Mid Cheshire Hospitals Nhs Foundation Trust

About Mid Cheshire Hospitals Nhs Foundation Trust

The Facebook page for Mid Cheshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. Please note that this account is only monitored during normal office hours.



Due to the recent hot weather, stocks of O negative blood have dropped to just three days’ supply. NHS Blood and Transport is therefore urging anyone with O negative blood to donate (donations from other priority groups, such as B negative and RO, are also needed).
Just one donation can save up to three lives. If you can help and #giveblood, please call 0300 123 23 23 or visit www.blood.co.uk.


Staffordshire Police are continuing their investigation into the disappearance of 28-year-old Samantha Eastwood, a midwife at Royal Stoke University Hospital.
Anyone with information is asked to contact Staffordshire Police immediately on 101 (quoting incident 940 of 27 July 2018).


Are you interested in attending our next Board of Director's meeting?
All members of the public are invited to come along and observe the meeting on Monday 6 August at 9.30am in the Board Room, Leighton Hospital.
To register your attendance, or for directions to the venue, please don't hesitate to contact 01270 612128.


With the hot weather set to continue, do you know what you can do to #BeatTheHeat?
It’s recommended to stay out of the sun and not go out between 11am and 3pm (the hottest part of the day) if you’re vulnerable to the effects of heat. It’s also important to drink cold drinks regularly, such as water and diluted fruit juice (avoid excess alcohol, caffeine or drinks high in sugar).
Further information can be found on the poster below or by visiting NHS Choices’ heatwave page: https://tinyurl.com/y8nxstbg


It’s our next Council of Governor's meeting this Thursday (26 July) and members of the public are welcome to come along and observe.
The meeting will take place from 5.30pm in the Postgraduate Medical Centre at Leighton Hospital.
To register your attendance please call 01270 612128.


On Monday 23 July we’ll be supporting International #HelloMyNameIs Day in memory of Dr Kate Granger MBE and the work she did to improve the lives of patients. As part of this, we are inviting staff (as well as visitors and patients) to join us in a minute’s silence at 3.20pm.
Kate, who was a registrar in elderly medicine and had terminal cancer, started the campaign with her husband Chris Pointon after she became frustrated with the number of staff who failed to introduce th...emselves to her when she was a patient. Sadly, Kate passed away at the age of 34 on 23 July 2016.
What Kate has left behind is an inspiring legacy that has the backing of 100,000s of NHS staff across more than 90 organisations. The #HelloMyNameIs campaign reminds us about the importance of good communications and how small, simple acts can improve the lives of our patients.
For more information about the campaign visit www.hellomynameis.org.uk.
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Did you know that we receive around 200 compliments a month? One of our most recent compliments is from Steven Hodgkiss, the father of triplets (pictured) who were born at Leighton Hospital on 27 December 2017.
Steven praised the Maternity Unit for the level of care received throughout his partner’s pregnancy - from the weekly scans up to the day of delivery. Steven described the staff as an ‘absolute credit to themselves and the hospital’ and wanted to express his thank you to all those involved in the birth of his lovely children.
Would you like to thank a member of staff or department? Simply click the link (http://www.mcht.nhs.uk/about-us/thank-yo u) and fill out the short form and we'll share it with those concerned.


Congratulations to Louise Webber for being named Employee of the Month for May 2018.
Louise, who was nominated by a large number of her colleagues for her constant hard work and dedication, works on the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at Leighton Hospital.
Nothing is ever too much for Louise and she always goes above and beyond to deliver outstanding patient care. Well done, Louise!


Are you a registered nurse working in a non-acute setting such as a nursing home? Have you ever thought about moving to work in the acute hospital environment but are worried you don’t have the right skills and knowledge?
If so, our paid STAR programme may be just what you’ve been waiting for. Click the link for further information or call us on 01270 273914.


Did you know that there are currently several measles outbreaks across England, including in Wirral?
Measles is extremely infectious and can be serious. Make sure your children get two MMR vaccines on time – the first at one year of age and the second at three years and four months. Did you or your children miss these vaccines? If so, it’s not too late. Ask for your FREE vaccine from your GP.
If you have symptoms of measles, stay at home and phone your GP or NHS 111 for advice. Please stay away from GP surgeries and A&E departments – you could spread the illness to others. Symptoms to be aware of include: high fever; sore, red, watery eyes; coughing; aching and feeling generally unwell; a blotchy red brown rash, which usually appears after the initial symptoms.


