Nca Research & Innovation

About Nca Research & Innovation

Research & Innovation is an integrated service at the Northern Care Alliance NHS Group. Research takes place at all five of our hospitals - Salford Royal, the Royal Oldham, Fairfield, Rochdale Infirmary and North Manchester General.

Nca Research & Innovation Description

Research helps to improve public health and patient care – it’s the way we improve treatments in the NHS and make a real difference to people’s lives.

The Research and Development Unit at Salford Royal is recognised nationally and internationally as a leading centre for clinical trials and other studies, with more than 500 projects carried out here each year. Research links closely with clinical care and teaching to ensure patients and their wellbeing are at the heart of everything we do.

Our research includes experimental medicine, which looks at the causes of disease, how certain treatments work and whether they are safe, as well as large scale clinical trials which test the effectiveness of new drugs and treatments.

It means patients have access to some of the most cutting edge treatments and thousands of them volunteer to take part in our studies each year.

The Unit also hosts the Citizen Scientist project, an innovative scheme which gives local people a way to find about and get involved in health research.

We work closely with the Universities of Manchester and Salford as well as other NHS organisations and also collaborate nationally and internationally with other experts in our fields.



Congratulations to Consultant Surgeon Mr Iain Anderson who has been appointed President of the Association of Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland (ASGBI). His inauguration on Tuesday 20 November followed the ASGBI Emergency Laparotomy Meeting, where there were four speakers from Salford Royal - Dominic Slade, Lyndsay Pearce, Nick Lees and Arturo Vilches-Moraga. Mr Anderson has worked at Salford Royal since 1980 and was also awarded an MBE in 2014 for his contribution to clinical surgery and medical education.” The photo shows five present or past consultant surgeons from Salford: Mr Anderson, Sir John Temple (past president Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh and BMA); Sir Miles Irving (founder of Salford Royal's Intestinal Failure Unit, past president ASGBI), Mr Lees, Mr Slade.


Today we said a very fond farewell to Senior Nurse Manager Simon Kaye, who is taking on a new challenge with Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust. Simon has worked in Clinical Research since 2002, and has been a Research Nurse at The Pennine Acute Hospitals NHS Trust since 2010 where he has been instrumental in increasing the amount of research activity across a range of specialties. He has taken the research department at the Royal Oldham Hospital from its humble origins in a ...portable building to the development of a Clinical Research Facility with a dedicated paediatric area. This has revolutionised the way research take places, providing a more relaxed environment for participants, and allowing more complex studies to be undertaken. More recently in the role of Senior Clinical Research Nurse Manager, he has overseen more than 80 open trials, and his guidance and leadership has been hugely helpful to colleagues at all levels. He's achieved so much and all the while been a genuinely lovely guy who offers great support to all his colleagues - we'll miss him lots
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Professor Pippa Tyrrell’s lifetime of dedication to the stroke community has been recognised in the first Lifetime Achievement Award given by the UK Stroke Forum. The new award comes from the Forum’s steering committee and has been given to Professor Tyrrell for her immense and inspiring contribution to stroke research and her tireless work to improve the quality of stroke services both locally and nationally. She was the first specialist stroke specialist physician to be app...ointed in Manchester in 1995 and retired from her dual role as Honorary Consultant at Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust and Professor of Stroke Medicine at @TheUniversityOfManchester in December 2017. The Forum’s award citation says: “Professor Tyrrell has always put survivors and carers at the heart of her work and has passed on her person-centred approach to many hundreds of other clinicians and students as a mentor and professor. Driven by a desire to bring life-saving stroke treatment to patients, she played a key part in transforming stroke services in Greater Manchester and beyond.”
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Another great awards night for team R&I at the NIHR Greater Manchester Clinical Research Awards. We're very proud the Northern Care Alliance NHS Group research team had 10 teams and individuals shortlisted - fabulous recognition of very dedicated NHS staff. Our awesome foursome heading home with awards are: Mfon Sam - Best Community Research Contribution Rachel Newton - Research Midwife of the Year Deborah Hall - Special award for being a research hero Katie Doyle - Special a...ward as Network Ambassador Well done to them, to all the other winners, to everyone shortlisted and everyone nominated.
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The official photos from Northern Care Alliance NHS Group Staff Awards are available to view now, what a great night!


