Gabriel Hideg

About Gabriel Hideg

The Vibrant Lifestyle

Welcome in the World of the Sounds and Vibrations!

Gabriel Hideg Description

Üdvözöllek a Gyógyító Hangok Világában!

"A hang a jövő gyógyszere. " Edgar Cayce

Szeretném bemutatni Nektek oldalamat, ahol ötvözöm a nyugati világot képviselő basszusgitárt és a keleti világot képviselő tibeti hangtálakat, harangokat, kínai gongokat.

Hangterápiás gyógyászat egy hatékony és bevált módszer, amely a vibrációs hangot használja arra, hogy segítsen csökkenteni a stresszt, emelje a tudatosságot, és létrehozzon egy mély békét, jólétet és jobb egészséget. A hangokról kimutatták azt is, hogy alapvető részesei a kemoterápiában résztvevő rákos betegek gyógyulásának, és a mellékhatások, főleg a fájdalom, csökkentésének.
Hanggyógyászat hatásai:
1. Egyensúlyba hozza az energiát.
2. Oldja a stresszt és a zavaros érzelmeket.
3. Oldja a feszültségeket.
4. Fejleszti a kreativitást és a fantáziát.
5. Növeli az életerőt.
6. Helyreállítja az agy féltekeit.
7. Segít harmonizálni a testet, szellemet és lelket.
8. Pozitív önképet ad és felhatalmaz magabiztosságra.
Tibeti éneklő tálakat már évszázadok óta használják gyógyításra és meditációs célokra. A tálak különböző hangokat hoznak létre, amelyek visszaadják a beteg és elhangolt testnek, szellemnek és léleknek a normális rezgési frekvenciáit.
A tibeti éneklő tálakkal létrehozott hangok olyan fajta energiagyógyszerek, amelyek elősegítik a gyógyulást a stresszből, fájdalomból, depresszióból, és egyéb fajta betegségekből . Gyógyító folyamat során az agyhullámok szinkronizálnak a tálak tökéletes hangrezgésével. Az egyedi hangok jó szolgálatot tesznek a meditációhoz való előkészülethez, támogatják a kreatív gondolkodást és az intuíciót.
Hunyd le a szemed, és élvezd a gyógyító hangokat! : )

I would like to introduce my site, which combines Eastern and Western World.
I use Bass Guitar, Tibetan Singing Bowls, Tibetan and Koshi Bells, Shamanic Drum, Sansula, Chinese Chau Gong and more.

Sound Healing Therapy is an effective and proven modality that uses vibrational sound to help reduce stress, alter consciousness and create a deep sense of peace, well being and better health. Sound has also been shown to be a vital part of the healing process for cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy and side effects especially for pain relief management.
Sound Healing Therapy Effects:
1. Promotion of the energy balance.
2. Reduction of stress and involved emotions.
3. Reducing of tensions.
4. Upgrading of creativity and imagination.
5. Elevating of life forces.
6. Balancing of hermisphere of the brain.
7. Helping to harmonize body, spirit and soul.
8. Giving a positive self-image and empowering assertiveness.
Tibetan Singing Bowls have been used for centuries for healing and meditation purposes. They create a range of sounds to restore the normal vibratory frequencies of diseased and out-of-harmony parts of the body, mind and soul.
The sounds generated by Tibetan Singing Bowls are a type of energy medicine that promote healing from stress disorders, pain, depression, and most forms of dis-ease.
Healing processes are initiated through entraining our brainwaves to synchronise with the perfect resonance of the bowls. Unique tones create the perfect state for deep meditation, creative thinking and intuitive messages.
Close Your Eyes and Enjoy My Healing Sounds! : )