Meet Logan, the first baby to be born at Leighton Hospital on the NHS' 70th birthday.
Sally and Rob Capener welcomed little Logan into the world at 6.23am on 5 July - the same day the NHS celebrated its 70th birthday.
Logan was one of seven babies born at Leighton Hospital on the day and one of more than 2,800 that our award-winning maternity service sees every year.
... Click the link for the full story.

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Congratulations to Shirley Kelly who has recently celebrated 40 years of working for the NHS.
Shirley began her NHS career in 1978 when she started working for the Supplies department at Cheshire Health Authority (Crewe District), based at the Barony Hospital in Nantwich. Shirley has remained in Supplies ever since and, incredibly, has never had a day off sick.
Well done, Shirley!


Friday 6 July marked the launch of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy's (CSP) new physical activity campaign, 'Love Activity, Hate Exercise?'
To mark the occasion our Physiotherapy team has set up a virtual bike ride challenge. The aim is to encourage staff to get on a bike and help us clock up the distance between Leighton Hospital and the World Cup final stadium in Moscow, Russia (1,969 miles).
Every mile cycled on the stationary bike will equal 10 miles to Russia and t...here will be a map on display to show progress.
Tomorrow is the last day that the team will be on the groundfloor crossroads at Leighton Hospital between 8am - 4pm.
Please stop by and show your support.
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Did you see us on the Channel 5 news yesterday (Tuesday 10 July)?
Laura, one of our Advanced Community Practitioners from Central Cheshire Integrated Care Partnership (community services), spoke about how her role supports people in their own homes and helps to prevent both GP appointments and hospital admissions. She also discussed caring for people during heatwaves.
If you missed it, click the link below to watch the clip.


Mid Cheshire Hospitals Charity hosted a ‘big 7tea’ garden party last week to celebrate the NHS’ 70 birthday, as well as to recognise and thank staff for their hard work and dedication.
Guests were invited to play garden games, enjoy a cup of tea and slice of cake, learn more about our dementia appeal, and listen to music from local radio station This Is The Cat.
The party also included an official cake cutting by long-time patient and war veteran Tom Hassall, who praised the... hospital and its staff for the care he has received over the years.
We would like to take a moment to thank the many local schools and businesses who ran their own ‘big 7tea’ events to raise funds for NHS charities. Thank you!
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A mini exhibition detailing the history of local healthcare featured as part of our NHS 70 activities last week. The event, which took place at Leighton Hospital, included an opportunity to get ‘hands on’ with some medical memorabilia, as well as an interesting virtual reality activity.
Our colleagues at the University of Chester also converted a room into a 1950s ward to show visitors just how much has changed in 70 years. Some of the university’s students even volunteered t...o dress up in old nurses’ uniforms to support the event.
We’d like to thank all of the organisations that made the exhibition possible and who continue to preserve the memories and achievements of the NHS. These included the Liverpool Medical Institution, University of Chester Riverside Museum, Nantwich Museum, Peter Higginbotham, South Cheshire and Vale Royal CCGs, Historic England – Topical Press Agency Medical Collection, North West Ambulance Service, Library Information & Health Network North West, Leighton Society, and the many staff who have contributed photographs and/or time to help identify pictures.
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Bentley Motors helped to rev up attention at our NHS 70 celebrations last week when they visited Leighton Hospital with a Continental GT3 race car.
Staff, visitors and patients were able to get up close with the vehicle and, with a small donation to Mid Cheshire Hospitals Charity, have their photograph taken alongside it.
Did you know that Bentley Motorsport also has our charity’s dementia appeal logo on one of their cars? Head of Motorsport Nick Burns recently got in touch to talk about the idea in order to show support for the ‘Everybody Knows Somebody’ appeal. The car has already featured at Snetterton Motor Racing Circuit and Silverstone since displaying the logo.


It wouldn’t be a big birthday without a big birthday card …
Staff and visitors helped us to mark 70 years of the NHS last week by leaving their memories and messages in a giant birthday card. The card, which was kindly printed by Finishing Touch (Print Finishers), was available at our garden party before it later toured wards at Leighton Hospital.


On Thursday we hosted a number of activities to celebrate the NHS’ 70th birthday. Today we’ll be posting about just some of the highlights …
We kick-started the day’s celebrations with a cake competition. Staff were invited to bake a special cake for the occasion, which were judged by our Director of Nursing and Quality, Julie Tunney.
After the winners were decided, all of the cakes were then sliced up and used to treat our staff, patients and visitors during a garden party at Leighton Hospital.


