Nelipot Cottage

About Nelipot Cottage

Learning to keep the barefoot sport horse holistically, healthy hooves, healthy body, healthy mind.



Had an email today asking for my details so someone could use my blog post as a citation for a college essay- another citation to add to my collection 😎 Not sure this one will appear in ResearchGate though 😂 den-horses-barefo…/


Fascinating page


Beautifully said


Useful visuals

User -horse-ir-ems I was seeking out this article for a friend- great summary of the issues

User rsus-living-out/ Winter is coming... Some thoughts to ponder

User r-horses-alphabet/


Learning our alphabet is the first step of learning any language. And dressage is no different. Except that learning our alphabet isn't quite the right emphasis, we need to be learning our horse's alphabet. As horses are movement itself, and the best way to access a horse's brain is through his body, learning our horse's alphabet in means learning the alphabet of our horses' movement. [ 604 more words ] r-horses-alphabet/


I have a small favour to ask please! 🐎
Out of those of you that follow this page, if only a handful of you decide to help myself and the boys would be very grateful.
1) Go to home page
... 2) and scroll across the options/tab bar to 'Community'.
3) Click that and it will bring you to a page. There will be an option to invite ALL your friends to this page.....
4) This should take all of 20/30 seconds (if that) and would be brilliant if you could help support the Nelipot project🤞
🌟 Thank you 🌟
The power of Facebook is huge! Please help us use this to get the word out there!
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User ntal-transition-t…/

User…/cros s-country-with-jim-w… After watching cross country day at Burleigh on catch up left me feeling very uneasy, this 2018 article by Jim Wofford is strangely prescient

User were-horses/ An oldie - because we all need reminding sometimes why we started on this journey


Great article


Thistlecrack epitomises everything I love and hate about racing. As it turns out his heart was stronger than his legs but if you have never watched this race it is quite simply incredible. It makes me cry every time. So big, so brave, so bold.


A great oldie from Maarit- I really enjoyed reading this…/1474- monday-musings-on-cl…


Stats for August - 2500 blog reads No airtime A good monthStats for August - 2500 blog reads No airtime A good month


We must make sure that we do not inadvertently teach ourselves to fail regularly in our training. It is important that we learn to make the mental transition to" I can". I heard a story this weekend about a very high achieving golfer. Every time he takes a lesson to improve one aspect of his game he goes out, applies the lesson and plays much better. [ 1,098 more word ] ntal-transition-t…/

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