Future3 Architecture

About Future3 Architecture

Future 3 specialise in residential architecture including new build houses, extensions and renovations from feasibility through to project completion



Getting our 1 a day.....mum life during lockdown!


So weŌĆÖve come up with a plan Stan!! Now to make it come to life.....starting with flagging the access route for materials (also a new skate board practice zone ­¤śē) #garden #gardendesign #landscapearchitecture


We have a plan, Stan.....starting with getting this area flagged! Firstly, the prep.....


We may be in lockdown but future 3 are still working! How many of you are cooped up at home wishing you had gone ahead with that extension project?
Two storey side extension, submitted for planning, getting the process underway now ready to get on site as soon as possible!


Love a good time lapse!!


YesterdayŌĆÖs art lesson.....how to paint & re felt the roof of the shed! This home schooling is coming in very handy to get those jobs done!


Homeschooling & juggling running a business...all still IŌĆÖm one piece so far....how is everybody else getting on?


Adapt & go with the flow.....Future 3 are still maintaining networking connections & business continuity with some amazing Zoom meetings! Locked down, safe & able to wear pjs from the waist down, it could be worse ­¤śé


Burning off some energy with a family fun run ­¤Åā­¤Å╗ŌĆŹŌÖĆ’ĖÅ­¤Åā­¤Å╗ŌĆŹŌÖé’ĖÅ­¤Åā­¤Å ╗­¤Åā­¤Å╗ŌĆŹŌÖé’ĖÅ­¤”«


Day 3 of Lock Down! Monday morning, home school is ready to go...just missing two lazy stinkers....can I give them a detention on day one??! ­¤żĘ­¤Å╗ŌĆŹŌÖĆ’ĖÅ


Day two of lockdown & itŌĆÖs been a busy old MotherŌĆÖs Day clearing the back garden with the monkeys! Excited to finally get started on the garden project.....every cloud!!


Future 3 are business as usual, with some awesome new & ongoing projects but I intend to make full use of the time during lock down and keep my boys occupied. I may be an architect but I also love to be on site grafting.....so while others have been stockpiling loo rolls, IŌĆÖve been organising materials to keep busy! Watch this space!


In the midst of all the chaos, a moment of calm, carrying out a survey in the middle of nowhere


Future 3 are operating as usual, living the dream with pearl the wonder dog for company! Bring on the lock down!


Survey Saturday followed by an afternoon run with the amazing superstar lindsay & my princess pearl the wonder dog! thank you for keeping me going!!


Training for the 3 peaks this morning, bit windy & cold ­¤źČ pearl enjoyed herself


Maybe why IŌĆÖm self employed?! Happy international womenŌĆÖs day!!

More about Future3 Architecture
