Me Being Adam

About Me Being Adam

Whether it's healing from the past, feeling better equipped to deal with the present, or planning life goals for the future, I'm here to help.

Me Being Adam Description

Maybe you lost your job, your heart got broken, or you just feel like a walking existential crisis. Life is tough, and at times really dark. Stuff gets thrown our way that knocks us sideways.

If you’re waking up more often than not and asking “what the hell is the point in all this?” then you’re not alone, but it’s time to take action. I guess that’s why you’re here.

Here’s some good news - I love working with people like you and it turns out, my clients think I’m pretty good at it.

I’m a life coach, but I don’t advertise my lifestyle as if it’s something to aspire to – it’s my life, not yours. I cry, moan and get down just as much as I smile, squeak with excitement and love with all my heart. I have victories and I make mistakes (like, really bad ones).

If you’re like 99% of people, you can’t quit your job and travel the world because some meme told you that’s how to be happy. But expecting to have some enjoyment and a sense of fulfilment out your life is not a pipe dream – it’s your purpose and your right.

I’ll help you realise that life doesn’t have to be tough all the time. I’ll help you become the best version of yourself by showing you the power of authenticity. Trust me, this is just one big game and its time we started having some fun.

So my only question is, are you in or out?



When it comes to healing, looking at yourself can often be painful. A common coping mechanism is to become overly invested in someone else’s journey, to become an expert in “the other”. You may seek to heal yourself vicariously through someone else because that ‘distance’ makes it less painful.
Healing happens when we unite and support one another, which is a crucial part of the process. Just be mindful of the line between offering support and taking responsibility. If you consciously or unconsciously communicate that you are taking responsibility for someone else’s healing, you actually disempower them and deny both of you growth.
#Growth #Healing #Pain #HealingIsPainful #HealingJourney #Responsibility #Coping #PersonalGrowth #LifeCoach #Coaching #Wisdom #LifeLessons #WordsOfWisdom


Accurate. Keep going people 💕


For those of you who need to hear this today 🙂
#youredoinggreat #youareenough #keepgoing #staystrong #bepositive #beyou #justdoit #wordsofwisdom #motivation #kindness #wordsofencouragement #wordsofinstagram #quotes #postcard #sunshine #fresh #words


