Nicola Parish - Diamond Heart Healing

About Nicola Parish - Diamond Heart Healing

Diamond Heart Healer and Teacher, a spiritual teacher guiding Lightworkers, Light Warriors, Shamans, Earth Lovers and Change Makers to shine with confidence, connecting them to their power through online mentorship programs and workshops.

Nicola Parish - Diamond Heart Healing Description

Reiki is a gentle way to balance the mind, body and spirit.



Celebrating teaching this beautiful lady 1st Degree Reiki, my amazing hairdresser and soul sister. A truly beautiful day. Gratitude in abundance. ūüôĆūüĆ∑ūüíóūüôŹ Couldn't help but smile. Samantha Fleming


ūüíúSpring Equinox and a Super Full Moon!
It's like ‚Äôdinner and a show‚Äô! ūüíú
Am I getting older or just more in tune?
... I am much more aware of how I am with the seasons and the power of the Moon than ever before.
Perhaps it's always been there.
I was just too busy to notice.
ūüĆłThen I was too shy to share. A few friends we would chat about how the moon affects our mood and energy levels but not many and now it's great to feel and learn from others that it's true the moon can and does affect our emotions! It shines the light on what is ready to leave. The decluttering takes place not only the physical stuff but the emotional baggage we carry around too!
In our group we are taking this full week to start the decluttering process in our homes and workspaces if you are feeling the draw to join we look forward to connecting and joining in the challenge! 76451?ref=bookmarks
ūüėÜThe excitement for lighter nights and the promise of warm weather inviting us to go outside more has brought a sense of excitement to the day.
Sending high vibe love and hello spring we’ve been waiting for you! We are ready to bloom!
Sat Nam
Nicola ūüíóūüĆ∑ūüíú
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2nd Degree Reiki with Nicola Parish
‚ÄėDeepen your spiritual practice ‚Äô with Nicola Parish, Reiki Master and Spiritual Coach.
Get to know yourself on a much deeper level than ever before ‚ÄĒ an invitation to the self how to be kinder and fall in love with yourself. You are loved, beautiful, and enough ‚ÄĒ a sign of appreciation to yourself and the world by committing to the next stage of Reiki. This in-depth teaching includes the symbols of Reiki healing to awaken the powerful in you.
Remove any energy that is ready to be let go, that no longer serves you and release.
Deepen your responsibility for your well-being. When you know what makes your life full of joy you shine brightly and you encourage others to do the same. Be the light.
Bring more love and light into your world, see the roots of love spread to family and friends and your wider community. Learn how to send distance healing to the collective, Mother Earth. Learn how to heal the past, the present and learn how to sending healing to your future.
Deepen your spiritual practice with love and compassion towards yourself and the collective.
Revisit your grounding and protect your aura skills, deepen your practice slowing down and sitting in stillness to TRUST your intuition, your inner guidance system and taking your path returning to love over and over again.
This nurturing day includes : A warm welcome at Reiki Corner in Knutsford, at 10 am hot teas and introduction to the space and what the day entails. Revisit our Reiki Knowledge questions and answers. Four attunements to Usui Reiki You will learn the symbols, Power, Emotional, Distance. Practice the use of the symbols in a treatment Practice the use of the symbols to energise and set up a beautiful, safe healing space. We will practice distance healing and send healing to a situation. Discussion and answer any questions with an action plan to take home to magnetite your healing abilities. Celebration and certificate presentation. Close the circle with a promise to love ourselves forever.
Investment: £185 to include lunch, refreshments, certificate, course booklet, a beautiful gift from Reiki Corner to take home and keep to guide you on your way. Wear comfy clothes (layers preferably) and bring a blanket or warm clothes as during healing you may experience going very hot or very cold.
I Nicola Parish look forward to facilitating this day at Reiki Corner, sending my love for now.
ÔĽŅSat Nam xx
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‚ÄėComing home to the self‚Äô with Nicola Parish, Reiki Master and Spiritual Coach.
Initiation to 1st Degree Reiki
Get to know yourself on a much deeper level than ever before. Learn how to be kind to yourself and fall in love with you. You are loved, beautiful, and enough. Remember who you are with this first-degree teaching of Reiki healing to awaken the powerful healer in you.
... Remove the energetic blocks that are holding you back from moving forward in your life right now.
Learn to take responsibility for your happiness. When you know what makes your life full of joy you shine brightly and you encourage others to do the same.
Bring more love and light into your world, see the roots of love spread to family and friends and your wider community.
Reconnect to the source (the universe) and build the foundations of your spiritual practice.
Learn to ground and protect your aura, practice slowing down and sitting in stillness to reignite your intuition, your very own Sat Nav, your inner guidance system that you will learn to trust. Taking your path returning to love releasing stress and anxiety, and reduce over-thinking.
This nurturing day includes : A warm welcome at Reiki Corner in Knutsford, at 10 am hot teas and introduction to space and what the day entails.
Learn about Reiki and the history of its origins. Four attunements to Usui Reiki You will learn how to practice Self Reiki and tools to take home to build your spiritual practice. Will learn the hand positions for treating others, family and friends. Discussion and answer any questions with an action plan to take home to manifest your dreams. Close the circle with a promise to love ourselves forever.
Investment: £185 to include lunch, refreshments, certificate, course booklet, a beautiful gift from Reiki Corner to take home and keep to guide you on your way. Wear comfy clothes (layers preferably) and bring a blanket or warm clothes as during healing you may experience going very hot or very cold.
