Laura Georgina Foy Personal Training

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About Laura Georgina Foy Personal Training

Personal Training and Nutritional advice by Laura Georgina Foy. Fitness tips, workout programmes, recipes and nutritional guidance for all.



I now have a couple of spaces opened up to take on some new DAYTIME clients ONLY... evenings are full ūüôÖūüŹľ
Are you in need of that little extra push to keep you on track? Could you do with some guidance on nutrition and training plans? I CAN HELP! ūüôčūüŹľūüôčūüŹľ
... I have a sound MEDICAL background, with 3 years experience as a student doctor. ūüíČ I therefore love helping people prevent any medical complications through positive lifestyle changes as well as helping those who suffer already! ūüŹčūüŹľ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹūüćé
I specialise in WEIGHT LOSS, muscle mass gain and strength and conditioning also ūüí™ūüŹľūüŹÉūüŹľ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹ
With extra qualifications in ANTENATAL & POSTNATAL training and YOGA too, I can also develop your training to suit your needs specifically so training isn't always about hammering it all the time! ūüĎ∂ūüŹĽūü§łūüŹľ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹ
Take a look at some of my past and present transformations! ūüĎÄ
Get in touch to discuss what I can do for you! 07595931517 Or message me on Facebook!
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I've said it before, I'll say it again!
Keep your meals simple! A good source of protein, (optional carbohydrates) and some colourful vegetables (especially green)!!
... These fancy recipes you see celebrities making, or your friend who joined a certain weight loss group are packed with calories you may not know are there! ‚ĚĆ
Calories in - calories burned = weight
Too many in, not enough out = gain
Less in, more out = loss
This is the simplest form of science I can put it in ūü§ď
Take a 'Spanish sausage' dish from joe wicks for example....
Chorizo- high saturated fat Parmesan- high saturated fat Double cream - high saturated fat Coconut oil - high fat
Per 1 gram of fat, there are 9 calories! But only 4 calories per gram of protein/ carbohydrates!
... you get the point!
Although extremely tasty and very nice for a treat or occasion, these types of meals for lunch and tea regularly, are going to provide a hell of a lot of calories to burn off! ūüėįūüĎéūüŹĽ
If they don't get burned off... weight GAIN!
Tonight I tried Quorn sausages for a change with some vegetables and they were lovely, filling and provided a low calorie tea ūüĎĆūüŹľ
Drop me a message if you wish to discuss anything to do with nutrition or fitness/ training! ūüėĀūüôčūüŹľ
All nutritional advice and week-by-week meal plans are tailored to yourselves and provided within personal training packages! So get in touch!
#laurafoypt #realtalk #personaltrainer #nutrition
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User…/50-fat-t orching-tricks-fire-…
This article is brilliant for those of you with a weight loss/fat loss goal!! Give it a quick read ūüėéūüí™


Good morning everybody! ūüôčūüŹľūüėĀ
I hope you had a fantastic Easter and are ready to get back on your healthy eating, exercise and active lifestyle!? ūüíĀūüŹľūüí™ūüŹľūüŹčūüŹľ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹūüćéūü•Ď
Could YOU benefit from that helping hand?
... Do you need someone to give you that motivation? ūüĎćūüŹľ
Do you need help with what to eat and how to train?ūüöīūüŹľ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹūüŹčūüŹľ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹū üćéūüćó
Would you like to lose weight/ tone up?
Are you pregnant and want to stay active? ūüĎ∂ūüŹĽ
Could you do with stretching out those muscles and rejuvenating your body after intense training? ūü§łūüŹľ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹ
Do you have a medical condition that you worry about when exercising? ūüöĎ
If you answered YES to any of these... I CAN HELP ūüôčūüŹľūüėé
What do I do?.... ūü§ď Fully qualified personal trainer ūü§ď Antenatal and postnatal exercise specialist ūü§ď Fully qualified/ accredited Yoga teacher ūü§ď Sound medical knowledge ūü§ď Nutrition plans and advice
Just take a nosey at some of my clients progress pictures so far... they speak volumes... ūüôĆūüŹľ
I have some day spaces available currently between the hours 8am-6pm (weekdays)
Come along for a FREE consultation and get to know me and what I can do for you ūüėĀ
07595931517 Or message me on here
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Just incase you missed this exciting news!!
FREE CHILDCARE whilst you train!!


