Hablando Spanish Kids Club En Español

About Hablando Spanish Kids Club En Español

Great fun Spanish classes for babies to 5 years old childrens through interactive games, songs, storytelling, actions and role play.

Hablando Spanish Kids Club En Español Description

Great fun Spanis classes for babies to 5 years old childrens through interactive games, songs, storytelling, actions and role play.



🙋‍♀️¡Hola! ¿que tal estáis?
Paso por aquí a recordaros que este viernes estaremos de nuevo en Tea&Chocolat.
Una oportunidad para conocer a otras familias junto a un café, té o chocolate caliente incluido en el precio. (Te aseguro que aunque sea solo por el chocolate querrás repetir)


La primera infancia es el mejor momento posible aprender una segunda lengua porque los niños que experimentan dos lenguas desde su nacimiento normalmente se convierten en hablantes nativos de ambas, mientras que los adultos a menudo tienen dificultades con el aprendizaje de una segunda lengua y rara vez logran una fluidez similar a la de su lengua nativa.
https://www.bebesymas.com/…/por-que-los -bebes-pueden-aprend…


¿SABÍAS QUE...?🤷🏻‍♀️
Numerosos estudios han comprobado que los niños de las familias que viven en un país extranjero y optan por educar a sus hijos en el idioma de ese país tienen un peor rendimiento en la escuela que las familias que prefieren hablar a los niños en el idioma natal.
¿La razón? La calidad gramatical que se habla en las casas que utilizan una lengua que no es la suya es insuficiente para que los niños sean capaces de comunicarse.
... https://www.superprota.com/blog/hablar-le ngua-materna/
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Dentro de poco nos vemos para celebrar el nuevo año, el Viernes estaremos en Tea & Chocolat con las pilas cargadas ☺️.


The best time to teach your child a second language is the same time she's learning her first one. So vamonos! (Let's go!)
Would you like your child to learn Spanish with a native teacher? Have fun learning Spanish through songs, actions, games, drama and storyteling.
... Exposure to different cultures and learning a foreign language is an invaluable part of every child's aducation and growth.
Fun and interactive lessons will boost their self-confidence and self-esteem and enhace their natural crativity and curiosity.
Don't miss it out!
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Spanish for Toddlers. This lessons, suitable for children between 18 month and 5 years, are designed to engage and inmerse the little ones in the language trough and exciting combination of interactive activities such games, song and stories.
Why not to come along and see what it's all about?😉


In fact, early childhood👶 is the best possible time to learn 👩‍🏫a second language. Children who experience two languages from birth typically become native speakers of both, while adults often struggle with second language learning and rarely attain native-like fluency.
http://theconversation.com/why-the-baby-b rain-can-learn-two…


Myths about raising a child with more than one language abound.
https://www.babycenter.com/0_raising-a-bi lingual-child-the-…


Would you like your child to learn Spanish with a native teacher?
Have fun learning Spanish through songs, actions, games, drama and storyteling.
... Don't miss it out!
New classes in Handforth Library.
Just message me to book, for any question or futher information please contact me
Miriam Romo.
Classes will then run at this time every week starting in January £6 per session. Half termly commitement required.
¡Hasta luego!
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More about Hablando Spanish Kids Club En Español

Hablando Spanish Kids Club En Español is located at Delamere Road, SK9 3 Handforth