I Nicola Parish look forward to facilitate this day at Reiki Corner, sending my love for now.
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‚ÄėComing home to the self‚Äô with Nicola Parish, Reiki Master and Spiritual Coach.
Initiation to 1st Degree Reiki
Get to know yourself on a much deeper level than ever before. Learn how to be kind to yourself and fall in love with you. You are loved, beautiful, and enough. Remember who you are with this first-degree teaching of Reiki healing to awaken the powerful healer in you.
... Remove the energetic blocks that are holding you back from moving forward in your life right now.
Learn to take responsibility for your happiness. When you know what makes your life full of joy you shine brightly and you encourage others to do the same.
Bring more love and light into your world, see the roots of love spread to family and friends and your wider community.
Reconnect to the source (the universe) and build the foundations of your spiritual practice.
Learn to ground and protect your aura, practice slowing down and sitting in stillness to reignite your intuition, your very own Sat Nav, your inner guidance system that you will learn to trust. Taking your path returning to love releasing stress and anxiety, and reduce over-thinking.
This nurturing day includes : A warm welcome at Reiki Corner in Knutsford, at 10 am hot teas and introduction to space and what the day entails.
Learn about Reiki and the history of its origins. Four attunements to Usui Reiki You will learn how to practice Self Reiki and tools to take home to build your spiritual practice. Will learn the hand positions for treating others, family and friends. Discussion and answer any questions with an action plan to take home to manifest your dreams. Close the circle with a promise to love ourselves forever.
Investment: £185 to include lunch, refreshments, certificate, course booklet, a beautiful gift from Reiki Corner to take home and keep to guide you on your way. Wear comfy clothes (layers preferably) and bring a blanket or warm clothes as during healing you may experience going very hot or very cold.
I Nicola Parish look forward to facilitate this day at Reiki Corner, sending my love for now.
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ūüĆ≥ūüĆĪAre you overdoing it?
ūüéćAt Christmas time I thought my Yukka tree was wilting away in the house with the heating being on, so I kept watering it to keep it hydrated, it is the longest living plant in the house, and I am rather proud of it. As it got moved from its usual corner by a Christmas tree, I was keeping extra attention on it.
By New Year’s Eve, it wasn’t looking its best. It was deteriorating fast, and the leaves were wrinkling up. I gave it more water and food and l...ots of attention, but I was missing a detail.
ūüėÜWow! What I thought was helping was the one thing hindering the plant. I stopped to spend time with it and check in what was going on. What I didn‚Äôt realise was that I was over watering it! I took it out of its pot, put new soil in and food and left it alone. I let it dry out with only checking in to send it some Reiki and ask it to keep going.
ūüíßSame goes for us in our own lives, the more we pour ourselves into something, that relationship, that job promotion, that thing we hoped for more than anything we may be doing more harm than good. Taking a step back to reassess, do I need more effort here or do I need to step back and take a break, time to dry out, with nourishing food and SPACE. Spending time to sit with it and see what the answers are is a real way to deepen your spiritual practice. We still have the Yukka plant today, minus a few leaves but that is ok we are making it towards a full year here at home. A first for me! I will keep you posted on the Yukka tree and me!
ūüí¶I am now learning to water the plant from the root up. Place the plant in a saucer full of water and let the plant take the water it needs instead of pouring water on and me giving it what I think it needs. It is also a beautiful analogy for Reiki Healing; the person requiring healing comes to drink in the Reiki energy from the healer. Not for the healer to pour on what they think the person needs. Setting the intention for the highest good for all, Reiki is said never to cause harm. By maintaining your light as a healer, you are holding space most beautifully for the person coming to you. That is the art of a Reiki Healer.
ūüí¶ūüíßūüĆĽWhat needs watering in your life to grow and what needs a step back, what needs time to dry out and some space to heal and breathe?
If you are a Reiki healer and feeling the draw to join a tribe of healers, please use the link to come over while we take over a corner on Facebook and fill it with Reiki. We would love to have you. 7676451/?source_id=700373326782491
I look forward to connecting
Sending my love for now
Nicola xxx
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’It always seems impossible until it’s done’ Nelson Mandela.
ūüĆĪHave you ever looked at another and thought that's impossible to me. Well what if we thought perhaps they once thought it was impossible too.
... ūüĆĪStepping out and being seen as a healer can be terrifying for many yet many of us know we are moving into times where we need to shine brighter.
ūüĆĪIt feels impossible right?!
ūüĆ∑I know I was quite happy to hide away in Reiki Corner but we know as healers our time is now and staying put is not an option. I remembered my purpose as a healer and to reach more people I now know this can only come from a place when I am shining brightly and being seen.
I know you feel the call too, it's deep within, its time to heal each other, accepting where ever we are on our journey to loving ourselves whole is where we are supposed to be.
ūüĆ∑By being kind towards ourselves every step of the way will help us face the impossible and help us be seen. Soending the time to listen, asking for guidance on what lights us up and most importantly to devote the time to listen to the answers and give gratitude for what we already have in our lives will help us get the impossible done.
ūüĎáūüíóI would love to know more? What feels impossible to you right now please post and share below
