Holyrood Flowers

About Holyrood Flowers

Creating beautiful designs for all occasions. . . We use seasonal, home and British-grown flowers (subject to availability).



Today's weekly flower bucket...with lots of dahlias, stachys lanata, astrantia and foxgloves... Yes, foxgloves at this time of year ! What's even weirder is that we have crocus' out in the front garden !! Seasonal confusion !! 🤔


Loving the blush, wine and burgundy colours of this wedding bouquet. The first of my Chrysanthemums Avignon Pink and Rosa Pink Martini, taking centre stage alongwith dahlias Natal, Arabian Night and Sam Hopkins. #grownnotflown


Busy afternoon again...planted the first batch of Anemones and Ranunculus... Then, spent an hour with hubbie covering our dahlias and chrysanthemums with fleeces to keep them warm tonight (frost given for here !)...I think our horse and dogs think that aliens have landed in the garden !! 🤣👽


Some pretty little thank you jars going to very good homes today ! #grownnotflown


Paid another little visit this morning to Fryers Roses at Knutsford (encouraged by my very understanding husband, I have to say !!😀)
I wanted some more Pink Martini's and Rachel's and obviously couldn't resist a few others with names like Lady Marmalade and Silver Shadow. Also, a gorgeous Hydrangea Paniculata Limelight mysteriously made its way into my shopping trolley !! 🤣
... So looking forward to working with these beauties in next years weddings...😍
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New Wedding Fayre...in an amazing venue..hosted by the fabulous Bouquet & Bells Wedding Planning.


New Wedding Fayre with lots of fabulous suppliers under one roof !


Really looking forward to this one ! Hope to see you there...😊


Wedding Fayre with lots of amazing suppliers


Our new rosa Pink Martini's almost out now and she smells as good as she looks !! 😍

More about Holyrood Flowers
