural balance. - 2) Lower body gains! We all want more lean and shapely lower body and StrongWoman training will deliver just that. Dragging, pushing and carrying heavy sleds and objects around will lead to strength and lean mass gains as well as creating a huge metabolic demand on the whole body, and get you expending a huge amount of energy! - 3) Overall health fitness and well-being. The intensity of StrongWoman style training places a huge metabolic and cardiovascular demand on the body. Not only will this lead to improved body composition but overall health and fitness. It will increase cellular efficiency for better workouts and nutrient uptake! - 4) It will push you to your physical and mental limits beyond measure and leave you with a sense of accomplishment! Ever picked up a 50kg Ball? Well you can, and you will, by learning the skills, technique and applying a determined mindset! - Katie Ball - FLF Personal Trainer
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#Repost @jamesheath6 with @repostapp ・・・ Awesome morning shooting with clients, these guys have put in so much work, it’s the reason I absolutely love my work. I can’t praise these guys enough for their effort and dedication to this process. . Can’t wait to get the final pictures out, @citizenbailey professional and producing the goods! Cheers buddy. .... #photography #photoshoot #client #transformation #dedication #motivation #physique #shredded #fatloss #lifechanging #nutrition #musclebuilding #baileyimage #team #frontlinefit #ourgym #flfpc
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Client Progress: Mukka Arshad ••• Mukka first came to me in February 2017 to work on a 1-2-1 basis. Over a 13 week period, he lost a decent amount of body fat and improved his physique. The only issue was, due to his starting point and time scale given, we had to use extreme measures such as fasting, cardio, HIIT, caffeine and low calories. We got the result but it came at a price. ••• After we finished training Mukka made the missing list and slipped back in to old ways. He ...binge ate and stopped training reverting him pretty much back to square one. I hold my hands up and fully admit this was my fault as well. If you use extreme measures, you need to be diligent with your reverse diet strategy as well. ••• Fast forward to April 2018 and Mukka jumped back on board to do an APD programme with me. I explained things would be different this time, he’d need to be patient and things would take longer. We established a calorie baseline, got consistent with training and carefully chipped away at calories at a steady rate. There were still a few blips along the way but this is all part and parcel of the reality of working with the general population. ••• Over 22 weeks Mukka lost 15% BF and was absolutely delighted with his result. The goal now is to add mass and bring calories steadily back up.
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Upcoming FLF Educational Seminars ••• The FLF education team is delighted to announce the next instalment of its educational series. We will presenting two weekends to up skill coaches on assessment methods and programme design. ••• Day 1 will be taken by James Largey and Chris Knott covering how movement dysfunction arises, anatomy workshops and assessment methods to identify range of movement.... ••• Acquiring knowledge is one thing, but how you apply it is even more essential. On day 2, Calum Raistrick and Luke Hoffman (aka The Muscle Mentors) will be teaching how to apply the data collected on day 1 and exercise execution. ••• Module 1: Lower Body 20th & 21st October Module 2: Upper Body 17th & 18th November ••• The investment is £300 per module or £500 for both weekends together. ••• Each camp will have a cap on numbers to ensure everyone has enough tuition on the day. To reserve your place, please DM us with your name, email and dates you’d like to attend. - #flf #seminar #flfpc #flfperformancecentre #manchester #personaltrainer #coach #education
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New Member Alert #604 - Makbul Ali - Makbul comes to FLF wanting to improve his health and lose body fat. He has been watching the socials from a far for a while now and has finally decided to take the leap and make the positive changes required to reach his goals.... - Makbul’s nutritional choices aren’t always great so educating Makbul will also be of prime importance during our time working together (as it always should be) which will allow him to make better, more informed choices in all aspects of his health moving forward. - Makbul will train 3 x per week for 12 weeks initially and with clear concise goals in place I’m excited to get started on this one. Welcome Makbul. - #flfpc #frontlinefit #newmember
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It’s not about the destination, it’s about the journey. - What's your first thought when looking to get in to shape? For many, they skip lightyears ahead and focus on abs and big muscles straight away. There's nothing wrong with this, but the reality is it may take years to achieve these goals. Where a lot of people go wrong isn't necessarily there methodology, it's getting ahead of themselves and wanting too much too soon. - When a new client starts with me, I break down wha...t's realistic in a certain amount of time. Sometimes it may take 4-8 weeks, other times 6 months to a year. It's all about what's safe and effective for each individual. - If your goal is to lose a dramatic amount of weight or body fat, put all your energy in to what needs to be done on a daily basis. Create good habits that contribute to health, not just fat loss and over time you'll see a big change in your body. Fat loss isn't necessarily easy, but if you don't enjoy the process of achieving your goal it's not likely you'll sustain the habits that got you there in the first place.
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More about Frontlinefit Performance Centre

Frontlinefit Performance Centre is located at 97 North Western Street, M12 6JL Manchester, United Kingdom
07540 350 617
Monday: 06:30 - 21:00
Tuesday: 06:30 - 21:00
Wednesday: 06:30 - 21:00
Thursday: 06:30 - 21:00
Friday: 06:30 - 21:00
Saturday: 08:00 - 16:00
Sunday: 10:00 - 16:00