Mo Power Strength & Conditioning

About Mo Power Strength & Conditioning

Strength & conditioning coaching for athletes from a wide variety of sports.
invite only gym.
The gym does not open to the general public

Mo Power Strength & Conditioning Description

Founded by 'Mo' Yacoobali, MO POWER strength & conditioning facility is unlike any other gym you'll ever step foot in. . .

Forget the bright lights, plush interiors and the posers staring at themselves in the mirror ( there are no mirrors. . ), MO POWER is a no b*llshit strength and conditioning facility with tyres, ropes, sandbags and beer kegs, as well as traditional bars and 2000kgs of iron to play with. . . And if the gym isnt enough, the members simply head out onto the street or nearby cricket ground.

With a broad spectrum of athletes training regularly at the unit, from professional boxers to cage fighters, strongmen to tennis players and an eager set of beginners who simply want to improve their fitness, strength or confidence. Recently, Mo trained Dave kinkaed who competed in the World Championship Brazilian Jui Jitsu in 2011.

And they're all in good hands, . . Mo has an MSc in strength and conditioning and has even travelled to the USA, learning under the wing of Louie Simmons of (Westside Barbell) strength consultant to world class powerlifters, and a variety of athletes which includes track and field athletes, American football players and so on.

The equipment and attitude in the gym follows no conventional pattern, it is unlike any other training facility you have visited.

The Mo Power facility has an incredibly friendly atmosphere and current visitors and athletes regard themselves as the 'Mo Power' family.

More about Mo Power Strength & Conditioning

Mo Power Strength & Conditioning is located at BMWT Building, Unit 5, Grundy St of High St., BL3 6TA Bolton