Day 7 - no challenge. Just gratitude. From me, to you.
Thank you so much for all your support, this past week and always.
Mental Health Awareness Week is coming to a close. Sadly that doesn’t mean those who are struggling get a break.
... We all have mental health, and at some point in our lives it will be tested. The more we speak out, the closer we move to ending the stigma. Without stigma, more people will get the support they need.
Meaningful connections matter. Remember you’re never alone. No matter how hard things get, how impossible change may feel, how dark the days get, you are never given more than you can bare and there is always someone who will listen.
Reach out, ask for support. Reach out, offer support.
Let’s keep the conversation going. Let’s be vulnerable by sharing our stories with others.
Everyone is fighting a battle you know nothing about. So be kind, always.
#MentalHealthAwarenessWeek #MentalHealth #EndTheStigma #Listen #Connect #ReachOut #BeKind #BeKindAlways #Conversation #Gratitude #ThankYou #Thanks
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Day six, challenge number six!
Your challenge today: find a way to incorporate 10 minutes of exercise into your daily routine.
Exercise is the best way to boost your happy hormones and keep your body in tip top shape. The mind and body are directly linked, so a healthy body contributes to a healthy mind.
... For me, exercise isn’t always fun, but the feeling you get afterwards is what makes it worthwhile - that natural high 🙌
I find after I’ve exercised I’m able to let negative thoughts drift in and out of awareness without getting too caught up in them.
So here’s the challenge - is there a way you can incorporate exercise into your daily routine? It’s important to get the heart rate up but that doesn’t have to mean running a marathon.
Have a think about what you could do and give this post a like if you’re up for getting high - the natural way.
#GetActive #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek #MentalHealth #EndTheStigma #Fitness #Active #Endorphins #NaturalHigh #Challenge #Exercise #SaturdayMotivation
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Day five, challenge number five!
Your challenge today: Recommend the people you follow on here who regularly inspire you and make you feel good about yourself. In just a few clicks, you’ll help spread their messages which in turn could help others!
Social media can be used as a great platform for sharing and motivating others. Whilst I encourage people to approach social media with caution and remember that we often only see people’s highlight reels - not their true lives - ...there are some people who are sharing some great messages and movements.
Tag them in the comments section below - happy Friday!
#Friyay #FollowFriday #FridayFollow #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek #MentalHealth #EndTheStigma #Mentor #Inspiring #BeInspired #Share #Movements #Recommend
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Day four, challenge number four!
We know from countless studies and from the people who have been doing this since the dawn of time, that mindfulness and meditation are incredibly beneficial to our emotional wellbeing. People report more feelings of peace, less anxiety, alleviated symptoms of depression and increased levels of happiness.
The thing is, people don’t really understand mindfulness and meditation. You can be mindful whilst brushing your teeth, or eating your dinne...r. Mindfulness is simply giving your full attention to what you are doing in that moment.
Meditation is, in my experience, slightly different. In meditation you might focus on a particular thought, or mantra. If you go to YouTube and search “guided meditation” you’ll find loads. I intend to release my own soon, so watch this space.
Anyhow, on to the challenge. For the next 3 days, take 3 minutes when you wake up, and 3 minutes before you sleep to just focus on your breath. Nothing else, just pay full attention to your breath going in and out of your mouth or nose. No need to change the breath, just notice it.
If you’re in, post “I’m in” in the comments below, and let me know how you get on!
#MentalHealthAwarenessWeek #MentalHealth #Meditation #Mindfulness #Mindfullness #TakeTimeOut #TimeOut #BePresent #Peace #Namaste #Meditate #InnerPeace #Calm #Serenity #Presence #EndTheStigma
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Day 3, challenge number 3!
The theme today is connection.
Meaningful human connection is something we crave and is ultimately something we need to maintain good mental health.
... Yet people who are struggling with their mental health are most at risk of being socially isolated or feeling lonely.
I felt like I was a burden to my friends when I was going through my own struggle, which just wasn’t true, but my depression tried to convince me otherwise.
So my challenge to you today is to reach out to someone you’ve not heard from in a while who you used to speak to a lot. Arrange to go for a coffee, a meal, or schedule a call.
Tag them in this post to let them you’re thinking of them. Making the first move takes courage, and it could be a life saver.
#mentalhealthawarenessweek #mentalhealth #endthestigma #depression #anxiety #mood #connection #humanconnection #reachout #challenge #bekindalways #courage #kindness
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In a world that is constantly bombarding us with messages saying we aren’t enough and don’t have enough, it’s easy to lose sight of what we *do* have.
Gratitude has been proven in countless scientific research studies to have a significant positive and lasting impact on our subjective wellbeing.
The best way to practice gratitude is to think of three things you’re grateful for every day and WHY! Let the feeling of gratitude fill your body. It’s important to feel it for you t...o get the most benefit. Best time? When you first wake up or before bed.
We can be grateful for the small things, as well as the big stuff. The studies concluded that it wasn’t the content of the gratitude exercise, but the exercise itself that made the difference. I’m grateful that you’re reading this because I feel like I have a purpose 💙
Here’s my challenge to you. Every day this week, think of three things you’re grateful for - not forgetting the why!
Start now! Post your first three in the comments section of this post and like other people’s comments to show your gratitude for their gratitude 🙌🙏
#MentalHealthAwarenessWeek #MentalHealth #Gratitude #BeGrateful #MentalHealthMatters #LoveYourself #ILoveMe #EndTheStigma #LetsTalk
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Hey, everyone. It's Mental Health Awareness Week this week, and this year, the theme is body image. But before I get to that, let me tell you what I'm going to be doing this week.
I'm going to be posting on my grid some tips, insights, things that you can do to manage your mental health. But before I do that, I've got my first challenge for you.
We constantly spend time picking at our bodies, picking fault, thinking what's wrong. I want you to do the opposite. I want you to c...omment in the section with a part of your body that you love, or parts if you love many.
It's time that we turn the tide on how we see our bodies. They are the only body that we have and we should celebrate the fact that we all come in different shapes and sizes, and that beauty means something different to everyone.
So comment in the section below. Tell me what you find beautiful about yourself. I know it's not all about the body, and we'll get to that. But this is Challenge One, Day One.
#MentalHealthAwarenessWeek #MentalHealth #BodyImage #LoveYourBody #ILoveMyBody #MentalHealthMatters #LoveYourself #ILoveMe #EndTheStigma #LetsTalk
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You are the author of your life.
#makeanything #creator #creation #manifest #manifestation #gocreate #create #yourlife #authoryourfuture #itsallaboutyou #daretocreate #daretodream


