Modern Magick Mastery



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A really interesting post…/witching-life -priorities-harm-d…/…


What are your goals for May? My goal is to finish editing my novel so I can start sending it to agents in June. To help me, I'll be spending time in the sun, using jasper and chrysoprase, and working with Venus (arts) and Mercury (writing).


New witches question: How long do I practice before I find out if it's right for me?
How long do you listen to a genre of music before you find out it's right for you? You just know if you like something, if it vibes with you, if it gets you results. Magick does take time - around three months is a reasonable wait to see if most spells come to fruition. But just because one spell didn't work, doesn't mean that all your work you've put into other parts of your practice didn't work either. Sometimes you just gotta try stuff, and stick with it for a couple of weeks. If you're not sure about a task or practice, try it daily for two weeks, and then see how you feel about it.


Only a few more hours to get your May/Beltane themed subscription box! cted…


Don't miss out on your May/Beltane themed subscription box. The offer ends midnight on the 27th! cted…


Witch bottles/spell jars! Easy, fun and quick to put together. Find my free guide here: witch-bottles/


New witch question: 'Do I have to remember spells?'
Nope. I mean, sometimes it's helpful to memorize phrases or spoken spells, but I actually find it's less stressful to have the spell in front of you to refer to. You can print it off, have it on your phone, or refer to your book. Even if you know the spell well it can still be helpful to just have it out, it can prevent you from having to stop a spell halfway through to fetch something from the kitchen you forgot you needed.


You can now choose a theme when you buy a mystery/random box. More themes will be added as more stock becomes available :)…/li…/661032220/ witchcraft-mystery-box…


Struggling with negative energy? Can't seem to shake feelings of unease? Try my free cleansing guide, available here:


New witch question: 'What do I focus on? There is so much to witchcraft!'
There's three ways to go about that question. The first is the one most often advised, and I don't think it's very good advice for the most part. It's 'follow what you love'. Which, is good advice sometimes, but when you're first starting out in a practice you've no idea what you love yet.
The second way is to focus on what you want, and go from there. Try a few different types of spells out with the s...ame aim, say a candle spell, a bag spell, and a crystal spell with the theme of money. If they work fairly well and you enjoyed one or two of the methods, focus on that method for a bit. If none of them worked, that suggests you have deep internal blocks and you should instead focus on shadow work for a time.
The third way is simple - it's focusing on what you have. If you have a wide range of herbs available, study herb magic. If you already collect crystals, start there. If all you have is a pen and paper, study sigil magic. If you know astrology, study planetary magic. Meet yourself where you are.
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Best mural ever #liverpool #tua


The May witchcraft subscription box is now available for purchase! The theme is 'Beltane' so love, lust and fire!…/li…/642593519/ witchcraft-mystery-box…


A common complaint amongst new witches is 'I don't have enough time!'. That's why I made this guide to ten witchcraft spells/rituals that only take ten minutes: or-witches-who-ar…/


New witches question: How often should I practice?
Depends entirely on you, your circumstances, what you're practicing and what you want to get out of it. Some element of daily practice is recommended, but the level of that will change as you and your practice change. Sometimes I do ten minutes a day, sometimes I do half an hour. Some months I do eight or ten rituals, some months I don't do anything formalized. The more the better, as a practice IS a practice, you will get better with practice, however always be careful not to burn out. Witchcraft requires discipline, but it also requires rest and relaxation, too.


Only one left in the TwiceResurrected Etsy store! Jade and onyx earrings, made from stones obtained from an artist who was changing focus and and a badly made piece of jewelry languishing in a store. I like to 'rescue' crystals wherever possible. #witching #witchcraft #crystals


Money Magick Q + A: Sign up for the free money manifesting challenge here: e9d060645

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