Like I always say! Keep it simple! ūüí™ūüŹľūüėĀūüôčūüŹľ
Chicken seasoned with spices 50g broccoli 50g pepper... 80g green beans 30g feta cheese
Nice lean lunch before back to work ūüŹčūüŹľ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹ‚̧ԳŹ
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How do you like your eggs in the morning? ūüć≥ūü•öūü•óūüćÖ
Good morning everyone! Just a little Monday motivational reminder to keep that nutrition spot on even on the days you can't get to the gym to train! ūüí™ūüŹľūüćĆūü•Ďūüćó
NUTRITION IS KEY and it will keep you in good shape even when you're not training!
... I for one have started the day right with this lovely omelette! KEEP IT SIMPLE... this took 15 mins from start to finish!
2 whole medium eggs 2 medium egg whites 85g tomatoes 30g feta cheese 30g spinach leaves!
No oil, no butter, no fry light! All done dry fried! ūüėĀūüĎĆūüŹľūüŹčūüŹľ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹ
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What a glorious day today ūüėĀ‚ėÄÔłŹ even a little sunshine to brighten the mood...
Don't forget, YOU decide your mood when you wake up, YOU have to decide to be happy today! ūüĎĆūüŹľ
Decide to wear your smile, decide to eat well, be productive, exercise and stay active... all of these will then make you FEEL GOOD about yourself ūüí™ūüŹľūüćéūüŹčūüŹľ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹūüöīūüŹľ‚Äć‚ ôÄÔłŹ
... Do you need a bit of a PUSH in the right direction?! I CAN HELP ūüôčūüŹľ
I am currently able to take on a couple of weekday - daytime clients (not evenings) due to opening up some more slots! ūüė¨ūüí™ūüŹľ grab yours now whilst you can...
Get in touch for a FREE CONSULTATION to discuss your goals and get to know each other a bit better ūü§ď
Take a look at ONLY SOME of my clients progress so far! ūüĎÄ 07595931517
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So there's a lot of talk on here regarding PORTION control...
Now this can be tough: the reason being- foods have different nutrient densities and so therefore eating a plate full of starchy carbs like pasta is different to eating a plate full of broccoli, just an example. ūüĆĹūüćó
... Therefore focus more on the MACRONUTRIENTS ... these are carbohydrates, fat and protein!
People's goals differ and so the relative amounts of these macronutrients change...
I CAN help with this... just one of the many areas of personal training!
The best starting place for YOU is to get yourself a good food tracker, I use MyFitnessPal... so I can track my foods and their content!
Here is an example of my lunch today- now based on looking at it- it looks a big portion... however because I have chosen the right foods ( chicken, cauli rice and broccoli) the actual macros are great!!
243 kcal 8g carbs 4g fat 46g protein
This isn't a perfect 40,30,30 split by any means (13,13,74) but I will compensate and have more fats and carbs in my following meals/snacks today...
HOWEVER this is the kind of meals those of you on fat loss/ toning goals should be eating! Clean, simple and healthy food! You only have to look at the progress of my clients and see that these principles are paying off ūüėČūüôčūüŹľ
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THE RESULTS ARE IN ūüí™ūüŹľūüėĀūüŹčūüŹľ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹ
In ONLY 4 WEEKS Lauren Greenwood has done fantastic!! She does 2 personal training sessions per week with myself and 1 session on her own! ūüėá
You may have seen her pictures the other day BUT now here are her RESULTS from today... exactly 4 weeks in...
... 1 STONE WEIGHT LOSS ūüėĪ 4 inches off chest and back 1.5 inches off arms 4.5 inches off waist 3 inches off hips Almost 2 inches off thighs!!!! Body fat reduction of 4% Muscle mass increase 2% Reduction in BMI
The benefits of training well and getting that nutrition down to a tee are ENDLESS!! ūüŹčūüŹľ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹūüöīūüŹľ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹ
A HUGE well done to Lauren, I really am made up for her! Such a lovely and fun person and thoroughly deserves those results! ūüėėūüĎĆūüŹľūüôčūüŹľ
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Well I just don't even know where to start with this one! Lauren walked into the gym ONLY 4 weeks ago and signed up to personal training sessions with myself, 2 per week...
She has been 100% committed ever since, she trains so hard both in PT and when she comes to the gym herself in between once or twice... IN ADDITION her effort with her nutrition after us discussing how to change it to suit her goals, has been FLAWLESS! ūüí™ūüŹľūüŹčūüŹľ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹūüöīūüŹľ‚Äć‚ôÄÔł Ź
She has well and truly worked her ASS off...!! I cannot fault her efforts and she thoroughly deserves the changes she is starting to see!! WOW just take a look at the progress so far...ūüėĪ
Can't wait for stats day Tuesday ūüėČ
Thank you for being such a pleasure to train Lauren, cannot wait to see your future progress ūüė¨ūüôčūüŹľ
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One of my lovely clients developing her deadlift technique eloquently! Deadlifts are a movement completely new to Sarah Cole who had never even considered them before beginning her training with me... we have included them in her programme to develop both back and glute strength as well as working towards her overall goal of 'toning' up and looking lean! (please ignore the background noise)


A little video i took today during my leg/back session :D s/10155672680049689/?l=18924417744903076 79


Great simple, clean tea for me tonight after a busy day!
Grilled chicken flavoured with paprika, cumin and oregano, Med veg, sprouts and green beans...
Low calorie, low carb and low fat tonight... helps my body to burn it's own fat stores throughout the night to improve on my body composition and get lean!