Our October Research Stars of the Month at Bury and Rochdale are the Antenatal Clinic staff at Rochdale Infirmary. They have been extremely accommodating and incredibly helpful in assisting research staff to recruit participants. They have helped identify potential patients and have gone out of their way during busy clinics to ensure we are able to see them. They are very engaging and research orientated, a fantastic team all round. Congratulations and thank you!


A very special Northern Care Alliance NHS Group award for Research Nurse Mfon Sam, Research Worker of the Year. Mfon is based at North Manchester General Hospital and is doing brilliant work raising awareness of research among black and minority ethnic communities.


We are absolutely thrilled that two of our Principal Clinical Research Leads, Dr Andy Ustianowski (North Manchester) and Dr Jason Raw (Bury and Rochdale) are the Northern Care Alliance doctors of the year for their respective care organisations.Andy specialises in infectious diseases, especially hepatitis and HIV, while Jason is a Consultant Geriatrician with a special interest in Parkinson's disease. Both fantastic and compassionate doctors who work so hard for their patients


Some of the fantastic R&I team having a fabulous night at the Northern Care Alliance NHS Group staff awards.


It's lovely when someone who's new to research makes a big impact in a short time - and that's exactly what happened when Mariya Barakova joined the team at the Royal Oldham Hospital in May! Oldham's Research Star of the Month Mariya has quickly become invaluable to the research team by both developing and updating new and existing systems. She provides highly efficient administrative and IT support to all the nurses, is an excellent communicator and a very efficient central point of contact for all studies. She is also developing skills to assist with screening patients for studies. Thanks so much Mariya.


Very well done and a big thank you to our Research Star of the Month at North Manchester General Hospital, Annmarie Winstanley. Annmarie is a Healthcare Assistant in the colorectal out patients clinic and has been the key to a very successful start to a new study into bowel cancer. All the team have praised her and said how helpful she has been in clinics that are really busy and where rooms are not readily available. She has made the team feel very welcome and supported the importance of research. She's pictured with colleagues at the clinic and Senior Nurse Manager Simon Kaye.


Our colleagues Research for the Future will be at #WorldDiabetesDay at Manchester Central Library tomorrow - it's a great chance to find out more about diabetes research and how you can get involved.


A new research study run by Bury’s Integrated Pain Service could improve care for people with chronic pain or fatigue. The study is testing a new guideline to standardise how healthcare professionals advise patients to pace their activities to help manage conditions such as chronic low back pain, chronic widespread pain, fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis (CFS/ME).. Dr Deborah Antcliff, a physiotherapist at the Northern Care Alliance NHS Group... who works with the Integrated Pain Service, has been awarded funding under Health Education England NHS/NIHR prestigious integrated clinical academic programme to develop the study. She will be speaking at a conference 'Adventure further in Advanced Practice' at Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust this Wednesday. Read more on our website…/improv ing-care-for-people…/
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These wonderful people from Northern Care Alliance NHS Group give up their holidays to support the health and wellbeing of children in Cambodia. Read about their latest clinics and teaching on the SicKids website.


Here's our latest newsletter, highlighting just some of the research going on across Northern Care Alliance NHS Group and in partnership with The University of Manchester and The University of Salford.


Our Principal Clinical Research Lead at Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust, Professor Phil Kalra, co-designed this important kidney study and was on the trial steering committee. Many thanks to all the patients from our dialysis centres who volunteered to take part - we had more than 70 participants helping to improve our understanding of intravenous iron therapy.


It's brilliant to see research and innovation saving lives like this - and a great message to share on #WorldStrokeDay. This new approach to one of the most devastating forms of stroke was developed by Dr Adrian Parry-Jones at Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust and is now spreading to other specialist stroke units with the help of this app developed in conjunction with our colleague's at Connected Health Cities.


A study of women who had gastric sleeve or bypass surgery for obesity has found that precancerous tissue in their womb reverted to normal tissue when they lost weight. Doctors have long known that womb cancer is caused by obesity, but until now, the effect of losing weight on precancerous changes in the womb have been poorly studied. The research led by The University of Manchester and Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust scientists was funded by the NIHR Manchester Biomedical Research Centre and has been published in International Journal of Cancer. Dr Akheel Syed from Salford Royal explains more here…/weight -loss-surgery-obese…/

More about Nca Research & Innovation

Nca Research & Innovation is located at Stott Lane, M6 8HD Manchester, United Kingdom
0161 206 5110