Mould And Damp Solutions

About Mould And Damp Solutions

We help social housing tenants get repairs done and get compensation



Some more property’s we have visited from Norfolk to Newcastle



Council and Housing association tenants is your health being affected by damp conditions? Do you or your children suffer from asthma as a result of damp? Are you fed up waiting for repairs to be carried out? Opening windows will help with condensation but it will not clear up damp. ACT NOW and don’t take risks with your family’s health CLICK THE LINK THIS SERVICE IS FREE and you will never be asked to pay a penny out of your own pocket Here’s how it works ACT NOW AND GET THE HOME YOU DESERVE


Leeds city council and housing association tenants Fed up listening to excuses?Get those repairs carried out before Christmas and get some compensation in your pocket. Act now by calling 07801970088 or / text “ I need help” to 07801970088 or send us a message here or fill in our contact form


Some more houses we are helping to turn back in to homes


Some of the properties we have seen this week.If you or anyone you know are living in these conditions click our link here and put an end to it. Don’t listen to the excuses. This is not Victorian England


Leeds city council tenants If you need repairs and want COMPENSATION call 07801970088 for same day visit or click here And fill in our contact form


Fill in the link here and we will do the rest


Don’t listen to excuses from your landlord


The diversity of fungal spores and their impact on human health Fungal spores are highly diverse. Fungal spores are microscopic biological units that allow fungi to be reproduced. They serve a similar purpose to that of seeds in the plant world. Fungal spores can impact human health as triggers of allergic reactions or as the cause of infectious diseases. While many fungal spores are allergenic, only a limited number of species are considered human pathogens. Watch this short... video on fungal spores.
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Armes v Wheel Property Co Ltd, Clerkenwell and Shoreditch County Court, 17 May 2013 Claimant had been the protected tenant of a two bed flat in a Victorian terrace conversion for 30 years. Current rent was £191 per week.
There was dampness to walls and floors in the living room, kitchen, bathroom and one of the bedrooms for many years. This had caused some plaster to ‘blow’. The housing file recorded a number of leaks into the property from various sources and the tenant asse...rted that she had notified her landlord about these.
Following the tenant starting a claim, dehumidifiers were installed at the property in August 2012 to confirm that the damp found in April 2012 was not caused by a flood, which took place in August 2011. The parties’ experts subsequently agreed that the property suffered from disrepair caused by penetrating/ rising dampness and agreed a schedule of remedial works. The matter went to trial where the landlord disputed notice, but lost on that point. The judge awarded £18,161 and ordered specific performance of the schedule of works.
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More about Mould And Damp Solutions

Mould And Damp Solutions is located at 95 Rosslyn Street, L177 Liverpool
+44 7801 970088