We have all done things we aren’t proud of, and we can all look back and be hard on ourselves about the way we have treated others, and ourselves. Unless you choose to forgive yourself and move forward, you will forever be a prisoner to that past.
Self forgiveness doesn’t mean you are disrespecting those you have hurt, nor does it have to mean you will risk making the same mistakes again.
Allow yourself to embody the lessons with every part of your being, then breathe out d...eeply and say “I forgive myself”. Allow that to go to where you feel it needs to go, and now get on with your life. It’s been waiting for you.
#forgiveness #forgive #selfrespect #kindness #embody #forgive #moveon #behappy #wordsofwisdom #lifecoach #therapy #therapist #mindful #bodytalk #timetoletgo #letgo #letitgo #release
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It’s not just fluffy talk, gratitude matters. How do you integrate gratitude into your day? #Gratitude #BeThankful


If you want the chance to change your life this weekend, watch this. Brené Brown talks about vulnerability, courage and how to embrace joy in our lives - something we’re all terrified of doing in case it’s snatched from us. You won’t regret investing 90 minutes of you life in this. It’s funny, thought provoking and real.
I work with people every day, helping them embrace their own vulnerability, lean into joy, accept failure and reconnect to their essence. It’s an honour to be a part of their journeys, and Brené explains why they matter so much.
#courage #vulnerability #brenebrown #mustwatch #netflix


Here’s an inspiringly honest conversation between Chelsea Handler and Jay Shetty, where Chelsea talks about her life changing experience of working through her past with a therapist.
In the podcast, Chelsea dispels a lot of myths about therapy and speaks about how powerful it was for her. Highly recommend you take an hour to listen 🙂


What is personal growth? I think it’s something about transcending the patterns of thought, habits and behaviours that no longer serve the person we’d ultimately like to be, or the person we are trying to become. Sometimes we have to understand the root of those thoughts and behaviours to recognise that they are no longer valid. Other times it’s a case of being committed and disciplined with new ways of being. Either way, change IS possible, and it’s a honour that I get to wa...tch people developing in this way.
If you want to change something about your life, reach out. I’m ready and waiting to coach you to become your ideal self 😁
#selfdevelopment #personaldevelopment #growthmindset #personalgrowth #development #lifecoach #coaching #believe #changeispossible #habits #peace #fulfillment #lifegoals #therapist #lifecoaching #video #followfriday
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A good friend just shared this classic song with me. I gave five minutes to sit and watch the lyrics roll along the screen. There are words of wisdom here. I encourage you to listen.


I know I’ve been quiet lately. I’ve been busy working with some inspiring clients, whose strength and determination for personal growth blows my mind away every time we meet. It’s an absolute honour to do what I do. I’ve also had some other exciting projects on the go, which I’ll be sharing with you in the coming months. In the meantime, thanks again for all your support. You’re an incredible bunch of 100% worthy beings, just because you are YOU!
#checkin #sayhi #hello #antisocial #coach #therapist #therapy #inspired #work #working #busy #personalgrowth

More about Me Being Adam

Me Being Adam is located at Ellesmere Street, M15 4AA Manchester, United Kingdom