And if you are drawn to joining the closed group for healers please use the link below 76451?ref=bookmarks
Sending my love for now
Nicola ūüôĆūüíóūüôŹ
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... If you are a healer, Reiki Healer, Crystal Healer, we welcome you.
I wanted to invite you all to come and feel loved and supported wherever you are on your healing journey tomorrow Facebook Live on MONDAY 11TH MARCH 2019 at noon. I would enjoy sharing with you the four top learning outcomes I have form working with Emily and how I have returned to loving myself whole again. I will be sharing also my 3 golden nuggets of wisdom that have got me here today, a Reiki Master and a woman with a heart-led business. I will be introducing myself a little more for those here in the group that have just joined. The event 'Live your joy'.
We will be covering the 4 learning outcomes below.
ūüĆł1. Self-love is not selfish, it is perfectly acceptable to slow-down and take time for the self.
ūüĆł2. You are loved, beautiful and spiritual enough ‚Äď you are exactly where you are supposed to be wherever you are on your healing journey.
ūüĆł3. You can be spiritual and financially abundant at the same time.
ūüĆł4. Knowing yourself is the highest knowledge of all.
ūüôĆJoin me on Monday Live or listen back when you are available and bring your journals and make a note of 'How' I changed my mindset, I cannot wait to connect with you all. Don't forget to post your questions in the group, the more we share and interact the more we get to know each other and share relevant topics.ūüĆł
Enjoy the rest of your Sunday Sending Love for now
Nicola xx
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Welcome and meet at Reiki Corner in Knutsford to open this healing circle for women only (this time) with a grounding meditation, then a short walk to the gates of Tatton Park and as a group we will take a healing journey through the park in silence whatever the weather.
ūüíúAs a healer do you make time for yourself to be supported and loved?
ūüíúDo you know what makes you happy or do you need a space to invite more joy into your life and get to know yourself on a deeper level?
... ūüíúDo you have anyone to share your journey with or does it feel like you are talking a different language to the people around you?
Take a breath to find out your joy and what makes you happy. Time for you as a healer to be healed. Hand it over to a be held in a safe, loving space by myself Nicola Parish, A Reiki Healer and Spiritual Coach.
Bring your journal as we then head back to Reiki Corner to release comparison and replace it with compassion for others and ourselves. Make a loving step towards loving yourself whole. Comparison is a joy thief when wrapped in fear, it is time to invite it in with a new loving perspective to help us grow and heal together.
Hot teas and plenty of nourishing food included for lunch. We will close the circle with a pledge to love ourselves forever.
Suitable for all the walk is around an hour and a half at your own pace.
Places are limited. Booking essential £40 to include a lovely nourishing lunch and no-refunds but can transfer to another treatment if known 24 hours before or unusual circumstances.
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ūüĆéHappy International Women's Day!
ūüĆĽI celebrate you all working towards a happier, healthier, joyful life for all. Working together Men and Women bringing balance to our world for a better experience for our children and our children's children.
ūüĆĽIt starts with us to make a difference. Working towards where compassion replaces comparison and as women, we work together. That I now know for sure is where the magic lies. Learning to love ourselves whole.
... ūüĆĽSo for all the women all over the world, I am sending love. And no I am not leaving the men out, we are as important as them, no more no less!
Sending love!!!!
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’Happy New Moon’ a gentle reminder to set your intentions for the next few weeks.
ūüĆłCollectively we can set our intentions to heal - from the me to we. This quote is written in my big journal I had to go and look up where it come from as I haven‚Äôt yet read a course in miracles. Work in progress.
ūüôĆAs soon as I shifted my perspective in healing to healing the collective, giant leaps on my journey took place.
... ūüíóI could only do this after looking at where I didn't love myself and setting myself free from the drama that surrounded me.
How can you see others pain when you are knee deep in yor own? I was not showing up from a TRUE place of happines, I had work to do.
From a higher perspective, I know that everything was happening for me, not to me, to help me grow and push me out of my comfort zone so I can hold space for healers to do the same.
ūüíóFrom this place I have created Reiki Corner a closed group for Reiki Healers, Healers and Crystal Healers, please hop over where I will sharing my top three learnings on growing my heart led business and ‚ÄėLive my joy‚Äô in a free Facebook live on Monday 11th March @ 8pm by healing the healer in me and how I let go of the drama in my life. ūüź†
ūüĎČMy intention this New Moon is to TRUST myself wholeheartedly.
ūüĎáI would love to hear yours; please post below if you feel called
and if you would like to join our tribe 76451?ref=bookmarks
Look forward to connecting
Sending love
Nicola ūüĆłūüôĆūüíó
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‚ėÄÔłŹ‚ėÄÔłŹHello, the sunshine is out again in February don't forget to get a quick sunshine moment today even if you are in work pop your head out for five minutes and feel the instant boost of happiness as you soak some sun on your face.
ūüôĆI invite you to join Reiki Corner‚Äôs closed group for healers, Reiki Healers, Crystal Healers. We can come together and participate in the movement of bringing more light to not only those we heal but our own lives too! Cannot wait to connect wit...h you and dive deeper into our healing journey together!
ūüĎČ 957676451?ref=bookmarks
Sending sunshine love
Nicola ūüíóūüôĆūüíó
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ūüíõLive your joyūüíõ
Calling all Reiki and Crystal healersūüôĆ
Do you live your joy?ūüíõ
...Continue Reading


