
About Laptopmums

Working from home is easier and more profitable than you'd think!
It's my mission to help you break out of mediocrity, start living a life of intention and joy and be the parent your children need! : -)



As a Laptopmum, my passion is to show others the power and opportunities available to anyone online. Actually, not anyone. . . Only someone willing to learn something new.... . . Only someone who is prepared to work hard. . . Only someone who can turn off Netflix and take action on a future they are designing for themselves. . . It’s not easy, or everyone would be doing it. So no, anyone can’t do it. . But anyone could.
#onlinebusinesses #laptoplifestyleliving #mumpreneur #bossladymindset #thiswomancan
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A few of the books that opened my eyes and have led to a passion for self improvement!
It all started with Johnathan Livingston Seagull. Given to me by a colleague in the RAF when I was doubting my confidence to apply for a commission. It worked! 🤩
#neverstoplearningandgrowing ... #laptopmums #alwayslearningalwaysgrowing #neverbored
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A gift from my daughter! 😊😂
#homemadecard #laptopmums #wfhlife #mumpreneurs #luckymum #mumtodaughters


Gratitude is so important in these challenging times - I'm grateful for the new opportunities this lockdown is presenting me with, even if they feel like obstacles right now. 💫


Walking at sunrise is life changing. Having a morning routine that includes a walk around ‘the block’ (happily, my block is fields!) ensures I start my day in control. Tie that in with the other 9 steps of my super simple routine, means that by the time I sit down to work, I am ready to rock (it does help that I love what I do!)
Why not join me on my free 30 Day morning routine challenge? It started today, it’s not too late! ... Give me a 👍 if you’re interested! And tag a friend who needs a kick up the bum too!! 😬😆
#wfhlife #morningroutines #healthystarttotheday #laptopmums #onlinebusinesscoach #gohealthandfitness
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User roductivity-at-wo…/
I wrote this blog a while ago - but I reckon it's pretty relevant just now!!


What do you think?


Absolutely perfect day for a Mothers Day walk - and pretty good for #socialdistancing too, barely a soul around!
#firstpicnicoftheyear #mothersdaywalk #familytime❤ #laptopmums


To you amazing mums out there. Working so hard to hold families together. Fighting for loo roll, trying to keep kids entertained and educated, cooking meals without ingredients you can’t get hold of, trying to work from home and all the other million activities you carry out with out any thanks. As a mum to a mum, you rock! 🤩😍
#happymothersday #awesomemum #motherhood #mumsrock #busymums #laptopmums


In these crazy unpredictable times, remember - you do have control. Be present Be mindful Be sensible I think common sense is lacking in many areas of the country right now. ... Stay safe friends and use this time productively. Why not think about how you are showing up in the world, are you truly in alignment with your values? Read Rest Exercise And spend some time meditating or contemplating your future. Give me a shout if you’re interested in re-skilling.
#laptopmums, #newskill, #readabook #workonlinefromhome #onlineworking
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I wrote this blog a while ago - but it might be more relevant now than ever!! w-business/


Don’t keep calm and carry on, it’s time to take control. If you find yourself at home, before you start that box set (and I’m not saying don’t start it, but perhaps prioritise it!), have a think about where you are heading with your life. Can you use this time to work on yourself ? Rest? Read?... Re-train?
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These are tough times, but they have to be times of intention and pro activity. Is it time to re-skill, or at least consider a different approach?
I’d love to help if you have any questions.
... #laptopmums #workingfromhome #takecontrolofyourlife #dontwastetime #freeworkshop
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Figuring it out together! #yodaismymentor 🤣
#mentorshipmatters #laptopmums #itsquietinhere


I belong to the most amazing community of people around the world who are setting up their business online, and it is my passion to support others to do the same. It's my mission to help people realise their potential, sack crap bosses and get financial independence in their lives. I do that through my 2 online businesses - Go Health & Fitness and Laptopmums, which I have established using mentorship and an education platform called Six Figure Mentors and the Digital Experts ...Academy.
I served in the Royal Air Force for 22 years, believe me, my BS detector was on full alert when I came across them. And yes, they have negative reviews from folk online who seem to think they can get rich quick without putting in any work.
I have never worked so hard in my life to get my online businesses up and running, but with the leadership, mentorship, community and education from within this company, I can honestly say, their integrity is second to none.
With Coronavirus threatening to derail economies and companies around the globe, I personally am delighted to be working from home in 2 businesses I love. And now my girls' school is looking likely to close, I am secure knowing I can be here for them. If encouraging people to take action to secure their futures (or at least investigate opportunities) is taking advantage of the situation, then yes, guilty.
I genuinely want to help show people a different way of thinking and working, if you'd like to know a bit more, please message me. 😷
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More about Laptopmums

07540 705309