Today truly was the perfect opportunity to celebrate the achievements of one of the nation’s most loved institutions.
We would like to thank everyone who organised, supported and enjoyed our NHS 70 activities. We would also like to thank everyone who works for, and supports, Mid Cheshire Hospitals for making it the organisation it is today.
Hundreds of our staff - including those in the community, who work different days or hours, and those who have worked through the day to... support our local population - may have not been able to take part in today's celebrations and so our final thank you goes to you for your continued care and compassion.
Thank you. #NHS70 🎈
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being a trust member of staff it was daunting becoming the patient during a recent admission, (mainly because I prefer to be on the other side but also because sometimes although we do our upmost best to ensure care is delivered to a high standard unfortunately sometimes this is not always the experience that our patients encounter) however I cannot praise my patient experience enough, the care I received from everyone which included treatment centre staff, ent theatre staff, theatre recovery & staff on ward 18 was exceptional, makes me proud to be part of such an amazing trust,


Would like to say a massive thank you to all the girls on the daycase team on ward 16 and the theatre staff. They went above and beyond to look after my daughter today and during pre op. Couldn't fault anything. Thank you so much what an amazing team!!!


We had reason to visit Northwich Infirmary on Sunday due to my 7 year old daughter falling and cutting her head open at the park. We turned up at minor injuries at 3pm and were out [with a glued head] by 315pm! The staff were amazing with my little girl and kept her calm and pain free - we also needed to wash the blood from her afro hair otherwise it would have apparently gone rock hard! Considerate from every angle...........great work :)


Thank you very much for the treatment on Wednesday Night in A & E, nobody likes to be in hospital sitting in a waiting room for hours but the alternative of something worse is a far more disturbing prospect, I for one was happy to sit there to be checked out. The Nurses, the Doctor and Ancillary Staff were all very professional even though they were very very busy. They really should all be praised for the work they do. The ambulance staff never stopped bringing new patients in hour by hour. Keep up the good work Guys.


I would like to thank the staff for last nite with my daughter especially the ambulance crew and the very kind assistant practioner who was fab didn't get her name and especially jasmine or Yasmine the hca she was fantastic / all in all it's a hard job but you all did yourselves proud and I was proud to say I am part of the NHS xx


I received excellent care for my 1 year old when he was very unwell. I want to thank everyone from the receptionist in A&E who recognised how ill my son was, the ED nurse practitioner, the ED consultant and staff nurse in resus and the paediatric registrar and nurses on the children’s ward. Couldn’t recommend them highly enough and makes me proud to work for the NHS. Thank you all


I had the patient experience rather than the nurse at mcht I usually am in October last year brought in with sepsis and appendicitis the care from dialling 111 until discharge was fantastic I was taken straight through to majors within 10 minutes of arriving and within 12 hours was back on the ward after having my appendix out. The food wasn’t brilliant but I couldn’t face eating much anyway thank you to all my Leighton colleagues for your amazing care


I cannot thank the staff in A&E, Resus and the Major ward enough. I arrived at the hospital with anaphylactic shock and the staff, without exception were just incredible. The receptionist and triage nurse recognised that I needed help immediately and I was suddenly surrounded by the most amazing team. I am sorry that I don’t remember specific names, as I wasn’t really in a fit state to do that, but just thank you from the bottom of my heart to the whole team


I always find that there's a relaxed, warm feeling when I visit.

I come to orthopaedics on a regular visit for arthritis in the feet.

The staff are always co-operative as to what's going on.

After I have been seen, I ALWAYS feel at ease.

A huge thank you to all.


Heartfelt thanks due to the NHS after this weekend...

- to the Dr at Victoria Infirmary who, after Dad fell and banged his head on Friday, decided he should be checked at Leighton hospital to be on the safe side

- to the Dr at Leighton A&E who then checked every ache and pain and decided to put Dad on Ward 3 for the night to be sure be was ok

- to the Dr who decided Dad should stay in to be checked for potential gastro issue and not send him home

- to the Consultant and staff on Ward 3 when Dad then suffered a heart attack

- to the 2 ambulance men that blue lighted me and Dad over to UHNM Stoke to the specialist team

_ to the Consultant and CCU team who gave Dad a chance and ultimately saved his life

- to those that brought him back to Leighton and continue with his care. Hopefully sending him home tomorrow.