TOP TIP: keep it simple and sustainable! ūüí™ūüŹľūüŹčūüŹľ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹūüćé
It's that time of year where everyone is aiming to improve their health, fitness and nutrition... which is FANTASTIC! ūüėĀ
HOWEVER... I see a lot of people trying to make very fancy meals they've seen in cookbooks... don't get me wrong this is brilliant...
... BUT... you can often get tired of going through all that effort, especially on busy days, so you can be more tempted to revert to something quick and unhealthy on those days! ūüôÖūüŹľ
I have personally always kept my meals SIMPLE, EFFECTIVE and SUSTAINABLE!
Take a look at my evening meal from last night and today's lunch ūüĎÄ ... both are a good split of Carbohydrates, Fats and Protein and both are LOW CALORIE... ideal for FAT LOSS!
If YOU would like to ask any questions/ seek help with your fitness or nutrition... DO NOT hesitate to contact me... I CAN HELP!
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Hello all!
I've made this page as my business is progressing well, so I thought I best make a page completely away from my personal account.
This should hopefully provide a better, clearer and more straight forward interface for you to contact me regarding personal training and nutrition.
... For those who don't know me already, I am a level 3 qualified personal trainer with a diploma in nutrition also. I previously studied medicine at university for 3 years before I decided it was no longer my passion and I wanted to pursue the fitness industry.
This has therefore equipped me well with knowledge around medical conditions and how they may impact upon training. As a result, I can help those of you who may need guidance with your training and nutrition due to an underlying condition.
As well as a sound medical knowledge, I specialise in weight loss, which can be viewed in the 'Clients Progression' photo album. Sports and conditioning, strength training and general health and wellbeing are also training goals I work well with.
If you have any queries regarding your training or nutrition, do not hesitate to get in touch.
Many thanks, Laura ūüôčūüŹľ
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Where to start.. just over 3 months ago I walked through the doors of team foy, after having a child and seriously letting myself go over the last few years I was the biggest I'd ever been, zero confidence and hating myself.. I was greeted by this lovely and friendly lady who straight away put me at ease, I knew straight away that she was the one (my soon to be PT) we sat down and spoke about my goals immediately i knew she would help me change my life... not only is she now my PT but she's also a very good friend and I feel like I've known her forever. She has taught me not only what to do in the gym but how to maintain a healthy and happier lifestyle, the knowledge I have gained from having her around is incredible, whether I'm feeling great or a little bit under the weather she never fails to accommodate my needs, she adjusts my personal training sessions to suit me and how I'm feeling. You just have to look at the results I have achieved with her by my side.

Best thing I ever did was walk through those doors and meet lovely Laura ÔŅĹÔŅĹ

Couldn't recommend her enough.


The best PT who has changed my life for the better, hard work but I have achieved so many goals I thought were impossible. Next goal size 12!!!!

Thank-you Laura X


Where to start.. just over 3 months ago I walked through the doors of team foy, after having a child and seriously letting myself go over the last few years I was the biggest I'd ever been, zero confidence and hating myself.. I was greeted by this lovely and friendly lady who straight away put me at ease, I knew straight away that she was the one (my soon to be PT) we sat down and spoke about my goals immediately i knew she would help me change my life... not only is she now my PT but she's also a very good friend and I feel like I've known her forever. She has taught me not only what to do in the gym but how to maintain a healthy and happier lifestyle, the knowledge I have gained from having her around is incredible, whether I'm feeling great or a little bit under the weather she never fails to accommodate my needs, she adjusts my personal training sessions to suit me and how I'm feeling. You just have to look at the results I have achieved with her by my side.

Best thing I ever did was walk through those doors and meet lovely Laura ÔŅĹÔŅĹ

Couldn't recommend her enough.


The best PT who has changed my life for the better, hard work but I have achieved so many goals I thought were impossible. Next goal size 12!!!!

Thank-you Laura X

More about Laura Georgina Foy Personal Training

Laura Georgina Foy Personal Training is located at Northwich