ūüôĆI have been keeping it simple too.
ūüíēWhen I started my healing journey, my favourite go-to book was by Louise Hay - ‚Äôheal your body‚Äô. Her teachings on affirmations and what we tell ourselves in the mirror carried me to a place of inviting more self-love into my world. I did though at first change her affirmations to what resonated with me. My favourite line as Fearne shares here is ‚Äôyou're alright you are‚Äô. It was a starting block to get me to look in the mirror and say I you to myself, even on the not so good days.
ūüôĆAs healers, Reiki healers, Crystal healers we need to remember we are human too. All too often I get asked ‚Äôyou feel down, but you are a healer are you not supposed to feel like that with all the work you do.‚Äô
ūüėĒWell the truth is yes I do feel a bit fearful of what is going on in my life and the world sometimes, it is not always happiness and positivity. There are questions, tears and sitting with the pain for a few days or more. I used to think it was because I was a healer I doubted myself way more than I would in any another occupation.
With support and guidance, I have shifted myself from feeling this is only happening to me. I am no longer coming from victim mode. These feelings of self-doubt, self-criticism and self-sabotage happens to all of us, healers, Reiki Healers and Crystal healers and many more of us out there in many different walks of life including actors and radio presenters.
ūüõ†I have put in place the tools and tribe around me to support me on this journey as a healer, to bring space for Healers to Heal too. We are not meant to do this work alone that I now know for sureūüėÄ
ūüôŹI am learning too like Russell and Fearne not to use all my energy up when I feel I can conquer the world only to burn out all too quickly once more, and will be sharing more over the next few weeks.
ūüôĆSo if you love your healing work and would like to know how to bring more balance in or feeling drawn to learn more about Reiki I invite you to like and share my Nicola Parish - Reiki Corner page, I am building a space and a tribe for us to motivate, support and share all accomplishments, hopes, desires and heartbreak without burning out or feeling like the only unicorn on the street. There is strength in numbers, and it's good to know we are never alone. (well you know that already, although you may at times need a gentle reminder).
I cannot wait to be of service to you.
Nicola xxx
ūüôĆūüíóūüôĆūüíóūüôĆūüíóūüôĆūüíóūüôĆūüíóū üôĆ
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‚̧ԳŹHappy Valentine's Day
I'm back. Of all days, Valentine's day well I am in the business of love. Where have I been, it feels a long time since I posted on here, so I just wanted to pop on and say I'm still here busy as a bee behind the scenes to bring some beautiful offerings.
In case the postman forgot your cards this morning I invite you to remember you are love. ‚̧ԳŹ
... Love notes to yourself - what is the kindest, loving ūü•į love note you could send to yourself.
Post below ūüĎá if drawn. Then go and write it in your journal to keep.
In the meantime, if you are a in need of a Reiki Session here is the link to book yourself an appointment ion
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Just back from another weekend of learning with my beautiful mentor Emily Johnsson and my high vibe tribe of the wish tree mastermind team.
A love infused weekend of invitations and letting go and commitment to living your joy.
The heart is for love, the designed by me bracelet is for me to take home the energy of the weekend, the slippers made me smile and the view from the room for higher perspective.
... Welcome 2019 your energy has arrived.
Thank you universe you really do have our backs! ūüíóūüôĆūüĆĪūüĆé
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The rain didn't stop us today, washing 2018 away and receiving the space to think and connect back to our inner wisdom.
I am feeling grounded.
I once overheard someone say ’there is no such thing as cold weather just the wrong clothing’ so we put our hoods up and went with it. Sometimes it doesn't look too inviting to go outside, don't let that stop you.
... When I planned today, I visualised sunshine, and we got rain. You don't always get what you want, but you often get what you need.
We arrived back at Reiki Corner feeling revitalised and fresh and wet. Big smiles all around and bright eyes, ready for 2019. Gratitude to all that made it.
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Nicola is amazing ÔŅĹ highly recommend! X