Dad was definitely in the right place, at the right time, with the right people and our family is eternally grateful to each and every one of you �

Re James 'Jim` Foote


From the lovely a&e ward clerk & triage staff to pretty much every team member on ward 19 I thank you all!

The service on an extremely busy Saturday night was exceptional, dedicated & totally professional. Every single person we made contact with when I had to take my grandson in last night was totally dedicated to providing him with an exceptional level of care. They were even thoughtful enough to ensure my 2 young children had somewhere comfy to close there eyes as at 4am when they were struggling to stay awake. The staff went above and beyond at every level and I felt completely reassured that he was in the right place receiving the best level of care possible. � thank you all. X


After an emergency admission for my partner at 4am at one of the busiest times of the year I cannot praise the A&E staff enough!! From the friendly and speedy paramedics who made me and my partner feel at ease to the busy a&e department itself! Yes we had a 7 hour wait till we were seen and spent a lot of time waiting in a corridor along with a lot of people but you could not fault the staff at all especially at such a busy time of year!! Everyone was busily helping patients, not a word of moaning despite the obvious pressure and the bedside manner towards my partner and towards the patients around us was impeccable!! Considering the pressures on the NHS, it’s staff and resources I could not fault the hard work displayed during our visit. You all need a good pat on the back and the recognition you all so rightly deserve!! �����


Absolute up most respect for A&E and our amazing Nhs staff! This place is heaving it has been all day. There are currently 6 ambulances here and you can barely get in the minors waiting area. Yet every single member of staff is friendly polite and professional with a smile on their face. They all look completely exhausted but you wouldn't know it from the dedication and respect I have watched them give every single patient.


Went into the Treatment Centre yesterday for operation for breast cancer,I just want to thank Miss Hignett and her team,I had wonderful treatment from when I walked in at 7am till 4.30pm.

All the staff made you feel at ease,from everyone in the Breast Unit, before my operation and after my operation all had smiles for you and made sure you were okay.

I can’t thank them enough for what they have done for me.


I was on the stroke ward in April good service even tho the staff were rushed off there feet then this weekend 22june was told by my GPS that I had to get to a&e it was flipping busy got there at 7 was on drips and on ward 3by 11 they were all great my only gripe is that the food was appalling


Well after thinking ward 15 in Leighton Hospital Crewe could not get any worse.

This morning at 11:15 we arrived to visit my frail 83 year old dad who has Dementia & found him in a side room in the fetal position, half naked & soaked in cold urine soaked sheets & blankets. He was rather distressed & complaining he was cold.

We immediately stripped him & bed & rapped him in clean warm Jimjams & blankets.

I then went in search of the person responsible for the ward, to be told nobody was & they had no Sister/Charge nurse on duty.

So we, not the hospital staff sorted my dad out & made him comfortable & happy.

I then I let those responsible know in no uncertain terms exactly how appalled & disgusted we were with there care. And we would be taking steps.


The doctors in this hospital are the most useless doctors I have ever known. Sending someone home who is having severe abdominal cramps and bleeding from the rectum and because nothing comes up on the bloods they send him home still in pain, barely able to walk and no offer of a follow up. You people should be ashamed of yourselves, no compassion or remorse for the people who pay your wages! And that’s all it is, a bloody wage! Disgusting!


My dad was on ward 5 , and in my opinion wasn't properly cared for, dad had cancer and was very weak, he was in a lot of pain and couldn't talk, when he pressed the button for help, nurses took ages to come, and some were talking outside his room ( side room ) , a plug for his machine was out once, on his final day of living �, he was in a coma state , we asked the nurses to wake him and give him liquids , they said he was sleeping, we weren't informed that it was his last day . My brother and I ( daughter ) , were phoned up by the ward to come quick that same night to say that he had gone ( passed away ) . Dad needed extra tlc . Dad asked to go to Station House care home, Victoria Avenue for his last days , the registrar didn't know where or what it is , need to do his research better!.


I think it is horrific that they make a sick child wait over an hr just coz the doc was late not my problem and then to sit and talk to the nurse whist we wait. I don't know what we paid national insurance for or tax . Oh wait for the docs holidays . They don't care about paitents and they call them selves professional joke

More about Mid Cheshire Hospitals Nhs Foundation Trust

+44 (0) 1270 255141