Vibrational Sound & Reiki Therapy combines the wonderful, healing modalities of traditional Usui Reiki & the powerful sound therapy. The powerful marriage of sound from the gongs, vegan shamanic drums, crystal & tibetan singing bowls, chimes, tuning forks, vibration & Reiki energy, greatly enhances even the most basic of healing sessions, and promotes deep healing of the physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual bodies.
A Vibrational Sound & Reiki treatment is so powe...rful.
The next private session is in the beautiful Grasmere on 6th - 7th (Monday & Tuesday) May.
Start from 9:00, the last session is at 15:00 (by appointment)
What is Sound Therapy? Sound has been utilized in various cultures for thousands of years as a tool for healing through vibrational frequency.
Sound healing is the practice of using audio tones and vibrational frequencies to repair damaged tissue and cells within the body. It works on the basis that all matter is vibrating at specific frequencies, and sickness, disease, depression and stress causes human beings to vibrate at a lower frequency. Playing tones that promote healing, happiness and vitality will allow DNA strands to repair themselves, and several scientific studies have been conducted on the potential healing benefits of audio sound frequencies.
Sound Therapy is especially helpful for the following: -Full Body cleanse and Relaxation -Joint Pain -Brain Entrainment Relaxation -Mind Detoxification Therapy -Aura Cleansing and Strengthening -Treatment of General Ailments (digestive disorders, joint pain, back pain, shoulder tension, neck tension, headache, migraine, fever, etc.)
Please dress comfortably as I will take you on an amazing sound journey. A water bottle is also suggested to help flush the toxins out of your system after the sound bath. If you are interested, please send me a private message or call on 07914378111
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Vibrational Sound & Reiki Therapy combines the wonderful, healing modalities of traditional Usui Reiki & the powerful sound therapy. The powerful marriage of sound from the gongs, vegan shamanic drums, crystal & tibetan singing bowls, chimes, tuning forks, vibration & Reiki energy, greatly enhances even the most basic of healing sessions, and promotes deep healing of the physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual bodies.
A Vibrational Sound & Reiki treatment is so powe...rful.
The next private session is in the beautiful Grasmere on 29th (Monday) April.
Start from 9:00, the last session is at 15:00 (by appointment)
What is Sound Therapy? Sound has been utilized in various cultures for thousands of years as a tool for healing through vibrational frequency.
Sound healing is the practice of using audio tones and vibrational frequencies to repair damaged tissue and cells within the body. It works on the basis that all matter is vibrating at specific frequencies, and sickness, disease, depression and stress causes human beings to vibrate at a lower frequency. Playing tones that promote healing, happiness and vitality will allow DNA strands to repair themselves, and several scientific studies have been conducted on the potential healing benefits of audio sound frequencies.
Sound Therapy is especially helpful for the following: -Full Body cleanse and Relaxation -Joint Pain -Brain Entrainment Relaxation -Mind Detoxification Therapy -Aura Cleansing and Strengthening -Treatment of General Ailments (digestive disorders, joint pain, back pain, shoulder tension, neck tension, headache, migraine, fever, etc.)
Please dress comfortably as I will take you on an amazing sound journey. A water bottle is also suggested to help flush the toxins out of your system after the sound bath. If you are interested, please send me a private message or call on 07914378111
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OMG!! 10 years ago😱😱😱


Yoga Retreat Days in Rydal 😁 Sound Bath Therapy session in the Nab Cottage


If you are in Cockermouth Don't miss out😉


The next private sessions are in the beautiful Grasmere from 1st of April until 7th of April (Monday to Sunday).
Start from 9:00, the last session is at 15:00 (by appointment)
Vibrational Sound & Reiki Therapy combines the wonderful, healing modalities of traditional Usui Reiki & the powerful sound therapy.... The powerful marriage of sound from the gongs, vegan shamanic drums, crystal & tibetan singing bowls, chimes, tuning forks, vibration & Reiki energy, greatly enhances even the most basic of healing sessions, and promotes deep healing of the physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual bodies.
A Vibrational Sound & Reiki treatment is so powerful.
What is Sound Therapy? Sound has been utilized in various cultures for thousands of years as a tool for healing through vibrational frequency.
Sound healing is the practice of using audio tones and vibrational frequencies to repair damaged tissue and cells within the body. It works on the basis that all matter is vibrating at specific frequencies, and sickness, disease, depression and stress causes human beings to vibrate at a lower frequency. Playing tones that promote healing, happiness and vitality will allow DNA strands to repair themselves, and several scientific studies have been conducted on the potential healing benefits of audio sound frequencies.
Sound Therapy is especially helpful for the following: -Full Body cleanse and Relaxation -Joint Pain -Brain Entrainment Relaxation -Mind Detoxification Therapy -Aura Cleansing and Strengthening -Treatment of General Ailments (digestive disorders, joint pain, back pain, shoulder tension, neck tension, headache, migraine, fever, etc.)
Please dress comfortably as I will take you on an amazing sound journey. A water bottle is also suggested to help flush the toxins out of your system after the sound bath. If you are interested, please send me a private message or call on 07914378111
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Vibrational Sound & Reiki Therapy combines the wonderful, healing modalities of traditional Usui Reiki & the powerful sound therapy. The powerful marriage of sound from the gongs, vegan shamanic drums, crystal & tibetan singing bowls, chimes, tuning forks, vibration & Reiki energy, greatly enhances even the most basic of healing sessions, and promotes deep healing of the physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual bodies.
A Vibrational Sound & Reiki treatment is so powe...rful.
The next private session is in the beautiful Grasmere on 25th (Monday) March.
Start from 9:00, the last session is at 15:00 (by appointment)
What is Sound Therapy? Sound has been utilized in various cultures for thousands of years as a tool for healing through vibrational frequency.
Sound healing is the practice of using audio tones and vibrational frequencies to repair damaged tissue and cells within the body. It works on the basis that all matter is vibrating at specific frequencies, and sickness, disease, depression and stress causes human beings to vibrate at a lower frequency. Playing tones that promote healing, happiness and vitality will allow DNA strands to repair themselves, and several scientific studies have been conducted on the potential healing benefits of audio sound frequencies.
Sound Therapy is especially helpful for the following: -Full Body cleanse and Relaxation -Joint Pain -Brain Entrainment Relaxation -Mind Detoxification Therapy -Aura Cleansing and Strengthening -Treatment of General Ailments (digestive disorders, joint pain, back pain, shoulder tension, neck tension, headache, migraine, fever, etc.)
Please dress comfortably as I will take you on an amazing sound journey. A water bottle is also suggested to help flush the toxins out of your system after the sound bath. If you are interested, please send me a private message or call on 07914378111
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Az uj kedvenc filmem :D :D TU

More about Gabriel Hideg

Gabriel Hideg is located at Webster's Yard, Highgate, LA9 4HA Kendal