Nicola has transformed my life, I've had an amazing journey with her & her work & continue to love every session. Thank you xx


Highly recommended if you are feeling a little 'frazzled' or 'out of sorts' - a beautiful haven of calm. My treatment was perfect although I can't really explain what happens to your body as it is very much down to the individual - everyone experiences different sensations - all positive. What I can tell you is that I left feeling serene yet energetic.


Having never experienced reiki before I was a little apprehensive at first but now I don't know how I coped without it! Reiki Corner is an oasis of calm, somewhere to repair and replenish your soul and Nicola is quite simply incredible. She puts you at ease from the moment you arrive, you've quite simply got to give it a try!


Have just had the most amazing experience. Nicola is a lovely person whose care radiates through her .

The Reiki Corner is heavenly sanctuary.

Cannot recommend highly enough.


Nicola is amazing ÔŅĹ highly recommend! X


Nicola has transformed my life, I've had an amazing journey with her & her work & continue to love every session. Thank you xx


Highly recommended if you are feeling a little 'frazzled' or 'out of sorts' - a beautiful haven of calm. My treatment was perfect although I can't really explain what happens to your body as it is very much down to the individual - everyone experiences different sensations - all positive. What I can tell you is that I left feeling serene yet energetic.


Having never experienced reiki before I was a little apprehensive at first but now I don't know how I coped without it! Reiki Corner is an oasis of calm, somewhere to repair and replenish your soul and Nicola is quite simply incredible. She puts you at ease from the moment you arrive, you've quite simply got to give it a try!


Have just had the most amazing experience. Nicola is a lovely person whose care radiates through her .

The Reiki Corner is heavenly sanctuary.

Cannot recommend highly enough.

More about Nicola Parish - Diamond Heart Healing

Nicola Parish - Diamond Heart Healing is located at 1b Princess Street, WA16 0NS Knutsford